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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I rejoice at the salt from /r/The_Donald.

Just visiting and reading this threadname

absolutely made my day even better.


PVV is ridiculously hamstrung by Wilders using it as his own personal platform.

They would need to become an actual real party to be a true threat.


Only just looking at this since seeing the updated thread title. Glad to see Wilders isn't doing as well.

One of the top posts on t_d "Massive turnout either indicates fraud against Wilders, or Wilders landslide" these people lol.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
This is what happens when ignorant people comment on things they don't know anything about, like people complaining about >100% turnout in certain districts.

I mean Trump still talks about the 3-5 million "illegal" votes. Of course idiots gobble that up and use it whenever something doesn't go their way.
Pretty happy about the election results.

The formation is going to be interesting..

I'm putting my money on VVD + CDA + D66 + SGP + CU.

I think GL is too leftist for the VVD and CDA, if they want to push through some tougher immigration policies to keep the PVV at bay.

Deleted member 245925

Unconfirmed Member
Good job, Netherlands! Next up, France. Hopefully by the time the next election comes up here in Austria, the FPÖ will get fucked as well.


I'll have to give you the first one but I've never understood the double nationality thing. Why would you want to have dual citizenship? It's like being married to to two people. Never going to work out. Conflicting loyalties and all that.
As a dual citizen (admittedly not Dutch), I've never experienced these conflicting loyalties of which you speak. Dual citizenship has literally been all upside for me.
Pretty happy about the election results.

The formation is going to be interesting..

I'm putting my money on VVD + CDA + D66 + SGP + CU.

I think GL is too leftist for the VVD and CDA, if they want to push through some tougher immigration policies to keep the PVV at bay.

SGP is disgusting, hope not.
I'll have to give you the first one but I've never understood the double nationality thing. Why would you want to have dual citizenship? It's like being married to to two people. Never going to work out. Conflicting loyalties and all that.

because you don't want to choose between getting a VISA for every EU country or for your (supposedly former) home country when you have relatives in both. There is also a real emotional sting to not being allowed to be both.

That whole discussion is basically just there for populist reasons, not anything realistic. Also, nobody asked actual migrants how they feel about it.

Speaking of which, I kind of dread the CDA returning to government for that reason, so I'm hoping the VVD will play the conservative part, with D66 bridging the middle (50 seat combined with VVD), and GL bringing up the left side (66 total, so still 9 seats needed for equal government-opposition or 10+ for dominant with 75+). Considering the overlap with DENK in terms of programs, they might have a shot at becoming part of a government coalition if CDA doesn't play ball (which is kind of what I expect, since "christian values" and all that crap). I would prepare for a Belgium-equivalent formation process, with Wilders and other populists now having an active stage to shout their bullshit from (FVD...).
Of course, if they immediately go with "Paars+?" "Paars+." then that's that. But it won't be that easy. The final debate was boring for me, so I didn't really bother with it, but VVD-D66-GL seems pretty much safe since they don't really disagree all that much anyway. GL could blow up though. I seem to recall them doing that during the LPF re-re-re-election special bonanza. I really, really, really, want to avoid another one of those.


I wouldn't jump for joy too soon. PVV and FVD still gained seats, so there is still an apparent rise in racism. And the only reason PVV went lower is because of a much, much higher turnout than in previous elections and DJ Tantrum (= Potus 45).


Did Wilders get rekt? Would be super happy if he did.

Based on the exit polls he grew a few seats from the last election, but is still far smaller then the polls a few weeks back indicated. Smaller then the 2010 elections as well.
Also, the PVV isn't the largest party in the polls, but tied with CDA and D66 for second. D66 is easily among the most pro EU, socially progressive and climate oriented parties in the country. The largest win is for GroenLinks (green left) which ends up just after the previous 3.

So while Wilders did gain seats, the biggest gains were by his biggest opponents.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Good job keeping Wilders at bay neighbors. At least something good happening for once. Now let's hope for France too.


The worst possible outcome didn't happen for the first time in 2 years. This feeling is odd.

This is actually the second time a far right party has done worse then expected in an election since trump's win.The feeling is great. I knew wilders was going to lose a few weeks ago.


Get fucked, Geertje!

Also, is there a theoretical chance that the VVD can get cockblocked? Way too right for my taste, and I think technically a left-wing coalition would be possible, but that would require a lot of parties (5 or 6).


Get fucked, Geertje!

Also, is there a theoretical chance that the VVD can get cockblocked? Way too right for my taste, and I think technically a left-wing coalition would be possible, but that would require a lot of parties (5 or 6).

There is a non-zero chance... And that's about it.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Pechtold's D66 speech.
So good.
Fuck populism, not in Nederland, not in Europe. Never.


Get fucked, Geertje!

Also, is there a theoretical chance that the VVD can get cockblocked? Way too right for my taste, and I think technically a left-wing coalition would be possible, but that would require a lot of parties (5 or 6).

You'd need 76 seats for a majority. Looking at the exit polls, CDA (19) + D66 (19) + GL (16) + SP (14) + PVDA (9) would give you 77. So that is one party more than any with VVD. And that would be a center-left coalition.
Get fucked, Geertje!

Also, is there a theoretical chance that the VVD can get cockblocked? Way too right for my taste, and I think technically a left-wing coalition would be possible, but that would require a lot of parties (5 or 6).

absolute zero, nor would any sane person ask for that.

You'd need 76 seats for a majority. Looking at the exit polls, CDA (19) + D66 (19) + GL (16) + SP (14) + PVDA (9) would give you 77. So that is one party more than any with VVD. And that would be a center-left coalition.

CDA is hard right on cultural stuff (Christians...), and conservative on economics, they would never accept this. Also, they would never hang out with a former communist party due to both history and communism being secular by force whereas CDA is religious by volition. This won't happen.
Get fucked, Geertje!

Also, is there a theoretical chance that the VVD can get cockblocked? Way too right for my taste, and I think technically a left-wing coalition would be possible, but that would require a lot of parties (5 or 6).

Theoretical? Yes. Practical? No. VVD gets first pick, and they'll find a way to make it work.


Thierry Baudet can fuck off with his "party-cartel".

And themselves.

All parties introduced in the last decennium.


You'd need 76 seats for a majority. Looking at the exit polls, CDA (19) + D66 (19) + GL (16) + SP (14) + PVDA (9) would give you 77. So that is one party more than any with VVD.

Given the direction the CDA has taken this election cycle, I am not sure that would work out. Could be wrong, but Buma has presented the party as clearly right wing during the debates. Now I get that this was to pander to potential PVV voters, but I am not sure if the CDA would work that much better with left parties than the VVD at this point. Especially the SP seems far out there for it to work.


Given the direction the CDA has taken this election cycle, I am not sure that would work out. Could be wrong, but Buma has presented the party as clearly right wing during the debates. Now I get that this was to pander to potential PVV voters, but I am not sure if the CDA would work that much better with left parties than the VVD at this point. Especially the SP seems far out there for it to work.

Than a sustainable non-VVD majority is impossible.
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