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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...


Got the next two nights off. I might hit it hard on the FNs. I want to at least get legend Lucci and Box Kaku socketed.

Hearing all of you talking about 40 or 80 copies needed for doffy really makes me Not want start on him... :/ just farming the 10 copies of perona I currently have was a pain and she's a fortnight character! ... 40 to 80 copies of a raid character?! ㅠㅠ

It's definitely a pain, but it's nice when it's done. It was less nice when you had one done and they added sockets, so you needed to finish those now as well. At least nowadays it can theoretically all be done in one go.


Today no meat from the snails. :(

I think I socket my story Lucci with cd/orbs/heal. Got two cd and orbs sockets already so I want to finish him off quickly.


I would recommend against te reroll because you wont get back your free pull from the beginners set and because it feels good to come back from a bad start and begin to get strong enough to beat raids and getting good units
My starting units were Bellmere, Hotori&Kotori and Chaka.....

Know that feel, I started off with Bellmere too. Thank god I got Escapee Bentham too, Bon Clay is the man. He only recently got replaced by Zeff as my Fighter captain, but he's still with me in spirit.


I started with Hot Rock Sanji and Guard Point Chopper on day one.

A guy that boosts QCK ATK by 1.5, and a guy that boosts DEX RCV by 1.5. My next unit not given by the story was Django. Things were rough in those early days.


I started with Hot Rock Sanji and Guard Point Chopper on day one.

A guy that boosts QCK ATK by 1.5, and a guy that boosts DEX RCV by 1.5. My next unit not given by the story was Django. Things were rough in those early days.

Buggy and Krieg here.

Then I got Brain Point Chopper in my third pull.

My INT team was a beast!
My starting units were Vivi and ... had to check, it was chore boy Coby.

Ironic considering I've barely ever gotten coby from RR despite his legendary status as "the" shit tier drop.

Vivi was actually a great starting character cause I could use her to literally heal away any damage all the way up to the first story encounter with smoker. Back then I remember wondering why anyone would use any team other than vivi LOL.

Looking at my worthwhile units in order of obtaining them:
I got Yosaku from like my 2nd or 3rd friend pull and put him on my team.

next to that: johnny -> Higuma -> Zeff -> Buggy - Django -> Arlong - RR Marco -> Alvida -> Mr.Prince -> Impact Usopp -> Krieg -> Blameco -> Nico Robin -> Goldenweek -> G3

I got pretty lucky on my initial sugofests looking back at that, both psy/int damage boosters + G3 that early.


Looking at my early box, I'm assuming I sold some units. But it looks like

Django > Alvida > BP Chopper > Buggy > Another Django > Cabaji > Mohji/Richie > Miss Goldenweek > Arlong > Mr 3 > Ace > Nico Robin > Mr 2 > Gaimon

My first legend was Sengoku, and he doesn't show up until Water 7, so I went however long that was without a legend.


My starting units were Vivi and ... had to check, it was chore boy Coby.

Ironic considering I've barely ever gotten coby from RR despite his legendary status as "the" shit tier drop.

Vivi was actually a great starting character cause I could use her to literally heal away any damage all the way up to the first story encounter with smoker. Back then I remember wondering why anyone would use any team other than vivi LOL.

Then you went through this, right?

I remember people complaining about Garp taking two hours the first time he launched. Unless you had a Robin or a maxed Mihawk it was really hard to beat the stage without gemming.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hey guys what's going o-*Sees Vivi/Laboon garp raid and has a post-traumatic episode*
Then you went through this, right?

I remember people complaining about Garp taking two hours the first time he launched. Unless you had a Robin or a maxed Mihawk it was really hard to beat the stage without gemming.

Oh yeah, both Garp & Mihawk took me like 45 minutes.

I remember people desperately farming Laboon & me being smuggly satisfied with already having a really high level Vivi lol.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
My rates on the halloween fortnight have been terrible.

50 runs, 7 frankies, 1 good socket.


Wow.... I didn't count but it felt like I fed 20 Frankies just to get my last despair socket. I believe I got 5 or more poison sockets in a row... <.<
Whatever! If my friend Ace has full sockets I have a perfect SW Ace team. <3

Now it's time to farm some sea ponies to get rid of all these pigs and then run Lucci. Pls give me good drops and sockets. .__.

My rates on the halloween fortnight have been terrible.

50 runs, 7 frankies, 1 good socket.

Hah, at least I got Frankies? ;__;


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
There is way too much to do between HW fortnight and Ace / Zoro books. Fuck the colisseum. Even if my driven teams are lacking in actual sockets and skill ups


There is way too much to do between HW fortnight and Ace / Zoro books. Fuck the colisseum. Even if my driven teams are lacking in actual sockets and skill ups
I kinda feel like I have nothing to do at the moment

Tired of running Smoker, Halloween and Lucci are just giving me garbage

Bring on Frieza


skill maxed both versions of QCK Ace
skill maxed Gin
didn't bother trying to skill max base Chopper because why
2 Marco books this whole time, got 1 skill up so he's at skill level 4.

I took a break and used up all my keys, because why not

Lucci sits at 2 bind/2 despair/1 cooldown/1 autoheal, because he likes dropping chests.


Is Ivankov a hard raid?
And is he worth farming?

Not much, but you have to be able to burst him down from 30-40% to 0 in one turn. Otherwise he heals back to 70%.

His initial CD is low enough for using. He is not that great, but has good stats and 4 sockets, which is a rare sight in a raid boss.
Is Ivankov a hard raid?
And is he worth farming?

Arguably one of the easier ones if you can burst down that final 20-30% or so.

As for Iva being worth it ... QUICK has quite a number of units who can orb manipulate (thatch, quick kaku v2, leopard lucci, capone etc) and several of them are more reliable than Iva.

The only times I've ever used Iva on my quick team is if I ever genuinly needed high sockets (e.g. iva's despair socket v.s. perona in the urouge colosseum)

Personally I try to max out most units above 3 stars even if I know they're kinda pointless, but Iva's definitely in that category. (especially once I 4-socket some of my RR quick chars like capone, 3D2Y Brook or SW Nami)


Got 5/5/3 CD/Heal/Orb for my story Lucci. Wanted Bind/Despair/Heal but I'll use him for the Shiki/Kuma raid and this socket setup should work too.

My fn Kaku is still only 3/5 Bind/Despair. Could have got 5 cd sockets out of my last 10 copies though...


My Perona farming is going kinda good. Have her down to a CD of 17 and am 4/2 for bind/despair. Might just be able to finish her in one go.
And seeing that Lucci is coming back as well as reading everywhere how horrible the drops for Halloween seem to be, I'm not regretting it one bit that I've done nothing but run her FN.

And my MAX Kumacy with CDR and skill LV 13 is a beast.

Yo guys, (sorta) new player here, I started ~2 weeks ago and wanted to ask for some advice on what to do from where I'm currently at atm. This is currently my box:

Sad to say, but I don't see how you could get a copy of Mihawk with that box without somehow acquiring a Laboon until the end of the month. But he will be back in due time and seeing how you manage your box and characters, you'll easily be ready by the time he comes around next.

In the meantime you are on the right track. Keep doing the FNs on the highest difficulty you can manage for pirate EXP, do story on half stamina days, do turtle time to level and evolve your key units and after a few weeks you'll have plenty of stamina/crew cost and lots of units to play and plan around with. When you start clearing FNs on 30 stamina and the base raids, you can switch focus to grinding for skill levels and sockets.


Sad to say, but I don't see how you could get a copy of Mihawk with that box without somehow acquiring a Laboon until the end of the month. But he will be back in due time and seeing how you manage your box and characters, you'll easily be ready by the time he comes around next.

technically,as long as you have a g3 friend,an alvida and a gp usopp you can complete mihwk with pretty much anything...

he can use something like

capt. g2 luffy
friend g3 luffy
alvida (farmable on her story stage)
arlong (farmable in his story stage)
gp usopp
any STR unit

only problem are levels really, the friend g3 is easy to find at max level,than he needs to level up arlong and another str unit since g3 only really attacks with the last 3 units..he can use the damage calculator to see if he can do it.

zeenigami video with a coby captain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb3XgrXghM8
damage calculator and other stuff: http://optc-db.github.io/


Today has been a good day so far, I reached the Tower of Justice in Story mode and Ms Wednesday finally dropped in my second try.
Now if only Perona could drop more, over a dozen runs and I only have my own copy


Got sidetracked on the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game for several hours, this has severely cut into my Lucci farming. I will make up for it today because I think I'm getting sick and don't feel like moving.


My Perona farming is going kinda good. Have her down to a CD of 17 and am 4/2 for bind/despair. Might just be able to finish her in one go.
And seeing that Lucci is coming back as well as reading everywhere how horrible the drops for Halloween seem to be, I'm not regretting it one bit that I've done nothing but run her FN.

And my MAX Kumacy with CDR and skill LV 13 is a beast.

Sad to say, but I don't see how you could get a copy of Mihawk with that box without somehow acquiring a Laboon until the end of the month. But he will be back in due time and seeing how you manage your box and characters, you'll easily be ready by the time he comes around next.

In the meantime you are on the right track. Keep doing the FNs on the highest difficulty you can manage for pirate EXP, do story on half stamina days, do turtle time to level and evolve your key units and after a few weeks you'll have plenty of stamina/crew cost and lots of units to play and plan around with. When you start clearing FNs on 30 stamina and the base raids, you can switch focus to grinding for skill levels and sockets.

Thanks for the tips; I'm not exactly confident about my box either atm but having seen a few videos of how Mihawk goes, I think I can get a team together in time for Mihawk since what I'm really missing atm is Alvida to tank the post-GP Usopp hit.

On turtle time, I've tried out the tracker but I've only been able to hit up Turtle Time once; I think I missed the second time due to Turtle Time changing its next time, ie Monday time is almost never going to be equal to Friday time? The bright side is going by people's list of turtle destroying units, I've got most of them down already: DJ Sanji, Fullbody, Dog Penguin, etc. I'm looking forward to Monday.

technically,as long as you have a g3 friend,an alvida and a gp usopp you can complete mihwk with pretty much anything...

he can use something like

capt. g2 luffy
friend g3 luffy
alvida (farmable on her story stage)
arlong (farmable in his story stage)
gp usopp
any STR unit

only problem are levels really, the friend g3 is easy to find at max level,than he needs to level up arlong and another str unit since g3 only really attacks with the last 3 units..he can use the damage calculator to see if he can do it.

zeenigami video with a coby captain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb3XgrXghM8
damage calculator and other stuff: http://optc-db.github.io/

That's more or less the teams that I've seen on youtube that I'm plotting around. I've been trying to farm Arlong during half stamina and asked about it on the reddit, but got shat on by the regulars until I explained that I'm two weeks in >.>

Oh yeah, are there any recommended youtubers for OPTC? I've been watching Zeenigami for stage guides, but I was curious about anyone making a Let's Play that does the whole hog, and catalogs going from the start to end game content over time with some form of weekly roundup of progress.


On turtle time, I've tried out the tracker but I've only been able to hit up Turtle Time once; I think I missed the second time due to Turtle Time changing its next time, ie Monday time is almost never going to be equal to Friday time? The bright side is going by people's list of turtle destroying units, I've got most of them down already: DJ Sanji, Fullbody, Dog Penguin, etc. I'm looking forward to Monday.

That's more or less the teams that I've seen on youtube that I'm plotting around. I've been trying to farm Arlong during half stamina and asked about it on the reddit, but got shat on by the regulars until I explained that I'm two weeks in >.>

Oh yeah, are there any recommended youtubers for OPTC? I've been watching Zeenigami for stage guides, but I was curious about anyone making a Let's Play that does the whole hog, and catalogs going from the start to end game content over time with some form of weekly roundup of progress.

Turtle time are way too strict by only being half hour and without warning, I missed mine on Friday and they were green when Im trying to evolve my doflamingo

About youtubers I recommend both toadskii and koopakungfu


Hopefully these 10 copies of Perona are enough for the last 2 skill ups I need. I'm guessing mid-to-late November for next skill up rate event. I also have enough evolved pigs from recent fortnights to immediately evolve coliseum Hawkins and Wyper when they arrive.


gonna pull tomorrow since i pretty much maxed all the unit worth a damn and i need new fresh blood in my collection..also having avoided pulling fro a while i lack pretty much all the boosted units of this sugo..i hope to find a couple good units, but i'm not going to multipull



In past three days, despite level ups and stamina refreshes (snail ones) I have not gotten even ONE of my 2 missing sockets. Come on!


This story grinding is burning my soul. First Arlong, now Alvida refuse to drop on days where thery're half stamina or double drops, respectively. I guess I was spoiled, because every time I've tried to grind story mode I got what I wanted before running out of easy stamina(level ups + rerolls). 2 days without much progress towards higher level content :(

The one high note is that I attempted the coliseum and got through both the Exhibition and Underground levels without too much trouble; the first time I tried the Exhibition final match, Hina locked me out of GP Usopp twice in a row and I got cheesed to death, but I won the reattempt without too much trouble. Coliseum characters only drop from the Underground level, right?


This story grinding is burning my soul. First Arlong, now Alvida refuse to drop on days where thery're half stamina or double drops, respectively. I guess I was spoiled, because every time I've tried to grind story mode I got what I wanted before running out of easy stamina(level ups + rerolls). 2 days without much progress towards higher level content :(

The one high note is that I attempted the coliseum and got through both the Exhibition and Underground levels without too much trouble; the first time I tried the Exhibition final match, Hina locked me out of GP Usopp twice in a row and I got cheesed to death, but I won the reattempt without too much trouble. Coliseum characters only drop from the Underground level, right?

characters drop at every level of difficulty,but the higher the difficulty the higher the rate

of course in the colosseum only the final boss drops


This story grinding is burning my soul. First Arlong, now Alvida refuse to drop on days where thery're half stamina or double drops, respectively. I guess I was spoiled, because every time I've tried to grind story mode I got what I wanted before running out of easy stamina(level ups + rerolls). 2 days without much progress towards higher level content :(

The one high note is that I attempted the coliseum and got through both the Exhibition and Underground levels without too much trouble; the first time I tried the Exhibition final match, Hina locked me out of GP Usopp twice in a row and I got cheesed to death, but I won the reattempt without too much trouble. Coliseum characters only drop from the Underground level, right?

Im grinding for a second Crocodile with no luck so far, Mr 3 also refuses to drop in little garden when there are 5 of him
Outside of them I have tried level 10 in Water Seven to see if I can get Tilestone or Kalifa, already have Lucci, Kaku and Lulu
Okay got the final anti-lock socket done on my leopard lucci today, with that I'm gonna end my lucci/kaku farming for now as maxing lout leopard's sockets was my main goal. (kaku was more a side project)

a boatload of stuff to focus on next week, halloween strawhat part 2 has way more characters I actually want to socket compared to part 1, so that'll be fun.


characters drop at every level of difficulty,but the higher the difficulty the higher the rate

of course in the colosseum only the final boss drops

...man. I don't have enough stamina on hand to get a copy of Hina before she's gone for months. The wiki gave the impression that Hina's a reward only if you can manage the Chaos difficulty :(

Oh well. It's not like she's a crazy good unit. Shame I don't have a prayer of getting a good enough box to try my hand at Hawkins before he's gone

Im grinding for a second Crocodile with no luck so far, Mr 3 also refuses to drop in little garden when there are 5 of him
Outside of them I have tried level 10 in Water Seven to see if I can get Tilestone or Kalifa, already have Lucci, Kaku and Lulu

We'll get through this ;_;7


Finally evolved Senor Pink, Ice Cream Perona, and almost there on SW Franky.

Im grinding for a second Crocodile with no luck so far, Mr 3 also refuses to drop in little garden when there are 5 of him
Outside of them I have tried level 10 in Water Seven to see if I can get Tilestone or Kalifa, already have Lucci, Kaku and Lulu

I max skilled a Mr 3 with dupes from sugofests. He's one I wouldn't bother farming.


Yeah, it's all RNG, but in my experience, Mr. 3 has a really low droprate, comparable to Croc's. He's common enough during sugos (until they pull the Baroque batch, anyway).


Pray for sugo


Terrible drop rates have killed me this week. I'll wait for the Lucci fortnight to come back with the pigs before attempting it again. Halloween fortnight was even worse. Hoping part 2 isn't that bad.


Four pulls.

-Koza (dupe, not surprised with a QCK up)
-3D2Y Chopper (new, gives me a place to use all my Chopper dupes)
-Coby (was going to stop, but Coby is a harbinger of good luck)
-SW Usopp (new! Good pull, even though I don't have Legend Ace)

Two new units is much better than the last, oh, 3 sugos or so, so I'm happy with that. Also glad I sat on all the Choppers I got while running HW Fortnight today.
I may have gone a little ham in an attempt to pull 3D2Y Sanji. I eventually did pull him but not before I pulled both a Sengoku and Legend Doffy! I'm going to assume this was the game's way of making up to me for the hellish nightmare landscape that was attempting to socket SW Franky.


I got some pretty solid pulls :)

Balloon Luffy (Gear 3rd thank the lord)
3D2Y Sanji (Excellent captain for me!)
Doma (Screw you Prison Daz, I've got me a better QCK Slasher now :d)
3D2Y Luffy
Dark Justice Khalifa (A good Cerebral captain at last!)
3D2Y Brook
Capone Bege
Chopper Mask

No legends, but that's okay, the pulls were on point


I got some pretty solid pulls :)

Balloon Luffy (Gear 3rd thank the lord)
3D2Y Sanji (Excellent captain for me!)
Doma (Screw you Prison Daz, I've got me a better QCK Slasher now :d)
3D2Y Luffy
Dark Justice Khalifa (A good Cerebral captain at last!)
3D2Y Brook
Capone Bege
Chopper Mask

No legends, but that's okay, the pulls were on point

You had good luck congrats

Now let me go to the corner and cry for my bad luck last sugo


Having a very braindead easy time with Iva using Duval/Law, Doffy, Mihawk, Apoo, Doublefinger

It's fast and overkill as hell
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