In what universe would socialists want to get Mélenchon elected? The guy is dead set on destroying everything they have built in the last half-century at least, not too mention the socialist party itself.
People really live in weird bubbles, if you don't see how Mélenchon is an extremist candidate for a massive share of the french population (I want to say a majority but really I have no idea), how can you attack other people for being biased? (not that there aren't thought bubbles on the right or the center of course)
Well I think it's not too hard to swing back the "you live in a weird bubble" to you, it's a rather easy way to dismiss others opinion while not accounting why they're thinking this way in the first place.
What did socialist created in the last half century?
More paid vacation? Less working time? More social support? Occasional nationalizations? Increasing the minimum wage? Retirement at 60 years ? And all the societal progress like abolish the death penalty, pacs, loi Evin, same sex marriage and so on
Both Melenchon and Hamon have all of that, Macron does not and instead he's kind in a position where he wants to be right in the middle between Fillon and Hamon while being very evasive about everything, on the societal front he was supposed to be a progressist but since he backpedaled on the cannabis legalization matter I think it's fair to say that he isn't really anymore, he will just stay on the status quo in most topics if he was to be elected.
The two of them really are the embodiment of what "socialist" even mean on most of the important topics (see the graphs above)
Not to mention the one destroying the socialist party right now in a very frontal way is definitely Macron, En Marche is where all the "elephants" are running to currently and not a single one defected to Melenchon (though today we heard Royal praising him which is a bit of a surprise).
It doesn't mean Melenchon get a pass on everything (while not as controversial as some make it seem to be, his stances on international politics might be disturbing to say the least), it doesn't mean you necessary see the world with rose tinted glasses when you intend to vote for Melenchon, especially when we've all seen what happened in Greece with Tsipras, but like Hamon said we just have enough of voting "against" something or someone or voting by default, what's important is to send a message when voting and unlike the FN when you vote Melenchon there's a clear one behind and there's nothing destructive about anything he's proposing, a big shift that's for sure, one that might prove to be hard when confronting it to internationalization and market realities that's a given, but when there are billions being removed from the real economy and no one isn't doing anything about it don't complain when people are angry when we tell them
"Ok those billions are on you, you will work more for a longer time, and also it will be easier to fire you, also fuck the climate and ecology and btw we will destroy thousands of jobs in your city, including postal services, teachers, cultural and sports related jobs, healthcare will be more expansive and on you, also we will switch to private mostly so don't expect to have an hospital less than 30km from your city when you don't live in big cities or suburbs, also when you lose your job you will earn less and for a shorter time etc."
The promise being that this way we will be more competitive and they will be jobs for everyone so everything will be fine, except that's already what we've been doing for the past 15 years including the CICE (10B less tax for firms/year) under Hollande's presidency which was supposed to create 1M jobs and we all know how it ended up, and how the unemployment rate was 15 years ago and is today.
That's mostly Fillon's program, but that's what Macron want
Also since when is it so hip to gratuitously hate on Macron? Why is everyone starting every statement about him with "Not that I love Macron, but..."? The guy looks like a good candidate to me, I'm not afraid to say that I will be happy to vote for him. I don't understand this weird french obsession with being utterly disgusted with mainstream politicians. Nobody even knows why, but everyone feel they have to despise them.
"Hate" is a strong word, but for the educated you can check this
video which summarizes a lot about Macron's campaign (the fact this tv program is unavailable on replay on LCI is a bit disturbing also), the ones talking about him clearly are not leftist or anything (though it's a shame that they all seem to agree with each other, they are mostly there to talk about the communication aspect of the campaign), they're juste commenting on a pure political point of view in a very straightforward way
On a personal point of view while I'd rather have Macron being elected than Fillon, I think that for a long term prospect it would be safer to have Fillon than Macron.
That's odd to say but Macron elected would set a very very very bad and dangerous precedent because Macron is 100% pure marketing and zero politic, the lack of program whatsoever two months before the election was the biggest offender, the backpedaling on some topics another, it's pretty clear that he's being pushed hard by a lot of lobbies including the medias and it's been the case for a long time now (it was pretty disturbing when one year ago you could just walk around and see an add for a magazine having "MACRON PRESIDENT" on cover, Fillon, Le Pen, Hamon or Melenchon never ever got that), when Hamon asked him multiple times for weeks and even on primetime on TV to be transparent about who's funding his campaign he dodged the question every single time, he even dared to say 100% of its funds were from private donators and the state didn't give him anything (something which is false since donations to political parties are exempted of tax to 66%) and no one seemed to care!
It even allowed Fillon to say that he was an "anti system candidate" which is a complete joke but somehow went through, there was also the case of some polls testing the option of a 2nd round Macron-Le Pen in late Summer/early Fall last year despite the former being very far from a contender to 2nd round back then, like 10 points far from it, when Melenchon had to wait to be less than 5 points far from it for a few weeks to be tested and Hamon never had this chance despite being regularly in the 5 points range in February, of course like every other poll whoever is the candidate against Le Pen that candidate would win, the point clearly was to increase the awareness of his potential win against very rule followed by polls before.