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Orange is the New Black - Season 1 on Netflix - Every sentence is a story

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Watched the whole show in two days and really enjoyed it. Not sure if I like it more or less than HoC though. The wait for the second season will be painful considering how the things ended.

Crazy Eyes is <3.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
What I love about the ending is that it is basically bringing it all back to the first two episodes.
Piper getting that fierce look of determination and getting shit done. Because you know what? By punching methhead in the mouth so much she is giving her exactly what she wanted; new teeth! Just like she got Red that ointment.

I seriously seeing them going this route next season to explain it.


Up to episode 5, but really love the little glimpses into how the character played by Michael Harney that is nice to Piper
and you think is going to be this reasonable person who helps out our main character is pretty much just as racist and sexist as everyone else, but probably doesn't see himself in that way. It was funny when she was going to correct him on the female orgasm/global warming and she just decided to let it go.
Watched the pilot last night and it was good enough to convince me to give the season a shot.

One thing though and I'm sure it's already been mentioned, does Alex remind anyone else of ScarJo? I honestly thought it was her for a second, but then realised she's much more mature and older than ScarJo.


Watched the pilot last night and it was good enough to convince me to give the season a shot.

One thing though and I'm sure it's already been mentioned, does Alex remind anyone else of ScarJo? I honestly thought it was her for a second, but then realised she's much more mature and older than ScarJo.

It hasn't been mentioned because they don't look that much alike :p Alex is Donna from That 70s Show.


Ep 10 was by far my favorite with
Crazy Eyes acting (with her old english accent) to the scared straight kids
. I can't wait for the second season; watched the whole show in two days.


I wish Orange was released a month earlier to get some Emmy recognition.

I know! I predict a big sweep at the Golden Globes though. Who do you guys think the acting noms will go to?

Ep 10 was by far my favorite with
Crazy Eyes acting (with her old english accent) to the scared straight kids
. I can't wait for the second season; watched the whole show in two days.

Definitely my favorite Crazy Eyes moment. I like how
they don't just make her a one dimensional nutcase, and suggest that in certain ways she's actually smart and well read.


I'm up to episode 8 so far and I'm enjoying it, but one thing I really don't like is that everyone whose 'outside' story they told is shown to be so sympathetic. It's OK to have mean people and real criminals in prison, not everyone has to be a decent person that just got mixed up in some stuff.

It's like they're afraid to have anything slightly mean or with an edge on the show - they dropped Crazy Eyes just as she got interesting, Red is now everyone's mother figure, the old woman Piper is bunking with is a wise old lady, this racial divide that was hinted at is barely there. I know it's a 'dramedy' but come on, considering how inhumane our prison system is, I would prefer a more honest look to this


Definitely my favorite Crazy Eyes moment. I like how
they don't just make her a one dimensional nutcase, and suggest that in certain ways she's actually smart and well read.

Yeah I agree especially at the part where she asked
Piper why everyone called her Crazy Eyes, that was so sad and you felt more towards her character.

It's like they're afraid to have anything slightly mean or with an edge on the show - they dropped Crazy Eyes just as she got interesting, Red is now everyone's mother figure, the old woman Piper is bunking with is a wise old lady, this racial divide that was hinted at is barely there. I know it's a 'dramedy' but come on

I totally agree with this, I was going to watch some real life women prison TV shows to see if people where really that nice in prison. But towards the end I feel that they were adding more drama just for the sake of drama. It was really condensed in the last couple of eps. And I really hope she gets with Alex I know this is only my preference but I want a happy TV lesbian ending so bad. I think I'm going to read the memoir even though Piper says the memoir is more serious then the TV show (
and things are pretty different)

And I'm so upset with Red's downfall! Why was that necessary, she was such a strong character in the beginning why'd she have to lose everything. But I love how the new head chef ran a super tight ship and knew about Red's tricks right off the bat.


I'm up to episode 8 so far and I'm enjoying it, but one thing I really don't like is that everyone whose 'outside' story they told is shown to be so sympathetic. It's OK to have mean people and real criminals in prison, not everyone has to be a decent person that just got mixed up in some stuff.

It's like they're afraid to have anything slightly mean or with an edge on the show - they dropped Crazy Eyes just as she got interesting, Red is now everyone's mother figure, the old woman Piper is bunking with is a wise old lady, this racial divide that was hinted at is barely there. I know it's a 'dramedy' but come on, considering how inhumane our prison system is, I would prefer a more honest look to this

Continue watching....


Still stunned from the revelation that the woman who plays Yoga Jones also voices Patty Mayonnaise in Doug.

EDIT: Sorry. "Patti"


Still stunned from the revelation that the woman who plays Yoga Jones also voices Patty Mayonnaise in Doug.

EDIT: Sorry. "Patti"

This is like her first acting role in like a decade. She chose a good role to return with. I do wish
we got to see her reason for being in prison in a flashback instead of her just telling us.


The Autumn Wind
This is like her first acting role in like a decade. She chose a good role to return with. I do wish
we got to see her reason for being in prison in a flashback instead of her just telling us.
I actually thought that was a great creative decision. The emotion she displayed while telling the story really added to it.


Yooooooo Taryn Mannings character is making me weeeeeeeeeeeeeak.

Oh and other people are talking about other Netflix originals that are dope... Which ones? Arrested Development right?
It hasn't been mentioned because they don't look that much alike :p Alex is Donna from That 70s Show.

Ah, okay. This is my first exposure to the actress and it really threw me how much she looked like ScarJo. Face structure and voice are eerily similar.

Anyway, two more episodes down and it's really pretty great. Glad I decided to give it a chance after the less than stellar House of Cards and Hemlock Grove.
What a great (and for me) completely out of nowhere show. Some really fantastic character moments throughout.

Netflix is getting to be right around where HBO was at the turn of the millennium.
Really enjoyed this show. The pacing is great and the setting of minimum security allows for so much more room than the typical angle of a gritty prison show.

I love the flashbacks being used to show that despite the rugged exterior of most of the inmates, they're almost all just regular woman who made a bad choice and had it burn them. Interesting as well that in the end, the most dangerous of all the women was the one who should've gone to Maximum Security but likely got placed in Minimum due to her high priced lawyer.


Still in shock by how much I'm in love with this show. Just finished episode 6 and it keeps getting better and better.

How does Netflix even gauge how well a show is doing and whether or not to continue producing it? Is it mainly based on watches or new subscriptions since the show was released or what?

Dead Man

Well I'm glad something out there has the power to create shows without thinking about ratings. This show as a regular weekly airing would have probably been much different in content, and I'm not sure that many people would turn their TV on each week for it.

It's kinda a Firefly situation to me, it's really good as a whole but one episode each week was a recipe for disaster (Orange much less so though)

Yeah, there is a very strong argument to be made for a whole season to be filmed before being aired to ensure the overall arc of the show is maintained. Not needed in many shows of course, but for something thematicly ambitious I think it is a much better way of working.


The missus and I finished up Ep. 4 last night. We both love this show. Loved the unexpected outcomes and Crazy Eyes is a great actress.

Loving the music in this so far too. Regina's song is great and the 2 songs at the end of episode 3 I had to Shazam.

Can't wait to finish the season and glad to hear there is already another season in the works. Love to see a show that is so unique from normal TV.
- Tom & Lorenzo: You Need to be Watching “Orange is the New Black”

How does Netflix even gauge how well a show is doing and whether or not to continue producing it? Is it mainly based on watches or new subscriptions since the show was released or what?
Netflix doesn't release much information on viewership, so it's a little more difficult to say than with a traditional network. It makes sense that those two metrics are very important to them along with general buzz among the public, good critical reviews, and awards - all of which would help drive subscriptions and increase their profile as an original content provider.


My favourite characters are Sophia and Tastee.

Piper was starting to annoy me quite a bit throughout the season but I still root for her, at least. I really couldn't stand Nancy in Weeds.

Well a character doesn't need to be rooted for to be a quality character or a compelling watch. Walter White from Breaking Bad is a truly despicable human being with virtually no redeeming qualities but he also makes for some of the most fascinating television ever made.

That said!

Nancy from Weeds was a fucking disastrous mess of a character the way she was written. I felt like Jenji was almost starting to touch on the direction she needed to be when they started hitting on how awful of a mother Nancy is and how she is responsible for everything bad that was happening, but it was only dealt with in the most superficial of manners.


Marathon the whole show in like two/three days. Really like it and couldn't stop after each episode was done. Season 2 is going to be a long wait.


Well a character doesn't need to be rooted for to be a quality character or a compelling watch. Walter White from Breaking Bad is a truly despicable human being with virtually no redeeming qualities but he also makes for some of the most fascinating television ever made.

That said!

Nancy from Weeds was a fucking disastrous mess of a character the way she was written. I felt like Jenji was almost starting to touch on the direction she needed to be when they started hitting on how awful of a mother Nancy is and how she is responsible for everything bad that was happening, but it was only dealt with in the most superficial of manners.

I thought Nancy was great in the first few seasons, but she is shit by the end. However did you see the finale?
Nancy is basically completely alone. She definitely didnt get a happy ending.


How does Netflix even gauge how well a show is doing and whether or not to continue producing it? Is it mainly based on watches or new subscriptions since the show was released or what?

On that topic does Netflix sell their original shows to countries where the service is unavailable? Or dvd sets anywhere?

It's kinda sad I can't recommend it to folks around me who don't speak or read english.


I thought Nancy was great in the first few seasons, but she is shit by the end. However did you see the finale?
Nancy is basically completely alone. She definitely didnt get a happy ending.

minus a happy ending
, the show didn't deal with the subject in any substantive manner. It was all very shallow. If they would have really focused on this and interwove the silly humour with a more compelling and gripping take on the way it tore her family apart and the way they interacted with her, I think it could have been a decent show. As it is,
the ending really didn't feel earned.
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