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Only 19 more days until the GOTY (GC/Xbox/PC/GBA) is released.









:D :D :D


olimario said:
Are you saying the first was bad or that this one seems better?

this is how I read it:

the first was good/great (i'll stick with great :b)
the second will be better
but still not GOTY material

if that's what was meant then I agree with that post

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
OK, what?

Who posted the Pikmin 2 shits? Oh, and yes. GOTY=Pikmin 2.

such pikmin hatred is unacceptable!! ;)



stop it. now. i only have enough cash for one game in september, and that's katamari damacy. after that, i can only afford halo 2 and mega man zero 3. everything else i'll have to get via trade in, assuming i start getting more games to review :-/


BuddyChrist83 said:

stop it. now. i only have enough cash for one game in september, and that's katamari damacy. after that, i can only afford halo 2 and mega man zero 3. everything else i'll have to get via trade in, assuming i start getting more games to review :-/

Good thing Pikmin 2 ships August 30th then. :D


I'm stuck with this dilemna. I enjoyed the first Pikmin. The second Pikmin should be even better. I have no interest in it.

Further, I have several other games that I should be playing that are just sitting around my apartment, like FFX-2, Dark Cloud 2, Suikoden III, Devil May Cry, Sudeki, who needs to add one more to the list?

Ah... but it's Pikmin freaking 2.

Did I mention that my GameCube is not even hooked up? There's currently no room for it at the inn, so to speak. Maybe I could wait for a price drop... crap, Nintendo waits forever and two days to drop the price on first party titles.

Weeee! What a predicament!

Edit: ^^And who could forget the Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Pack? Add one more game to the "need to play" list.


Lil' Dice said:
Don't you mean C(hild)GOTY

I don't reckon most children could beat Pikmin, much less handle the mature 'survival of the fittest' themes. Lot's of murder in the Pikmin games.
Wait,am I reading this right?

"Only 19 more days until the GOTY (GC/Xbox) is released."

Why did the creator of this thread include Xbox in the title?
Theres a lineup on there that is killer.

Where the hell are BattleFront,Halo2,or Outrun2?

Lil' Dice

olimario said:
I don't reckon most children could beat Pikmin, much less handle the mature 'survival of the fittest' themes. Lot's of murder in the Pikmin games.

Hmm....kids are fucked up in the head nowadays....

Kon Tiki

T-1000_Model3 said:
Wait,am I reading this right?

"Only 19 more days until the GOTY (GC/Xbox) is released."

Why did the creator of this thread include Xbox in the title?
Theres a lineup on there that is killer.

Where the hell are BattleFront,Halo2,or Outrun2?

*pats T-1000_Model3 head

There, there, you will understand one day.
Society,don't be a smart ass,this forum has enough of those.
I see that the guy who created this thread retitled his topic,it makes more sense now.
Fable, Halo 2, Pirates!, Half Life 2, Rome Total War, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell 3, LOTR: Battle of Middle Earth, and Star Wars KOTOR 2 all look like better games to me.


But ____ comes out on the eleventeenth! HAR HAR HAR.

Did they do away with the time limit in Pikmin 2? Granted, the first one wasn't really trying either, but it sounds like it could be a little too obscenely easy.

Pikmin was beautiful, and fun to dink around in. But a puzzle adventure game that was designed around RTS like micromanagement needs some sort of a sense of challenge to keep me interested. At the very least in Pikmin 1, it was fun to see how many days you could shave off each time.

Did they at least make it a bit longer and increase the complexity of the puzzles and the sort?

Oh well, it looks good, and whats the co-op like?


Yes to all your questions, except that I haven't tried co-op.

I personally can't wait for the game, shame on those of you taking this topic so seriously.


Thankies. There's a few games I wanted to buy this month, but I'm trying to decide upon one. I don't think I'll have time to play the co-op in Pikmin 2 for awhile anyway. :(


So many games to buy and so little time to play them. What idiot decided to release four games that I want to buy in the same week? Was it you AniHawk? It probably was since this deception justs smells of your evil doings.

Li Mu Bai

CrimsonSkies said:
Fable, Halo 2, Pirates!, Half Life 2, Rome Total War, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell 3, LOTR: Battle of Middle Earth, and Star Wars KOTOR 2 all look like better games to me.

Looks & actually "being" a better game are two completely different things.


Justin, I'd uh, remove that forum catchphrase from your post. Mike's declared a ban on that along with a few others, and he's crazy enough to follow through on it :/

CK - Stop it, seriously, it breaks my damn heart that I can't get Pikmin at launch. Unless....*shoots off e-mails*
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