|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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She didn't like that Zizou spoke out against her, said that she wouldn't lecture people on football so a footballer shouldn't lecture people on politics. When the interviewer brought up Zizou's rags to greatness story and how it inspired others Le Pen compared kids in suburbs aspiring to be footballers to drug dealers (it was barely coherent, can't rewind so can't translate better).

Ugh. Seems présidential to me.
She didn't like that Zizou spoke out against her, said that she wouldn't lecture people on football so a footballer shouldn't lecture people on politics. When the interviewer brought up Zizou's rags to greatness story and how it inspired others Le Pen compared kids in suburbs aspiring to be footballers to drug dealers (it was barely coherent, can't rewind so can't translate better).
Of course she'd mention drug dealers, of course she would.

Also, if there's one thing everyone has an opinion on, it's football lol.


Of course she'd mention drug dealers, of course she would.

Also, if there's one thing everyone has an opinion on, it's football lol.

To be fair her words were that she finds horrific that some people claim the only alternative to being a drug dealer is to become a footballer.

"L'argumentation consistant à dire aux jeunes de quartiers que la seule perspective pour eux c'est soit de devenir footballeur soir de devenir dealer, c'est terrifiant"

(except that nobody claims such thing, of course)


What chances are for a JLM-MLP government? At this point it seems that more things unites than divide them.

Slimmer than a UMP-FN government.
And that one is below 1% (though we might see a few guys migrate, like Poisson), why are you even asking?

You've got this little fantasy in your head that you keep repeating ad nauseam in this thread, you're not bringing anything interesting by doing so honestly.


The Birthday Skeleton
Slimmer than a UMP-FN government.
And that one is below 1% (though we might see a few guys migrate, like Poisson), why are you even asking?

You've got this little fantasy in your head that you keep repeating ad nauseam in this thread, you're not bringing anything interesting by doing so honestly.

I admit, this last one was over the top. I guess I'm just anxious about EU future here. I'll take a step back.


To be fair her words were that she finds horrific that some people claim the only alternative to being a drug dealer is to become a footballer.

(except that nobody claims such thing, of course)

The original quote from Macron is along the line of "I'd rather have them become Uber drivers than drug dealers". That was stupid, but since she's just a big liar, she didn't even bother to criticize the real thing.

You've got this little fantasy in your head that you keep repeating ad nauseam in this thread, you're not bringing anything interesting by doing so honestly.

Yeah but it fits his narrative so well. Since us leftists don't like Macron, we must be FN, no other alternative here.


She didn't like that Zizou spoke out against her, said that she wouldn't lecture people on football so a footballer shouldn't lecture people on politics. When the interviewer brought up Zizou's rags to greatness story and how it inspired others Le Pen compared kids in suburbs aspiring to be footballers to drug dealers (it was barely coherent, can't rewind so can't translate better).

Ok just for the record, that's not what she said.

She asked the interviewer if "aspiring to become a footballer" should be their goal, or else what, become drug dealers ? She then clarified and said it's because they are french citizens like every other, and that many of them aspire to become bakers, engineers, etc... they shouldn't have for objective to just be good in sport over the rest just because they are "from the suburbs", as if they couldn't get normal jobs.

The way she turned the question was obnoxious, but she didn't actually say anything bad for once, since she stated they were the same as the rest of the population and shouldn't get different aspirations just because they're from the suburbs.
Quick analysis of both official campaign posters :

Apparently the fact that Le Pen is showing a bare knee was a much discussed element in the conception of the poster, and is supposed to be a subliminal message against Islam.



I wonder what kind of books are on the shelves behind her. I remember an old documentary on the FN where the journalists noticed in official videos subtle hints sent at people "in the know" by displaying controversial books in the background.
She wouldn't do it on a campaign poster obviously, but I still tried to refocus the picture in case there was still information there. :p
It didn't work though. I even wonder if some of the books have their spine turned away from the viewer.


Ok just for the record, that's not what she said.

She asked the interviewer if "aspiring to become a footballer" should be their goal, or else what, become drug dealers ? She then clarified and said it's because they are french citizens like every other, and that many of them aspire to become bakers, engineers, etc... they shouldn't have for objective to just be good in sport over the rest just because they are "from the suburbs", as if they couldn't get normal jobs.

The way she turned the question was obnoxious, but she didn't actually say anything bad for once, since she stated they were the same as the rest of the population and shouldn't get different aspirations just because they're from the suburbs.

I should have clarified but making the leap from footballer to drug dealer is very calculated on her part. Nobody is saying that the only alternative to being a drug dealer in the suburbs is a footballer (except maybe her by bringing it up in such a manner) and there's nothing wrong with kids having Zizou as a role model and a dream of becoming a footballer isn't unique to kids in the suburbs anyway. She tried to turn Zizou's contribution to French society into a negative, not surprising given he represents everything she hates and 1998 was a big middle finger to people like her.


She didn't like that Zizou spoke out against her, said that she wouldn't lecture people on football so a footballer shouldn't lecture people on politics. When the interviewer brought up Zizou's rags to greatness story and how it inspired others Le Pen compared kids in suburbs aspiring to be footballers to drug dealers (it was barely coherent, can't rewind so can't translate better).

I actually agree with her on this. Zizou is my favorite player of all time and was my only idol growing up but we shouldn't care about who he's voting for. And I'd say this about any celebrity. This isn't America. We don't care about what candidate is being endorsed by super rich celebs. That was a stupid question and the follow up with the " it's a good rags to riches story to inspire kids from la banlieue " was even worse.

Jeez that Ruth elkrief almost makes me want to vote LePen. So fucking bad.


I actually agree with her on this. Zizou is my favorite player of all time and was my only idol growing up but we shouldn't care about who he's voting for. And I'd say this about any celebrity. This isn't America. We don't care about what candidate is being endorsed by super rich celebs. That was a stupid question and the follow up with the " it's a good rags to riches story to inspire kids from la banlieue " was even worse.

Jeez that Ruth elkrief almost makes me want to vote LePen. So fucking bad.

I agree re celebrity but Zizou was deliberately brought up to wind her up. I think the aim of the question was to get under her skin and hopefully make her say something she'd later regret. The interviewer could have said "Marcel Desailly" 3 times in quick succession for the same effect but it wouldn't have been as subtle.


Dupont-Aigant was somestimes tough, sometimes gentle. It just proves once again that the porosity is between the right that went too far and the far-right, despite what people try to say in this thread. The danger will be greater when the FN will realise that the best strategy for them is make an alliance between the right-wing voters and parties on a clearer nationalist and ethno-neoliberalism platform. Basically that's Dupont-Aignant with a bit more of capitalist economic policies (but already Le Pen's 2017 platform killed some big keynesian points such as the raise of the minimal wage and less taxes for people who have capital although few noted it)
He fullfilled his task of preventing Fillon's from getting access to the second round but now he's politically dead. He built his party on "independance" from the big parties between him, now that he's tied he can't claim that no more.

Then tell me what are the arguments of using "Rothschild banker" in a derogatory way?

It's a very subtle, subconscious thing in my opinion.

I'll make the subtitles for you then : it represents the high-end financial world, an economical so-called elite that uses its symbolic, social, economical, cultural and political power to influence decisions that will push our societies towards more neoliberalism, an uneven share of ressources (99% v 1%) etc.
Furthermore in the French system Macron represents the movement between the high (economical) administration and the high banking system.

Really no link with the 1930s where a "great jew plot" destroying christian societies by the rule of money grew and grew. At the time there were lot of jew refugees, actual big country putting out repressive policies against jews, the French State not being tough before 1939 against anti-semitic extremists (who used violence against jews)... the "question juive" was at the center of the public debate. This isn't the case today so really the comparison with the 1930s is not relevant on this point.

What chances are for a JLM-MLP government? At this point it seems that more things unites than divide them.

0. Nothing unites them (including economic policies, as shown by two articles I quoted earlier to you) and Mélenchon has always been tough against her, her party, what she represents (fascism).

At lest we debunked all the defense of the "rouge-brun" theory*, I hope you have been convinced.

*rouge=far-left/radical left / brun=far-right

Yesterday Macron's spokesman accused François Ruffin (left-wing journalist, made a documentary against big companies delocalizing industries and leaving people with nothing left) of being a "rouge-brun". Ruffin later said he'd personally vote for Macron to get Le Pen out. On Twitter the far-right accused him of being tied with the "oligarchy" because of that.
Not a good time to be a leftist : always accused of the worse crimes. I wish people calling out Mélenchon names all this week would take the same amount of energy to fight on topics that matter when they matter.


Sooo Dupont-Aignan would be Le Pen's prime minister if she won. These last two days have probably been pretty enlightening to anybody still having any doubt whether this man is a miserable piece of shit or not.

Sotha Sil

De Gaulle has reached apex godhood, in the sense everybody and their mother claim to be his one and only spiritual successor - from centrists to actual fachists, no less. The only positive outcome I could envision for this election would be any and all references to him being instantly ridiculed in the future.


what a joke, do people even like this guy

A poll after the first round said one third of his electors would vote Macron, one third Le Pen and one third abstain.

Most of his electors were with him either because they were desillusioned with Fillon or because Le Pen was too hardcore for them, they won't go to Le Pen because he says so.
In the grand scheme of things Le Pen will "only gain" a few hundreds of thousands voters thanks to that (yeah that's still too much), Dupont-Aignant on his side will lose everything if Le Pen loses.


A poll after the first round said one third of his electors would vote Macron, one third Le Pen and one third abstain.

I would have thought his voters to be less split than that (and more in favour of Le Pen actually, but I didn't follow his program that much).
I don't think the support will automatically transfer a lot of votes to MLP, but it will help defend her (alleged) image of "not extreme-right candidate".

Pour ceux que ça intéresse, vous pouvez vous rendre disponible pour voter par procuration à la place de quelqu'un de votre circonsription qui ne peut se déplacer:


Doesn't work for me, it tells me to select my city in the list, which I did. Maybe it doesn't like hyphens ? Oh well...


I take it his move is not being well received In France then? Wonder if his base will follow, I thought he had ruled out an alliance before

His base was like 45% vote for Le Pen 15% for Macron and the rest undecided between white vote/abstention.

As for "France" by definition I don't believe anyone supports this outside of FN supporters and sympathisers (and of course Dupont Aignant's part of the base who agrees with this). Any party left of the FN is standing against this, especially on the right-wing (including centrists) because Dupont Aignant is a former member of the main right-wing party and that concerns them directly.

Dupont Aignant is much more capitalist/neoliberal-within-national-borders on his platform than Le Pen. By stating he'll be PM, she's trying to attract new right-wing voters that were afraid of her "social-statist" platform, but agreed on the need of closed borders, no immigration, more authority and verticality etc.

In their agreement the main point is that they dropped the fight for the end of the euro ("not a priority for any economic policy").
What that I don't understand are the two final points about "ethics" and "democracy", the FN has been standing against justice, basic ethics and independant journalism for decades. (which means it won't stand one second and was just hear to get Dupont Aignant happy)


She should have dropped the fight against the euro long ago and she would have had a chance of winning the election. The only reason old people don't vote for her (a part from the whole catholic priests telling old women to note vote Front national because it goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ) is because she wants out of the Euro and she pretty much recycled the economic policies of the far leftparty.

I don't think blue collar workers are suddenly gonna stop voting for her if her program evolves towards more liberalism and less protectionism. It could only benefit her but it's too late for this election. She listened too much to Philippot and screwed herself by not listening to her niece. Not that I'm complaining ...
I don't think blue collar workers are suddenly gonna stop voting for her if her program evolves towards more liberalism and less protectionism.

It's all about race. 80% of her votes are from people who blame France's problems on a measly marginalized 7% of the population and want to go full Martel on them. She could espouse the same economic program as Macron and her base wouldn't budge. Why do you think they sing the Marseillaise at the end of each meeting?

Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons.


It's all about race. 80% of her votes are from people who blame France's problems on a measly 7% of the population and want to go full Martel on them. She could espouse the same economic program as Macron and her base wouldn't budge. Why do you think they sing the Marseillaise at the end of each meeting?

Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons.

Those who go at her meetings and who sing don't represent her electorate as a whole. Although yes the common denominator between them is a form of xenophobia that works as an ideological system.

In that hypothesis, she sure would lose some people that are in precarious situations and would go back to abstention (or vote Mélenchon?), but my bet is that she would gain more people on her side. It'll take her a few years to do the shift though and the FN is torn up between the two stratégies (staying out of the parties on a social-nationalist Platform or trying to be the most common denominator of an "alt-right")

This is a misinterpretation. The "sang impur" is historically the blood of the people (newly republican) opposed to the "sang pur" of the aristocrats (royalists during the Revolution). It's not the blood of foreigners.
It's all about race. 80% of her votes are from people who blame France's problems on a measly marginalized 7% of the population and want to go full Martel on them. She could espouse the same economic program as Macron and her base wouldn't budge. Why do you think they sing the Marseillaise at the end of each meeting?

Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons.

That's a bit unfair though. I dont believe that 80% of her voters are racists. As for singing the Marseillaise, it's our national anthem and it's not racist.

No, if you wanted to have a point, you could blame them on yelling "On est chez nous ! on est chez nous ! "(This is OUR home/country) like every times at her meetings, which basically means what it means and the racist ideas around that party.
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