Even after accounting for context-sensitive speech and other equivalents Overwatch has, to think a portion of these Scout lines would have to be slowly unlocked (or bought) line by line is ludicrous.
All the posts saying how inconsequential these speech lines are only emphasize how crazy a decision it's to lock them away! Why couldn't Blizzard be satisfied with skins, sprays and icons?
I know it's paradoxical. Gameplay-affecting unlocks are awful but they are also an obvious consideration by devs. But who the heck thinks about unlocking '2 seconds' speech lines?
So far no one has offered an argument why it isn't a bad decision have speech as unlockable.
Doesn't effect gameplay? But it does the experience. And you are already unlocking other stuff. There's no rule everything in a game has to be obtained.
Stupid robot voices? That's one character. And you would be arguing against a bad implementation of speech lines rather then for having them as unlocks.
Can only equip one voice line so you can't press a key and choose from every line you unlocked? Bad implementation again.
So we are only left with the silly 'universal' approach that as long as something can be unlocked by playing the game (for hours and hours), it being locked away at the start can't impact a game or the user's experience of the game negatively.