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One Piece Manga |OT3| Anything You Can Gum I Can Gum Better


My theory is that Jinbe's backstory will be told in Wano. Jinbe has always worn Japanese-style clothing despite that not really being how most fishmen dress. So I'm curious if he has some sort of ties with the nation in some capacity. Conveniently Jinbe has been away from Luffy's work with the Samurai of Wano so it would makes sense for him not to immediately mention it just yet when he doesn't even truly realize what Luffy's plans are.

That crossed my mind a few times as well. Though I never thought about how convenient its been that every other arc where Jimbe isn't present the Samurai have. Maybe we are due for exposition dump regarding Jimbei's history.

Jimbei would probably be Okinawan, if he were from the real world, the birth place of Karate.

Because the Poneglyph stones made their way down to Fishman Island maybe inhabitants from Wano also stayed down there and spread some of their culture(like a style of dress) along with developing culture that was brand new, like Fishman Karate.

Okinawan Karate is generally considered a life style choice so maybe thats why Jimbei dresses the way he does in comparison to the majority of Fishman Island's locals. This could also apply to Kurobi and Hack as well but sadly not to Koala or the novice Fishman Karate users such as the gold fish Fishmen in Macro's gang.

Maybe Jimbei made his way to Wano because of his Fishman Karate master/life style and thats where he received his scar.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Fishman Island went over a great deal of Jimbe's whole deal. Royal guard who joined with Tiger after he freed the slaves. After Fisher's death he became their leader and decided to become a warlord to protect his people from the world government's justice, felt remorseful that he lead to Arlong terrorizing the East Blue and the lessons that Hordy learned, not to mention the assassination he pulled off that killed the other influence of peace and change in Fishman Island.

Really the only thing that hasn't been done well is his connection to Ace, which will probably be done elsewhere.


Wano got the Mink/Zoan theme for Carrot, and the Samurais for Zoro, and the Japanese aesthetic for Jinbe.

Such a generous arc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
When do we get a Caesar Clown tragic backstory though?

He spent all his research grant on hookers and blow. His protector is out of power and the other person looking for results is a mad woman who doesn't take betrayal well. A bunch of uncaring assholes held his life in their hands.

Pretty tragic story.

Ray Down

He spent all his research grant on hookers and blow. His protector is out of power and the other person looking for results is a mad woman who doesn't take betrayal well. A bunch of uncaring assholes held his life in their hands.

Pretty tragic story.

This is something I can identify with.


No Scrubs
He spent all his research grant on hookers and blow. His protector is out of power and the other person looking for results is a mad woman who doesn't take betrayal well. A bunch of uncaring assholes held his life in their hands.

Pretty tragic story.

Now that's a tragic backstory.


Never, fuck that guy.



Out of everyone I think the Supernovas and their crew need their backstories told. All of them are really interesting and yet we barely know anything about them. Take Bege and his crew for example. I'd really love to learn more about their newest member Gastino but he remains such a mystery.
The Supernova are characters I'd gladly welcome more development and backstories from considering how great Law's story was and how great Bege has been this arc.

Jewlry Bonney, Urouge, and X-Drake(before and after his father's death) are the 3 I'm most looking forward to.


Burning Blood has made me irrationally dislike X-Drake. Bonney, Kid, and Killer are the main 3 I'm interested in exploring first. Then after that it'd be Urouge.

Red Fire

Never, fuck that guy.

Fuck this guy, let's burn him.

Worst person people ever brought up as a Straw Hat candidate.

Word ☝️

Burning Blood has made me irrationally dislike X-Drake. Bonney, Kid, and Killer are the main 3 I'm interested in exploring first. Then after that it'd be Urouge.

Bonney is okay i guess
Killer seems interesting
Kid is garbage
X Drake is cool
Urouge rules
Hawkins is meh (at least till now)
Apoo is bottom of the barrel
Law is awesome
Fuck Bege

Ray Down

Since we are hours away from spoilers I will ask, what will happen this week?

Will Pudding and Sanji have more antics?

Will we see Brook and Chopper fight?

Can the Vinsmokes just fall into a void and be wipe from existence from space and time?

Ray Down

I guess they have to do something, but other than getting their ass kick by Big Mom again, can they do much?

I see people say they will go after Sanji & Pudding or at least Ichiji, but I really don't see the purpose in that? Then again these are shitty nazi's.

Big One

That crossed my mind a few times as well. Though I never thought about how convenient its been that every other arc where Jimbe isn't present the Samurai have. Maybe we are due for exposition dump regarding Jimbei's history.

Jimbei would probably be Okinawan, if he were from the real world, the birth place of Karate.

Because the Poneglyph stones made their way down to Fishman Island maybe inhabitants from Wano also stayed down there and spread some of their culture(like a style of dress) along with developing culture that was brand new, like Fishman Karate.

Okinawan Karate is generally considered a life style choice so maybe thats why Jimbei dresses the way he does in comparison to the majority of Fishman Island's locals. This could also apply to Kurobi and Hack as well but sadly not to Koala or the novice Fishman Karate users such as the gold fish Fishmen in Macro's gang.

Maybe Jimbei made his way to Wano because of his Fishman Karate master/life style and thats where he received his scar.
Kuroobi and Hack wear generic karate clothes, Jinbe literally has a full wardrobe of Japanese style clothing at his disposal, lol. I think there's something there that Oda isn't quite revealing to us yet, and since Jinbe IS becoming a Strawhat he does need a tragic backstory.
I wonder what crazy powers shanks has to make him a yonko
He lost his arm to some eel in East blue like a pleb and now he's one of 4 strongest pirates in the world.
That's like being a lvl100 character and losing to a lvl1 NPC at the starting area.

Ray Down

Kuroobi and Hack wear generic karate clothes, Jinbe literally has a full wardrobe of Japanese style clothing at his disposal, lol. I think there's something there that Oda isn't quite revealing to us yet, and since Jinbe IS becoming a Strawhat he does need a tragic backstory.

What happened to Jinbe :


I wonder what crazy powers shanks has to make him a yonko
He lost his arm to some eel in East blue like a pleb and now he's one of 4 strongest pirates in the world.
That's like being a lvl100 character and losing to a lvl1 NPC at the starting area.

He's just a master of Haki and pure strength. The way I see it, all 4 yonkou specialize in their own power. Big Mom is a Paramecia master, Kaido is likely a Zoan, Blackbeard is mainly Logia, and Shanks's strength is in his Haki

Big One

I wonder what crazy powers shanks has to make him a yonko
He lost his arm to some eel in East blue like a pleb and now he's one of 4 strongest pirates in the world.
That's like being a lvl100 character and losing to a lvl1 NPC at the starting area.
Well you know how Katakuri can see somewhat into the future with his Observation Haki? If Shanks is some type of maxed out haki user like some have theorized, maybe he saw Luffy's future and his eventual fate of being the next Pirate King. I know it's cliche as fuck, but Shanks did tell Whitebeard he was "investing in the future." One would presume Shanks' observation haki is better than Katakuri's so this would make sense. Maybe if Shanks didn't sacrifice his arm like that, Luffy wouldn't have been able to become the Pirate King in some type of weird butterfly effect kind of way.

I actually do not like this all that much (not a fan of chosen one stories) but it's the theory that makes the most sense to me.


Anyone else kind of wish Katakuri couldn't see the future? I kind of dislike powers like that, because you can't help but possibly wonder why said character isn't pretty much using it 24/7. Like if something goes wrong, and Katakuri is in the vicinity, it's hard not to think "He could've prevented this..."

And yes, I'm aware of the fact that he may not always be able to counter an attack/something bad happening just because he can see it beforehand, but considering his versatility, I kind of have to suspend my disbelief a little.

Fuck Bege


Since we are hours away from spoilers I will ask, what will happen this week?

Will Pudding and Sanji have more antics?

Will we see Brook and Chopper fight?

Can the Vinsmokes just fall into a void and be wipe from existence from space and time?

More like, how long will Brook and Chopper last?

Carrot will continue to be in the background.


It had also been too long since someone put down Carrot.

It's to balance out Carrot being more popular than Pudding.

We will look back and ask why we argued over her, this side character.

You started it!

Kuroobi and Hack wear generic karate clothes, Jinbe literally has a full wardrobe of Japanese style clothing at his disposal, lol. I think there's something there that Oda isn't quite revealing to us yet, and since Jinbe IS becoming a Strawhat he does need a tragic backstory.

Does he really? I feel like the only thing he needs is to restate his dream, loud and clear.

We basically already got his sad backstory through learning about Fisher Tiger's past, and we've known Jinbe for quite some time now, as opposed to the other crew members who would basically join in the same arc they're introduced. (Barring the exception of Nami and technically Robin if you want to be nitpicky) It's not like he's this new guy where we need to be convinced as to why we should have empathy for him and what not.

Ray Down

Who's going to be the lamest Supernova....if anyone says Urouge, there's a special place in hell for you.

He's just a master of Haki and pure strength. The way I see it, all 4 yonkou specialize in their own power. Big Mom is a Paramecia master, Kaido is likely a Zoan, Blackbeard is mainly Logia, and Shanks's strength is in his Haki

There probably is some sort of higher level of Kings Haki.


Who's going to be the lamest Supernova

Probably Bonney because female character + having a technically broken power (i.e. It'll never affect anyone that actually matters) is not a winning combination. Also I think she's the only Supernova where she currently has no role in the upcoming arcs as far as we know, so that's not a good sign either. That said, admittedly that doesn't mean much, as she could pop up whenever just like Bege did.


Bonney has a potential considering her possible relationship with Akainu, her age powers meaning she could old as shit and her escape


There probably is some sort of higher level of Kings Haki.

There had better be. Apart from looking cool and taking out fodder, Conqueror's Haki seems pretty useless.

Still surprised she has utterly no affiliation with Big Mom.

There still might be a chance that Bonney might be related to Big Mom since we haven't gotten any confirmation she isn't. Who knows, she might show up at the end of this arc.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm still baffled that Basil Hawkins managed to get in the Top 20 of the American Popularity Poll.
He's barely done anything. He fought in Sabaody, offscreened Brownbeard, timeskip happens, joined Kidd and Apoo's alliance, and then disappeared after Kaido appeared.
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