I don't remember where some people were impressed by the crowd cheering in Macron's meetings.
Now, we know why it's so efficient... It's 2.0. They developped a phone app so that a PR head can coordinate in real time a bunch of people in the crowd, telling them what to make people around them shout and when, at what time they should applaude, etc.
Would have been funnier if they used Pictochat, but no doubt the trick is efficient. I can see it be used by others. Have you ever seen this in other meetings, I'm curious?
So fillon issued some PR, I'm on my phone, can't quote sorry. The wording seems now to imply that he wouldn't withdraw even if he was indicted.
Yeah, shoking news...
For all its declarations last summer about how De Gaulle would never have run for the presidency if he was indicted...
Sarkozy must laugh. He's apparently counselling Fillion on how to handle the matter (among others), some say he may give bad advices on purpose, I'm nearly willing to believe it.
I can't see anyway Le Pen will get in (coming from someone who correctly guessed Brexit and Trump). The French electorate and the two round system will prevent it.
For one thing the two round system is good... Beside that, that mostly mean that the one coming second in the first turn is elected, and the one coming seconds mostly depend on the number of candidates for each political "area"... Tell us about awful methods :/
I hope you're wrong, btw.
Bayrou seems to steal fairly cleanly from a lot of different candidates, it seems.
yes... For all I think it could make a better president* than a lot of the candidates, though, I'm not sure I want an even more random first turn...
Also, not a lot of people are talking about the elections *after* the president election, but honestly, is there even ONE candidate that can expect a backing majority after that?
* President, not prime minister... I don't think he's that good at handling thing on a day to day basis, but president in France used to be more discreet, setting directions, not actually governing. I'm convinced that him and Borloo as prime minister would have worked well.