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Orange is the New Black - Season 1 on Netflix - Every sentence is a story

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I pretty much watched all of it since I had to stay in yesterday. It's a pretty good show, and one I didn't expect to like in all honesty. At first I thought I would just appreciate it for what it was, but it starts to get a little meaty in the later episodes. Pretty good stuff here.

Certainly better than that damn wolf show they made.
Watched the whole series with my wife over the last few days. It starts off a little pandering and unbelievable but gets better as it goes. Really ended up enjoying it. Will watch another season if they make one for sure. The wife liked it even more then I did
Enjoyed this a lot. Watched 4 episodes, only took a break to go see Pacific Room. Already grabbed me more than the latest season of Arrested Development did. Glad to hear it was picked up for a second season!


Binged the whole season today. Ending episode spoiler.
Fuck I hate that Jesus bitch, was very therapeutic to see her get completely fucked up. But Piper is in for a world of shit now :(
Binged the whole season today. Ending episode spoiler.
Fuck I hate that Jesus bitch, was very therapeutic to see her get completely fucked up. But Piper is in for a world of shit now :(

That chick really turned into a nut toward the end. Made Crazy Eyes look rather placid in comparison to be honest. When Pipes hit her and you saw the blood fly out, it really was a great feeling. I can't really see how it will go from here though. She has no husband, no more familiar lesbian ass, probably a year of added time I would guess....just a world of shit as you said.


I just finished the entire first season in the last three days and it was excellent. Orange does a great job of making each of the characters feel genuine and fleshed out, even the fucked up ones.


Had extremely low expectations of this, disliked the trailer a lot, but gave it a try anyways. 8 episodes in and i love it!


wow I just marathon'd all 13 eps and all I can say is that last scene reminded me of the
Wire so much

Damn you didn't even wait to get the motherfucker in the house!!


listen to the mad man
The intro is way too long. Holy shit, Netflix understand your medium better.

I think it's great. The song is fantastic, the cuts linger just long enough to make you think, and it humanizes the various women portrayed (which is, after all, one of the major points of the show--to humanize all of those women). Obviously in style it's very similar to Lie to me (now off the air) but for a different purpose. I like it.


This show is fucking great. I think the biggest compliment I can give it is that the season absolutely flew by. Compared to the new season of Arrested Development that I had to slog through, this was a breeze. Also, the season finale has one of the most cathartic moments I've ever seen in a TV show. My heart was pumping so fast during the final scene. Woah.


Death Prophet
I think it's great. The song is fantastic, the cuts linger just long enough to make you think, and it humanizes the various women portrayed (which is, after all, one of the major points of the show--to humanize all of those women). Obviously in style it's very similar to Lie to me (now off the air) but for a different purpose. I like it.

I'm not saying it's not good. What I am saying is that I don't care about watching it 13 times. They could have done the whole intro in the first episode and then shorter versions beyond that.


Really great series. Stayed up to 6AM to finish it. Time just flew past watching this. While the plot can be a litle silly and soapy the characters and their interaction is fantastic. This was a total surprise for me and the best I've seen of Netflix's original series, and I really liked House of Cards.

Piper is a crazy person and I'm glad that people are calling her out on it.

Dying for season 2 now.


Just finished S1. Entire season was great, Netflix is in a role minus Hemlock Grove and Arrested Development. I thought this was really Netflix showing that House of Cards wasn't a fluke and that they are going right up against HBO and Showtime for premium content.

Back to the show, it was extremely well put together. All the characters were excellent. I did yell at the TV at the ending. Now the waiting game begins.

I do have a crush on Taylor Schilling now.
Surprising how may of the same cast from her previous show Mercy are in this show (Kate Mulgrew and Michael Chernus who played Schilling family in that show)


Only watched the first half of the first episode, I don't see the charm or why people are watching it. Really boring so far. Should I try and stick with it, or is it just not for me?


Couldn't help but notice a little plot hole that bugged me.

How would the phone ever be charged? It seemed that it was left on, that's how Piper found it


4 eps in and I'm really enjoying it more than I thought. There were moments I thought it would go all OZ on us, thankfully it hasn't which has made it surprising in not taking a more obvious route with some of the characters and fall outs.


Death Prophet
4 eps in and I'm really enjoying it more than I thought. There were moments I thought it would go all OZ on us, thankfully it hasn't which has made it surprising in not taking a more obvious route with some of the characters and fall outs.
Yeah I like that about this show. That whole storyline between Mercy and the "butch" woman looked like it was going to be very dark, and I was happy when they decided not to go that route.


Yeah I like that about this show. That whole storyline between Mercy and the "butch" woman looked like it was going to be very dark, and I was happy when they decided not to go that route.

Felt like the show knew it was tricking the viewer with that, was pretty clever.


Episode 3 really took me by surprise. That had to be to my eye the most frank and honest portrayal of the difficulties of transition for a transgendered individual and her family that I've ever seen. And the actress... she's truly transgendered, isn't she? Has there ever been a transgendered individual in a more prominent role before? I genuinely don't know, but it's fantastic to see.


Taystee is so hilarious.
As hilarious as Piper is bland and boring. She's starting to get somewhat better now, but still not enough for me. Kinda wish they stopped Weeds when Nancy got to prison and used her for that new series instead, although with less focus on her. Woud have been handled terribly anyway.

amir0x > yes she's transgender, that's surprised me quite a lot, in a good way. Apparently she's somewhat famous?
I just finished the 13th episode and really enjoyed it.

Here's hoping it does well enough to get a second season.

EDIT: Just noticed that it has been renewed.


Watched 6 eps. This show is amazing. Even better than House of Cards IMO

PS: I feel I need to watch Weeds after this



Just watch 1-3 and the rest is awful. Trust me, I can't believe I watched that whole show.

This. S1-3 are legit amazing. Afterward it keeps descending further and further. I'm glad Jenji Kohan can still deliver a great show though, she just needed something else other than Weeds.


I was really enjoying this, but what the hell happened in episode 5, "The Chickening". Suddenly it's a comedy?

Man, I don't know if I was just taking it too seriously up until now or what.
One thing I love about this show is that I feel like I really know the characters. They do a good job of letting you know who people are.


I really enjoyed the whole season. This show really took me by surprise, and I love how they blend each person with their outside story, very clever. I love the Russian cook and Claudette.
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