(this one won't make the quarterly CH neogaf thread)

(this one won't make the quarterly CH neogaf thread)
I don't think there's been any yet since he's still a good way below the other 3.I don't think there's been a lot of Hamon v. Le Pen polling?
(this one won't make the quarterly CH neogaf thread)
I don't think there's been a lot of Hamon v. Le Pen polling?
tbh now I'm worried that Fillon still manages to get to round 2 against Le Pen and loses because no one on the left wants to vote for him.
'nyway, it's true that we completely overlooked the législatives. If Macron or Le Pen wins, they might not get a majority, which (likely) means a LR prime minister/government.
Probably deserves its own thread.
Yup expecting the Kremlin to switch over to Germany as soon as the elections in france are done.
It makes her slightly less likely to gain ground in polls, but those who already planned to vote for her are likely concerned by immigration and Islam over this.French GAF (how much) will this hurt Le Pen?
French GAF (how much) will this hurt Le Pen?
Not enough, that's for sure.French GAF (how much) will this hurt Le Pen?
The pessimist in me will say: about as much as it hurt Trump.
We (everyone in the world) have been doing to little too late to counter Putin's propaganda war machine. The number of serious candidates and French political figures who are friends or straight up supporters of the Russian autocracy and its bloody foreign "policy" is just plain sickening.
The optimist in me still thinks that she won't be elected regardless.
It's only a part of the French right and most of the far-right, who are embezzled with Russian Financial and political powers.
The left, even partisans of national sovereignty in international affairs like Mélenchon, are in a position that puts France at the center of the world powers's debate, but this has been diabolized by centrist-atlantits medias and political parties. He is much more nuanced but always has been taken as a caricature of a puppet of the worst dictators in the world. Not really fair, he hasn't any ties to Poutine or the Russian Parliament or Russian banks or Russian oligarchs, but he will be as blamed as Fillon or Le Pen for a point of view that is very very similar to Dominique De Villepin for instance.
About the point : Le Pen voters are 80% sure that they will vote for her, she can't get hurt by that kind of claims/rumours, that has little appeal to her voters, that's not their concern and they are probably unwaware of everything that goes behind that. And most importantly they'll forgive almost anything since she hasn't been in any government or any parliamentary majority, that's her #1 asset against everyone. Foreign examples (european and now american) don't matter unless someone drops a nuke.
I honestly assume the 25-30% of first round voters who'd cast a ballot in her favor don't give two shits about her corruption (or her competence for that matter).I mean the large majority of the country already deeply hate her, and her supporters will say that it is media manipulation or something along those lines, as always.
a shitload of people would stay home.
It's only a part of the French right and most of the far-right, who are embezzled with Russian Financial and political powers.
The left, even partisans of national sovereignty in international affairs like Mélenchon, are in a position that puts France at the center of the world powers's debate, but this has been diabolized by centrist-atlantits medias and political parties. He is much more nuanced but always has been taken as a caricature of a puppet of the worst dictators in the world. Not really fair, he hasn't any ties to Poutine or the Russian Parliament or Russian banks or Russian oligarchs, but he will be as blamed as Fillon or Le Pen for a point of view that is very very similar to Dominique De Villepin for instance.
Le Pen is so dangerous for this country that I'd even vote Fillon to stop her.
And then I'd vomit.
Still not enough for her to win. Yes, a lot of left leaning people wouldn't vote, but everyone will call to vote against her.
This is not a Brexit or Trump/Clinton situation. Lepen cannot win, the real question is which other candidate will.
I don't believe Mélenchon like Le Pen or even Fillon is aligned with some Russian positions because he shares an ideology or money with them. I think it's "just" contrarian myopia in action, where he'll defend assholes because they're adversaries of something he hates. To put it differently, he's more a useful idiot than a shill, which doesn't change the outcome, mind you.Mélenchon needs no third party to be a caricature. His support of Venezuela and communist dictators, his attacks against EU, hell his stance on Syria alone (remember Aleppo?) makes me dismiss him irrevocably. I don't know that he is a Russian puppet but he does make a fine impression of being a shill.
Still not enough for her to win. Yes, a lot of left leaning people wouldn't vote, but everyone will call to vote against her.
This is not a Brexit or Trump/Clinton situation. Lepen cannot win, the real question is which other candidate will.
I'm not writing anything off right now, and I think it's irresponsible to do so. Fillon worries me because he's been incredibly tone deaf in his management of Penelopegate, and he's shown he's unapologetic about his platform so I don't expect him to extend an olive branch between the two rounds.
I don't believe Mélenchon like Le Pen or even Fillon is aligned with some Russian positions because he shares an ideology or money with them. I think it's "just" contrarian myopia in action, where he'll defend assholes because they're adversaries of something he hates. To put it differently, he's more a useful idiot than a shill, which doesn't change the outcome, mind you.
That's a fairly common issue with these contrarian approaches, that they lead to ambiguities and strange bedfellows (see also complacency for antisemites in some parts of the far left who have forgotten who they are, but that's another can of worms).
Still not enough for her to win. Yes, a lot of left leaning people wouldn't vote, but everyone will call to vote against her.
This is not a Brexit or Trump/Clinton situation. Lepen cannot win, the real question is which other candidate will.
Mélenchon needs no third party to be a caricature. His support of Venezuela and communist dictators, his attacks against EU, hell his stance on Syria alone (remember Aleppo?) makes me dismiss him irrevocably. I don't know that he is a Russian puppet but he does make a fine impression of being a shill. Of course I'd still vote for him against LePen but hopefully this won't happen.
Fillon-LePen would be the best case scenario right now for the FN, with Fillon being very unpopular and scaring away left voters, and even then the polls put her far behind in the second round. Macron-LePen is already at 63-37, and is right now the more likely outcome.
Le Pen would need at least one or two scandals similar to Fillon's to shoot down other candidates before she has a true chance of winning. Not saying it can't happen, but it's unlikely.
Le Pen is currently supporting the police officers who are accused of raping a Black guy in Aulnay. Today another guy from Aulnay announced that he got beaten up by the same police officers a few days before the other incident. I could see this case damaging Le Pen's chances.
I don't think any scandal can stick to Le Pen. We already know she's been abusing political funds, has cheated on her patrimony declarations, has shady relationships with all kinds of extremists, ... and in the end nobody cares. Or not enough to changes things, those who hate her still hate her, those who love her still love her.
I'll believe it when the results are out and not before.
People said exactly the same about trump being not a Brexit situation before he won too.
I had somehow missed that Russia had officially denied claims from the Macron campaign that they're being targeted by Russian cyberattacks :
Because yeah, that sounded entirely unbelievable, unheard of, even.
Meanwhile, Fillon's campaign faces another scandal? Welp.
French presidents have more power than the leaders of most other advanced democracies, including Germany, the United Kingdom, and, arguably, the United States. They not only command the executive apparatus, including the armed forces, but tend to drive the national policymaking agenda with little parliamentary oversight. Whats more, as head of state, the president is a powerful symbol of the French nation. Before presidential terms were cut from seven years to five in 2000, some political analysts likened the French presidency to the absolute monarchy of the ancien régime. The winner of the presidential contest in 2017 will take charge of a country at a crossroads on various foreign and domestic policy issues.