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One Punch Man TV |OT| Just an average guy who serves as an average hero.

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Finally caught up. This is a great episode. Black guy sort of bothers me as well. The one thing that I'll say about Tatsumaki is that here appearance doesn't really bother me from an age perspective but it is sort of tiresome for there to, well, basically be one female character among such a largely male cast and also for there to be those occasional ass and thigh shots. Meh. I think I like her overall though.

Yeah, thats the problem I have with Tatsumaki overall. Most of these kinds of series about fighting are usually pretty awful on the gender ratio but OPM is one of the worst
So I understand why Tatsumaki/Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and Rider are regular subjects for fan art, right? I don't get why Zombieman is, though. He's becoming super popular despite almost no screentime in the anime or the manga. Even Murata has started using him more in OPM advertising:

Webcomic tease, not spoilerish:

He gets pretty freaking awesome later in the Garo arc.

Other than that, from a manga/anime perspective, he just has a cool simple design.
Tatsumaki would def be an Omega level mutant but even she can't beat Franklin Richards' bullshit
I've seen this name thrown around in comic-gaf for years, but I've resisted the urge to look any further. I think I'm a big fan of Marvel precisely because they don't have their godlike superheroes front and center (yeah yeah I know I about Thor lol). Franklin Richards sounds like something I should continue to avoid.
Genos is quite a bit stronger than Prisoner. He's just an idiot in battle so he can get Worfed.
You got a point.
I don't understand how Tatsumaki can't just meteor shower the space craft or actually bring it down to the ground.
For the same reason Saitama doesn't 1 hit K.O. everything. Also, they don't call her the Tornado of Terror for nothing. Bringing that thing down too suddenly puts a lot of the S class at risk.
And yeah power level isn't everything. If Batman was in OPM he would be S rank 1...

Wait a minute... is Blast actually Batman?
If Batman were in OPM he'd be running the hero association lol.
Comic spoilers
I thought S class was specifically created because there were individuals in lower classes capable of taking down monsters which those in much higher ranks could not take down, so they created S class purely for those who were the strongest. Wouldn't they therefore rank S class by strength? Tatsumaki makes sense being so high up, but why is King considered the strongest man while not being put as number 1?
It's a mix of strength, popularity and activity levels. Tatsumaki just so happens to be the strongest, one of the most eager to work and one of the most popular/photogenic heroes. S class isn't something you get into just because of all that, though. The one thing that makes S class different is their seemingly infinite well of charisma that is hard to break. Licenseless Rider is S class in that regard and so is Saitama. Most heroes will turn tail in front of a Dragon level threat, but not S class. That lack of self preservation has to be their defining feature in my eyes.
Yeah being reliable is huge for S class. S class is essentially the elite team that the Association relies on to eliminate the largest threats, so if they aren't reliable they are less useful. But some S class are unreliable but so useful, powerful or dangerous that they can retain their position anyway.

Tatsumaki is considered the Association's ultimate Ace in the Hole because of her power and reliability, despite Blast being ranked higher
Yeah, unlike most other heroes she's raring to go right from the start.
The design exists to contrast her attitude and her enormous power. At the same time, it's the joke for her character as well. It's like how Metal Bat is a delinquent but adores his sister to ridiculous levels.

The "She doesn't look like she's 28" argument is super flimsy in regards to anime/cartoons because of individual style and lack of detail in drawings. Then there's actual differences in physical attributes for people as well. That's why the most important factor in discussion of these is context and behavior.
Thank you

This whole post was great, but that sentence really stood out. If you put Tatsumaki next to any of the other children in Murata's OPM it becomes clear that she's just an ill tempered midget and not a child. Saitama calling her a child is funny because it pisses her off and no one else in the world sees her that way. It's purely an exclusive joke between the two.



Saitma doesnt want to join her group

she tires to beat him up so bad that he can't be a hero anymore

durrrrr tatsumaki is so much worse than her sister

Fubuki has to
scumbag her way to the top with her group because she's too weak to hold her position on her own and too afraid that she wouldn't be able to move up in A rank if she got promoted, so her character is built around being scummy.

Tatsumaki is a brat because that's what happens when you get too much power and you're too immature to handle it.

They're on opposite sides of the spectrum but neither is a great person.


Fubuki has to
scumbag her way to the top with her group because she's too weak to hold her position on her own and too afraid that she wouldn't be able to move up in A rank if she got promoted, so her character is built around being scummy.

Tatsumaki is a brat because that's what happens when you get too much power and you're too immature to handle it.

They're on opposite sides of the spectrum but neither is a great person.
Big spoilers
She was taken away by scientists and experimented on for years

she's allowed to be an asshole
yes i'd be ok with filler as long as ONE looks it over

there's already filler in the manga anyway, so they could just adapt that

those are really cool

Zombieman recently had a semi large role in the
arc though, so maybe that's why?

I also don't get why Zombieman is #8 if ONE thinks he's probably the weakest S Class (in terms of fighting ability)

also, everyone always neglects Engine Knight (including me) lol, I want to see what he's all about too

His data book stats are one of the highest, though.
And didn't Child Emperor mention in that same arc that their rank wasn't just based off of physical prowess?
In any case, Zombieman has a cool powerset and a really cool design so I hope his popularity leads to him having more presence.
Tatsumaki is a brat because that's what happens when you get too much power and you're too immature to handle it.
You have no clue. Tatsumaki is exactly what you'd a psychic to turn into if they were real. The world would not be a kind place for them.
I got no real problems with people who like Tatsumaki. Some people are into extremely repellent, self-centered brats. Whatever floats their boat. Personally I think we could all do better than be fans of that behavior, but that's anime, baby.
It's a fictional show with fictional characters.
I'm kind of neutral on Tatsumaki as far as personality goes, but I do think there are some interesting aspects to her as a character, though we wouldn't get to that this season.
I've stumbled across some really cool fan art lately.

So I understand why Tatsumaki/Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and Rider are regular subjects for fan art, right? I don't get why Zombieman is, though. He's becoming super popular despite almost no screentime in the anime or the manga. Even Murata has started using him more in OPM advertising:


If I have to choose between quality episodes and a long wait or shitty filler not penned by ONE, I'll go with the former. As a Berserk fan, I've long since learned to be patient.

Well I did say in the vein of FMA I don't consider those fillers to be shitty


Fubuki is also an awful person

Yeah, but
she's understandably awful the more you delve into her backstory. It doesn't stop her being awful (newbie crusher!) but it becomes easier to... I don't know. Forgive? Ignore? Put to one sidef?


Yeah, but
she's understandably awful the more you delve into her backstory. It doesn't stop her being awful (newbie crusher!) but it becomes easier to... I don't know. Forgive? Ignore? Put to one sidef?

You could say the same for Tatsu.
She had it worse


You have no clue. Tatsumaki is exactly what you'd a psychic to turn into if they were real.

Big spoilers
She was taken away by scientists and experimented on for years

she's allowed to be an asshole




Fubuki has to
scumbag her way to the top with her group because she's too weak to hold her position on her own and too afraid that she wouldn't be able to move up in A rank if she got promoted, so her character is built around being scummy.

Tatsumaki is a brat because that's what happens when you get too much power and you're too immature to handle it.

They're on opposite sides of the spectrum but neither is a great person.

Fubuki is better than Tatsumaki if you read One latest chapters. though both had crappy pasts that has led to their current situacion.

Plus Tatsumaki personality is not due to her power but
to what was done to her when she was a child.
I've made multiple posts since explaining that. Spare me the condescension.
Get off your high horse. I didn't have a condescending bone in my body when I responded to you. I haven't really agreed with a lot of the stuff being posted in the last few pages, but there has been some stimulating conversation. You on the other hand are the only one acting like anyone who likes her is less self aware. I mean...
Maybe. But there are unmistakably people in this thread who think she's attractive, which exhibits an odd lack of awareness that she's a pastiche of several extremely unattractive anime cliches.
Your horse couldn't be higher if it stood on stilts. Keep pretending that you are being a real gentleman (I'm so sorry, but I just see your username and can't help myself) though.


His data book stats are one of the highest, though.
And didn't Child Emperor mention in that same arc that their rank wasn't just based off of physical prowess?
In any case, Zombieman has a cool powerset and a really cool design so I hope his popularity leads to him having more presence.

Yeah its definitely not just
physiVal prowess
. Zombiemans ability is certainly useful for hero work.

Definitely not opposed to seeing him more, I just think the rankings for all the heroes is interesting.


metal bat is my only complaint. i think he sounds good, but different than how i want him to sound.

the rest are aces


Unconfirmed Member
In terms of original, like-able, and creative character designs, OPM comes pretty close to JoJo. JoJo is more 'current with the times' in terms of handling diversity though, from what I've seen at least. OPM has a few negative marks with Puri Puri and the Muscular Black Guy. Those two are out of a time capsule and straight up feel like they came from an era of anime where creators didn't know any better.


whilst I agree that Pri Pri and Darkshine are not the most...progressive characters, I don't think that they should be changed.


You guys, don't ruin One Punch Man for me by taking everything too seriously or holding it up to some extreme standard of social justice. This is literally the only time I will ever say this about any form of media ever.

I really really really like it and don't want to feel bad about non-black non-child characters that look like black and child characters

I mean, I really like it

There's other shit in other anime that's way worse. One Punch Man is unique and a breath of fresh air and TBH at the end of the day most of what you guys are discussing, I think, is worth overlooking. There are much better discussions to be had about, um, the animation, and, uh, whether Saitama could beat...

OK, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about


Isn't Metal Bat voiced by this guy:

Seems like a good fit lol

i don't know anything about JoJo lol

i'd prefer his va to be something along the lines of this guy though

You guys, don't ruin One Punch Man for me by taking everything too seriously or holding it up to some extreme standard of social justice. This is literally the only time I will ever say this about any form of media ever.

I really really really like it and don't want to feel bad about non-black non-child characters that look like black and child characters

I mean, I really like it

There's other shit in other anime that's way worse. One Punch Man is unique and a breath of fresh air and TBH at the end of the day most of what you guys are discussing, I think, is worth overlooking. There are much better discussions to be had about, um, the animation, and, uh, whether Saitama could beat...

OK, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about
nah i agree with you

although i tend to overlook mostly everything in fictional media...

i wonder what that says about me :x


Tatsumaki never bugged me whatsoever. In fact I thought it was honestly refreshing to see an adult, short, flat chested woman in anime. It's like really being in Japan!

Haven't read past Murata so I don't know anything about Darkshine, but whatever his deal is, from what I've picked up, it just might be crazy and ridiculous and stupid enough to blow right past offensiveness and actually work.


Unconfirmed Member
whilst I agree that Pri Pri and Darkshine are not the most...progressive characters, I don't think that they should be changed.

You guys, don't ruin One Punch Man for me by taking everything too seriously or holding it up to some extreme standard of social justice. This is literally the only time I will ever say this about any form of media ever.

I really really really like it and don't want to feel bad about non-black non-child characters that look like black and child characters

I mean, I really like it

There's other shit in other anime that's way worse. One Punch Man is unique and a breath of fresh air and TBH at the end of the day most of what you guys are discussing, I think, is worth overlooking. There are much better discussions to be had about, um, the animation, and, uh, whether Saitama could beat...

OK, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about

Tatsumaki never bugged me whatsoever. In fact I thought it was honestly refreshing to see an adult, short, flat chested woman in anime. It's like really being in Japan!

Haven't read past Murata so I don't know anything about Darkshine, but whatever his deal is, from what I've picked up, it just might be crazy and ridiculous and stupid enough to blow right past offensiveness and actually work.

I'm not raising any protests here nor saying they should be changed. Their designs are set in stone at this point and I'm already used to characters like those two treated the way they are thanks to countless 80s and 90s anime. All I'm saying is that the creator's and Murata's approach for those two characters seem really 'old school' compared to how awesome and new school some of the other characters seem, in the very same series, and that JoJo does a better job at the same style of creativity.

In terms of 'crazy and ridiculous', if that was their intent I'd rather take a bayonetta-styled approach to those two characters instead of going the way of 'this is what I think race/type of person is like based on past media, let me take that stereotypical thought and crank it to near maximum'. If you're going to go with the latter mentality, then you should crank it to maximum equally in all directions so everyone's offended.

I don't really care about Tatsumaki nor do I find her controversial. She is another spoke on the wheel of 'semi-adult girl drawn young'. I've gotten used to that enough to the point where I don't care anymore, I don't see it changing anytime soon, and just want a well written character, which she seems to be so far.


I'm not raising any protests here nor saying they should be changed. Their designs are set in stone at this point and I'm already used to characters like those two treated the way they are thanks to countless 80s and 90s anime. All I'm saying is that the creator's and Murata's approach for those two characters seem really 'old school' compared to how awesome and new school some of the other characters seem, in the very same series, and that JoJo does a better job at the same style of creativity.

In terms of 'crazy and ridiculous', if that was their intent I'd rather take a bayonetta-styled approach to those two characters instead of going the way of 'this is what I think race/type of person is like based on past media, let me take that stereotypical thought and crank it to near maximum'. If you're going to go with the latter mentality, then you should crank it to maximum equally in all directions so everyone's offended.

I don't really care about Tatsumaki nor do I find her controversial. She is another spoke on the wheel of 'semi-adult girl drawn young'. I've gotten used to that enough to the point where I don't care anymore, I don't see it changing anytime soon, and just want a well written character, which she seems to be so far.

no i understand, and I suppose I'm inclined to agree with you, I was just sayin'


You guys, don't ruin One Punch Man for me by taking everything too seriously or holding it up to some extreme standard of social justice. This is literally the only time I will ever say this about any form of media ever.

I really really really like it and don't want to feel bad about non-black non-child characters that look like black and child characters

I mean, I really like it

There's other shit in other anime that's way worse. One Punch Man is unique and a breath of fresh air and TBH at the end of the day most of what you guys are discussing, I think, is worth overlooking. There are much better discussions to be had about, um, the animation, and, uh, whether Saitama could beat...

OK, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about
Any discussion about whether Saitama could beat someone are irrelevant because we have not even seen the extent of Saitama's power yet.

Maybe Saitama vs Superman though Saitama can't fly or shoot beams.


Saitama can beat anyone because the point is that he's stronger than everyone no matter what

the end

you do not pit gag characters against other characters, it doesn't work


Saitama can beat anyone because the point is that he's stronger than everyone no matter what

the end

you do not pit gag characters against other characters, it doesn't work

Saitama vs Squirrel Girl

first round: on screen
second round: off screen
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