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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Wow, that was really negative towards House of Cards. I loved the series but I caught up pretty late, was there a backlash against it or something?
Some have complained that the show is less than the sum of its parts. Basically that it should be a little better with that amount of creative power and money behind it. I don't want to get into a derail about House of Cards in this thread, so we can talk about it in the HoC S2 thread if you'd like to continue the discussion.
More reviews:
SJ Mercury News said:
With its wildly diverse collection of female characters, sardonic wit, provocative social insights and ample doses of naughty, it was last year's most pleasant surprise. And judging from the first six episodes made available to critics, executive producer Jenji Kohan's crew isn't about to let up. If anything, "Orange" comes back with even more swagger -- bolder, darker and tougher.
SF Chronicle said:
Through the six episodes of the second season made available to critics, it's clear that "Orange" is not only as great as it was the first season, but arguably even better.


I remember listening to NPR's interview with Jenji last year and how Terri asked her what the Netflix/straight to series model allowed her to do with a television show as opposed to those before it and she said something like while season 1 was written in a more traditional way, she is going to craft and adapt season 2 to what the format allows for.

I've been so fascinated since to see what that will be like.


I remember listening to NPR's interview with Jenji last year and how Terri asked her what the Netflix/straight to series model allowed her to do with a television show as opposed to those before it and she said something like while season 1 was written in a more traditional way, she is going to craft and adapt season 2 to what the format allows for.

I've been so fascinated since to see what that will be like.

This is good to hear. The first season was a sleeper hit for me even though it felt a bit lacking at times, but I think they can do a lot with the premise. Can't wait for Friday!
More reviews:

- Sepinwall
So there's more of the whole ensemble this year — including lots of wonderful "Lost"-style flashback sequences for the supporting players — and also more of a narrative thrust to the season. Where last year was driven largely by Piper's assimilation into the prison culture and her on-again, off-again feelings for both Alex and Larry, here there's a bigger story that ramps up the tension and pace while still allowing for all the character touches Kohan and her team do so well. It's the show it was last year, but in many ways better. It's also in a better year, and we'll see how both the show and the year stack up come December, but right now, it's an enormous pleasure to have it back and in such fine form.
- Poniewozik
As someone who liked, then loved, OITNB‘s first season, I was not disappointed. Season 1 was one of those rare pleasures in TV, an out-of-the-blue, unhyped (at the time of its release anyway) great series–that thrilling sense of watching, through the early episodes, as what seemed like a good enough dark comedy unfurled its jaybird wings and revealed its sweeping ambition, emotional power, and deftly controlled voice.
- Matt Zoller Seitz
Fans of Taystee ­(Danielle Brooks) and Crazy Eyes (Uzo Aduba) will be delighted to learn that each gets to ­anchor an episode, that their respective flashbacks will prove surprising no matter what pasts you’ve imagined, and that their predicaments aren’t just engaging or funny or sad: They’re plugged into the world beyond the prison walls.


Perfect timing to have something to distract me this last weekend before E3

Trying to go into this without crazy high expectations despite how fantastic last season was, but Cornballer's review snippets are making that really hard.
- Maureen Ryan's review
All I can hope to do is tell you if the experience of watching the show (or at least the first half of the season) is different this year. It is; the show is still addictive, if more diffuse and sprawling in its second go-round. The show always had a shaggy, almost ungainly quality, but now there are even more relationships and feuds and characters floating around. It's a feast, but perhaps one that is best enjoyed in reasonable intervals that allow you to savor the juicy, funny, resonant stuff.
- NY Mag: A Psychiatrist Analyzes Piper, Crazy Eyes, and Other Orange Is the New Black Characters
With season two set to debut tomorrow, Vulture called up psychiatrist Dr. Paul Puri for another installment of our ongoing series Armchair Analyst. After issuing an important disclaimer (“Like always, we’re making these guesswork diagnoses with very limited information. And these are all context-dependent behaviors. Like, would these people be behaving this way if they weren’t in a prison?”), Dr. Puri evaluated Piper for signs of narcissism, parsed Pennsatucky’s violent tendencies, and assessed what makes Crazy Eyes so crazy.


Hell yes. Loved the first season, kinda forget this was coming out so soon! I know what I'm doing this weekend!


I didn't like the first season, just bared through it to have a proper opinion.
The messaging needs to be much more subtle, besides that I think I'll give it another shot since this time around I won't go into it with high exceptions (media praise). Also I think my perspective of the style and direction of the series is much clearer now, so chances are good that I'll actually enjoy this time around.
I remember listening to NPR's interview with Jenji last year and how Terri asked her what the Netflix/straight to series model allowed her to do with a television show as opposed to those before it and she said something like while season 1 was written in a more traditional way, she is going to craft and adapt season 2 to what the format allows for.

I hope that doesn't mean it's going to be like the new Arrested Development season. Did not care for that format at all.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I suck at converting between time zones. This is on netflix in less than an hour, no?


Seriously hyped for this! I just caught up with Game of Thrones, so I'm ready to marathon through this like I did for House of Cards
About to binge watch this. Cant wait. Wish Netflix on Xbox still had party feature. Would be cool to party up with some Gaffers


I';ll probably catch 1 episode tonight.

But knowing me it'll turn into "just one more" and then next you know it's 5am and you gotta be up at 6 :(



edit: the fact that anybody thinks mila kunis has anything qualifying as ass rofl


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Almost done with episode 1. Pretty good so far. Great way to start the season on an interesting note.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
mini breakdown
about 15 minutes in is horribly acted D:

Love the series though, never a Piper fan
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