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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...

Damn the Sengoku train keeps chuggin along. Welcome to the team brothers! haha

Again like I said earlier, the list of pre-evolved characters that are actually useful to isn't very big. Most of the time you are better off finding a 20 or less cost unit that can hit level 99. There are obvious exceptions but still, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I see quite a few people asking about teams for him and planning them out. It depends what you want to run with him. Some solid staples for building teams around. GP Usopp, Alvida, Perona, Breed. They are probably the best overall units for Sengoku imo. You can clear some forests and pretty hard content with a mix of these units. I'd say another important thing to pay attention to is stat sticks. I find with most other legends or team builds there isn't much room for stat sticks anymore unless they happen to come with a great special. Asura Zora, Arlong, Bike Smoker are great for Sengoku beat sticks. Again I'm feeling sad that I super evolved Zoro because I honestly would use Asura more in the long run (new Zoro is 28/30cost or w/e) If anyone has any more questions please let me know. I've been running Sengoku for over a year straight now so I have a good feel for whats needed here and there.

real quick I'll make a list of units you should keep in mind for Sengoku

God tier
GP Usopp

Units that are 20 or under cost that can hit level 99
Arlong (even his fortnight version is decent)
Bike Smoker
Petty Officer Coby
Kaku Dock One Carpentry Specialist
Sanji Diable Jambe Flambe
Calgara (great stats and special)
Nico Robin
Story Franky (int, has amazing stats and a decent special)
Halloween Zoro
Road to the Pirate King Luffy PSY (new unit we just got)
Any Log characters besides Luffy
Most fortnight characters are 20 or under

I can't see many of you that just pulled Sengoku not having most of those characters.

I've been looking for a post like this!

I decided to keep an unevolved senor pink & marco cause I feel their specials are good enough to consider them as sengoku options; I basically have all the units listed.

I've been trying to put together a sengoku team to stomp on Aokiji's butt
cause as much as I love log luffy, aokiji's raid is just not fun with him.
and put together something like this:


Is this madness?


Ehm yeah. not bad.

I guess I could use Monet for even more damage.



Unconfirmed Member
I'm with you up until this point. I mean, I'm with you on bailing out of putting money in, but mine is because I know it's a horrible habit, not because I feel like I was owed something from a company running a business built on what is essentially gambling. Was there some pull that would've completely changed your view of this event?

I think in total I put roughly 450 days into this game, but I honestly can't remember. My account was handed off twice due to burnout. The first time an optc friend online was caretaker for 2-3 months after which I took the account back and then I proceeded to grind another XX levels or so. However it was in this time frame that I realized how addicted I became to the game, whether it was the shear amount of hours per day I put in, but also I had spent the same total amount of money if not more as I had over the course of my initial 330+ days before I first quit.

I had a problem.

Early on I found it fun setting goals, maxing Mihawk Day 1 and I don't regret the 200 times I ran it first day playing for 15 hours straight. Trying to pull my first legend in Rayleigh, getting 180 stamina before Doflamingo arrived, maxing out all the boats, getting 999 cola, trying to break 100 million beli, +200 cotton candy, etc. But for me the worst thing as I continued to play was I became obsessed with collecting all the units. Over the course of my play I worked in trying to figure out the actual math involved with the RNG and at some level I succeeded formulating my own statistics. But you always needed luck in regards to the low percentage pulls of legends and it got worse when you were specifically aiming for X legend.

Simply put, I wanted to beat Treasure Cruise.

Yet between the immense grind and the money, it never stopped and it won't ever stop. And so I quit a second time and another fellow optc friend was caretaker of my account for a good 6+ months or more. Sometime after she too started to get burned out and Sugofests weren't ever kind to her, so it became discouraging. She did an amazing job of continuing our min/max ways in how we played and I'm forever thankful for that and her wonderful efforts. So thinking I was refreshed and ready to play again, I took the account back but I literally lasted less than a week.

The grind was even worse with Colosseum and I realized how much a mistake I made when another Sugofest popped up the following week. I was itching and dying to spend money to do pulls, it's an odd exhilaration and I sat there looking at my phone thinking how easy it would be to buy gems and just pull. Like I remember when red posters weren't a thing and wanted to pull a gold legend, or when red posters got introduced and I wanted my first red poster, to dreaming of being able to do the first pull new legend like it was a goal. And I still remember when I did it with Log Luffy, it's crazy exciting! But the one thing I remember more is the sinking feeling of dupe Legends and having pulled 2-3x more dupes than new legends - I know the pain all too well. And today I still don't feel this is a valid complaint because Bandai doesn't give care, I dumped what I dumped into the game whether it be time or money because I chose to.

If my two cents rant meant anything, it was to preface your question to Kumo of:

"Was there some pull that would've completely changed your view of this event?"

I know for me I can confidently say no.

I never was able to pull Boa despite how much I wanted to pull her, not if others thought she was a crappy legend but for the simple reason I wanted her in my character box. I felt I deserved to pull Crocodile or IntHawk during the first anniversary, but the 180+ pulls I did that day didn't give either to me. I felt I deserved to pull Sabo when free spirit units had a + cotton candy rate up and when a red poster with a + dropped I thought for sure it was Sabo. But nope, it was a dupe in Log Luffy. If I pulled that legend that day it would've just bought more time, more time for me investing to the grind I once loved and grew to hate as it was endless, maxing X unit, maxing X skill, etc. And in the end I would always, always be aiming for the next new legend, which at that point it wasn't about being able to beat the content in front of me which I already could. I just wanted X unit because it was, yes, probably shiny and new. Bandai had me on a hook.

So I intervened myself, willed myself not to spend another dime or invest another minute into Treasure Cruise. I quit a third and final time and handed my account off to a friend who plays a ton of mobile games. I offered him some advice on what the account had and offered caution to destroy the account if he ever found himself being sucked into the game in a heavy monetary fashion.

I don't mean to discourage yourself or anyone who happens to read all this. With this game you play the odds, the RNG is real, it's beatable within a means but logically as Kumo has voiced in his complaints. Yes, it is reasonable to say I've done/spent X I should get X in return. Mainly because I'm in the belief if the rewards were more reasonable to attain, Bandai would earn more money across the board from those unwilling to spend. However I'm wrong in that statement too, as I've seen more and more F2P players over time say "oh it's just $10" which becomes $20 and so forth. Or even in some cases where suddenly admitting to "light whaling" is an okay thing. The business model for this game is exactly what it is, even if the improvements over time are made incrementally percentage wise... you still need luck - which cannot be quantified.

That TS Luffy might cost 5 free gems or $500 worth of gems.


Any good teams for Legend Law or is his place more as a sub?

Well he has a 100% clearing rate according to gamewith so he's quite good as a captain. ;) You can basically use TS Luffy dream subs (Invasion Shanks, Intvankov, raid Boa/legend Boa/Corazon, TS Brook) and basically clear all forest (you can use TS Luffy as a friend).

As a sub he's especially great in a IntMihawk slasher team.


Boa is nearly level 80 just from feeding her copies

Only 5 more skill levels... only five more... I've gone all in on her every time she's shown up, I can finally end this...


You are on a fire Brono. First Luneth and now double legend and even cavendish. You did good!

I got a croco myself and this would be my team:


Mhm i can't copy the full link on mobile

Mhm maybe i should adjust it a little bit. No real orb controling with this team.
Yeah, good day for me for sure. Granted, it took me 7x multi-pulls to get those two Legends, but I won't complain!

Nice to hear that Cavendish is better than I thought he was. I always viewed him as one of the more un-desirable Legends.

Whooooooo boy. What a sugo. First off, congrats to EVERYONE for the new units/legends. Happy to see them all here!

Of the 57 pulls (2 free, 5 multis), I got the following:

Sengoku (multi1)
Corazon (multi5)

TS Nami
TS Sanji
TS Chopper

So 11/57 were new units. And some of these I got evolved ones of (got both forms of TS Sanji, about 3 TS Nami). Plus lots of dupes, so many Mr. 3s and Crocus's. Sad that "story" units are so low in the Ray shop, but hey, I'm over 7500 now which is enough for my Rocketman, and that's all I care about.

BUT I GOT SENGOKU! On my first multi. I almost stopped right there. But I said nah, rates must be good. By Multi4 I was a little sad, and just said to hell with it. Thank god I did, Corazon on the last one! And now I'm under 10 gems. Sad times haha.

Sengoku was one of my most desired legends. I actually had 23 books saved up for him, used them all and got him to level 8 (turn 21), so only two more levels until he's maxed. He'll be a great beatstick in my SW Shanks team, and a great great leader... once I figure out teams to make with him. At least this is a good reason for not super evolving my maxed G2 luffy yet! And I'm excited since he has a FN which is free sockets.

Happy to also finally have INTkov. That's been eluding me for a long time. Between that and the Goku pull, I'm gonna run this FN a lot more now

Only disappointments were the lack of any "new batch" units. I didn't pull for Marineford, BB, or recent ones, and I still have none of those units. Brook is my only 3D2Y unit, and I really wanted that Zoro for INTHawk, Sanji for Lucci, and Monet for... everything. Ah well, in time, in time.
Congrats on the Legends, especially that Sengoku!

I'm building some teams toying with me new Legends, so far I've got a nice Fighter (with Don Sai and Coby) and a Slasher team

Crocodile is a glass canon, he is great for raids. The most common team I've seen is something like this.

For the other unit whatever fits your box or the situation.
Thanks for the recommendation!

I can actually manage this team, I just have to get my Nico Robin/Kuma leveled first. Work must be done.

Was inspired by everyone so dipped into my wallet to do a few multipulls. Was able to get legend lucci, legend kizaru, log luffy and, by the grace of god, TS Luffy. And a lot of Ray points. Out of the non legends TS sanji seems amazing.
Holy hell that's a lot of nice pulls. I'm officially jealous.

Also, congrats!

16 or so multipulls because I was drunk with my wallet nearby. I've also spent less than expected in Europe. 9 legends, including 5 dupes. New legends were Jimbe, Croc, Corazon, and the new Luffy. I was hoping for either Doflamingo or Borsalino, but new Luffy works. Croc and Corazon are also my first DEX legends.

Does the 4x ATK boost from new Luffy's Captain effect during special stack with other ATK boost specials like Koala's or Legend Sabo's?
Alcohol and gatcha games rarely end well. I'm glad you weren't a victim. Congrats!

Did one last multi for total of 6. Got sengoku.

So 3 legends in 6 multipulls. It's okayisch. But no chin jao.
You can have one of my Chin Jao. No charge, you can have him for free. Wait, I might have already sold my dupe for Rayleigh points... :(

Spent all my gems for 4 multipulls.

Free pull 1: Tornado Tempo Nami
Free pull 2: Trebol
Batch 1:
Reunited Sanji
Oars Jr.
Speed Jiru
Sengoku (!!!)
3D2Y Nami
Tornado Tempo Nami
Mirage Tempo Nami
Batch 2:
Ms. All Sunday
Reunited Sanji
Oars Jr.
Reunited Chopper x2
Legend Law (!!!)
Senor Pink
Reunited Nami
Batch 3:
Giolla x2
Corazon (!!!)
Reunited Chopper x2
Tabasco Star Usopp
Don Chinjao
Batch 4:
Mr 3
Dream Chaser Zoro
Reunite Chopper x2
Senor Pink

So that's 3 legends in 200 gems; I guess I'm satisfied for now. Soooo many Choppers, though. Now to save up again.
That's a great ratio of gems to Legends earned. Nicely done!

decided to use the last gems i had and do a last multipull...

a red poster appears

it's the THIRD shanks of today

ok,now it's official,fuck this game
SW Shanks is better than people give him credit for, and there's always the possibility that his next evolution will be amazing (whenever that time comes). But yeah, dupes...

Sorry man. :/

Saved up 600 gems, used 450 gems.

Pull1: Fujitora
Pull2: Dupe IntHawk
Pull3: Rocinante & Sabo
Pull4: Bartolomeo
Pull5: Doffy
Pull6: Law
Pull7: No Legend
Pull8: No Legend

I guess it was a decent day for me, I had saved since the 7/11 incident, I was gonna quit if this sugo wasn't happenening but I guess I might stay for another season. :) Hope you guys had a good time aswell.
Wow, insane luck. Congrats.

Must fight urges to buy more gems to pull. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
If you really want to spend, give me money for gems so I can pull a TS Luffy. ;)


Boa is nearly level 80 just from feeding her copies

Only 5 more skill levels... only five more... I've gone all in on her every time she's shown up, I can finally end this...

I've got a supposedly solid team for this raid and I'm already loathing it >.>

Vergo - Vergo
Diamante - Aokiji
Kuma - Kid

I'll probably run this raid more once I've got 3D2Y Robin leveled up, but for now I'm actually running it more for the Elder Sea Horses than I am Hancock copies. I've got Ace and Blackbeard to evolve dammit, and I'm out of Elders.

So how do I use TS Luffy?

My free spirit subs are kinda lackluster.

Did you pull Senor Pink? Because the current go-to would be something like:

TS Luffy - TS Luffy
Snr. Pink/SW Franky - Colo Apoo/Legend Sabo
Raid Hancock - Leo/Kaku/Phantom Sabo/Blue Gilly/Colo Ace


I've got a supposedly solid team for this raid and I'm already loathing it >.>

Vergo - Vergo
Diamante - Aokiji
Kuma - Kid

I'll probably run this raid more once I've got 3D2Y Robin leveled up, but for now I'm actually running it more for the Elder Sea Horses than I am Hancock copies. I've got Ace and Blackbeard to evolve dammit, and I'm out of Elders.
What team works with 3D2Y Robin? Beyond teams with Legend Crocodile that is.


What team works with 3D2Y Robin? Beyond teams with Legend Crocodile that is.

Fighters are also really good with 3D2Y Robin; this is as far as I've been able to find the best Fighter team for two turns of burst damage: Here

Legend Marco is replaceable with unevolved Don Chinjao but you get worse color coverage that way.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Raid boa just isn't fun to fight. The 1 turn CD, turn 2 block orbs fuckery, post-revival immunity and bind, and the "you are fucked" slow beat down if you get her below 20% makes for an unpleasant fight with no room for errors and few options.

And on top of that, you have the 26 hit combo shield on stage 3, the girls who silence you on stages 2 and 4 after 1 turn, the sea stallions and super def penguin on stage 4, and it's a 60 stamina raid.
Well he has a 100% clearing rate according to gamewith so he's quite good as a captain. ;) You can basically use TS Luffy dream subs (Invasion Shanks, Intvankov, raid Boa/legend Boa/Corazon, TS Brook) and basically clear all forest (you can use TS Luffy as a friend).

As a sub he's especially great in a IntMihawk slasher team.

Thanks for the info! Just toyed around and made this nice team of F2P subs.

Also, I tweaked my Mihawk team.

With only guaranteed orbs:

With full Orb Luck:


Fighters are also really good with 3D2Y Robin; this is as far as I've been able to find the best Fighter team for two turns of burst damage: Here

Legend Marco is replaceable with unevolved Don Chinjao but you get worse color coverage that way.

Hah I can actually make that team but I'd have to use Don Chinjao. I wasn't sure I was going to have a team for him after I pulled him.

I should play around more with all the non-legends I pulled.

Raid boa just isn't fun to fight. The 1 turn CD, turn 2 block orbs fuckery, post-revival immunity and bind, and the "you are fucked" slow beat down if you get her below 20% makes for an unpleasant fight with no room for errors and few options.

And on top of that, you have the 26 hit combo shield on stage 3, the girls who silence you on stages 2 and 4 after 1 turn, the sea stallions and super def penguin on stage 4, and it's a 60 stamina raid.
While I am excited that I am able to do the 60 Sta version of Boa I will agree that stage 3 is possibly one of my least favorite stages in the game.


I just whiffed on the Ace forest by a sliiiiiver. I was running double Sengoku through the forest and used my Breed special the turn before burst. 3 bad orbs, 1 matching orb on Sengoku, zero good orbs on my STR units. Whelp.


Does Breed fall under the category of things that are not coming back for a very long time (if at all) like Zephyr/Shiki? I have a single Breed from when the FN was here last but would hope it comes back for CD/Sockets.

I have no idea. I haven't seen it in a while. I in fact don't even have him and I'm sad that I don't. I felt the need to list him just the same because I've seen plenty of forest clears with him.

Thank's for that list, I'm saving it. Just pulled Sengoku myself. Breed is.... very under leveled for me. I had no use for him back then, so I need him to come back asap. I'll have Perona maxed when she's back next week, and the other God tiers I've got down. And basically I've got everyone else you mentioned.

Do you think it's wise/worth the boxspace to keep other units that can evolve over 20, as a second copy for sengoku teams? Just so much variety...

Perona is back next week? oh man I need to buy gems. Now's my chance. I've been dying to max her and GP's special so I can easily farm Doffy. That's the main reason, but I can do sooooo much more with her special max. Finally!

As far as boxspace I can't really fully comment on that. I'm still under 500 units so that isn't an issue for me yet. If you have room and a useful unit (dupe) that isn't evolved, It's always a good idea to save it. I do when I can. Especially with a lot of you already sitting on quite a few points saved.

I've been looking for a post like this!

I decided to keep an unevolved senor pink & marco cause I feel their specials are good enough to consider them as sengoku options; I basically have all the units listed.

I've been trying to put together a sengoku team to stomp on Aokiji's butt
cause as much as I love log luffy, aokiji's raid is just not fun with him.
and put together something like this:


Is this madness?

I waited forever to get RR Marco. When I finally did he was 5*. I have Senor Pink now from the previous sugo but I'm torn, I need to evolve him now that I have TS Luffy. My free spirit is already weak for the most part :( Oh well its something to look forward too and work towards. Gonna be a lot of turtle time alarms going off in the next couple months.

I need Momonga and Breed. Breed hasn't been seen for a long time and I must have been missing my chances for Momonga just about every time.

EDIT* I forgot to put Leopard Lucci in the list. He's probably up there with the god tier units for Sengoku.


just died against boa three times in a row and nearly threw my phone across the room.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, One Piece can really get to ya on an emotional level. I'm doing 3D2Y right now, since it's 1/2 STA, and I just got to Luffy's "I have my crew" bit. My eyes are so damn watery, ;__;.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You think we"ll ever get damage reduction tomes as a login bonus?

My raid boa is at 5 CD, 5 heal, 3 damage reduction, and max skilled. :X


...I'm going to use that to motivate myself to not try to pull anymore on this Sugo.

In other news I think if I'm real lucky I can do 60 STA Boa (it really depends of course on turn 2) so I might just gem to run that. It feels real good to know I can do it though. Last time Boa was around I struggled just to do 30. So I'm feeling pretty good about how I'm progressing.

...I'm weak

Add Legend Aokiji and Legend Law to my pile of units from two multipulls. The worst part about being a punk who folded on his mantra is that the game rewarded me for it and my head's convinced that this is a streak and wants me to go for more. And fuck me, my next multi was a double Legend with Whitebeard and Cavendish.

Bruhhhh. I'm legitimately about to take my credit card off of Google Play because this streak is just gonna lead me bad places.

EDIT: It's done. I can already feel my head trying to convince me that 'Hey. Hey. Hey guy. Have you SEEN your luck from these last few pulls? Have you? Just think about it. One or two more multis and you could get Timeskip Luffy! Fuck you nascent gambling addict in my head, if we can't have fun with all the crap we've pulled then what the hell's the point in playing.


just died against boa three times in a row and nearly threw my phone across the room.


Yeah I got 1 skill-up from the 8 Boa I painstakingly died doing Boa to get. So I cried a little and gave up.

...I'm weak

EDIT: It's done. I can already feel my head trying to convince me that 'Hey. Hey. Hey guy. Have you SEEN your luck from these last few pulls? Have you? Just think about it. One or two more multis and you could get Timeskip Luffy! Fuck you nascent gambling addict in my head, if we can't have fun with all the crap we've pulled then what the hell's the point in playing.

I'm not going to lie I've come THIS close to pulling because of how badly I want Fuji or Doffy. Not even multi-pull. Single-pulling!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I was able to settle on the following boa team:

Ray Ray
Kuma / kidd
Legend marco / aokiji.

Marco allows you to either heal before boa, or to take some pressure off of killing her post revival in 1 turn.

Next time I'll probably try a TS luffy team

Note to future self: remember this post


...I'm weak

Add Legend Aokiji and Legend Law to my pile of units from two multipulls. The worst part about being a punk who folded on his mantra is that the game rewarded me for it and my head's convinced that this is a streak and wants me to go for more. And fuck me, my next multi was a double Legend with Whitebeard and Cavendish.

Bruhhhh. I'm legitimately about to take my credit card off of Google Play because this streak is just gonna lead me bad places.

EDIT: It's done. I can already feel my head trying to convince me that 'Hey. Hey. Hey guy. Have you SEEN your luck from these last few pulls? Have you? Just think about it. One or two more multis and you could get Timeskip Luffy! Fuck you nascent gambling addict in my head, if we can't have fun with all the crap we've pulled then what the hell's the point in playing.
I squarely blame you.

Bought two multis, got jack shit and an 11th Jinbei which still doesn't feel worth it. I am weak, nobody be weak too. Feels bad.

Oh also I got another TS Nami to repent for my mistake I guess


Santa May Claus
I squarely blame you.

Bought two multis, got jack shit and an 11th Jinbei which still doesn't feel worth it. I am weak, nobody be weak too. Feels bad.

Oh also I got another TS Nami to repent for my mistake I guess

Jimbe's an amazing get, man. Don't feel bad. It really does feel like people are either raining legends or getting below even the normal legend rate.


Jimbe's an amazing get, man. Don't feel bad. It really does feel like people are either raining legends or getting below even the normal legend rate.
taking solace in at least it wasn't a dupe, still feeling bad

eh whatever I'll feel better tomorrow

edit: Just beating myself up about spending money I shouldn't be. Got expenses this month like the switch and stuff. I'll be fine but I should try to be better in the future :p


I squarely blame you.

Bought two multis, got jack shit and an 11th Jinbei which still doesn't feel worth it. I am weak, nobody be weak too. Feels bad.

Oh also I got another TS Nami to repent for my mistake I guess

I'm sorry :( Although I'd personally love to have Jinbe. He'll let you play some really different teams


I'm sorry :( Although I'd personally love to have Jinbe. He'll let you play some really different teams

The blame was toung in cheek, don't feel bad! And yeah, he'll be fun.

I also got an unevolved Senor Pink which I should hang on to for Sengoku I suppose.

edit: Also, obviously, congrats on your pulls! Those are all great gets


Cooled off now and back to the grind that is OPTC. Being at work all day helped a bit. Sorry if I indirectly made anyone feel bad about their amazing pulls. Y'all should be happy you beat Bandai at their own game. Rare recruit is complete bullshit and they won't care if we keep paying for it.

I like Atlus more anyways.


2 runs and I got Zoro's skull. This answers the question why my pulls were that bad. Time to choose Nami from the mail. :p


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
...I'm weak

Add Legend Aokiji and Legend Law to my pile of units from two multipulls. The worst part about being a punk who folded on his mantra is that the game rewarded me for it and my head's convinced that this is a streak and wants me to go for more. And fuck me, my next multi was a double Legend with Whitebeard and Cavendish.

Bruhhhh. I'm legitimately about to take my credit card off of Google Play because this streak is just gonna lead me bad places.

EDIT: It's done. I can already feel my head trying to convince me that 'Hey. Hey. Hey guy. Have you SEEN your luck from these last few pulls? Have you? Just think about it. One or two more multis and you could get Timeskip Luffy! Fuck you nascent gambling addict in my head, if we can't have fun with all the crap we've pulled then what the hell's the point in playing.

You guys are going to hate me.

Your post inspired me to do another pull but only a single.

Red poster.

Another TS Luffy.

/leaves thread for a month


Sorry for the doublepost but I felt it was merited. Some decent orb luck and 400 cola later, and I can run a very nice Shooter team for two-turn burst.


Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to Strong World Franky, as well as maxing out either Raid Kizaru or Boa so I can do something like this:



Iam on mobile so cant post pics / look resources.

Thanks to you all I made one more multi.

Good: Got Legend
Bad: Its dupe Kizaru

- mr.5 4* (Dupe)
- Giolla 5* (New and nice berrymaker)
- Zoro Dream Chaser 4* (What Zoro this is? Prolly good?)
- Miss Valentine 4* (Dupe)
- Pell 4* (Dupe)
- buffalo 4* (Dupe)
- Kizaru 5* (I joined dupe train)
- Urouge 4* (New, good?)
- FotR Nico Robin 5* (New and good?)
- mr.3 4* (Dupe)
- Hotori & Kotori 4* (Dupe)

All in all I think that is great haul. I have guts that Zoro, Nico are awesome. Are they?
Kizaru is my 3k Ray reserve...


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Did Hisoka post his pulls yet? Kinda busy right now so I didn't have much time to follow the thread as closely... Hope you got lucky bro.

Did a last single pull thanks to the Daily orb and got Senor Pink dupe. I'm done with this Sugo for real now... Hope I can save some stones before Legend Zoro arrives, don't really care about Akainu.


Did Hisoka post his pulls yet? Kinda busy right now so I didn't have much time to follow the thread as closely... Hope you got lucky bro.

Did a last single pull thanks to the Daily orb and got Senor Pink dupe. I'm done with this Sugo for real now... Hope I can save some stones before Legend Zoro arrives, don't really care about Akainu.

Nothing to see here.


Is it better to have different captains in different groups for friends to choose? Or how does "Same friend captain" work?

Does crew slot matter?


Only did one multi got nothing at all only fake gold dupes, then I did the two free pulls and got Legend Marco and Cavendish, insane.

So Cavendish is 100% clear rate, but with what team? Can't find any teams online.


Did Hisoka post his pulls yet? Kinda busy right now so I didn't have much time to follow the thread as closely... Hope you got lucky bro.

Did a last single pull thanks to the Daily orb and got Senor Pink dupe. I'm done with this Sugo for real now... Hope I can save some stones before Legend Zoro arrives, don't really care about Akainu.

Oy! Thanks for asking bro xD I wasn't at home yesterday when i did my pulls and was just able to write in a top secret group after i did.

3 multipulls in still legendless, i couldn't believe it. Yeah you know what's to follow.


Bye legendlessclub!

I guess maybe my character already revealed it that i use right now.
So yeah i had 5 more multis (400 gems that i had) and got Ace, Marco (+dupe lol...) and Corazon.

Still don't have much time, carnival hehe..

Thanks for all the nice wishes from this thread.
A little speech i did right now:
I leave the #nolegendclub without a successor, close the entrance and bid it farewell.
Kiss my ass goodbye.
No single tear was dropping that day. Well for the club at least.
My first legend sent shivers down my spine lol xD


My luck was not that great but sheesh i have 3 legends now.
I even maxed Aces special with 11 books.. wow.

Got great subs, will write that later maybe.

I also couldn't follow that thread completely but damn there were some lucky guys here. Congrats to you all!!

My new ingame title should be: 3L2Y (3 legends 2 years, fitting!)


I would like to find someone who wants to take over my Global account permanently. I've spent a fair amount of money on this account and just don't want to play anymore and do not want the temptation to start up again. So, if anyone wants the account just please promise to keep it going and have fun :)

The account has 12 unique Legends (with a few dupes) and most of the non-legend tavern characters (like 80% of them). The legends are 2 Log Luffy, White Beard,2 Barto, L. Croc, L. Marco, 2 Boa, L Doffy, Sengoku, 2 L. Sabo, 2 Inthawk, Fuji, and a Rayleigh.

It also has the xmas Sabo, Tashigi, Law along with the New year's Ace.

Anyway, please just PM me if you want the account and I'll send you the password info. Thx :)


Oy! Thanks for asking bro xD I wasn't at home yesterday when i did my pulls and was just able to write in a top secret group after i did.

3 multipulls in still legendless, i couldn't believe it. Yeah you know what's to follow.


Bye legendlessclub!

I guess maybe my character already revealed it that i use right now.
So yeah i had 5 more multis (400 gems that i had) and got Ace, Marco (+dupe lol...) and Corazon.

Still don't have much time, carnival hehe..

Thanks for all the nice wishes from this thread.
A little speech i did right now:
I leave the #nolegendclub without a successor, close the entrance and bid it farewell.
Kiss my ass goodbye.
No single tear was dropping that day. Well for the club at least.
My first legend sent shivers down my spine lol xD


My luck was not that great but sheesh i have 3 legends now.
I even maxed Aces special with 11 books.. wow.

Got great subs, will write that later maybe.

I also couldn't follow that thread completely but damn there were some lucky guys here. Congrats to you all!!

My new ingame title should be: 3L2Y (3 legends 2 years, fitting!)
Congrats on leaving the club. :)
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