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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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That is... what Macron talked about.

So Europe isn't doing anything for refugees now ? Got it.
I don't even know what problems we're supposed to be fixing and how that could be relevant here.

Governments are not doing enough to help refugees, NGOs and the people are the ones doing what most governments are ignoring.

Just look at how the EU deals with Erdogan to control the entry of refugees allowing Erdogan to do whatever he wants. Or the thousands of deaths by refugees trying to cross the sea to get to Europe. Or the sate of most refugees camps in the Middle east in places like Lebanon or Jordan. The western governments can do way more to help rather than take symbolic quotas. Germany is one of the few governments that tried to do something but lacked the support of the rest of the EU.

"I don't even know what problems we're supposed to be fixing"

One of the first step is to resolve all the internal issues regarding the way how a good portion of the population sees refugees and the Middle East. If the perception does not change then it will amost be impossible for things to change.
That is... what Macron talked about.

So Europe isn't doing anything for refugees now ? Got it.
I don't even know what problems we're supposed to be fixing and how that could be relevant here.

Europe really isn't doing enough. On the one side we have Germany, which has been criticized at every turn for it's decisions in the refugee crisis, when many refugees would have froze to death if Merkel hadn't decided to let them in, and then there are countries like Hungary building a fence so they don't have to provide help to refugees crossing into their country.


And there goes the old excuse "but Marine's FN is not the same one as her father's". I hope this makes her lose some voters.
It is only but one of many incidents. Anybody that argued otherwise at this point was either ignorant or insincere.
Europe really isn't doing enough. On the one side we have Germany, which has been criticized at every turn for it's decisions in the refugee crisis, when many refugees would have froze to death if Merkel hadn't decided to let them in, and then there are countries like Hungary building a fence so they don't have to provide help to refugees crossing into their country.

realisticly, youth unemployment is sky high in many parts of Europe.

that is a good argument in slowing down immigration and avoid a youth brain drain.
And there goes the old excuse "but Marine's FN is not the same one as her father's". I hope this makes her lose some voters.

At some point, people needs to realize the "anti-system" "anti-europe" crap is just a way to not say that most of FN voters just dislikes arabs.
Way to close for my liking honestly. I get that it's unlikely that 10% of voters will change their vote at this stage, but it still way to close man. This needs to be a 70/30 blowout

It's crazy that the gap is so short. Anything less than 80 against Le Pen is a real shame for France and a bad omen for the future.


It's crazy that the gap is so short. Anything less than 80 against Le Pen is a real shame for France and a bad omen for the future.

i never expected macron to win 80-20 against marine.i just want her to lose by enough so that the fn won't feel happy about the result.


i never expected macron to win 80-20 against marine.i just want her to lose by enough so that the fn won't feel happy about the result.

It's not 2002 anymore and Marine ain't Jean-Marie, 80/20 was never gonna happen in any scenario.


It's crazy that the gap is so short. Anything less than 80 against Le Pen is a real shame for France and a bad omen for the future.


Le Pen and her brand of populism has taken hold of most major rurral areas of France. She is projected to get around 40% if not more in the 2nd round. Everything she campaigned for the other parties adopted slightly similar policies or talking points.


Read this article. Sure it does generalize a bit. But Marine Le Pen and her politics have never been more popular. It won't go away.


It's not 2002 anymore and Marine ain't Jean-Marie, 80/20 was never gonna happen in any scenario.

Yeah, we should aim at 70/30 and expect 60/40. There's no way she'll go below 25% anyway, since she was already close to that on the first round.

Anyway, I found the choice of campaign grounds amusing today. Maybe I'm seeing too much into it, but :

Macron yesterday : I'm going to Amiens.
Lepen : I'm going to Amiens too and ruin it for you !
Macron today : Ok, now I'm going to Sarcelles. Your move.


So I decided to check on a whim how the cities that went to FN voted for the first round

Beziers (75 000 inhabitants, biggest city with a FN mayor)

2014 Municipales
1st round
M. Robert MENARD Liste Front National - 44.88 %
M. Elie ABOUD - 30.16 %
M. Jean-Michel DU PLAA Liste Union de la Gauche - 18.65 %
M. Aimé COUQUET Liste du Front de Gauche - 6.29 %

2nd round
M. Robert MENARD Liste Front National - 46.98 %
M. Elie ABOUD - 34.62 %
M. Jean-Michel DU PLAA Liste Divers gauche - 18.38 %

LE PEN 31.23 %
FILLON 19.11 %
MACRON 17.56 %
HAMON 4.85 %
POUTOU 0.74 %
ARTHAUD 0.39 %

I think it's pretty clear here that in 3 years the FN might be down but even if that's the case not by much.
Le Pen still leads and Macron came fourth, here more than elsewhere a biggest chunk of Melenchon and Fillons electors will probably go for her, if you add Asselineau and a good part of Dupont-Aignant she will easily be above 40% and might go up to 45 or even 50%.

Fréjus (53 000 inhabitantsr)

2014 Municipales
1st round
M. David RACHLINE Liste Front National - 40.3 %
M. Philippe MOUGIN Liste Union de la Droite - 18.85 %
M. Elie BRUN Liste Divers droite - 17.6 %
Mme Elsa DI MEO Liste du Parti Socialiste - 15.58 %
M. Philippe MICHEL Liste Divers droite - 7.65 %

2nd round
M. David RACHLINE Liste Front National - 45.55 %
M. Philippe MOUGIN Liste Union de la Droite - 30.43 %
M. Elie BRUN Liste Divers droite - 24.01 %

LE PEN 33,50 %
FILLON 25,87 %
MACRON 17,14 %
HAMON 3,07 %
POUTOU 0,67 %
ARTHAUD 0,40 %

That's city is rightist alright, Le Pen most likely has a good shot of coming ahead of Macron here as he clearly isn't Fillon.

Hénin-Beaumont (26 000 inhabitants)

2014 Municipales
M. Steeve BRIOIS Liste Front Nationa 50.25 %
M. Eugène BINAISSE Liste Union de la Gauche 32.04 %
M. Gérard DALONGEVILLE Liste Divers gauche 9.76 %
M. Georges BOUQUILLON Liste Divers gauche 4.05 %
M. Jean-Marc LEGRAND Liste Divers droite 3.88 %

LE PEN 46,50 %
MACRON 14,86 %
FILLON 8,41 %
HAMON 4,47 %
POUTOU 1,01 %
ARTHAUD 0,91 %

3 years in power do not seem to have weaken the FN much here either, their score are pretty similar considering the wider offer there was for the presidential election.

Villers-Cotterêts (11 000 inhabitants)

2014 Municipales
1st round
M. Franck BRIFFAUT Liste Front National - 32.04 %
M. Jean-Claude PRUSKI Liste Divers - 22.15 %
M. Jean-Claude GERVAIS Liste Divers droite - 13.61 %
M. Yves RICHARD Liste Divers droite - 13.41 %
M. Fabrice DUFOUR Liste Divers - 12.63 %
M. Jean-Claude MONNIER Liste du Front de Gauche - 6.13 %

2nd round
M. Franck BRIFFAUT Liste Front National - 41.53 %
M. Jean-Claude PRUSKI Liste Divers - 34.66 %
M. Jean-Claude GERVAIS Liste Divers droite - 23.8 %

LE PEN 34,26 %
MACRON 18,34 %
FILLON 14,33 %
HAMON 4,89 %
ARTHAUD 1,04 %
POUTOU 0,88 %

One could say that here the FN score even improved since 2014, Le Pen will definitely be above 40% and has a good shot of beating Macron too

There are others notable cities (11 with >10 000 inhabitants) but in the end I think we notice that being in power didn't weaken the FN influence at all there, it's either stable, slightly above or slightly below compared to the previous election.
Mind I can't analyze exactly how are these cities being handled but it seems like the mayor didn't burn the FN electors yet.


Comparing elections is interesting but you forgot to talk about the disparity of abstention, the differential abstention of the electorates, the different political offer which includes the local context of these cities. These would be keys to understand what happened here (along with field study with people that live here, I recall Mediapart did some reports a few months ago)

I recommend this book made by an historian that works on the FN and a photograph. They went to these cities the last 2 years. This may be more accessible than sociological papers on the matter, but still very accurate (and great compromise between narrative structure/scientific approach).

It's not? Your position is such a cheap and cowardly cop out that it blows my mind. No intervention but let's send some humanitarian aid so we can pat ourselves on the back. Oh and we'll take the moral high ground while doing so.

I'm not for or against intervention because both positions have clear and obvious flaws, but I'm not stupid enough to pretend like one of the two positions has any kind of moral high ground.


Comparing elections is interesting but you forgot to talk about the disparity of abstention, the differential abstention of the electorates, the different political offer which includes the local context of these cities. These would be keys to understand what happened here (along with field study with people that live here, I recall Mediapart did some reports a few months ago)

Of course.
It lacks a lot of context but it already took me enough time to just take that info and format it before posting on this topic :p

It's still worthwhile data to look at, but numbers are what they are : numbers, and they don't reflect any social situation or give any background.


So I decided to check on a whim how the cities that went to FN voted for the first round

Beziers (75 000 inhabitants, biggest city with a FN mayor)

2014 Municipales


I think it's pretty clear here that in 3 years the FN might be down but even if that's the case not by much.
Le Pen still leads and Macron came fourth, here more than elsewhere a biggest chunk of Melenchon and Fillons electors will probably go for her, if you add Asselineau and a good part of Dupont-Aignant she will easily be above 40% and might go up to 45 or even 50%.

Fréjus (53 000 inhabitantsr)

2014 Municipales


That's city is rightist alright, Le Pen most likely has a good shot of coming ahead of Macron here as he clearly isn't Fillon.

Hénin-Beaumont (26 000 inhabitants)

2014 Municipales


3 years in power do not seem to have weaken the FN much here either, their score are pretty similar considering the wider offer there was for the presidential election.

Villers-Cotterêts (11 000 inhabitants)

2014 Municipales


One could say that here the FN score even improved since 2014, Le Pen will definitely be above 40% and has a good shot of beating Macron too

There are others notable cities (11 with >10 000 inhabitants) but in the end I think we notice that being in power didn't weaken the FN influence at all there, it's either stable, slightly above or slightly below compared to the previous election.
Mind I can't analyze exactly how are these cities being handled but it seems like the mayor didn't burn the FN electors yet.

Villers cotterets. I live in a village five minutes away. There are 184 people in my village eligible to vote. 87 voted FN.


It's crazy that the gap is so short. Anything less than 80 against Le Pen is a real shame for France and a bad omen for the future.

You are just blind like many.

First, bad publicity is still publicity,
Two, pro european politics in power didn't improve the situation so of course it has grow since.
You are just blind like many.

First, bad publicity is still publicity,
Two, pro european politics in power didn't improve the situation so of course it has grow since.

I understand the causes very well. Still a shocker than so many people in my country are stupid enough to give the power to a fascist party who will do nothing to help them. I am sorry but the image of the FN have changed so much that it's hard to accept.



Polls are polls and all that but relevant information nevertheless too
- Proportion of Melenchon's (~~15-20%) Hamon's (~5%) Fillon's (~30%) voters going for Le Pen iremains steady so she isn't gaining anything worthwhile so far
- However abstention/white vote seems to be increasing for all 3, going from 30 to 40% for Melenchon, slightly for Hamon, and going up by 5-10 points for Fillon

In case there was any doubt it again shows that it's Macron's election to lose rather than Le Pen to win.


I understand the causes very well. Still a shocker than so many people in my country are stupid enough to give the power to a fascist party who will do nothing to help them. I am sorry but the image of the FN have changed so much that it's hard to accept.

It's all a matter of confidence actually. It's not even that people believe in Le Pen, but all you can hear when her voters are interviewed on TV (not those you find in meetings) is "we've tried everything and we're still poor, so let's try her, what's the worst that could happen ?".

Also makes me sad to hear names of cities that are so familiar to me since I was born and raised in Picardy. Villers Côtterets is one of the names I always heard when taking the train home (Crépy en Valois, Villers Côtterets, Soissons, Anizy-Pinon,...)


I understand the causes very well. Still a shocker than so many people in my country are stupid enough to give the power to a fascist party who will do nothing to help them. I am sorry but the image of the FN have changed so much that it's hard to accept.

Not that I disagree with you, but as been said multiples said in this very topic if you want to change people's minds and show them the "right" way, telling them they're stupid is the wrong way to go and the very reason why there are more and more of them.

And it's not like being educated doesn't end up with electing an educated person that doesn't think you're stupid or act like you aren't anyway.

Besides we always are more stupid than someone else, this is imo borderline arrogant to always think the others not thinking like you are stupid, I'd bet than a good chunk of Le Pen's electors think we are stupid for always voting for the same people that keep screwing us over eh.



Polls are polls and all that but relevant information nevertheless too
- Proportion of Melenchon's (~~15-20%) Hamon's (~5%) Fillon's (~30%) voters going for Le Pen iremains steady so she isn't gaining anything worthwhile so far
- However abstention/white vote seems to be increasing for all 3, going from 30 to 40% for Melenchon, slightly for Hamon

In case there was any doubt it again shows that it's Macron's election to lose rather than Le Pen to win.
I see that the strategy of demeaning Mélenchon voters for thinking of abstaining on social media is paying off.

Man, this looks really, really bad to me. I get he's ahead, but it feels like she's closing the gap super fast doesn't it?
He's not doing his campaign any favors, which is starting to get worrying. I'm more than ever determined to vote for him, because at this rate he's truly going to need it.


I see that the strategy of demeaning Mélenchon voters for thinking of abstaining on social media is paying off.

In the other hand you have you Fillon who clearly said to vote for Macron but despite that more and more of his supporters are voting Le Pen or abstaining too.
If anything the impact is bigger coming from Fillon's supporters since they're more voting "for Le Pen" than abstaining.

Funky Papa

I see that the strategy of demeaning Mélenchon voters for thinking of abstaining on social media is paying off.

The amount of Melenchonites going for Le Pen makes me believe that maybe there's something more troubling with that camp than whatever mean things the media is saying about them.
He's not doing his campaign any favors, which is starting to get worrying. I'm more than ever determined to vote for him, because at this rate he's truly going to need it.

It's crazy. I don't follow it closely, just check in here on occasion, since there's nothing I can do, but Lord, I'm starting to feel real terror about this.


Yeah in the end I think voting instructions are a matter of public image and strategy for future elections, but it won't move the voters themselves.
It's like Dupont Aignant hesitating to voice his opinion, everybody knows most of his voters are going to Le Pen, but it's just political strategy for him.


The Birthday Skeleton
The amount of Melenchonites going for Le Pen makes me believe that maybe there's something more troubling with that camp than whatever mean things the media is saying about them.

The two sides of the same coin (for parts of their audience). A lot of common policies and common real and invented enemies. The next step will be to vote FN in the legislative, since it might prove more useful once they go that way.


It's crazy. I don't follow it closely, just check in here on occasion, since there's nothing I can do, but Lord, I'm starting to feel real terror about this.

Some reactions here may make is sound worse than it really is. He's not doing bad actually. Not great, but not bad. Pure Macron. :p
He's done one minor "mistake" (the dinner at La Rotonde, although even calling it a mistake is exaggerated), and Le Pen may have struck a chord at Whirlpool, but everything considered he's handling those well.
Some reactions here may make is sound worse than it really is. He's not doing bad actually. Not great, but not bad. Pure Macron. :p
He's done one minor "mistake" (the dinner at La Rotonde, although even calling it a mistake is exaggerated), and Le Pen may have struck a chord at Whirlpool, but everything considered he's handling those well.

I hope so. Trying not to get too worked up about since there's literally nothing I can do about it since I can't vote (I could donate some to Macron's campaign, maybe, I dunno), but it's scary.


The amount of Melenchonites going for Le Pen makes me believe that maybe there's something more troubling with that camp than whatever mean things the media is saying about them.

The left is more racist than the media pretends. Defense of immigrants is often just a mean to an end. LePen has a chance to get a lot of votes from the left with economic policies. It's true everywhere, not just in France. There's so many points of friction on religion, gay marriage, women's rights, especially since what happens abroad is not seen as inherently detached from what immigrants might stand for locally.


The two sides of the same coin (for parts of their audience). A lot of common policies and common real and invented enemies. The next step will be to vote FN in the legislative, since it might prove more useful once they go that way.

That's still not true.

Two recent fact-checking papers that debunk this theory of shared public policies :
Le Monde

They also don't share the same values

The reality is that the right-wing voters that have been used to hear extreme discourse from their party for the last ten years now see Le Pen as someone that is within their ideological sphere. That's why nearly 1/3 of Fillon voters say in polls they'll vote for Le Pen. That's where the real porosity is, in both ways, as shown by every study of the elections since 2012 (see Lebourg, Gombin)

The left is more racist than the media pretends. Defense of immigrants is often just a mean to an end. LePen has a chance to get a lot of votes from the left with economic policies. It's true everywhere, not just in France. There's so many points of friction on religion, gay marriage, women's rights, especially since what happens abroad is not seen as inherently detached from what immigrants might stand for locally.


Do you have something to prove these claims or it's just your personnal opinion based on your experience of life ? I've been debunking these off-ground theories for weeks here and I'm still waiting to see actual data that support "le cercle des extrêmes" hypothesis.


Good old #altfacts.
Whirlpool workers apparently thought that Macron wouldn't like to shake hands with them, and qualify them as "dirty" due to an old parody website news, and a video edited about him washing his hands after meeting some workers (when it was after manipulating an eel).

Yeah, I saw that, on the other hand, who wouldn't wash their hands after shaking 200-300 hands no matter who it is :p germs...
Not that I disagree with you, but as been said multiples said in this very topic if you want to change people's minds and show them the "right" way, telling them they're stupid is the wrong way to go and the very reason why there are more and more of them.

And it's not like being educated doesn't end up with electing an educated person that doesn't think you're stupid or act like you aren't anyway.

Besides we always are more stupid than someone else, this is imo borderline arrogant to always think the others not thinking like you are stupid, I'd bet than a good chunk of Le Pen's electors think we are stupid for always voting for the same people that keep screwing us over eh.

I understand your point but i am not a politician, i don't try to win them over. For me they are plain stupid and they don't know shit about european history and from where the FN come from. I can't have any kind of respect for people who would happily kick me out in order to get my job/house or whatever. Every survey show it: the common denominator between FN voters is racism. It's overlap every other consideration: class/generation/education.

I'm not saying that every FN voters is racist, but if they are not and just do that as a "revolt vote", they are just stupid because it will end very badly. The issue is that we take our liberties and principles for granted.

Funky Papa

Plenty of people at the left are low key racist. Antisemitism in particular is pretty damn evident among eurocommunists, even if sometimes disguised as "I'm not an antisemite but an antizionist". There's also some very deep, very real (and dare I say, very worthy of being studied) resentment in communities that have been hit hard by migrant workers.

And let's not forget that France has a rather large core of nationalists from all political spectrums pushing against anything that breaks ethnic uniformity.

The chief difference is that conservative and nationalist parties are willing to make their campaigns all about those issues, whereas the left pushes for progressive reforms that may or may not fully connect with some voters that yes, they may be racist, but put generally put their racism aside if they find other issues they deem worthier. So while conservative racists are fairly upfront about it, racism mong the left is just there, slowly simmering in the background.

When it comes to the left and racism, it's generally less about "I hate black people" than "I really don't care about their wellbeing". Thus, that fraction of hardcore Melenchonites going for Le Pen.
Plenty of people at the left are low key racist. Antisemitism in particular is pretty damn evident among eurocommunists, even if sometimes disguised as "I'm not an antisemite but an antizionist". There's also some very deep, very real (and dare I say, very worthy of being studied) resentment in communities that have been hit hard by migrant workers.

And let's not forget that France has a rather large core of nationalists from all political spectrums pushing against anything that breaks ethnic uniformity.

The chief difference is that conservative and nationalist parties are willing to make their campaigns all about those issues, whereas the left pushes for progressive reforms that may or may not fully connect with some voters that yes, they may be racist, but put generally put their racism aside if they find other issues they deem worthier. So while conservative racists are fairly upfront about it, racism mong the left is just there, slowly simmering in the background.

A very good book about it:


Mélenchon is clearly leaning to the nationalist side of the french left. The race issue don't have any kind of place within his jacobin ideology.


Case in point: Rothschild banker.

Yeah I was thinking about that too. :)

At what time does Mélenchon usually publish his videos on Youtube ? (or does he even have a specific time ?). Everybody is waiting for his move (even if apparently everybody is also expecting a "do whatever you want" position)


He hasn't indicated any publishing time afaik

Plenty of people at the left are low key racist. Antisemitism in particular is pretty damn evident among eurocommunists, even if sometimes disguised as "I'm not an antisemite but an antizionist". There's also some very deep, very real (and dare I say, very worthy of being studied) resentment in communities that have been hit hard by migrant workers.

And let's not forget that France has a rather large core of nationalists from all political spectrums pushing against anything that breaks ethnic uniformity.

The chief difference is that conservative and nationalist parties are willing to make their campaigns all about those issues, whereas the left pushes for progressive reforms that may or may not fully connect with some voters that yes, they may be racist, but put generally put their racism aside if they find other issues they deem worthier. So while conservative racists are fairly upfront about it, racism mong the left is just there, slowly simmering in the background.

When it comes to the left and racism, it's generally less about "I hate black people" than "I really don't care about their wellbeing". Thus, that fraction of hardcore Melenchonites going for Le Pen.

The polls are about the 7M people that voted for him. Among these, you can count at best 450.000 "hardcore Mélenchonistes" : those who subscribed online to support him, receive news and get involved in the campaign locally or online.
Imho I doubt his hardcore supporters are going to vote Le Pen. Those who would do that may be those who hesitated between the two, who previously voted FN and changed their mind and are less diplomed and well less politicized.

Case in point: Rothschild banker.

I've never encountered this argument (Rotschild=jew) in any leftist text or whatever during this campaign. There may been a very small minority with anti-semitic residue (and they don't represent anything the left fight for), but calling people antisemitic everytime here's an argument about the place of finance in our societies or about the repressive politics of Israel is bad rhetoric*

Although the left is always accused to be antisemitic when they criticize the high-end financial world. I remember Mélenchon was called antisemitic in 2013 after saying that the French Finance Minister spoke the same words as the finance world (and because he was jew the PS called him antisemitic at once)

It's not as effective as talking about Putin, Chavez, Castro tough, so that's why we haven't seen it in this campaign.

*but coming from you, who's not even capable of answering a detailed post I made disproving your alternative facts, is not suprising
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