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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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"Social experiment", eh ? Just call it a prank, unless he intends to write a sociology paper on it...


That was unexpected. Good news I suppose, if the more hardcore branches of the FN die spontaneously.


Lol the first half isn't actually too wrong, but once she gets warmed up, oh my !

But what's up with the moderator? "So Brussels is the new capitol of France." WTF? How is this acceptable? No wonder the Trump and Russian propaganda works so well over there in the US.
Fuck this garbage person, seriously:
There was nothing kind of authentic about it like we see with the Trump election or for us with Brexit

He's a banker. He's married to someone old enough to be his gran, who found him when he was at school age 15. He's never had a real job. He doesn't have any children. He doesn't have a proper family so he doesn't connect with people.


she has been hinting at it for a few weeks

just waited till the election is over to confirm it

It's going to be funny if someone in En Marche wins her seat in June at this point.

It will all depend on how Macron's run goes and how the political landscape will change in the meantime.
Also any kind of terrorist attack happening at key moments usually works in their favor cause they fit in their narrative.
Way too soon to tell.

It will require a perfect storm for her or someone else representing the FN or a far right party to get into the second round again in 2022.There's a chance someone representing the far right gets into the second round if their is no viable opposition to Macron in 2022. Le Pen has to deal with legal issues which she has been avoiding so I'm not extirely sure if she will represent the far right at this point if they make it into the second round in 2022.


I watched Les Coulisses d'Une Victoire documentary, and as someone who is not native in French, my biggest takeaway from this is that Brigitte is hilarious. She and Macron make a cute couple.

That and their editing style reminds me so much of Veep. Some of the intense scenes seem like they're ripped straight of the show!
Just watched the documentary as well. I loved that sick Hollande burn right before going out into the Whirlpool parking lot. I mean, they even put on subtitles JUST to make sure you understood.


But what's up with the moderator? "So Brussels is the new capitol of France." WTF? How is this acceptable? No wonder the Trump and Russian propaganda works so well over there in the US.

Lol, so people can trash everything but macron here ? give a brake, most here trash the fn and even a moderator trashed valls, it's just democracy when you want it to be.


Lol, so people can trash everything but macron here ? give a brake, most here trash the fn and even a moderator trashed valls, it's just democracy when you want it to be.

You can trash Macron if you want but be better than the fachosphere and don't invent fake stuffs while doing so.


So is Le Pen going to have to pay back all those loans from Russia now? Lol
Well, France will... She'll receive about 11 million euros, so she should be able to pay back those.

Candidates have to find money, but Marine was sure she would at least receive more than 8 million after the election (you need 5%).

The one that was probably in a difficult position was Dupont-Aignan. They were probably hoping to reach 5% (so they would have received 8 millions), and at 4.75%, they'll only receive 800.000 euros. I have no doubt that the official support to MLP has some economical reasons.


Thinking about it it seems unfair to have a hard threshold on the required results to get most of the money, and having a x10 difference for a 0.25 points increase (not that I'm feeling sorry for Dupont Aignan, but it's still unfair).
They could at least have a continuous transition.
Well, France will... She'll receive about 11 million euros, so she should be able to pay back those.

Candidates have to find money, but Marine was sure she would at least receive more than 8 million after the election (you need 5%).

The one that was probably in a difficult position was Dupont-Aignan. They were probably hoping to reach 5% (so they would have received 8 millions), and at 4.75%, they'll only receive 800.000 euros. I have no doubt that the official support to MLP has some economical reasons.

Of course he did it for the money. He knew he was getting in a tough position money wise but that move was dumb af.

He was hoping to be prime minister and have some DLF candidates elected at legislatives when the score difference was that big.

In the end, he destroyed everything he built so far and, trust me, they wont fail to make him pay for the legislatives and municipales. Oh and, money's still a problem. Except this time, his movement will fall to total irrelevancy. :")


Well actually we've known about that for one or two months, this has been delayed till today because she didn't want to hurt her aunt's campaign
That's really personnal reasons : she's a young mother

That's also strategy. In her press release she was clear about the fact that she wants to be outside of politics to gather experience in the civil society. My bet is she'll eventually be back (she's only 27) and try to differentiate herself from her aunt, now that she saw MLP wasn't able to convince the people to follow her.
Right now she's the only credible heir to Marine Le Pen, and FN, or whatever the party will be called soon, needs a strong leader (preferably with a name beginning with Le and ending with Pen) to work.

If she doesn't come back, then good for her (and us) I guess.

Lol, so people can trash everything but macron here ? give a brake, most here trash the fn and even a moderator trashed valls, it's just democracy when you want it to be.

Tell us more about how you feel. Thanks to FN loosing the elections we're still completely free to voice our opinions after all ! :)


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Probably deserves its own thread:

Trump invited today Jack Posobiec at the White House, he's the far right guy who posted Macron emails wikileaks stole:


How isn't this a provocation towards our country?
Speaking of the leak, there's an article about it in nyt that goes into more detail than I'd seen so far, where the EM team confirm they tainted it in advance with bullshit emails and docs they had created in the event this happened.

So basically, this dump is hard to parse between the real mails with fake content, the real mails with real content, and the fake mails with fake content added afterwards.



Speaking of the leak, there's an article about it in nyt that goes into more detail than I'd seen so far, where the EM team confirm they tainted it in advance with bullshit emails and docs they had created in the event this happened.

So basically, this dump is hard to parse between the real mails with fake content, the real mails with real content, and the fake mails with fake content added afterwards.


Looks like all those mentions of le numérique in speeches weren't just lip service; he really has surrounded himself with people who know the arse end of a computer. That bodes well.
I hope that means we'll have smarter discussions about encryption because the position he expressed wasn't exactly enthusiasming

I had missed that. Yeah, that's disappointing and not a good stance.

At the end of the day, there are only three possible stances on encrypted messaging applications:
1. Live and let live.
2. Have backdoors in there, which means they're accessible to anyone.
3. Somehow ban encryption and consider its use suspicious.

I don't find 2 or 3 acceptable. With 1, you can still do social engineering or coerce people, I guess.

The paradigm Macron has in mind, the one used for wiretaps and traditional monitoring, only works on traditional communications where the communication operator has the ability to know the contents of a communication and is willing to share it.


That's also strategy. In her press release she was clear about the fact that she wants to be outside of politics to gather experience in the civil society. My bet is she'll eventually be back (she's only 27) and try to differentiate herself from her aunt, now that she saw MLP wasn't able to convince the people to follow her.
Right now she's the only credible heir to Marine Le Pen, and FN, or whatever the party will be called soon, needs a strong leader (preferably with a name beginning with Le and ending with Pen) to work.

If she doesn't come back, then good for her (and us) I guess.

She doesn't want to have little fights with her aunt in the party, she never did. I don't see her coming back unless her aunt is impeached within the party.
I despise her ideas and her family but for once that doesn't seen driven by strategy.
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