Oda said next weeks issue will be 18 full color pages of only Pudding.
If only
Oda said next weeks issue will be 18 full color pages of only Pudding.
For Veelk, it will either be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare.
He kids didn't cry or care because they were built to be psychopath or sociopaths whichever is appropriate.Him beating up Yonji aside, I just assumed he was likely stronger than any of them individually due to him not giving much of a fuck when fighting his father. Also it'd be kind of lame if his dad ended up being right with his whole eugenics shtick.
But given how his dad was crying like a baby, it feels like his children are probably stronger.
He kids didn't cry or care because they were built to be psychopath or sociopaths whichever is appropriate.
She changes Big Mom's memories to her working out an agreement to leave the Strawhats alone and let Pudding and Jimbei go in peace.
I wouldn't take their reactions to mean anything they are basically robots perptually aet to smug asshole and pervy sanji modeI know that, but still, now I have doubts.
Yea he has his raid suit on when getting fixed up,he fought him off panel right?
Yea he has his raid suit on when getting fixed up,
Anime has him wearing it too
Yea yea anime I kno
I find it absurd they had them off at all.Wait Maju, I always said Yonji had his suit, the hit and run bit was that it was just that the Vins attacked for a sec and then went into the castle
He would wear that battle suit in doors.
I'm sorta joking but this can happen I still think her powers are what will save the day in the end, stop the bitter conflict right now.
maybe Pudding and Sanji will get together, Veelk will rain firery posts from the heavens and weirder posts between me and Black leg
Why notThe beginning of user shipping?
Carrotxzoro because idkyWhy not
Normal shipping can be fun if no one takes it seriously and is screwing around (which half the time people do)
There will be nothing good to come out of this but sure lets drag this thread to the trash
Nah just jokingThe beginning of user shipping?
I find it absurd they had them off at all.
Why would you ever remove your power ranger outfitsI find it absurd they had them off at all.
I would love Sanji using a suit all the time just for Zoro to trash talk him about it
Because mobile gaf is the worst or at least on my phoneIn mobile I can no longer see who made the threads, or the last person to post. Wonder why...
In mobile I can no longer see who made the threads, or the last person to post. Wonder why...
For Veelk, it will either be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare.
Yeah I don't care about that explanation, it's fuckin stupid and you know it. Sure, I'll allow gag abilities like Nami's happiness punch crap since it never actually affects things, but Sanji's fire is a fundamental component of how he fights, and "heart" is a BS explanation in a manga full of superpowers with Real Explanations.
Now, I will allow something like "Sanji's passion allowed him to pull the potential out of his latent superhuman genetics," a bit of both worlds. Still keeps his character arc, provides an actual reason for it. Perhaps even says that his brothers could be even more powerful if they had emotions, that Sanji is actually the perfect weapon because of it, take that Daddy Germa.
I can understand the frustration but if it makes you feel just a little better, lighting ones limbs, body or weapons on fire is just a normal technique in the One Piece world that just needs to be learned.
Fossa (White Beard's Commander with the balding head and cigar)
Kinemon (Pretty sure he can engulf his blade in flames just like Fossa, maybe I'm wrong)
All these guys do it one way or another. When it comes to protecting ones self from harm, ever since Mariegold was the second person to show us such a thing during our pre-Haki exposition I assumed it was because of Haki. I only coupled it with Oda's seemingly joke answer about Sanji's passion burning hotter than the flame. Passion, spirit, Haki.
We may very well be stuck with the non-answer forever but at the very least it isn't exclusive to Sanji. What ever it is, its a a technique that can be learned. Not to mention if it is a technique thats learned through hard work and effort(and it is) it flies in the face of the Germa kids who only have their abilities due to devil fruits or advanced technological weapons backing them.
Veelk veing tsundere.
Even when being saved Judge is a ungrateful shit.
Judge needs his ass beat to a soundtrack.
Judge needs his ass beat to a soundtrack.
Maybe he'll be the one to die in this arc.
What if Reiju becomes captainThat's something I'd like to see.
So what's probably going to happen is that he becomes the next faction to join the Strawhat alliance.
Maybe he'll be the one to die in this arc.
I can tell you it'd be the latter. Pudding is beyond repair at this point. It's a bummer.
lol at jealous Pudding
She wants the S
That's something I'd like to see.
So what's probably going to happen is that he becomes the next faction to join the Strawhat alliance.
We've definitely crossed the threshold of them being beat up as villains. They're "good guys" now.
If there's one thing I'll give Oda right now, it's that I have no idea where this arc is going. For better or worse.
Yep, this arc really did a wonder for Bege's character, which is awesome, but I don't see how he'd still be breathing afterwards even if he escaped WCI. Big Mom is going to mercilessly chase his ass down, and considering he fled to her umbrella to get away from getting shanked, short of some magic powder he is dead.Man as much as she hates the Strawhats I imagine she hates Bege more considering he joined her crew/family and is not only leaving but is betraying her.
S for Swirly Brow.
We've definitely crossed the threshold of them being beat up as villains. They're "good guys" now.
If there's one thing I'll give Oda right now, it's that I have no idea where this arc is going. For better or worse.
I'm trying to think of where it'll go and I'm running into a bunch of logistic roadblocks.
It's exciting.
I'm trying to think of where it'll go and I'm running into a bunch of logistic roadblocks.
It's exciting.
I actually didn't start out hating it. I found playing with the dynamics sort of fun, but nothing to take too seriously. When I saw how people (almost exclusively over the internet) live and breathe this shit, spending their lives drawing fanart of their favorite ships and writing paragraphs, essays on why they're the best, shoving them down other people's throats and getting violently defensive when their "ship" is challenged, I grew to loathe them with a burning, draconian passion.
I actually didn't start out hating it. I found playing with the dynamics sort of fun, but nothing to take too seriously. When I saw how people (almost exclusively over the internet) live and breathe this shit, spending their lives drawing fanart of their favorite ships and writing paragraphs, essays on why they're the best, shoving them down other people's throats and getting violently defensive when their "ship" is challenged, I grew to loathe them with a burning, draconian passion.
It's more the combativeness that bothers me. I can't claim a dislike for people writing deep analysis of their ships. Quick estimate on my fanfiction.net account shows i've written about 90,000 words on Yoruichi x Soi Fon (Bleach) and about 80,000 words for Zoro x Robin, so i've been there.
It's more the combativeness that bothers me. I can't claim a dislike for people writing deep analysis of their ships. Quick estimate on my fanfiction.net account shows i've written about 90,000 words on Yoruichi x Soi Fon (Bleach) and about 80,000 words for Zoro x Robin, so i've been there.