I wonder what he'll come up with tho

But once Kaidou goes awakening and kicks Law and Kidd, Luffy goes awakening and the two proceed too destroy Wano fighting.
I wonder what he'll come up with tho
I wonder what he'll come up with tho
I got ONE PIECE FILM GOLD - 3D Mouse Pads
Wondering which one I should open first
On another note, is this the extent of Sanji's backstory?
I mean we could still see him escape I guess but it's pretty clear he left just because his family was shit. Not sure if Oda needs to go any deeper than that.
Yeah, I'm guessing she's probably the only decent person in the family. Perhaps she taught Sanji his never kick a woman mantra.Well there's still his mom if we're going that route.
So that's it then. The Vinsmokes need Big Mom's resources and power to take over North Blue and Big Mom wants the Vinsmoke tech. I guess the wanted poster stuff wasn't really a big deal, Sanji is technically a royal so it was probably a simple request to have the poster changed.
Only luffy should have Conquerors imo, Sanji and Zoro should win with their own skills.Definitely seemed like all of those attacks barely hurt sanji, oda made panels showing sanji's face after each hit. Something tells me sanji is much stronger than his father. I know its a bit of a stretch but i'm hoping sanji will get Conquerors Haki at some point in this arc and using it to knock out those soldiers so his father can't use wall in a rematch.
Only luffy should have Conquerors imo, Sanji and Zoro should win with their own skills.
And the chapter will be calledI bet ya, in a moment of grand sacrifice, Sanji legit gets his hands blown off.
I don't think his hands will be blown off but they would be rendered unusablefunny thing is,with the amount of damage explosions usually do in onepiece to seasoned fioghters...sanji should not even feel an explosion coming from such small devices,let alone have his hands blown off
It's pretty clear that neither of them were really giving it their best.
Sanji is just doing the "Why won't you love me daddy" thing and not seriously fighting while Jajji just basically views this as a spanking. It's not like he is supposed to permanently damage Sanji or else big mom would probably come to him asking why he felt it was okay to damage her product.
It's a pretty typical "Neither of us is going all out and we're just fighting because we're men and that's what we talk to each other"
Wouldn't a strong armored haki prevent his hand from blowing up? What is a small explosion to him considering he already parried Do Flamingo's and his father's attacks (which are powerful enough to destroy the environment) with no problems at all?
Or she has an improved oneI'd Imagine big mom has only the finest quality of exploding cuffs.
I don't get why they need a wedding too. Just make a contract. The Vinsmokes are giving Big Mom a "stranger" (as Sanji isnt dear to them) so she is basically on a disavantage here.What I don't get is why a marriage is necessary here.
She has something he wants, he has something she wants...there doesn't seem to be a reason they can't make it a business arrangement like any other. This seems like a very clear "Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" situation.
You could argue that a marriage would seal the alliance more than that, but why do they need to? Jujji calls it a "mere marriage", which indicates he doesn't view it highly and is only giving away Sanji because he doesn't give a crap about him. So she can't exactly use him as a hostage or anything if Jujji does something she doesn't like. Now, you could say that she doesn't know that Sanji isn't valued, but there's no way she wouldn't know that. Unless the deal just happened the moment they found out Sanji was alive again, he'd have been stalling and telling her he wasn't willing to part with any of his sons for her, so now the runt pops up and he's okay with it? She'd sniff out that she'd being sold a lame horse the moment it happens. Besides, she's a master information broker who knows where Sanji's been all his life. No way she wouldn't know Jujji's lack of regard for him.
The final alternative is that she just wants a husband for her daughter, but ugh, why would she not just find her a normal suitor then? Arrange marriages are basically a gamble. If she cares enough about her brat to stake her new military tech on the condition she gets a hubby, she can care enough to just do things the normal way instead of this dumb business.
Though now that I think about it, I wonder if there is a reason that she doesn't just take his tech. Either by force or by persuasion. Big Mom hasn't been characterized as someone who is particularly concerned over maintaining good relations with others and is a hedonist, so if she wants the tech, it'd be within her character to just fight them for it. I mean, a war with Germa probably wouldn't be anything to sniff at, but she's a goddamn Yonko. If it's not a collection of literally the top fighters ever, taking out a single kingdom shouldn't be overly difficult. Or, rather, if not that, then why not buy the engineer's off? She doesn't need Germa as the manufacturer's as far as I know, given she seems super well connected, she should be able to just buy/steal anything they need,. Then again, the Germa soldiers are pretty loyal, unto death and all....why, I have no idea. I hope there is a reason for it, because otherwise Big Mom can just go "Hey, I got better shit over here, come work for me instead and I won't eat your kids."
I know it seems I'm doing my usual thing of trying to break the conflict for why it doesn't work, but I am actually strangely liking this arc....or atleast the Big Mom half of it. I think Big Mom's plan to rise to power is much cooler than Kaidou's. It seems actually well thought out, while it feels like Kaidou just got really drunk one day, thought an army of beasts would be so hardcore and never let it go. It could be that Big Mom has a nonstupid reason for the marraige....I hope. I'll talk about why if I keep liking it as it goes on, but for now, I'm just in the very strange position of just enjoying the events playing out. Rare feeling for me with OP.
I don't get why they need a wedding too. Just make a contract. The Vinsmokes are giving Big Mom a "stranger" (as Sanji isnt dear to them) so she is basically on a disavantage here.
Oda plz I'm begging you..don't put germa on team strawhat! Its obvious something will be going south with this deal do keep then away.