Get Inside Her!
Congrats to Furture OP spoiler becasue:
Zoro4prez oro JacksonHXH returns to hiatus next week.
Good riddance. It's been imparsable word vomit for months.
Congrats to Furture OP spoiler becasue:
Zoro4prez oro JacksonHXH returns to hiatus next week.
So HxH hiatus talk aside, are there actually any translated spoilers yet?
No Pudding, focusing on the Sunny crew and Pedro might have suicided killed the eldest son
From Den_Den_Mushi on Oro:
Title: Not Sweet
At the Sunny
Reinforcements keep coming from the mirror
Perospero has restrained Chopper and Brook with candy and they can't move
As his body is being covered in candy, Chopper cries that he doesn't want to turn into sweets
Along comes Luffy and co who are running from BM
Katakuri predicts that his underlings will be defeated by Luffy and co, so he tells them to retreat into the mirror
Perospero makes an iron maiden out of candy, Candy Maiden to attack Luffy
However Luffy breaks it with Red Hawk
Perospero flinches due to Luffy's flames
Katakuri faces off with Luffy
He is stuck between BM and Katakuri
Jinbe starts preparing for them to escape while Luffy takes on Katakuri
Luffy vs Katakuri begins in earnest
Pedro starts to talk to Carrot
Pedro: Carrot don't be surprised by something that's going to happen suddenly
Carrot: Eh?
Pedro: Here's what I think. Luffy and the others are going to bring about the dawn of the world that our clan and Kozuki clan have awaited for the past centuries!
Carrot: Centuries?
Perospero tells his subordinates to surround the coast with battleships
Nami says they can't escape by sailing out normally and prepares a coup de burst
However Perospero covers the ship in candy and prevents it
Pedro attempts to save Luffy and co from this desperate situation
However Perospero notices and restrains him
Pedro uses some bombs that he had been hiding to take Perospero with him
Pedro: Now your magic will come undone! Farewell.
The bomb goes out and Pedro and Perospero are enveloped in flames.
Pedro low-key giving Carrot a route to become further fleshed out in the future, stay woke
Does anyone here want Pedro to die? I kind of do. Nothing against the guy, but with King Baum tanking so many hits, the balance must be restored. Everyone's saying this arc could use some deaths on our side, he'd be the perfect candidate. Baum can be excused due to being a Homie, but Pedro surviving seems like a total Pell scenario if I've ever seen one. I guess him dying would mean Perospero would probably also die though... I dunno, I guess he could protect himself.
I could just be low key soliaque of Pedro remarking that Luffy is again what they be waiting for like Neko and Dogstorm not just a nakama thing could be like a fleet thing and thats if he dies
I just really don't care about Pedro one way or another
True, but even going with that, then it could easily snowball into a scenario where Carrot deeply believes in Luffy just like the rest of the Straw Hats. Anyways, I don't want to really get into it before the chapter actually comes out, just pointing out that it's interesting that his presumably last words were to her, while keeping in mind that Oda likes to play the long game and what not.
I don't care about him either, I just feel like he'd be a good fit to die, but I highly doubt Oda will go through with it.
Oda also likes to subvert fans all the time just look at the cake stuff and how pissed people were
I just wouldn't jump to it yet considering there very little context and it still isn't much to her character at least compared, don't want people to get there hopes ups unlike the countless times before in the fandom.
Pell was built up to be perfect way to die he didn't same with Bon Clay so I doubt it.
My hopes are always up though concerning Carrot. It's fun to look at every little thing with that in mind, she's the only potential member (aside from Jimbe for obvious reasons) I've taken this seriously, no point in stopping now. Also what is exactly is being subverted here? Even if she doesn't one day join, I think it's a decent assumption to think that this will lead to further characterization for her.
And yea, Bentham ain't die, Pedro'll be fine.
Also fighting against Katakuri will make it slightly more plausible that Luffy will beat Kaido, stay woke
I would say by the chapter alot of people first reactions are Carrot is joining are jumping to much when Oda could just have her be the captain of like the mink fleet.
I mostly brought it up cause people jump to conclusions and aren't trolling joking like we do here.
Well as someone who obviously would love for her to join, I ain't gonna stop em lmao
Just like you'd probably look the other if it was Pudding. (I would too)
At the end of the day, we're all chill for the most part in this particular thread, so all good.
I don't think I argued Pudding joining since half way in the last thread
Now I just see her as a tag along like Law and Momo till a certain point for the most part.
He's not dead, he inherited the Will of P like Pell and Pagaya before him
He's not dead, he inherited the Will of P like Pell and Pagaya before him
so pedro isV from V for Vendetta?
He's not dead, he inherited the Will of P like Pell and Pagaya before him
Them spoilers
Ray you readyThem last words to carrot
He's not dead, he inherited the Will of P like Pell and Pagaya before him
Yall converted me the deed is doneStill into spoilers huh ;D
Yall converted me the deed is done
See, it's not so bad, right?
Just give in everyone...
I probably wouldn't use a gif were Luffy almost dies.
I probably wouldn't use a gif were Luffy almost dies.
Image of Lotus reading spoilers
Since B-Leg asked just go by my posts to Lotus and this one, I would still say that this still isn't enough considering it wasn't even enough for Pedro, when said stuff can still continue and considering her and pedro lack of development compared to previous nakamas that joined I still see this as them being followers and just leading the mink fleet.
Besides the inherited will would feel better if it came from someone like Wanda who was shown to be closer and stuff to Carrot then Pedro (despite the fact he most likely still alive) and it seems more like a thing that the minks themselves have been waiting for not just Pedro.
So I really doubt this chapter will really sway anyone one way or another.
INB4 Pedro attempt did jack shit, candy armor of some shit.
And stuff from the third volume thing:
Sabo has a pretty low bounty imo of 602,000,000
I mean, Pedro's the only other Mink around though. Also it's not like Wanda is the only one that knew Carrot anyways; neither should closeness really matter all that much for this context. Anyways, it's whatever, throwing it on the top of the pile once I see the chapter.
Also that bounty is weak af lol
And yet... it makes sense.
Oh just accept ya fate ray why waste panels of something he already said before and specifically to carrot
Hey I didn't bet on the cake Lol
Just get ready for the L ard
Pudding figures need to show off that 3rd eye already
Like damn, all we saying is, oh look, more stuff for the pile, let's see if this thread goes somewhere in Wano. Lol, ironically you way more into it than us Ray
Lol all them paragraphs bouta lose this bet
Hey I didn't bet on the cake Lol
Just get ready for the L ard
Pudding figures need to show off that 3rd eye already
some time ago my brother was watching the anime and this mink-jaguar-lion was appearing, i thought i was pedro, but it turned out he had a different name, do you guys who he was? there was 2 very similiar feline minks?