Nami: Luffy don't go all out
Luffy:don't go all out? I don't know any other way...
Luffy:don't go all out? I don't know any other way...

How many characters have their moms confirmed? Like 5.Huh?
So the trees didn't attack Nami, because of the Vivre Card? Gosh! I thought the word "mom's soul" referred to something completely different about Nami:
We don't know who her parents are, she was found by Nojiko when she was a baby, and adopted by Bellemere. We don't know anything about her biological parents. Could it be, that when they felt mom's soul in Nami, the possibility of Big Mom being the biological mother of Nami? This is no joke, I'm talking seriously.
How many characters have their moms confirmed? Like 5.
So it's now really easy to pull out Big Mom being a certain character's mom theories, and that's going to be the worst.
By the way, we don't know who Luffy's mother is...Hehehehe
Coby will never be on Luffy's level, but he'll clearly be important.
He'll probably lead a more tangible change in the world of One Piece than Luffy.
lol this is not impressive. everybody was guessing lola was big mom's daughter. if anything people were going against this notion because it seemed too obvious. anyway this is the first time i'm not really interested in one piece from week to week. i'm not really digging any of the big mom pirate members. hopefully once they get out of the forrest they will run into more interesting people.Oda had "something" planned since Thriller Bark. This fucking guy.
The genius in this is not specifically planning about BMs power or even BM herself being Lola's mom (this works without her being her daughter), no, the genius is leaving breadcrumbs leading to something that could be fucking anything and then in the future remembering that shit and tieing perfectly into the current plot and the overall series. It's just perfect, and it's not the first time.
I mean HHHHHNNNNNGGGGG fucking Oda. Man.
I'm pretty sure Big Mom would just say "Oh, okay," to Lola declaring Nami her sister and still beat them up.
So,if I'm looking at it right, Cracker's ability is basically the same as Robin's, except he can only sprout his limbs from his own body.
No, his legs have them too. You can see at least three of them.His arms seems to have Multiple Man powers but not the rest of him.
No, his legs have them too. You can see at least three of them.
If luffy wasn't fighting him he would ask if he could grow two heads.
Cracker reminds me of that one Vice Admiral with the spider hair. Fairly certain they have a similar helmet too.
Man the more I read this arc, the more I have a feeling we're really go to have a twist to where Big Mom is forced to team up with Luffy.
I have a strange feeling Vinsmoke Judge is going to betray Big Mom somehow or another and will result in the wedding becoming a bust for Big Mom. Liek couldn't you imagine Judge doing that, then all of a sudden Cipher Pol shows up and is there to pick up Sanji at Judge's orders? Remember Judge is considered to be a noble, so he likely holds the same power as the Celestial Dragons do in the world which is implied to even be above the Gorosei. That way we get our little confrontation between Luffy and Lucci, but as well as Luffy allying himself with someone that can genuinely help him take down Kaidou. Cause I really do not see how the combine efforts of Luffy, Law, Kidd, or whatever will do it. If Kaidou is truly immortal I could picture Big Mom being his weakness in that she can just pretty much kill him by removing his life energy from his body.
Honestly, if there's a big twist I think it's going to be that Luffy doesn't actually fight and/or beat Big Mom this arc. So far he's really got no reason to defeat her, beating her solves absolutely 0 problems. Luffy and co have got to get Sanji back (steal the key to the cuffs) and get a rubbing of the ponyglyph. Outside of that they could maybe help Sugar. If anything the Germa is definitely going down this arc, outside of that we don't know what else is going on.
Though, judging from Lola's dad appearing we might get a reason for Luffy to beat Big Mom. So far we've got no reason for them to team-up though, if anything we've seen reasons they wouldn't.
You mean Pudding right?
#TeamLuffy all day no gear 4th involved#teamCracker
#TeamLuffy all day no gear 4th involved
In reality team this shit gets interrupted
I could see the difference between his ability and Robins, are the non-sharing of damage. Cracker could be able to sacrifice any limb as long as one stays healthy. This would give the ability more offensive possibilities by comparison to Robin, who has always be careful to not get hurt with her multiple body parts. In return Robin can generate more variation and create them on any surface.So,if I'm looking at it right, Cracker's ability is basically the same as Robin's, except he can only sprout his limbs from his own body.
And I'm going to trust Luffy and assume that what Cracker used to shrivel up the tress out of pure fear wasn't haki. .
Redesign gear fourth, Oda.
Luffy promoting the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics:
Will One Piece still be going in 2020? Let's take bets.
Read this question out loud to yourself again. Bet you laughWill One Piece still be going in 2020? Let's take bets.
I'd expect One Piece to end in the early 20s, so yeah.
Read this question out loud to yourself again. Bet you laugh
More than likely it still won't be more than 2/3 in.
I'd expect One Piece to end in the early 20s, so yeah.
Will One Piece still be going in 2020? Let's take bets.
Oda has said One Piece is 70% done.