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Orange is the New Black - Season 1 on Netflix - Every sentence is a story

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Wasn't that lifted directly from the original UK version?

I never watched the UK version, but if it was, all that means is I'd want to not watch the UK version as well :p

To me it's just a technique I cannot at all connect with, it makes me cold to the material. I don't need people explaining into the camera what is going on. To me, that's almost like a crutch the way it is used. But, that's just my position... I understand many enjoyed it despite this.


Glad to see this show getting so much love here. I'm still kind of in shock at how good it was. Probably one of the best first seasons of television I've ever seen.


Glad to see this show getting so much love here. I'm still kind of in shock at how good it was. Probably one of the best first seasons of television I've ever seen.

what I especially enjoyed was how deftly it wove the current ever present storyline with Piper in prison with unique tales regarding how individual female prisoners got where they are. It's really classy stuff the way it has been handled so far.

I can see this show turning into A tier television given more time to develop in future seasons. Right now it's B+ tier for me with about three A+ tier episodes, which is excellent for a first season. Usually first seasons start a bit rough.

I seriously cannot believe Kohan made this.


Why not? First season of Weeds was good. I expect this show to drown in mediocrity by the third one.

Season 1 of Weeds was decent, maybe even good, but this is definitely a whole entire different level of quality. It deals with poignant issues infinitely more maturely than Weeds ever did, and the direction and writing in general is just notched way up and above. And since these are much longer episodes than the average Weed ep, it also amazed me how consistent the quality of the content was.

I never would have thought she was capable of this. Maybe season 2 and beyond will be terrible or extremely mediocre at best, though, and I'll go back to thinking she just doesn't have what it takes to run a show for the long term :p

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Watched a bunch yesterday. Really surprised at how much I like it. It's an interesting look into female dynamics and a unique view on females in prisons.


This third episode is crushing and is one of the best portrayals of a transgendered person I've seen on television. The flashbacks are never necessary to the main narrative, but are incredibly revealing and earnest. What a wonderful structure.

I wish I could be more verbose about how powerful this episode is. I'm just really lost for words.

Also, fuck, this show can be funny. Disarmingly so.


Death Prophet
This third episode is crushing and is one of the best portrayals of a transgendered person I've seen on television. The flashbacks are never necessary to the main narrative, but are incredibly revealing and earnest. What a wonderful structure.

I actually wish there was more flashbacks. Something to similar to Lost structure. It's fascinating to see these characters out of prison.


Great character.

EDIT: Also, how do Piper and her husband live so comfortably? She is unemployed with hopes of earning a lot of money with her friend's business, and he's a writer with only some amount of success.


This third episode is crushing and is one of the best portrayals of a transgendered person I've seen on television. The flashbacks are never necessary to the main narrative, but are incredibly revealing and earnest. What a wonderful structure.

I wish I could be more verbose about how powerful this episode is. I'm just really lost for words.

Also, fuck, this show can be funny. Disarmingly so.

So glad to see you confirming my view on that episode (Edit: I just read stump's fantastic post on the subject! He totally has it right, absolutely echos my feelings on episode 3 and everything. Said it way better than I could have). I obviously don't have any experience as being anything more than curious, so I've never had these life experiences that so many in the LGBT community have. But that episode felt incredibly authentic and genuine to me, like it came from a real place, and it seemed to be the most accurate portrayal about the difficulty of transition ever put on television. It immediately put me in a different mode for what level the show was playing at. This show had something real to say. It's almost humanitarian in nature, as I said earlier.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
EDIT: Also, how do Piper and her husband live so comfortably? She is unemployed with hopes of earning a lot of money with her friend's business, and he's a writer with only some amount of success.

They make mention that they cannot borrow anymore money from their parents.


EDIT: Also, how do Piper and her husband live so comfortably? She is unemployed with hopes of earning a lot of money with her friend's business, and he's a writer with only some amount of success.

At some point in the show, Jason Biggs mentions "no longer asking their parents for money."



I actually wish there was more flashbacks. Something to similar to Lost structure. It's fascinating to see these characters out of prison.


Great character.

EDIT: Also, how do Piper and her husband live so comfortably? She is unemployed with hopes of earning a lot of money with her friend's business, and he's a writer with only some amount of success.

Miss Claudette ;_;

And yes I actually wanted more flashbacks for more characters. But I'm happy with what we got.


So glad to see you confirming my view on that episode (Edit: I just read stump's fantastic post on the subject! He totally has it right, absolutely echos my feelings on episode 3 and everything. Said it way better than I could have). I obviously don't have any experience as being anything more than curious, so I've never had these life experiences that so many in the LGBT community have. But that episode felt incredibly authentic and genuine to me, like it came from a real place, and it seemed to be the most accurate portrayal about the difficulty of transition ever put on television. It immediately put me in a different mode for what level the show was playing at. This show had something real to say. It's almost humanitarian in nature, as I said earlier.

If you look at the opening credits, I think that's it. It's about these haunting glances of real people, attacking expectations through revealing narrative.

I actually was just talking to a friend about how I don't know any openly trans people and that I'm largely ignorant to their struggle. Sure, I can empathize on a conceptual level, but it's much more real when the pains of the struggle are witnessed. This really floored me and I was almost in tears by the end. What a woman.


Just finished. So good. It's killing me that I'm gonna have to wait another year for season 2.

Pornstache is a good villain, but Healy is more terrifyingly real to me. He is the feminist nightmare "nice guy" who treats his relationships with women as transaction. Any woman who falls outside his ability to transact with (see: lesbians) is infuriating to him and must be delusional or "not herself".

The show does an amazing job making him just as sinister as he would be in real life. At first he seems to be a friend and a trustworthy ally, and then as soon as you don't give him what he "deserves" he seeks to destroy you. The scene between him and his green-card wife begins to cement his worldview and then it becomes gross from there.

By the end,
Yeah, Healy felt way more antagonistic than Pornstache. That moment where he sees Piper and the Jesus girl (I forget her name) and then just walks away...

I actually wish there was more flashbacks. Something to similar to Lost structure. It's fascinating to see these characters out of prison.

This! I know flashbacks are a point of contention for a lot of people, but I really loved them in this show. I was frustrated that the episodes in the middle skimped on flashbacks (Nicky deserved more than two scenes, etc.). Also, I wish Crazy Eyes had an episode. I guess with 13 episodes you can only do so much.


This! I know flashbacks are a point of contention for a lot of people, but I really loved them in this show. I was frustrated that the episodes in the middle skimped on flashbacks (Nicky deserved more than two scenes, etc.). Also, I wish Crazy Eyes had an episode. I guess with 13 episodes you can only do so much.

I think the problem people usually have with flashbacks is not the case for this show. With typical flashbacks in shows or movies, the scene serves to stop the plot dead in its tracks, reiterate info we already know, force the character to recall some cheesy inspirational line or something. In this show, the flashbacks work in congress with the present day scenes, deftly weaving together similar themes and enhancing background shading that gives the prisoners motivations weight and nuance.

Orange is the New Black simply understands how to use them extremely effectively.


I think the problem people usually have with flashbacks is not the case for this show. With typical flashbacks in shows or movies, the scene serves to stop the plot dead in its tracks, reiterate info we already know, force the character to recall some cheesy inspirational line or something. In this show, the flashbacks work in congress with the present day scenes, deftly weaving together similar themes and enhancing background shading that gives the prisoners motivations weight and nuance.

Orange is the New Black simply understands how to use them extremely effectively.

Exactly! It's so great.


Just finished. So good. It's killing me that I'm gonna have to wait another year for season 2.

By the end,
Yeah, Healy felt way more antagonistic than Pornstache. That moment where he sees Piper and the Jesus girl (I forget her name) and then just walks away...

This! I know flashbacks are a point of contention for a lot of people, but I really loved them in this show. I was frustrated that the episodes in the middle skimped on flashbacks (Nicky deserved more than two scenes, etc.). Also, I wish Crazy Eyes had an episode. I guess with 13 episodes you can only do so much.

I fully expect/want/demand a Suzanne episode next season. And more elaboration on other characters as well.


Really great show. Favorite character is Crazy eyes. Nearly lost it when you see her with her parents who are old upper class white from Ct. Then when she starts "acting" for the teenagers they bring in. So good.



Really great show. Favorite character is Crazy eyes. Nearly lost it when you see her with her parents who are old upper class white from Ct. Then when she starts "acting" for the teenagers they bring in. So good.


Like I said above, I always end up literally in tears when does "Chocolate-and-Vanilla Swirr-url! Swiiiir-url!"


Really great show. Favorite character is Crazy eyes. Nearly lost it when you see her with her parents who are old upper class white from Ct. Then when she starts "acting" for the teenagers they bring in. So good.


The Scared Straight segment was one of the highlights of the season for sure.


Just binged the whole thing over the last few days. Was excellent. Surprised how much I liked it given that I found Piper really quite unsympathetic.


OMG at the last few eps. Just when you think the show is becoming all comedy, BAM! Best show I have seen in a long time

My favorite character is probably Lorna. I love her accent lol. Nicky is great too. Piper is good too but she does a lot of dumb shit


Am I the only one thinking about this after watching this show? The lesbian stuff seems so "natural" (for lack of a better term) to me cos Piper, Alex, Lorna and Nicky are all kind of hot. Was it a conscious decision by the creators? They "manned" up Tricia in jail and Boo's not cute at all so more lesbian scenes for those girls would have been more realistic but maybe not as appealing to straight guys (Mercy was hawt tho). I kind of feel I'd think more of it if it was dudes or uncute girls getting it on. I'm kind of judging myself lol

Ps: I know this reads kind of homophobic but it's really not


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Red is amazing , I hate piper, sometimes it's like she is holding back the good parts of the show


Death Prophet
Red is amazing , I hate piper, sometimes it's like she is holding back the good parts of the show

Yep, Red is a badass. And agree on Piper. It's actually kind of funny as the show goes on I feel like it's less and less about her. There are long parts of some episodes where she's barely in it.


My favourite characters are Sophia and Tastee.

Piper was starting to annoy me quite a bit throughout the season but I still root for her, at least. I really couldn't stand Nancy in Weeds.


This way that Netflix release shows is a little cruel. I got through it in 2 days, now how long do I have to wait for season 2? :(


Just finished the series, easily the most enjoyable series from Netflix. House of Cards became a chore for me because I just didn't give a shit for any of the characters, no likeable characters in that show. With Orange is has a great wide variety of characters, some you care for and some you love to hate. I agree that the lead isn't the most interesting of the cast but thankfully the show has her surrounded with interesting characters. Considering the show's setting they can easily bring in new characters without much problem. Just hope they plan things out well more multiple seasons.


This way that Netflix release shows is a little cruel. I got through it in 2 days, now how long do I have to wait for season 2? :(

Yeah I have a love/hate thing with it as well. It also does away with the weekly discussion and speculation around a great new show. I miss that.

It's nice to not have to wait a week for the next ep though

PS: I also think it was much better than HoC (which I liked)


Yeah I have a love/hate thing with it as well. It also does away with the weekly discussion and speculation around a great new show. I miss that.

Well I'm glad something out there has the power to create shows without thinking about ratings. This show as a regular weekly airing would have probably been much different in content, and I'm not sure that many people would turn their TV on each week for it.

It's kinda a Firefly situation to me, it's really good as a whole but one episode each week was a recipe for disaster (Orange much less so though)
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