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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


Junior Member
Hey everyone, can someone tell me if this is a known bug with Mavericks .. sometimes when I download something and it goes to my downloads folder, the blue progress bar would hit 100% but not go away.

Here it is for me right now:


It goes away when I restart at the very least, I haven't really done much testing with it. Is there any reason why this is happening?

That also happens sometimes when doing file transfers between devices. Nearly every time I copy my iTunes library from my external drive to my rMBP, the folder will have a progress bar and the "x" button on the folder icon. All of the contents of the folder have been transferred, but the computer doesn't know to visually update it.


Why did Apple get rid of Front Row and the remote? I liked that on my white macbook, was good when I was living in a dorm.

The Real Abed

Unrelated to your issue, but I forgot that Dashboard still exists lol.

I disabled it on Mountain Lion, and just did an update (vs. a clean install).
Me too. Dashboard just lost its appeal once I found out widgets freeze (Sleep) when not front and center. I had wanted to make a huge fullscreen sized clock widget that would be visible in Dashboard when I went into Mission Control, but since they stop updating, it would have made it useless. So I gave up and redisabled Dashboard. It's actually surprising it's still around. I just use Bowtie for my desktop clock and calendar that I can see in Mission Control. (Even though Bowtie is dead, it still works in Mavericks and is Retina-ready thanks to its WebKit foundation. Hopefully it never stops working, because unlike GeekTool currently, BowTie can be set to always show up even in Mission Control no matter what space you're in.)

Why did Apple get rid of Front Row and the remote? I liked that on my white macbook, was good when I was living in a dorm.
The AppleTV came along and removed the need for it.

If your Mac still has an IR port you can still use a remote. And apps like Plex will duplicate FrontRow better than the original did.


Wooooooow. Just tried the new Garageband, only to find that Apple has pulled all Podcast-specific features from it. What in the world Apple?

Yeah I saw that in the first review of GarageBand on the store so I haven't downloaded it yet. Does it keep the old GarageBand on your HDD when you download the new one?

Did it axe the compression or vocal filters for podcasts too or just the podcast track stuff for enhanced podcasts?
Hey you know what's great. On my Air it immediately loads from deep sleep. It used to hang for like 10 seconds whilst reloading everything before I could enter my password. Now it's instantaneous.
Why would they stop the Time Machine icon from spinning in the toolbar whilst you're backing up? That was mega useful!

Oh for those sad about the power button, it actually has two functions now. Press to sleep or hold to get the old sleep/restart/shutdown options.


Played around a bit, pushing the display to my living room TV through the Apple TV, probably around 25' from my iMac, through a closed door. Loaded up Borderlands 2 and ran about for a bit checking out the latency and such, game looks better on the iMac, but the Apple TV input is (shittily) tweaked for movies and shows, but looked better to my eyes than the Xbox version.

Latency was definately noticeable, but not unplayable. Frame rate seemed decent (pretty sure running pretty close to max settings on the computer) but there was some cursor jumping, most likely due to the distance and walls/doors. Probably won't play BL 2 like that on a regular basis but I reckon something like FTL or Civ V will be decent since turn based doesn't rely on instant input like a FPS.

Access to the full iTunes Store on the couch?!? Yes please :) Can't stand the store on the iDevices. Might even try Ableton Live out, for some couch noodling, should work fine for midi note input and general fuckwittery, and testing mixes on other speaker set ups.

Did an upgrade as opposed to a fresh install from ML, everything seems to have gone smooth. Does seem like some apps are opening a bit slower however, System Preferences seems to take ages to open. Otherwise everything thing else seems snappy and responsive. First time I've ever done an upgrade too, still have a MBP running Tiger, one running Snow Leopard, and a Mini running Lion... couldn't resist that price and the Airplay monitor features. Hope to dick around with it some more, but GTA V calls... heh.

The Real Abed


Same for Pages, Numbers & Keynote.
And iMovie. Amazingly they also made it so those older versions won't clutter up LaunchPad. Not sure how though. Must be hard coded.

Anyway. So my Pocket has 819 links in it. I exported them to an HTML file. Now if only Safari let me import them back in. All services like these need to have both an export and an import option so I can move between them freely. Shame. I guess I'll get to manually adding all my links from the HTML file into Reading List. I hope Safari can handle 800+ links. Edit: I also wish Safari had an option to NOT download the content of the link for reading later. It just fills up my cache. Pocket has it.


Has anybody had issues with Quick Look for certain files, as well as the preview pane?

Here's what I'm talking about:

It's weird - some files are broken, while some files are seemingly fine, then break when I start scrolling through them.
And iMovie. Amazingly they also made it so those older versions won't clutter up LaunchPad. Not sure how though. Must be hard coded.

To me, that says that they knew how the missing features would be received. I believe that most of them will return over the next year or so. I know several people who REALLY hated Final Cut Pro X at first, but get on really well with it now.

The Real Abed

To me, that says that they knew how the missing features would be received. I believe that most of them will return over the next year or so. I know several people who REALLY hated Final Cut Pro X at first, but get on really well with it now.
Remember the original iMovie HD? It was designed by a fan who loved iMovie (The original) as a replacement, but it was missing so many features. Fortunately at the time they named the new one iMovie HD and kept both versions. Is anything big missing from the new iMovie? I haven't played with it yet. (And might actually just switch to using my shiny new ScreenFlow license for video editing instead.)

Also, I can't stress how much I LOVE Safari not actually loading a plugin until the tab is focused. It even counts when you open a link in Safari before it even switches to the browser. Not just when a tab is open in the background and hasn't been visible yet. LOVE LOVE LOVE this feature. That alone is a reason for me to never go back to Chrome.


So I finally installed Mavericks today but I have a problem with Finder now. Is there any way to get folders sorted first again? They were always at the top in Mountain Lion.


So I finally installed Mavericks today but I have a problem with Finder now. Is there any way to get folders sorted first again? They were always at the top in Mountain Lion.

you probably had items sorted by “kind”, as that will separate folders in Mav.

Mac OS X has never sorted folders at top (the way windows does) when sorting by name.


you probably had items sorted by “kind”, as that will separate folders in Mav.

Mac OS X has never sorted folders at top (the way windows does) when sorting by name.
They are sorted by kind. Depending on the contents of a folder its subfolders are actually still shown first (the picture folder for example) but I know that my Dropbox folder used to show its subfolders first as well and now it starts with file type "Documents". I'm pretty sure Mountain Lion's "sort by kind" would put folders first.


They are sorted by kind. Depending on the contents of a folder its subfolders are actually still shown first (the picture folder for example) but I know that my Dropbox folder used to show its subfolders first as well and now it starts with file type "Documents". I'm pretty sure Mountain Lion's "sort by kind" would put folders first.

hmm. Well, I just tried a few different things with my folders.

If I use the old “sort by Kind” option in folder view options (CMD-J), then I get an alphabetical sorting of file types. so it’s a file with an “.agilekeychain” extension first, then folders, then a zip file.

But when I use the “Arrange By Kind” function, which is different and adds separations in the folder view, Folders come up first all the time for me. Most of the time, there’s no other doc type with a letter ahead of “F” so I thought it was alphabetical.

But one folder had a file type designated by Mavericks as “Developer” (it was a .plist) and “Folder” was still on top in the view.


hmm. Well, I just tried a few different things with my folders.

If I use the old “sort by Kind” option in folder view options (CMD-J), then I get an alphabetical sorting of file types. so it’s a file with an “.agilekeychain” extension first, then folders, then a zip file.

But when I use the “Arrange By Kind” function, which is different and adds separations in the folder view, Folders come up first all the time for me. Most of the time, there’s no other doc type with a letter ahead of “F” so I thought it was alphabetical.

But one folder had a file type designated by Mavericks as “Developer” (it was a .plist) and “Folder” was still on top in the view.
Thanks for your tests. I just ran a few tests myself. "Developers" does indeed come after folders, but "Documents" still come first. From what I can tell the following types are sorted before folders:

  • Applications,
  • System preferences,
  • Documents
All other kinds come after folders so most of my folders actually do show folders first. It's just that most folders I tried at first had "Documents" in it. Too bad I can't confirm if Mountain Lion showed folders before the mentioned "kinds" above. Anyway, I think I can live with it but I think it's strange that they changed it.


What’s odd is that, in my case, I have no file type classified as a “document" in this sorting arrangement. it’s either “Other” or “spreadsheet”. even pages and word docs show up under Other.

If I used this sorting more frequently, I think I might actually be kinda upset, lol. I would expect more granularity.


What’s odd is that, in my case, I have no file type classified as a “document" in this sorting arrangement. it’s either “Other” or “spreadsheet”. even pages and word docs show up under Other.

If I used this sorting more frequently, I think I might actually be kinda upset, lol. I would expect more granularity.
Huh. Maybe the change is actually that I somehow got an additional category "Documents" that now includes files previously lumped together in "Other". "Documents" for me are text files, Word and Open Office documents, CSV and SQL files.


wow that's dumb. why would they even change it?

i'm kinda glad this update was free cause it would have been kind of hard to justify paying any more than $10 for it. maps and books were pretty much insta-delete for me.
Seriously? The under the bonnet upgrades are well worth paying for. My Macbook Pro hasn't run this well, this long, since I it was new.


Press ctrl + power button to get the menu.

I also have the blue bar not dissapearing under my downloads folder.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So after all the great impressions about the new safari, I am thinking about moving back, just wondering. Is it possible to make the Safari omnibar work like Chrome's when it comes to search? What I mean is, on Chrome, you can search from the omnibar any site you have previously visited that has a search bar on it, like wikipedia, by just starting to type the website name and then hitting tab to change the bar to a search field.

Like so:

I absolutely love this feature, so if there is a plugin for Safari, it's really the last thing holding me back.


So after all the great impressions about the new safari, I am thinking about moving back, just wondering. Is it possible to make the Safari omnibar work like Chrome's when it comes to search? What I mean is, on Chrome, you can search from the omnibar any site you have previously visited that has a search bar on it, like wikipedia, by just starting to type the website name and then hitting tab to change the bar to a search field.

Like so:

I absolutely love this feature, so if there is a plugin for Safari, it's really the last thing holding me back.


So I discovered that when you move a Finder tab either to or from a window, regardless of how many tabs the source or destination window has, you lose the navigation history (so can't use forward/back to navigate to previously opened folders).

It's almost impressive how Apple keeps finding new and interesting ways to make me think of Finder as a complete piece of crap.
Has anyone else used the updated garageband on mavericks? Tried using it today for the first time and i like the program but its really slow and stuttery, can't figure out why.

Anyone else have the same problem? I'm on a 2011 iMac


Setec Astronomer
Good thing you can restrict App Nap. It can shut down programs humming along in the background that it shouldn't.

Not everything a computer does is interactive!
hey guys,

does anybody know how I can sync my calendar with the google calendar? I added my gmail account to the (mac) calendar, but somehow it doesn't get synced.
Did I missed sth.?

thanks in advance

Guess Who

Good thing you can restrict App Nap. It can shut down programs humming along in the background that it shouldn't.

Not everything a computer does is interactive!

I'm curious what programs you've had this happen to. I've been using Mavericks since June with no restrictions on App Nap and had no problems.
I visit a coffee shop to do a bit of work most Sunday mornings and Mavericks seems to have stopped me being able to connect to their wifi.

Wish I'd never updated... :-\
broke quicktime too. fast forwarding and rewinding with the touchpad are so fucking choppy. i'm finding a hard time thinking of things i enjoy from this update.
Did anyone grab the free OS X Server?

Free? It was $20 two days ago when I bought it and installed it on my Mac Pro.

Some irritations:
Time Machine:
The first time I turned on a service that uses AFP, my network Time Machine backups stopped working until I turned on Network Time Machine backups and set that up. Was able to move the previous sparse bundle to the new location and it's now back up and running.

Given that this was working in the days following 10.9's install, and even after installing Server, clearly activating the service causes Server to install its own AFP server that doesn't expose the things Time Machine needs unless that's turned on. The error on my Air was "destination doesn't support TM lock stealing", which is familiar to anyone that tried to backup to a Linux box in 10.7/10.8 before netatalk was updated.

Not sure Back To My Mac and the VPN server can both be on at the same time.


Anyway. So my Pocket has 819 links in it. I exported them to an HTML file. Now if only Safari let me import them back in. All services like these need to have both an export and an import option so I can move between them freely. Shame. I guess I'll get to manually adding all my links from the HTML file into Reading List. I hope Safari can handle 800+ links. Edit: I also wish Safari had an option to NOT download the content of the link for reading later. It just fills up my cache. Pocket has it.

I've been curious about doing this as well, but Pocket has been good to me and I like that it is supported with ReadKit on my Mac.

Just curious, but what made you decide to make the switch? I feel like I would miss the tags way too much from Pocket though.


I'm still on Snowy Leopard and was hoping to hold off until the new mini comes out till I upgrade.

With that said, I've been doing various things to migrate away from non universal apps and things that Apple have discontinued, so I might upgrade the OS in advance - is it really worth it for a 2009 mini?

Anyway apps and stuff;

Frontrow - was a nice little app - but now have gone to XBMC which is better.

MacMame - it has always taken me ages to sort emus and working roms out, but;

I recently configured MameOSX (0.124) - and I have it absolutely perfect- all the games I want run fine etc. However;

I use the 0.124 version as the last version does not run a load of stuff for some reason (SF III etc). Does this work with Marvericks?

NB: I have tried out SDLMame and managed to get it running with a cool little automater script to boot it up, although I am back at square 1 because most of my roms don't work and I can't get scanlines sorted.

The Chef

Anybody know how I can do a clean install than an upgrade? I knew how to do this with the disc but Apple no longer do them anymore.

When I did a fresh install with lion I went to the app store and downloaded the full Lion.dmg then I just followed some online instructions to make a bootable USB from it.

So after reading through the last few pages it seems like the general consensus is to NOT upgrade.
There is also a program that will automate the process of creating a bootable USB drive. I believe it's called "DiskMaker X" (previously "lion disk maker").

I used it to create mine.
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