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One Punch Man TV |OT| Just an average guy who serves as an average hero.

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The design exists to contrast her attitude and her enormous power. At the same time, it's the joke for her character as well. It's like how Metal Bat is a delinquent but adores his sister to ridiculous levels.

The "She doesn't look like she's 28" argument is super flimsy in regards to anime/cartoons because of individual style and lack of detail in drawings. Then there's actual differences in physical attributes for people as well. That's why the most important factor in discussion of these is context and behavior.

I agree that's what her design is supposed to be; however, they do like to hike up her dress pretty high and give her some nice butt grooves when she's leaning over. She does resemble a child or young girl regardless of individual style (head size, demeanor); I can accept they wanted her to be smaller so her power is more amazing, but I do also believe the more sexy shots are there to please a certain crowd similar to how Mosquito Woman or her sister are, well, more full.
Web comic Tatsumaki looks like a weird, deformed kid, and it works perfectly for her storyline. She is a great, unusual character.

She is the one design that is a complete fail in the redrawn manga and the anime. Maybe the original art style was necessary for her design to work.


Welp it's clear I need to get out more because I have never seen a 28 year old woman look like that.

You should. I have a friend thats probably half my size (don't know her exact size) She constantly has to shop in the girls section and gets mistaken for a teenager/young girl extremely often.
People like this exist.

Russ T

Web comic Tatsumaki looks like a weird, deformed kid, and it works perfectly for her storyline. She is a great, unusual character.

She is the one design that is a complete fail in the redrawn manga and the anime. Maybe the original art style was necessary for her design to work.

I just caught up to the webcomic (I never finished the
arc!) and goddamn she's hilarious in the webcomic.

I hate her new design even more now, because it just ruins everything.


You should. I have a friend thats probably half my size (don't know her exact size) She constantly has to shop in the girls section and gets mistaken for a teenager/young girl extremely often.
People like this exist.

i also have a friend like this

she's 21, 5 feet tall, and wears children's clothing
This thread right now, aha


I'm seeing a lot of OPM stuff popping up and I want it all.



You should. I have a friend thats probably half my size (don't know her exact size) She constantly has to shop in the girls section and gets mistaken for a teenager/young girl extremely often.
People like this exist.

But they don't wear a magical twirling dress with apparently no panties underneath 99% of the time tho.


At first this "conversation" was interesting but this train has long since left "Interesting" station and is now stalled at the "This was a mistake and a dead horse is being beaten" Stop :(

This thread right now, aha


I'm seeing a lot of OPM stuff popping up and I want it all.

This is some pretty cool merch. I expect an explosion of cosplay and merch at conventions once convention season starts up again.
I'm a bit amazed that this discussion is happening here instead of a place where it's more fitting, like, say, the Monogatari series. But then I suppose people who watch Monogatari know what they're getting themselves in for, while One Punch Man draws in a wider net.


I'm a bit amazed that this discussion is happening here instead of a place where it's more fitting, like, say, the Monogatari series. But then I suppose people who watch Monogatari know what they're getting themselves in for, while One Punch Man draws in a wider net.

A friend of mine told me to watch Bakemonogatari and I did but I'm still not sure wtf I actually watched lol. Although, the same guy also recommended Sword Art Online so I should have known better.
This thread right now, aha


I'm seeing a lot of OPM stuff popping up and I want it all.

Oooh, I really want that shirt.

But they don't wear a magical twirling dress with apparently no panties underneath 99% of the time tho.

Man you don't know that.

I'm a bit amazed that this discussion is happening here instead of a place where it's more fitting, like, say, the Monogatari series. But then I suppose people who watch Monogatari know what they're getting themselves in for, while One Punch Man draws in a wider net.

Pretty much what you said. Self selection. People who take issue with that sort of thing don't watch those sorts of shows, whereas Tatsumaki's presence in this show means that those people do see it and do comment on it.


I thought the point of her height is she is that small but is insanely powerful. Plus her sister appears older but is terrified of her due to
emotional abuse done by her sister who is so much smaller compared to her
I thought the point of her height is she is that small but is insanely powerful. Plus her sister appears older but is terrified of her due to
emotional abuse done by her sister who is so much smaller compared to her

It's really not just the height thing. It's really the entire physical design. It's a compound effect.
I'll be honest, when I made this thread I didn't expect it would go over 10 pages but it looks like it'll go over 100. Thanks Tatsumaki

I'm a bit amazed that this discussion is happening here instead of a place where it's more fitting, like, say, the Monogatari series. But then I suppose people who watch Monogatari know what they're getting themselves in for, while One Punch Man draws in a wider net.

Monogats is still the best example of whats popular in the east sometimes wont translate to the west. Monogatari for multiple reasons. I've thought about making a post about that


Wow....still at it. I've seen people less annoyed over much much worse things.

Can't we just talk about how King is the best?
Wow....still at it. I've seen people less annoyed over much much worse things.

Can't we just talk about how King is the best?

Anime watchers need a little more to do that. In fact a lot of S ranks need more screentime, which thankfully these last 2 episodes should supply.


Anime watchers need a little more to do that. In fact a lot of S ranks need more screentime, which thankfully these last 2 episodes should supply.

King only gets a decent amount of screen time after this arc finishes, so Anime only watchers won't understand how great he is.


Even if it's only one episode, it shows that King's VA is perfect and establishes that he is awesome in universe. It only gets better.
King only gets a decent amount of screen time after this arc finishes, so Anime only watchers won't understand how great he is.

Yes, but
we have seen Madhouse take liberties in certain scenes. My hope is that they do something with King, even though anime watchers won't see why he's so awesome when the series ends.
I'm fine with the show being one season since I don't think the big arc that follows is very good but I'm sad the short King arc/chapters (and Blizzard arc) won't be animated for a long time, if ever :(

Team King


Yeah I saw a bunch of pics and she can pass for someone in her twenties. Especially in fuller body shots.

Like on Tatsumaki what makes her look like a child is her larger than normal head (for someone her age). Without her head she could potentially pass for a 20 year old with a very small frame but with that head ... Nah man I am not seeing it.

Aoi Yuuki could pass for someone that's in her teens in Japan, no problem. Just changing her make-up and dress could do it, lol.

Photos of people tend to be a bad indicator though. You can make someone look older or younger through make-up, dress, lighting, camera angles, visual tricks etc. For example the following image is from her photo book and she looks ridiculously young in it for a variety of reasons.


I agree that's what her design is supposed to be; however, they do like to hike up her dress pretty high and give her some nice butt grooves when she's leaning over. She does resemble a child or young girl regardless of individual style (head size, demeanor); I can accept they wanted her to be smaller so her power is more amazing, but I do also believe the more sexy shots are there to please a certain crowd similar to how Mosquito Woman or her sister are, well, more full.

What actually screams it's supposed to aimed at that crowd other than her stature? Why isn't it folks that like petite women? Is there a difference or is there no difference?

The point I'm trying to make is that folks are too eager to throw stuff into a basket without taking the time to look at what's actually going in there. I really have no problem with calling an apple an apple. But a Chinese pear isn't quite an apple, ya know? That's why anime fans get into a tizzy when this discussion comes up.

There's definitely stuff that aims to at that crowd out there, no doubt about it. It's definitely super gross. But throwing everything under the bus without clearly defining the degrees is kinda awful itself.

I knew from when I first saw that character that the design was problematic but I didn't think it would consume this entire thread. But I guess that's just how anime is now!

It's really not that problematic of a design, honestly. It's just her gag in-universe works by using the same thing that is prevalent in real life. Obviously It's not an untrue sentiment but I think it gets carried away often.

For reference these are her designs from the show and Murata version that aren't subject to odd angles, drawn funny, or a comedic situation.

Compare her to Child Emperor who's actually 10 -

Not many great shots of Child Emperor yet from the anime but Tatsumaki is definitely drawn more adult than he is, most of the time.

Folks in the show just rag on her because of her height. If ONE kept her design but made her taller. I don't think anyone would complain. Just goes to show how much height is a factor in perception.


While I'm not fond of the "1000 year old loli" trope, I'm fine with Tatsumaki. She doesn't come off as a child to me, though I understand if she does to others. I could see someone with the body type of hers and corresponding age existing in real life. She's no Nowi from FE:A at least.

I got no real problems with people who like Tatsumaki. Some people are into extremely repellent, self-centered brats. Whatever floats their boat. Personally I think we could all do better than be fans of that behavior, but that's anime, baby.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Finally caught up. This is a great episode. Black guy sort of bothers me as well. The one thing that I'll say about Tatsumaki is that here appearance doesn't really bother me from an age perspective but it is sort of tiresome for there to, well, basically be one female character among such a largely male cast and also for there to be those occasional ass and thigh shots. Meh. I think I like her overall though.
Finally caught up. This is a great episode. Black guy sort of bothers me as well. The one thing that I'll say about Tatsumaki is that here appearance doesn't really bother me from an age perspective but it is sort of tiresome for there to, well, basically be one female character among such a largely male cast and also for there to be those occasional ass and thigh shots. Meh. I think I like her overall though.

Unfortunately most of pop culture suffers from a similar intolerance for body type diversity in women.


I totally agree with that point about height, Shouta. I was going to mention it earlier, but I forgot.

Now I'm really done

I got no real problems with people who like Tatsumaki. Some people are into extremely repellent, self-centered brats. Whatever floats their boat. Personally I think we could all do better than be fans of that behavior, but that's anime, baby.

yo i like it when girls talk shit to me

Finally caught up. This is a great episode. Black guy sort of bothers me as well. The one thing that I'll say about Tatsumaki is that here appearance doesn't really bother me from an age perspective but it is sort of tiresome for there to, well, basically be one female character among such a largely male cast and also for there to be those occasional ass and thigh shots. Meh. I think I like her overall though.

Tatsumaki doesn't really get fanservice in the manga, that all goes to her younger sister Fubuki

it got shifted to Tats in the anime though since Fubuki hasn't really been introduced yet


I got no real problems with people who like Tatsumaki. Some people are into extremely repellent, self-centered brats. Whatever floats their boat. Personally I think we could all do better than be fans of that behavior, but that's anime, baby.

This thread makes it hard to know whos joking or not.


While I'm not fond of the "1000 year old loli" trope, I'm fine with Tatsumaki. She doesn't come off as a child to me, though I understand if she does to others. I could see someone with the body type of hers and corresponding age existing in real life. She's no Nowi from FE:A at least.

I pointed it out in an earlier post in the thread but the problem with the "1000 year old whatever" trope isn't really that they look young for 1000 years old but that they look and act young for 1000 years old. That's the line where it goes to a largely acceptable trope to gross creepy shit.

That sad part is that there's a lot less of the former than there is the latter. -_-

Also, I need that Saitama Coffee mug. I want to walk into a starbucks with that.


What part of what I said reads like a joke? Tatsumaki is insufferable, but she still finds fans. Even Draco Malfoy had people who liked his irredeemably crappy existence.

This isn't rooting for someone like Trump to win this is a cartoon character, I can be annoyed by this kinda of behavior in real life yet like her character and find her amusing. Your comment come off as extremely generalizing and putting down those that might be a fan of hers.
I came to this thread five times today to post and I see the exact same argument going on, I am amazed.

Anyways question, would you guys welcome fillers set in this world in the vein of the original FMA alchemist series? because I totally would I love the characters too much and given the snail pace of the webcomic if they do a season 2 I highyl doubt enough content for a potential season 3 will exist by the time that is over and I want more!
I've stumbled across some really cool fan art lately.

So I understand why Tatsumaki/Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and Rider are regular subjects for fan art, right? I don't get why Zombieman is, though. He's becoming super popular despite almost no screentime in the anime or the manga. Even Murata has started using him more in OPM advertising:


I came to this thread five times today to post and I see the exact same argument going on, I am amazed.

Anyways question, would you guys welcome fillers set in this world in the vein of the original FMA alchemist series? because I totally would I love the characters too much and given the snail pace of the webcomic if they do a season 2 I highyl doubt enough content for a potential season 3 will exist by the time that is over and I want more!
If I have to choose between quality episodes and a long wait or shitty filler not penned by ONE, I'll go with the former. As a Berserk fan, I've long since learned to be patient.


I came to this thread five times today to post and I see the exact same argument going on, I am amazed.

Anyways question, would you guys welcome fillers set in this world in the vein of the original FMA alchemist series? because I totally would I love the characters too much and given the snail pace of the webcomic if they do a season 2 I highyl doubt enough content for a potential season 3 will exist by the time that is over and I want more!

yes i'd be ok with filler as long as ONE looks it over

there's already filler in the manga anyway, so they could just adapt that

I've stumbled across some really cool fan art lately.
So I understand why Tatsumaki/Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and Rider are regular subjects for fan art, right? I don't get why Zombieman is, though. He's becoming super popular despite almost no screentime in the anime or the manga. Even Murata has started using him more in OPM advertising:

those are really cool

Zombieman recently had a semi large role in the
arc though, so maybe that's why?

I also don't get why Zombieman is #8 if ONE thinks he's probably the weakest S Class (in terms of fighting ability)

also, everyone always neglects Engine Knight (including me) lol, I want to see what he's all about too
This isn't rooting for someone like Trump to win this is a cartoon character, I can be annoyed by this kinda of behavior in real life yet like her character and find her amusing. Your comment come off as extremely generalizing and putting down those that might be a fan of hers.

Maybe. But there are unmistakably people in this thread who think she's attractive, which exhibits an odd lack of awareness that she's a pastiche of several extremely unattractive anime cliches.


You like to say things you know aren't true till you begin to believe them don't you?


Saitma doesnt want to join her group

she tires to beat him up so bad that he can't be a hero anymore

durrrrr tatsumaki is so much worse than her sister
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