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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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Electric cars as they currently are, are no real solution. The technology simply isn't their yet as for now they require materials that are in short supply - sufficient for now - but if you want a significant amount of cars on the road the prices will skyrocket.

I don't believe in any policy against clime change that ignores the fact that we will as a planet use up all the fossil fuels. If one country uses less, others will use more or for a longer time.
So either accept this and find a way to fight climate change accepting this as fact, or work towards actual alternatives that will make people lose interest in pumping up the dead dinosaurs.

Trust me, I do not for a second believe that we, as humanity, are going to solve this crisis. Somehow people are still more interested in arguing which fictional charachter in the sky is best and arguing whether it's okay to wear team colors for these charachters in the workplace. It's fucking incredible.

So in that sense, the actual contents of the policy are almost irrelevant. Getting it on the damn agenda even would be a major victory.

That said 'others using it more', fuck yeah that's a problem. Which is why you'd need a global governing body to tell people 'no, we can't afford to do this a fucking species - which is why half of us now have to work from home'.

None of that is ever happening obviously, but smarter people than me need to think of something. I hope voting green is at least a first step, no matter how hopeless.


I'd actually be ok with an EU wide tax system. Should get rid of weird Dutch/Irish Sandwich constructions too

At the very least, we need to move forward on the CCCTB, but it keeps getting blocked by a few member states (including our own) that love fuckery to favour multinational corporations that avoid taxes.


At the very least, we need to move forward on the CCCTB, but it keeps getting blocked by a few member states (including our own) that love fuckery to favour multinational corporations that avoid taxes.

I really hope that that stuff unfucks itself in the next few years and use that tax for better purposes. Its an insane amount of money.
Trust me, I do not for a second believe that we, as humanity, are going to solve this crisis. Somehow people are still more interested in arguing which fictional charachter in the sky is best and arguing whether it's okay to wear team colors for these charachters in the workplace. It's fucking incredible.

So in that sense, the actual contents of the policy are almost irrelevant. Getting it on the damn agenda even would be a major victory.

That said 'others using it more', fuck yeah that's a problem. Which is why you'd need a global governing body to tell people 'no, we can't afford to do this a fucking species - which is why half of us now have to work from home'.

None of that is ever happening obviously, but smarter people than me need to think of something. I hope voting green is at least a first step, no matter how hopeless.
If just the EU, US, China and India push renewable as the major energy source and electric cars, the whole problem will be solved pretty quickly. Add some rules that imported goods need to be produced with a green energy certificate maybe or taxed more otherwise. This stuff can go pretty quickly. We just need a few leaders to stand up and actually push it through.
If just the EU, US, China and India push renewable as the major energy source and electric cars, the whole problem will be solved pretty quickly. Add some rules that imported goods need to be produced with a green energy certificate maybe or taxed more otherwise. This stuff can go pretty quickly. We just need a few leaders to stand up and actually push it through.

Yup, some pretty big 'ifs' though. Especially if you're looking at the near total shitshow the US has become. One can only hope that a positive byproduct of that might be the fear and purpose it instills in others.


If just the EU, US, China and India push renewable as the major energy source and electric cars, the whole problem will be solved pretty quickly. Add some rules that imported goods need to be produced with a green energy certificate maybe or taxed more otherwise. This stuff can go pretty quickly. We just need a few leaders to stand up and actually push it through.

At the moment China has a better climate policy in place than the EU/ Netherlands.
We should be fucking ashamed.

We're one of the top producers of green energy (windmills) yet we implement them the least of the entire EU.
It's not just down to the people not wanting to switch to green energy. It's about the government not pushing for a green agenda enough.


Yup, some pretty big 'ifs' though. Especially if you're looking at the near total shitshow the US has become. One can only hope that a positive byproduct of that might be the fear and purpose it instills in others.

I'd recommend watching this presentation about market disruption. A very positive take on the future.


So not worth it
At the moment China has a better climate policy in place than the EU/ Netherlands.
We should be fucking ashamed.

We're one of the top producers of green energy (windmills) yet we implement them the least of the entire EU.
It's not just down to the people not wanting to switch to green energy. It's about the government not pushing for a green agenda enough.

This is the main issue, cars are secondary imo. We need to close the coal power plants. Nuclear until we can fully rely on wind, water and solar energy is the way to go. If we can get this done over the next four years, that would be great.


Off to vote for Omtzigt in a few minutes. I like his party a lot this year (CDA) and i think he has proven himself to be a great debater in the tweede kamer.


Off to vote for Omtzigt in a few minutes. I like his party a lot this year (CDA) and i think he has proven himself to be a great debater in the tweede kamer.

I don't like CDA..i don't like Buma he showed it yesterday but Omtzigt is really a good politician doing fantastic work and i admire him for that.


So not worth it
Off to vote for Omtzigt in a few minutes. I like his party a lot this year (CDA) and i think he has proven himself to be a great debater in the tweede kamer.


I just wanted an excuse to repost this gif, so sorry.


Omtzigt is great, I wish more politicians were like him.

The problem I have with CDA in general is that they basically said, F this, we aren't going to support _anything_ the cabinet does. No solutions, no nothing, just a bunch of shouting from the sideline and not offering solutions.

But good to see a good amount of voting on GAF! Being able to vote is the most important thing and glad to see a good turn out in early results..


So not worth it
The problem I have with CDA in general is that they basically said, F this, we aren't going to support _anything_ the cabinet does. No solutions, no nothing, just a bunch of shouting from the sideline and not offering solutions.

But good to see a good amount of voting on GAF! Being able to vote is the most important thing and glad to see a good turn out in early results..

It really is, us younger people voting is vital for the future of our country.


So not worth it
At what time can we expect results?

Around 9:30ish we should get the first results from smaller towns.

Exit polls just after 9PM, meaningful results, given the change in counting (fully manual), don't bother staying up for them :p

This has changed, they're doing an automated count first, then they do a manual count as they normally would.
I'd recommend watching this presentation about market disruption. A very positive take on the future.

Thanks, will watch.

This is the main issue, cars are secondary imo. We need to close the coal power plants. Nuclear until we can fully rely on wind, water and solar energy is the way to go. If we can get this done over the next four years, that would be great.

Agreed, it would. Cars are very visible but probably by no means the biggest part of the issue.


So not worth it
Do your TV stations or websites usually do projections based on intermediate results?

Yeah, exit polls and such. People are also allowed to spectate the actual counting, if they wish, for full transparency. Results are revealed by each individual district and extrapolated during the night. In the end, they're all estimates as the real results don't really come in for another two days and aren't confirmed until a week later.

Generally the result is known by 2AM, it will mostly differ maybe one seat here or there, but nothing significant.
I can't see a situation where PVV wouldn't get more seats than VVD. I assume they'll become the largest party in the country, just not large enough that they can form a coalition with like-minded parties and get majority seat. I hope, at least. I still find it terrifying that an openly racist reactionary party is likely going to become the most popular party. Gives an impression of where the country stands, which makes me fear for the future. How people can also vote "Yes" on leaving the EU baffles me even more.
Voted D'66 myself.

That is terrifying. :(
Will the recent incident between the Netherlands and Turkey have any impact, one way or the other?

It didn't swing the polls in any significant way because a vast majority of the country and all major political parties were in support of the way the standoff was handled. So any effect is evenly distributed.

However, it may have solidified the votes of a few swing voters but that's not measured AFAIK.


Probably. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if PVV gets a boost from the entire aftermath of that event.

I think the VVD will actually get a boost out of that. I primarily heard him, Asscher and Aboutaleb on the radio/news.

I think Wilders sent out a tweet or something.
I just voted for PvdD! They have really won me over this election as they are by far the climate-friendliest party. It also brings me hope to see so many people vote for GroenLinks, my second choice by far!


Agreed, it would. Cars are very visible but probably by no means the biggest part of the issue.

Animal Agriculture is responsible for more CO2 emission than combined exhaust emission from all forms of transportation combined. About 18%. (transport 13%)

A hugely underrepresented issue, even in PvdD's campaign.

*edit* If you take the byproducts from Animal Agriculture into account that figure rises to 51%



Animal Agriculture is responsible for more CO2 emission than combined exhaust emission from all forms of transportation combined. About 18%. (transport 13%)

A hugely underrepresented issue, even in PvdD's campaign.

Having children is also a big carbon footprint!



My bet is Wilders is going to win and form a coalition with VVD.
I ain't buying the "we exclude PVV" bullshit they try to sell us. Like classic rightwings do, they gonna turn heel and get behind him the second he gets elected. Rutte will obviously go away then.

Voted SP myself just now, aligsn best with my socialist tendencies, cannot in good
conscience vote for Groen-links, and certainly no pvda for me.
PvdA still trying today, delivering roses door to door here to get people out to vote.

I think Wilders sent out a tweet or something.
Wilders has been invisible this total election cycle outside of Twitter. Even his appearances yesterday and the day before were pretty weak, and he looked like he didn't know himself what to do. As if he was afraid to go fully racist but also afraid to go back a bit from his earlier remarks.

Animal Agriculture is responsible for more CO2 emission than combined exhaust emission from all forms of transportation combined. About 18%. (transport 13%)

A hugely underrepresented issue, even in PvdD's campaign.

*edit* If you take the byproducts from Animal Agriculture into account that figure rises to 51%

Time for that synthetic meat.


Going out to vote Groenlinks now.

In past voted D66 and last elections Pirate Party. This time my vote is pretty much solely determined by climate issues. Nevertheless I'd feel good voting for any of these three parties (and PvdD).


My bet is Wilders is going to win and form a coalition with VVD.
I ain't buying the "we exclude PVV" bullshit they try to sell us. Like classic rightwings do, they gonna turn heel and get behind him the second he gets elected. Rutte will obviously go away then.

Voted SP myself just now, aligsn best with my socialist tendencies, cannot in good
conscience vote for Groen-links, and certainly no pvda for me.

IF that happens (and I highly doubt it tbh) they would still need 1 or 2 more parties to get a majority. And which party would help them? I can see 50+ do it, but they will not have that many seats. I doubt the CDA would go that route again after their last encounter with the PVV in a coalition. GL, PvdA, SP and D66 will certainly pass. That doesn't leave a whole lot.


So not worth it
I think it was mostly in Rutte's favor, he handled it well. The timing was perfect.

From what I can gather in my surrounding it's pretty much a non-issue as far as the elections go. Since there's no parties aside from DENK in support of Erdogan, pretty much everyone just reaffirms their own choice. It might have some sway over swing-voters, but it hasn't really caused someone to abandon their party for the VVD or PVV, far as I can tell.


Wilders has been invisible this total election cycle outside of Twitter. Even his appearances yesterday and the day before were pretty weak, and he looked like he didn't know himself what to do. As if he was afraid to go fully racist but also afraid to go back a bit from his earlier remarks.

I read somewhere (an article written by a former PVV-voter) that Wilders 'hides' close to the elections on purpose because he actually wants to avoid getting TOO much votes. That he doesn't want to actually be in the government haha.

Probably not true, although I still remember about 20 years ago when the SP got LOADS of votes in the gemeenteverkiezingen in Zoetermeer, but when asked to actually rule, they rejected.
Somehow that incident has always tainted the opinion I have of the SP.

From what I can gather in my surrounding it's pretty much a non-issue as far as the elections go. Since there's no parties aside from DENK in support of Erdogan, pretty much everyone just reaffirms their own choice. It might have some sway over swing-voters, but it hasn't really caused someone to abandon their party for the VVD or PVV, far as I can tell.

It won't make someone switch from PvdA to the VVD, but it might make people switch from PVV to VVD.


It doesn't really matter. The one that wins the election makes up the cabinet.

It does matter. If they have the most, they get to make up the cabinet. But even if they can't, if they have a lot of seats they can use that to throw a hissy fit when no one wants to govern with them.


I read somewhere (an article written by a former PVV-voter) that Wilders 'hides' close to the elections on purpose because he actually wants to avoid getting TOO much votes. That he doesn't want to actually be in the government haha.

Probably not true, although I still remember about 20 years ago when the SP got LOADS of votes in the gemeenteverkiezingen in Zoetermeer, but when asked to actually rule, they rejected.
Somehow that incident has always tainted the opinion I have of the SP.

It won't make someone switch from PvdA to the VVD, but it might make people switch from PVV to VVD.

IMHO he is doing it more because he thinks the Dutch people feel these campaign cycles are utterly fake and by staying mostly outside the debates and campaigning he feels like he can seem to be the underdog/outsider here cashing in on those votes.


Please be cool, Netherlands.

Amsterdam is my favorite City in Europe.

Do we have any reliable predictions yet?


My bet is Wilders is going to win and form a coalition with VVD.
I ain't buying the "we exclude PVV" bullshit they try to sell us. Like classic rightwings do, they gonna turn heel and get behind him the second he gets elected. Rutte will obviously go away then.

Voted SP myself just now, aligsn best with my socialist tendencies, cannot in good
conscience vote for Groen-links, and certainly no pvda for me.

I don't think so. The VVD, despite me being left, is a very reasonable party aimed mainly at economic growth, and Rutte has been quite clear on his stance regarding the EU, which is an absolute breakingpoint with the PVV. In the past, a breakingpoint with the PVV led to a political crisis during an economic crisis, the VVD does not want that.


IMHO he is doing it more because he thinks the Dutch people feel these campaign cycles are utterly fake and by staying mostly outside the debates and campaigning he feels like he can seem to be the underdog/outsider here cashing in on those votes.

Could also be. Or he knows he's full of shit and doesn't want that fact to be exposed too much in the media.
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