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One Piece Manga |OT3| Anything You Can Gum I Can Gum Better


Damn great chapter. Even though it was kind of sudden I do think Pedro is probably dead here. He is probably close to the end of his lifespan at this point after all, and he's aware of that.
Carrot for crewmate

In terms of fights, I don't know how they would set it up but I figure that if the Straw Hats do get fights it would only be against members of the Big Mom pirates who have been fairly prominent so far this arc. So I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Brook vs. Mont-d'or
Nami vs. Galette
Some combination of Chopper/Carrot vs. Pekoms/Tamago, either in separate fights or as a team
Luffy and Jinbe (and Sanji??) vs. Katakuri. Maybe with assistance from Germa 66 as well.

Given Katakuri has the largest known bounty of any character right now there's no way Luffy is beating him in a one on one fight.


Character growth can come from a number of things. The main thing I took away from their conversation is Pedro's hopes that she'll come to see why Luffy and co. are so important. Which makes sense, seeing as she's the most lax person in their group (Look how she jumped away from Prometheus lol), and just came for an adventure. I think his presumed death is the most shaken up she's been this entire arc if I recall correctly. Doesn't mean she'll necessarily join, but it's interesting to see where she'll go from here.

Metal B

Character growth can come from a number of things. The main thing I took away from their conversation is Pedro's hopes that she'll come to see why Luffy and co. are so important. Which makes sense, seeing as she's the most lax person in their group (Look how she jumped away from Prometheus lol), and just came for an adventure. I think his presumed death is the most shaken up she's been this entire arc if I recall correctly. Doesn't mean she'll necessarily join, but it's interesting to see where she'll go from here.
I still think, that she is the traitor, but will now get a change of heart arc through Pedro's sacrifice (if he is dead).

Ray Down

I'd say for the traitor at Zou if there is one to really be shocking it have to be someone the audience has gotten to know or has had some interaction.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Why would you think that lol. Why do you think there's a traitor in the first place?

Wanda and Inuarashi discussed a possible traitor at the end of Zou as Jack somehow kept finding them even though a Vivre Card is needed.
Pedro had been getting death flags all arc, so it's not that shocking. Not sure if he's actually dead, but given how much Oda was foreshadowing it, I can see it sticking.

Metal B

Why would you think that lol. Why do you think there's a traitor in the first place?
The Minks were confused, how Kaido's man could have found their location and assumed, that there is a traitor between them. Which I think would be easy to achieve, if the traitor is simply a Zoan User (which is also Kaido's theme).

I'd say for the traitor at Zou if there is one to really be shocking it have to be someone the audience has gotten to know or has had some interaction.
That's the main reason, why I believe Carrot to be the traitor. The audience also needs to feel as betrayed as the characters to feel the same impact.

Ray Down

Oda kept fodder like the G5 alive after all the hype about that gas.

Mr 2 had all the making of someone making the final sacrifice so Luffy and co could escape Impel Down and reach Ace, revealed later to be alive in a cover story.

Again waiting for the cover story of the Dofla pirates showing Monet is still alive.


Fantastic chapter. I love it when you get that sense of urgency and speed in every page. I was actually expecting Big Mom to body Perospero instead of Pedro blowing him up. I look forward to Pedro's cover arc in around 100 chapters.


Oda kept fodder like the G5 alive after all the hype about that gas.

Mr 2 had all the making of someone making the final sacrifice so Luffy and co could escape Impel Down and reach Ace, revealed later to be alive in a cover story.

Again waiting for the cover story of the Dofla pirates showing Monet is still alive.

Didn't she get stabbed in the heart?


Get Inside Her!
Obv we'll see next chapter that Candy Dude used his candy shit to encase the explosives in a sweet candy shell (while at the same time removing them from Pedro's person entirely) and the explosion we saw was greatly diminished because of it, but still enough to free the Sunny.


Obv we'll see next chapter that Candy Dude used his candy shit to encase the explosives in a sweet candy shell (while at the same time removing them from Pedro's person entirely) and the explosion we saw was greatly diminished because of it, but still enough to free the Sunny.

Perospero has to go down in order to save Chopper and Brook though.

Unless Big Mom just immediately kills him herself lol


Most surprising thing in this chapter was Perospero's bounty lol. I guess the dude was pretty beastly.

Also, Carrot is joining up! She needs to ensure that the hopes and dreams of the Minks and Kozuki clan are brought to fruition.

Nice chapter .
Don't think Pedro is dead but maybe Oda will stick to it .

Since Pedro was pretty close to death anyway, I think he might actually be dead.

Katakuri and Luffy snapping their arms back was a nice touch

That was pretty hype. The snap back sound effect was so clear in my head for both of them too.

Ray Down

Most surprising thing in this chapter was Perospero's bounty lol. I guess the dude was pretty beastly.

Also, Carrot is joining up! She needs to ensure that the hopes and dreams of the Minks and Kozuki clan are brought to fruition.

You don't need to join the crew for that, you can just be a part of the fleet.

She was just group with the minks, not the straw hats, page 12.

The only association was with the group escaping WCI.


You don't need to join the crew for that, you can just be a part of the fleet.

She was just group with the minks, not the straw hats, page 12.

The only association was with the group escaping WCI.

I'm well aware of your stance on this, man. I don't agree with you. We'll just have to wait and see who's right!


Master of the Google Search
I'll never understand why people think Carrot of all people is the traitor.
It's just because her character is unusually simple for One Piece so everyone expects a surprise betrayal or tragic backstory.

Of course the simplest answer might be that Carrot was never meant to be this big of a character but Oda threw her into this arc due to her surprising popularity.

Ray Down

It's just because her character is unusually simple for One Piece so everyone expects a surprise betrayal or tragic backstory.

Of course the simplest answer might be that Carrot was never meant to be this big of a character but Oda threw her into this arc due to her surprising popularity.

Or just since the crew is cut in half for now have more people to work with.

Or people working with the Straw Hats like Lola, Zoro buddy bounty hunters, Bart, Cavendish

Or since the fleet is a thing she can just be a commander.

Let's not get caught up in debating this shit, especially for the 2 weeks coming.
Was gonna say something about carrot but I don't want a paragraph sent my way very passionate

Perospero's bounty caught me off guard her crew is legit full of monsters it's terrifying

Strawhats need a hyperbolic time chamber


Was gonna say something about carrot but I don't want a paragraph sent my way very passionate

Perospero's bounty caught me off guard her crew is legit full of monsters it's terrifying

Strawhats need a hyperbolic time chamber

I was really taken aback, but he has been doing some serious work with his Devil Fruit. The Pero Pero no Mi is a pretty deadly power. And like you said, Big Mom's crew is stacked with monsters.


It kinda was in order to get rid of Perospero quickly, break off the candy that was preventing the shop from being able to burst away, and
plant the seeds for Carrot's future characterization.

It wasn't necessary for him to blow himself up to do that. Tamago was one thing, but looking at how Perospero barely even tried to get away once he saw the explosives/knew what Pedro was going to do, there's nothing in the chapter that shows Pedro couldn't have used explosives and gotten away.


I'm not sure where Oda is going with this arc, there has to be something major that's going to happen right?

big mom isn't going to let them off the hook that easily after all these damage they've done (ruined the wedding, destroyed the wedding cake, destroyed the photo, losing germa's tech, stealing the poneglyphs, and damaging her troops), unless Pudding erase her memories which would be sorta lame too because that basically makes this entire arc sorta pointless other than introducing sanji's family, or sanji making a cake so good that they just let them go?

also if they just escape then what about the baratie? big mom is the type of person that would murder all of their families out of spite, i just don't get the direction this arc is going

Ray Down

I'm not sure where Oda is going with this arc, there has to be something major that's going to happen right?

big mom isn't going to let them off the hook that easily after all these damage they've done (ruined the wedding, destroyed the wedding cake, destroyed the photo, losing germa's tech, stealing the poneglyphs, and damaging her troops), unless Pudding erase her memories which would be sorta lame too because that basically makes this entire arc sorta pointless other than introducing sanji's family, or sanji making a cake so good that they just let them go?

also if they just escape then what about the baratie? big mom is the type of person that would murder all of their families out of spite, i just don't get the direction this arc is going

Pudding memories power can solve the baratie issue.

That or Big Mom is not just solely focused on them no after she gets up from her nap and goes after them.

This arc shows just how strong a Yonko crew can be, get Jinbe back in the story, show Sanji talents are valuable and has a end game love interest :)P) and set up future conflict with Big Mom when all is said and done.

What I'm wonder is will anyone see Pudding helping out and will that cause issue for her in the future. I mean I know she will most likely show up in the arc where we deal with Big Mom again but how, or will she be a temp person on the boat till then and leave.

PS all the Vinsmoke concept art is more interesting then themselves or at least with Judge.
That face though...

Good chapter. Pero's power has quite a bit of versatility. He nullified Brook and Chopper and he is/was holding Sunny down. Luffy vs Katakuri looks interesting. I give Katakuri the edge though.

RIP, Pedro.

Big Mom's crew is full of monsters, it's ridiculous.

Good chapter. I didn't expect Pedro to kamikaze himself. I'm doubting he's dead but it's still strange to see that happen.

Can someone expand on the whole prophecy he is talking about? I honestly can't remember if Zou explained any of that.

Ray Down

Big Mom's crew is full of monsters, it's ridiculous.

Good chapter. I didn't expect Pedro to kamikaze himself. I'm doubting he's dead but it's still strange to see that happen.

Can someone expand on the whole prophecy he is talking about? I honestly can't remember if Zou explained any of that.

Nekomamushi had something like this around when he was first introduced being like the man waiting for dawn.

The whole dawn thing is mostly a connection to Wanokuni since it being the birthplace of the ancient text and all and the Minks absorbed it through being with them, time and relationship with Roger reinforced it.

Its most likely referring to what Whitebeard referenced at the end of the war the man Roger been waiting for, a man that would carry history on his back and will challenge and change the world.

Big One

Eh I really think Oda is going to stick to this one. I mean yeah he CAN come back, but I don't think Oda is treating the New World as he did the initial adventure. Arcs have gotten progressively more darker and darker as things go on. For example Monet and Vergo dying back on Punk Hazard (I know about those theories but usually Oda lays hints for characters surviving like he did with Pell). Then at the beginning of this arc, Big Mom kills one of her children with her powers.

Pedro might be legitimately dead, and it might even be the catalyst that allows Carrot to join the crew. Besides, didn't Pell pretty much survive because of 9/11 or was that a rumor?

Ray Down

Didn't she get stabbed in the heart?

It did but in the next chapter it shows:
-The stake being outside the heart
-No blood on said stake
-No blood on heart cube

And thats even considering Logia have the element change to stave off damage.

So far the only person confirmed dead is Vergo.

But like I said this is just a can of worms and all this coming from a guy that doesn't like Monet.

Besides, didn't Pell pretty much survive because of 9/11 or was that a rumor?

There been no such source proving any validate to this idea so I would say just a rumor.
Nope. He's not dead.
After 20 years, no one should fall for this shit anymore. Pedro is going to walk away with a few scratches.

On another note, I really enjoy Perospero. He's been greatly overlooked in this arc. He has the kind of taunting and hammy personality that Caesar has and it's joyous.

Nobody believes it. Why would they? Explosions have to be the least fatal thing in one piece history, no matter how large they are.

Hiriluk died from an explosion...from the inside. >.>

As someone said during the spoiler period, Pedro has clearly inherited the Will of P from Pell and Pagaya :p

Holy shit. lol
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