Could he pick Bayrou? Might look too much like a backroom deal though.
I'm not sure about that.
Could he pick Bayrou? Might look too much like a backroom deal though.
There's this:Is there a good rundown somewhere? I'd be interested in seeing his platform. I don't mind French links
Is there a good rundown somewhere? I'd be interested in seeing his platform. I don't mind French links there a good rundown somewhere? I'd be interested in seeing his platform. I don't mind French links
It's soft neoliberalism. Nothing really new, most of his ideas are or were in think thanks from center left and center right...Where he picked his "experts".
Too bad he didn't propose anything big on democracy, besides things that were necessary on ethics in politics.
I would have voted for him on the second round if he was proposing substantial changes in our democratic system. It reminds us that only real left candidates are in favor of a true democracy, not a soft reformed parliamentary democracy.
He truly is the last hope of neoliberals to save their ass and get even more of their policies in place.
Does this mean that you will not vote for him, if he were to face Le Pen in the second round? Is preventing a 'neoliberal' from winning more important than preventing Le Pen from winning? (no)
He will choose someone for PM if he becomes president but it won't be Sarkozy.Choosing sarkozy for french PM wouldn't fit the message he is trying to sell on nepotism and corruption.
Sure but I guess the idea is that Sarkozy would come back before the legislative election, win with LR and then Macron would be forced to pick the LR leader as prime minister. That's how it works.
Honestly I often say that FN would have a hard time winning the legislative election if Le Pen wins, but Macron will probably have the same kind of problem, because his party is very young. Alliances could happen, but it's a real possibility that we'll have a cohabitation, whoever wins the presidential.
That doesn't mean anything really. It's kind of the cliché that you hear everyday or on BFMTV, or from right-wing/free-marketeers who find an easy argument here.
Also about polls, on the same page I posted that :
There's a good chunk of Mélenchon-Hamon 1st round voters that'd vote for Fillon in the 2nd, and even more from Macron. Pollsters are already getting Le Pen higher than what comes out of the poll first because of bias from "shy" voters as you say, although these bias are less and less present.
There's Nothing that shows that Le Pen could win over Fillon in the 2nd round.
In France, a number of right-wing officials now abandoning Fillon & trying hard to draft Alain Juppé by signing campaign papers for him.
Shit's getting wild.
Lol. Some political analyst thinks a goat can beat marine le pen in the second round if it was marine le pen against a goat.
Funniest thing is that that no mainstream politician can appeal to French working class voters. None can beat Le Pen .... what's going on?
Anyone that replaces him would probably be to tainted to actually get past the first round.He should have dropped out a few weeks ago.AFP: #BREAKING French candidate Fillon's spokesman says quitting campaign
Yeah, Fillon is done.
Anyone that replaces him would probably be to tainted to actually get past the first round.He should have dropped out a few weeks ago. 27%
Le Pen 25,5%
Fillon 19%
Si Fillon renonce pour Juppé :
Juppé 26,5%
Macron 25%
Le Pen 24%
Oh my god at this poll. It looks like Juppe hurts Le pen's position in the polls a lot while Macron doesn't get hurt much by Juppe's entrance into the race.I still don't think replacing Fillon will save the LR.If the second round is Macron vs Juppe in the end I think Macron will win by 4 to 10 percent.This new Odoxa poll says otherwise, though:
AFP: #BREAKING French candidate Fillon's spokesman says quitting campaign
Yeah, Fillon is done.
François Fillon will withdraw from the French presidential race next week if a rally of his supporters called for Sunday in Paris fails to be the show of force he expects, one of his closest aides told POLITICO.
He can fight judges, but he cant fight his own party for much longer, said the adviser, who declined to be named.
Kicking Le Pen out on the first round would be the ultimate twist of this crazy election. Please make it happen.
It's even better than that.
First message
And then, surprise!
Haha yes that would be so dope.That will make me so happy. Like "ready to get blackout drunk" happy.
She was defending him only two days ago with the most AMAZING defense: "he said he'd quit if he was indicted, but at the time we all thought he wouldn't be indicted".When even Nadine Morano tells you to quit you know you've been too far.
I honestly expect more counter-protesters than protesters.
This is by far the craziest campaign we've ever had.
French pollster just tested Juppé instead of Fillon. Result? The right goes from 19% to 27%& *Le Pen no longer makes runoff,* falls to 3rd!
it looks like marine le pen has to deal with something to now.
French campaign growing wild. Today: Le Pen (like Fillon) summoned by judges to face indictment—and on charges similar to Fillon's no less.
Le Pen faces allegations 23 parliamentary assistants had fictitious jobs. (Fillon faces same allegation about wife.)
L'étau se resserre autour de Marine Le Pen. La candidate du Front national à l'élection présidentielle a été convoquée par les juges d'instruction, en vue d'une possible mise en examen, dans l'enquête sur les soupçons d'emplois fictifs d'assistants du FN au Parlement européen, mais elle a fait savoir qu'elle ne s'y rendrait pas. Selon l'une des sources, la candidate du Front national à la présidentielle a affirmé dans un courrier envoyé aux juges qu'elle ne répondrait pas à cette convocation avant la fin de la campagne, une information confirmée par son avocat Rodolphe Bosselut.
lol, she doesn't want to show up until the election is over!
The ultimate craziness would be Juppé winning the election -- that is, someone who was actually convicted of fake jobs beating two people who are facing indictment for alleged fake jobs.
Fillon's campaign manager has resigned! And Sarkozy is showing signs of dropping as well. This looks so unsustainable, but clock ticking.