|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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Yeah I was thinking about that too. :)

At what time does Mélenchon usually publish his videos on Youtube ? (or does he even have a specific time ?). Everybody is waiting for his move (even if apparently everybody is also expecting a "do whatever you want" position)

Now that LePen is directly calling out to his supporters directly I assume he'll respond sometime soon:



The Birthday Skeleton
I've never encountered this argument (Rotschild=jew) in any leftist text or whatever during this campaign.

Then tell me what are the arguments of using "Rothschild banker" in a derogatory way?

It's a very subtle, subconscious thing in my opinion.


paid requisite penance
Then tell me what are the arguments of using "Rothschild banker" in a derogatory way?

It's a very subtle, subconscious thing in my opinion.

I wouldn't look too far into it. Rothschild is just a famous rich family. Banks are also rich. "Rothschild banker" is a double whammy. It's like saying "Rich McRichface".

I mean I'm sure there are racists among the left. No idea how many and I wouldn't even dare to start guessing. But using "Rothschild banker" as a way to illustrate some kind of latent antisemitism is quite a leap.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The amount of Melenchonites going for Le Pen makes me believe that maybe there's something more troubling with that camp than whatever mean things the media is saying about them.

Is that so surprising? It's not something Melenchon would approve of, by any means, but in general, it is true that both of them are anti-system parties. It's always been a truism that where socialism fails, fascism succeeds - Leroux wrote in 1834:

In the present struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, that is of those who do not possess the instruments of labor against those who possess them, the bourgeoisie represents even, at first glance, more obviously than the proletarians, the sentiment of individuality and liberty. The wealthy possess that liberty, and they defend it, while the proletarians are so unhappy and so deprived of it, that a tyrant who promised to free them by enriching them could perhaps, in their ignorance, make of them for some time his slaves.

Funky Papa

I wouldn't look too far into it. Rothschild is just a famous rich family. Banks are also rich. "Rothschild banker" is a double whammy. It's like saying "Rich McRichface".

I mean I'm sure there are racists among the left. No idea how many and I wouldn't even dare to start guessing. But using "Rothschild banker" as a way to illustrate some kind of latent antisemitism is quite a leap.

The European left is also buying big time into this Soros nonsense.

It's hardly subtle.


The Birthday Skeleton
I wouldn't look too far into it. Rothschild is just a famous rich family. Banks are also rich. "Rothschild banker" is a double whammy. It's like saying "Rich McRichface".

I mean I'm sure there are racists among the left. No idea how many and I wouldn't even dare to start guessing. But using "Rothschild banker" as a way to illustrate some kind of latent antisemitism is quite a leap.

I would argue that the Rothschild's fame as evil rich has deep roots in the long term antisemitism.

I'm not aware of any big scandal involving them in recent times in Europe or US. They weren't really in spotlight even during the last financial crisis (no major bailout either as far as I know). Maybe I'm missing some big piece of info here to understand why "Rothschild banker" is a bad thing.

Funky Papa


I'll absolutely take your word for it, because I can believe they'd be so fucking stupid as to alienate natural allies.

It's massively idiotic and I want to scream from the rooftops when I see those fuckers cheering for Orbán.

While they are not 100% mainstream, they are hardly a tiny group of people.

Funky Papa

There, you have it.
I hope we can properly focus on the second round now.


Pretty much what I expected/hoped.

Although I would have been a bit more virulent with a proper Ils ne passeront pas! at the end.

But that's just me.

Edit: It could be easily translated as a call to abstain. Which would fuck things up pretty badly. Not that I was counting with him endorsing Macron, but it's still far from optimal.


It feels just as hypocritical as all those half-declarations from other leaders, "you can guess who I'm voting for but I won't say it or it will be a bad look for me". Hardly better than "Don't vote FN but abstaining isn't a good choice either, that's all I can say" from LR.
Not that it's a surprise, but it's just as silly now as it 's been since Sunday. If everybody knows what it means, then why don't you say it ?

Anyway, still better than nothing I guess.
Mais putain quelle absence totale de race chez Mélenchon.

His message is ambiguous (except for the fact that he wished he didn't finish 4th and got 10% more votes), pushing further the incomprehensible blurring of lines between his voters and FN sympathisers. I was waiting for him to do the right thing but I now wished he kept his mouth shut.

Good riddance.

I wouldn't look too far into it. Rothschild is just a famous rich family. Banks are also rich. "Rothschild banker" is a double whammy. It's like saying "Rich McRichface".

I mean I'm sure there are racists among the left. No idea how many and I wouldn't even dare to start guessing. But using "Rothschild banker" as a way to illustrate some kind of latent antisemitism is quite a leap.

You should look further into it. There is a very clear antisemitic subtext in hammering that Macron worked for Rotschild specifically (funnily enough, no one ever said the same thing about Pompidou or Emmanuelli), serving the elite, the oligarchy, the international finance etc. This is litterally in tune with 1930s' rethoric. Not saying that the left is antisemitic per se (of course not!) but too many left leaning people are falling into the trap.


Mais putain quelle absence totale de race chez Mélenchon.

His message is ambiguous (except for the fact that he wished he didn't finish 4th and got 10% more votes), pushing further the incomprehensible blurring of lines between his voters and FN sympathisers. I was waiting for him to do the right thing but I now wished he kept his mouth shut.

Good riddance.
I don't know if there's any doubt on the vote he will cast on may 7. That's not what upsets me the most to be honest - I didn't expect him to tell FI what to do, or what he's going to do. But he REALLY should have been more aggressive on Le Pen, and the way she's trying to worm her way into his electorate. I mean, he only mentions her in passing, comparing her to Hollande in 2012 and... I mean, really Jean-Luc?
It's massively idiotic and I want to scream from the rooftops when I see those fuckers cheering for Orbán.

While they are not 100% mainstream, they are hardly a tiny group of people.

I know very well the far-left parisian scene, and i can assure you that nobody is cheering for Orbán. I did however encountered youngster who were interested in politics in the first place because of those conspirationist videos and it's very worrying. However i don't think that anti semitism have any kind of spot in the french left. I currently live in south america and THERE you will find the most horrendous antisemitic shit in the Far Left. Really scary stuff and totally normalized. Almost like in the arab world.


What a bunch of pudeurs de gazelles this video is. It's better than nothing I guess but not by much.
Acting as a victime and blaming everyone and everything for what is happening now instead of taking responsability as a political leader is not great.



Pretty much what I expected/hoped.

Although I would have been a bit more virulent with a proper Ils ne passeront pas! at the end.

But that's just me.

Edit: It could be easily translated as a call to abstain. Which would fuck things up pretty badly. Not that I was counting with him endorsing Macron, but it's still far from optimal.

How many languages do you speak ?


teach me sensei
I don't know if there's any doubt on the vote he will cast on may 7. That's not what upsets me the most to be honest - I didn't expect him to tell FI what to do, or what he's going to do. But he REALLY should have been more aggressive on Le Pen, and the way she's trying to worm her way into his electorate. I mean, he only mentions her in passing, comparing her to Hollande in 2012 and... I mean, really Jean-Luc?

I agree, although I understood that he would abstain. I mean his fierce opposition to the FN was, as far as I'm concerned, the one thing he got for him. Not being clear on where there is space for compromise and where there isn't means he's just no leader, plain and simple.

On top of this, he's probably alienating the part of his base that came from discontent PS sympathisers. All the people I know who uste to vote PS and (enthusiastically!) voted for him in the first round are super pissed about the way he's been handling things (yes I know this is anecdoctical).

The difference with how the communist reacted clearly and immediately is striking.


Basically, Jean-Luc Mélenchon only votes for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Well sod off.
Motherfucker's claiming De Gaulle's heritage while supporting Petainists and OAS descendants who tried to kill him. De Gaulle would punch you in the face you sack of shit. So glad I'm not paying for this puddle of filth's campaign.


Basically, Jean-Luc Mélenchon only votes for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Well sod off.

In some alternate reality
the best timeline
Hamon qualified for the 2nd round and Melenchon is definitely voting for him.

EDIT: Holy shit Dupont-Aignant, that guy won't keep the 4.7% he got, probably some shady deals with the FN behind the scene


Neo Member
Reading what has been happening over the last couple of days and it's scaring the shit out of me. Why do facists always seem to win nowadays? People generally seem to want the world to die.

I know the final vote ain't done but chances are Le Pen will win, that's just the way the world is going.
Basically, Jean-Luc Mélenchon only votes for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Well sod off.
Jean-Luc "no pasaran but" Mélenchon.
A lot of people will remember this.

Motherfucker's claiming De Gaulle's heritage while supporting Petainists and OAS descendants who tried to kill him. De Gaulle would punch you in the face you sack of shit. So glad I'm not paying for this puddle of filth's campaign.
That's the only silver lining here, that the little shit didn't clear 5%. At least, Marine can show him how to divert public funding efficiently.
Macron's slipping under 60% in a few polls, with 9 days left. A LePen getting over 40% :/

I mean, 41%. It's still quite close to the election, but yeah. Also, he's dipped, but he was on a bit of an upswing compared to his polling averages.


He's sort of gone from 60 to 64 pretty frequently. Of course, it's different now.

Whaaaaat are you doing, Mélenchon?
Reading what has been happening over the last couple of days and it's scaring the shit out of me. Why do facists always seem to win nowadays? People generally seem to want the world to die.

I know the final vote ain't done but chances are Le Pen will win, that's just the way the world is going.

Posts like this are such empty trash it's unbelievable.

I mean, 41%. It's still quite close to the election, but yeah. Also, he's dipped, but he was on a bit of an upswing compared to his polling averages.


He's sort of gone from 60 to 64 pretty frequently. Of course, it's different now.

Clearly Le Pen has a great chance to win.


I expected something like this from Mélenchon. I over-estimated him and I hope those who voted for him instead of Hamon, the best left wing choice, feel bad for their choice.
My bad.

Not too familiar with the referendum system in France but let's say Le Pen wins, would she be able to straightaway leave the EU or does a Referendum have to take place?

I'll think about that possibility when Le Pen is polling within a single digit margin, maybe.

As it stands, Austria and Netherlands have already been defeats for this movement. France, UK, and Germany are also showing no signs of rewarding far right parties yet either. Le Pen is their only remotely viable chance this year.


Haha you make me laugh so much, yeah some peoples don't think capitalist is good, news at eleven for you.

It's not about thinking capitalism is bad (everybody knew Mélenchon's position on that), but thinking center-right liberalism is as bad as xenophobic nationalism. Or doing nothing to dismiss that thought anyway.


I mean, even if she doesn't win, how about we stop downplaying this shit ?

Lepen over 40% lmfao, yeah everything's normal here, nothing to see.

Do you even understand what that means for the country ? And what it means going forward.

This is all beyond terrible.


I'll think about that possibility when Le Pen is polling within a single digit margin, maybe.

As it stands, Austria and Netherlands have already been defeats for this movement. France, UK, and Germany are also showing no signs of rewarding far right parties yet either. Le Pen is their only remotely viable chance this year.

Eh. The Conservative party in the UK is definitely implementing the kind of shit tier policies many of these fascist parties would. They're definitely stroking deluded nationalist agendas.


It's not about thinking capitalism is bad (everybody knew Mélenchon's position on that), but thinking center-right liberalism is as bad as xenophobic nationalism. Or doing nothing to dismiss that thought anyway.

Well this is also a news for you, I also like how you name one and the other.
My bad.

Not too familiar with the referendum system in France but let's say Le Pen wins, would she be able to straightaway leave the EU or does a Referendum have to take place?

Her plan is to put forward demands to the EU and if they don't yield then she will announce a EU referendum.

She won't win. Also her father is suppose to be giving out a speech so that's sure to do some damage as he's much worse and the former leader of the National Front.
I mean, even if she doesn't win, how about we stop downplaying this shit ?

Lepen over 40% lmfao, yeah everything's normal here, nothing to see.

Do you even understand what that means for the country ? And what it means going forward.

This is all beyond terrible.

It's terrible either way and we have to come up with a solution because this is a global crisis.


Not surprising sadly, but also disappointing showing from Melenchon. Still bitter about his defeat, even if it's not as irritating as some of his spokespersons and supporters...

The biggest shame is not that he's not clearly saying he's going to vote for Macron (only possible vote to show you're against the FN), but that he's still pushing the bullshit argument that both Macron and Le Pen have extreme ideologies.
Liberals from countries like UK and US are probably laughing hard at Macron's program.

Her plan is to put forward demands to the EU and if they don't yield then she will announce a EU referendum.

Like Melenchon. Thank god a pro-EU candidate managed to be in the second round.

Saying she has no chance to win is really counter-productive and not particularly true either.


I mean, even if she doesn't win, how about we stop downplaying this shit ?

Lepen over 40% lmfao, yeah everything's normal here, nothing to see.

Do you even understand what that means for the country ? And what it means going forward.

This is all beyond terrible.

It's going to embolden the Neo Nazi thugs and increase their recruitment. Every hijab that gets torn off, every gay bashing, every Jewish cemetery that gets desecrated is going to be on those who abstain and further normalise her with false equivalencies.

If Macron is shit we can get rid of him 5 years from now. Le Pen poisons the well for generations. When is the penny going to drop for these people?


I mean, even if she doesn't win, how about we stop downplaying this shit ?

Lepen over 40% lmfao, yeah everything's normal here, nothing to see.

Do you even understand what that means for the country ? And what it means going forward

That 40% of people who vote are desesperate and will vote for anything that seems different from the "regular" offer they've got in politics for the past few decades?

In other words that those in power failed or at least failed to communicate that they're doing their best.
Not surprising sadly, but also disappointing showing from Melenchon. Still bitter about his defeat, even if it's not as irritating as some of his spokespersons and supporters...

The biggest shame is not that he's not clearly saying he's going to vote for Macron (only possible vote to show you're against the FN), but that he's still pushing the bullshit argument that both Macron and Le Pen have extreme ideologies.
Liberals from countries like UK and US are probably laughing hard at Macron's program.


Like Melenchon. Thank god a pro-EU candidate managed to be in the second round.

Saying she has no chance to win is really counter-productive and not particularly true either.

Just giving my opinion. Is every opinion counter productive now? Never said it was the absolute truth and she has zero chance.

Le Pen on 40% is quite alarming for sure although we'll see on the day. The system finalists doesn't help but in the UK a Le Pen/Farage type figure would only attract a 20% figure and under the name National Front would probably mean it would never gain any kind of traction, it's such a hard line sounding name. it stops me in my tracks every time I hear National Front or Front National, I just see Nazi jack boots. FN should've ditched that but whatever.


Le Pen getting roasted on BFMTV over anti-semitism. She changes topic to Islamism.

And now she's dissing Zidane.

And now the "no go zones" far right talking point regarding Sarcelles.
Dupont Aignan just killed his own party.
He's banking everything on Le Pen's victory. If she fails (and the odds are high), the only thing he will have will be 2 or 3 more MPs in the Parliament. Next presidentials ? People will be like "You endorsed her, so why vote for you ?"

What an idiot.


Le Pen getting roasted on BFMTV over anti-semitism. She changes topic to Islamism.

And now she's dissing Zidane.

And now the "no go zones" far right talking point regarding Sarcelles.

...those bullsshit no-go zones? I hope she's getting called out for it.


Of course, typical.

Also that Zidane, what is this 2006?

She didn't like that Zizou spoke out against her, said that she wouldn't lecture people on football so a footballer shouldn't lecture people on politics. When the interviewer brought up Zizou's rags to greatness story and how it inspired others Le Pen compared kids in suburbs aspiring to be footballers to drug dealers (it was barely coherent, can't rewind so can't translate better).
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