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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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I can't see a situation where PVV wouldn't get more seats than VVD. I assume they'll become the largest party in the country, just not large enough that they can form a coalition with like-minded parties and get majority seat. I hope, at least. I still find it terrifying that an openly racist reactionary party is likely going to become the most popular party. Gives an impression of where the country stands, which makes me fear for the future. How people can also vote "Yes" on leaving the EU baffles me even more.
Voted D'66 myself.

That's not gonna happen. VVD and PVV are way too different. The only allies PVV has are parties like VNL and FvdD. Well, and perhaps Henk Krol. Unless we've completely understimated the far-right, that's not gonna happen.


According to the last polls (yesterday), combined estimates:

VVD 24-28
PVV 19-23
SP 14-16
CDA 19-21
D66 17-19
PVDA 10-12
Groenlinks 16-18

Basically it's going to be close.

Will be so weird to see D66, Groenlinks and SP all being bigger than PvdA.
I mean I knew it was coming...but it still looks weird after all these years (I'm old)
They have done shit before...but I can't recall this shit.


Whatever the results of this election, it now looks like the turn-out numbers will be bigger then in 2012. That's good to hear, everyone that is able to vote should vote.


I just realised that a CDA – D66 – GL – PvdA/SP coalition is a possibility if (some of) those parties get a bit more votes than projected.
Will be so weird to see D66, Groenlinks and SP all being bigger than PvdA.
I mean I knew it was coming...but it still looks weird after all these years (I'm old)
They have done shit before...but I can't recall this shit.

The thing is even tho I don't agree they did a pretty good job the last 4 years. PVDA is really bad in claiming this success.

I mean we finally had a bunch of politicians who actually worked together and really wanted to take of the country in their own way and stayed together for the whole ride.

Ascher is a good politician, but a really bad party leader.


Will be so weird to see D66, Groenlinks and SP all being bigger than PvdA.
I mean I knew it was coming...but it still looks weird after all these years (I'm old)
They have done shit before...but I can't recall this shit.

I'm a bit disappointed it'll mean Arib won't be speaker anymore, best we've had in ages.

The thing is even tho I don't agree they did a pretty good job the last 4 years. PVDA is really bad in claiming this success.

I mean we finally had a bunch of politicians who actually worked together and really wanted to take of the country in their own way and stayed together for the whole ride.

Ascher is a good politician, but a really bad party leader.

Also pretty much no mess like scandals and what not with PvdA in the cabinet, quite unlike the VVD...


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I hope these are all young progressive voters, but man, it could just as well be lots of closet Wilders' voters.

Am I the only one getting kinda nervous?
I saw on NOS that there was a much higher turnout in Tilburg, isnt that an area where Wilder polls well?

That could be a cause for alarm​.


I hope these are all young progressive voters, but man, it could just as well be lots of closet Wilders' voters.

Am I the only one getting kinda nervous?

The last general election had a turnout of 74,6% with mainly a low turnout in young voters. Similar results were expected for this election.


The thing is even tho I don't agree they did a pretty good job the last 4 years. PVDA is really bad in claiming this success.

I mean we finally had a bunch of politicians who actually worked together and really wanted to take of the country in their own way and stayed together for the whole ride.

Ascher is a good politician, but a really bad party leader.

True, but in time things will be better for them when Aboutaleb takes the lead. I hope we will see him debating Denk soon, should be fun. He will decimate them. Next to Omtzigt one of my favorite politicians.


If just the EU, US, China and India push renewable as the major energy source and electric cars, the whole problem will be solved pretty quickly. Add some rules that imported goods need to be produced with a green energy certificate maybe or taxed more otherwise. This stuff can go pretty quickly. We just need a few leaders to stand up and actually push it through.

Don't put it all on the leaders.

There is a grassroot movement, it starts with people, private sector, cities, and states.

Everybody must put pressure for the market to switch as fast as we can.

Also, visit my climate change thread! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1319159&highlight=climate+trumped


I hope these are all young progressive voters, but man, it could just as well be lots of closet Wilders' voters.

Am I the only one getting kinda nervous?
I get the sense that we'll see a bigger turnout of young voters this year. Might just be people in my personal bubble, but the Brexit / Trump situation has really put additional emphasis on the importance of voting.


It does matter. If they have the most, they get to make up the cabinet. But even if they can't, if they have a lot of seats they can use that to throw a hissy fit when no one wants to govern with them.

Even if PVV turns out to be the biggest, they need to form a coalition. Nobody wants to join the PVV ... so that's the first problem.

If they turn out the 2nd biggest party, nobody will form a coalition with them. They can throw angry fits all the want. Their voice/oppinion wont matter.


Even if PVV turns out to be the biggest, they need to form a coalition. Nobody wants to join the PVV ... so that's the first problem.

If they turn out the 2nd biggest party, nobody will form a coalition with them. They can throw angry fits all the want. Their voice/oppinion wont matter.

I don't really trust politicians when they say 'we will never form a coalition with...'

Their size does matter. Because if Geert can play the victim card, next election they will be even bigger.

The chance of Wilders ruling the Netherlands is indeed tiny, the chance of an increase in a bigoted population isn't though. And that is worrying.


If PVV gets the most votes, they still need to convince 2 or 3 other parties to join them in a coalition. That is just not going to happen.


However, the PVV does have some valid points for change in the Netherlands do. It's just that the first (anti-Islam) is such a fucked up thing. Besides the anti-Islam campaign, it has some pretty decent points. But never should a Political Party talk about muslims in the way Wilders has done.

I don't really trust politicians when they say 'we will never form a coalition with...'

Their size does matter. Because if Geert can play the victim card, next election they will be even bigger.

The chance of Wilders ruling the Netherlands is indeed tiny, the chance of an increase in a bigoted population isn't though. And that is worrying.

Trust me. It won't happen. Rutten made sure of that 2 days before Election Day. He stood his ground against Erdogan. This "move" restored peoples faith. If he didn't ... Wilders would be on the nr. 1 spot. He (Rutten) showed he can be a bad-ass when needed.


I think the VVD will win the election. Just my anecdotal take from talking to people at the voting booth and the way they have handled the Turkey situation left a good impression on many people. But anything can happen as we've seen recently in other elections...
Don't pull an America guys. Trust me, it sucks.

Find 3-4 people and go with them to the polls. People on your side always claim they'll vote and don't get around to it. People on their size will wait hours in the cold to disrupt a school board meeting.

There is no us versus them like in the US. There are tons of different parties, not just a binary choice. Wilders has a shot at a maximum of 20% of the seats.


At what time can we expect results?

Here is a nice overview with when certain results are expected:


21.00: First exit poll
21.30: Second exit poll
21.45: first real results of small towns
23:00: Results of the big cities will come in
23.30-0.00: Enough results to be able to make a pretty reliable prognosis.
01:00: All big cities results are in, results should be pretty close to the final one at this point.

(all times are of course CET)


I don't really trust politicians when they say 'we will never form a coalition with...'
I really can't imagine them going with the PVV.

Multiple politicians from the VVD have been very clear on it time and time again that they won't work with the PVV in any kind of situation.

Which very much surprises me as that means they pretty much excluded a possibility for a rightwing government. Maybe the VVD wasn't so disappointed about working together with the PvdA these past years.

Without PVV it seems to be either a leftwing coalition or something with CDA, VVD and D66.


I get the sense that we'll see a bigger turnout of young voters this year. Might just be people in my personal bubble, but the Brexit / Trump situation has really put additional emphasis on the importance of voting.

But, uh...the PVV electorate skews younger. The older the group, the less likely they are to be voting Wilders.


But, uh...the PVV electorate skews younger. The older the group, the less likely they are to be voting Wilders.
I... actually did not know that. Shows what I know. I figured our younger voters would be more inclined to vote left / centrist left parties.


So not worth it
I... actually did not know that. Shows what I know. I figured our younger voters would be more inclined to vote left / centrist left parties.

Depends entirely which demographic of younger voters, what their background is, where they live and what their level of education is, really.

Funky Papa

There's an interesting correlation between far right populist movements in Europe and younger voters. Euractiv touched this subject a few days ago, although they were mostly covering the Polish scene:

Survey: Polish youth support the radical right

And now MEP Janusz Korwin-Mikke and his famously sexist parliamentary one-man show where he argued that women must earn less than men. According to the most recent survey, Korwin-Mikke, together with one other anti-establishment politician — ex-rock star Paweł Kukiz — enjoy the strongest support among the Polish youth aged 15-24.

Polish youth predominantly support anti-establishment right-wing political parties using radical, mostly negative rhetoric, new research by the Institute of Public Affairs (ISP) and Kantar Public demonstrates. Predominant choices among young Poles are two such parties: Kukiz'15 and Wolność (Freedom). The ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) could count for just around half of their support and the 4th position.

When it comes to the negative electorate, as many as 54% of Polish youth declare they definitely wouldn't vote for the governing party. Generally, all the Polish political parties attract more negative than positive responses, Kukiz'15 and Wolność the least. Still, more young people would definitely not vote for them (23% and 32%) than the other way round.

Baby boomers suck, but there's also something to be said about the European young male voter.

I believe the AfD is also relatively solid among younger voters. Not sure about MLP.
Yeah young people's voting habits suck in our country, not sure why
Lack of prospects outside of the Randstad for young people. So you vote for a party that blames it on a certain group and promises it will all get better once that group is gone.

Plus being bombarded with negative media non stop on the internet. Follow Geen Stijl, TPO, some Facebook groups, etc, for a month or two instead of regular news sources and you probably start to lean that way also.


right-wing extremism has been an issue in many ex-Soviet countries for quite some years. Once read a great article about that; I`ll try to find it.


Yeah young people's voting habits suck in our country, not sure why

Probably because you're older. In the US the old people will think young people voting habits suck more as well.
It's not that the young people skew more right, its that young people are less likely to vote for the old dusty parties that people just vote for because they want a save option.

I believe I remember seeing polls among teenagers where PvdD (animal party) came in second, and SP and Groenlinks also tend to score higher than among the regular population.

Norway doesn't have the population of the Netherlands but during the past few years now we've had many months of electric cars being the top selling model. 30% of cars sold the past year were electric. Yes, we're smaller, but when the market is there, and incentives (as we have), the cars get made, and people buy the cars. Even in this country, with long distances and mountains and shitty roads. So in the Netherlands you'd expect the percentage to be at least as good as it is for us.

No offense, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm not saying there can't be a market for electric cars, I'm saying the technology currently isn't there to replace half the cars in the world with electric cars. As we don't know how to make the batteries from widely available materials yet, and battery technology has been really slow to progress for a long time now.
Right now, electric cars just destroy the oceans in Asia while all the oil still gets used up. Preventing climate change is to make sure the population of the third world will drop as rapidly as their desire for plastics, meats and fuel. Not tweak in the margins in the western world, investing big money in non-scalable solutions. These billions are much better spent in technological research in real solutions.
VVD should win but even if Wilders wins I don't see how he can change much due to how the system is set up and leaving the EU idea will never get off the ground, it's just too important.


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