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Overwatch marks a new low in Unlocking and Microtransaction systems that I'm aware of


I also like how all you are centering around the Robot character voice lines instead of the plenty human characters. You can't even be ingenuous in your counter-argument.


Just accept that you're very passionate about something that 99.9% of players do not care about, in a game that you don't even play.


21 characters
54 unlocks per character
1134 total unlocks
4 items per lootbox
Loot boxes take an average of 90 minutes to obtain
Loot boxes are random and may obtain duplicates

You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

Everything that you want is unlockable far quicker because of the currency. It's not like you have to wait 300 hours to get that legendary skin you were hoping for. Play enough and you'll easily build up enough gold to get it.

And 400 hours to unlock absolutely everything in a game built for long lasting play seems reasonable to me.


21 characters
54 unlocks per character
1134 total unlocks
4 items per lootbox
Loot boxes take an average of 90 minutes to obtain
Loot boxes are random and may obtain duplicates

You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

Oh no how dare they, making you play the game to unlock things? The fucking cheek!
I mean, the random aspect sucks of course, but if you're the average sort of player that just wants to unlock their favourite skin, voice, pose, emote and intro for the characters you regularly play it's not really that much of a problem. Early on you will have very little gold to play with, but as you get gold for duplicates the more you've unlocked the more you'll have to spend on the bits you haven't got lucky enough to get.

Personally at level 20 I already have the Mercy and Lucio skins and Mei voice I want as well as 210 gold in pocket. To get everything else I want I need about 3000 more coins assuming I get absolutely nothing randomly. For something I'm probably going to put a few hundred hours into, I cannot see that is a problem at all. It's less of a grind than earning enough money to buy cosmetic gear you want in most MMOs.
Is it ridiculous that voice acting is charged for? Of course.

But does anyone else care? Of course not. People like unlocking pointless things.


Wait, how is Destiny Pay to win? If you are referring to those new sterling boxes which contain equipment with an armor value of 3 you get those from completing weeklies and the item pool is low enough for you to get what you want fairly quickly. Not that i like the boxes but it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.

Just an example...of a micro-transaction that actually have an impact on the course of the game. Almost all pay to win MT can be unlocked by playing and grinding but people are to busy to do it (I guess) so micro-transactions are like the new cheat codes. Want more fps? No problem 10 bucks for a box that may or may not have a super weapon.


21 characters
54 unlocks per character
1134 total unlocks
4 items per lootbox
Loot boxes take an average of 90 minutes to obtain
Loot boxes are random and may obtain duplicates

You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

See? People want everything now and the laziness is real.


It's just nice to buy a game and get the full game for once without having parts of it taken aside and held hostage for ransom.

Panda Rin

Just accept that you're very passionate about something that 99.9% of players do not care about, in a game that you don't even play.

Even if he cared so much, they're 25 coins each.

It's mind-boggling how people are dismissing the fact that all future meaningful content is free partly because of the micro-transactions. What else do you want them to do? Sell the maps and characters as DLC? Have the game go F2P and have characters be unlockable through progression or payment ala HotS?

How would they feasibly make money post-launch to continue support and server uptime? Someone enlighten me.
21 characters
54 unlocks per character
1134 total unlocks
4 items per lootbox
Loot boxes take an average of 90 minutes to obtain
Loot boxes are random and may obtain duplicates

You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

Yes it is fine, since it's MP only and we'll prolly be playing this game for years.
I dropped 777 hours in ME3MP, 410 hours in PD2, 500 hours in Marvel Heroes, 300+ hours in warframe.
And I'm not even in the mid spectrum of people that play constantly since I have to work every day.
400 hours on an MP only game really isn't that bad.


I would prefer it if everything was available from the get-go, but talk about an overreaction. Pre-emptively trying to negate the "but the gameplay isn't impacted" argument doesn't in fact negate it. It's a class based multiplayer shooter, that's the heart of the game, not the writing. Who the hell is playing this game for the writing?


I also like how all you are centering around the Robot character voice lines instead of the plenty human characters. You can't even be ingenuous in your counter-argument.

Dude, you're not being ingenous when you're calling them "user-initiated communication" and claiming that they add any meaningful characterization to the game beyond what's in the game by default. It's a reach.

You consider them a new low because the voice lines are very important to you, but they aren't for me and I assume the majority of Overwatch players. Yes, putting voice lines in an mtx bundle is a new thing (edit: Well not really since apparently taunts are mtx in other games). No, it's not a new low, because we'd still vastly prefer it in a crate over elements that affect gameplay or that are vital to a majority of the player base.

edit: And yes, you can listen to all the voice lines in the menu before unlocking them in case you didn't know.


If the issue is that you cannot say your taunt to others to provide characterization then there is a misunderstanding. The voice lines that provide characterization and breathe life into the characters are only the contextual lines based on team composition and the given map.
What the heck does it to have to do with it? I don't need to play a game to say that i like character writing and speech in games and i don't think it's that inconceivable position to resist such content being 'eligible' to an unlock system rather that offered up front.

I also like how all you are centering around the Robot character voice lines instead of the plenty human characters. You can't even be ingenuous in your counter-argument.
All of the other voice lines matter just as much to the actual game play as Bastions robot noises do.

Zenyatta going "Hello, World" isn't going to help you win a match anymore than Bastion going "Zrrrr" will.
You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

Okay? Is it a bad thing that the developers want you to play the game for more than a week? Do you need all those unlocks for every character? At some point you're going to notice that you really only like one or 2 skins, a dozen sprays and maybe 1 or 2 of everything else, all of which can be bought with currency over time, if you have bad luck with rng.


The things the gaming community whine about. All I want to say about this. Really tired about the debate of MT's in games or paid games.
You can hear all of it in the menu if you just want to better acquaint yourself with the game's characters. And the characterization is far stronger through the unavoidable autocallouts and contextual conversations that do not need to be unlocked. Spamming "CATCHPHRASE" does not breath life into Reinhardt. It makes him sound like a cardboard standup.

I was wondering if I was misremembering this, but you can preview the voice lines, right?

As in, if the complaint is that they're locking the "lore" of the characters in these voice lines, this complaint is entirely meaningless because you can just preview them to hear them all. You would only need to unlock them to be able to use them at will in game.


21 characters
54 unlocks per character
1134 total unlocks
4 items per lootbox
Loot boxes take an average of 90 minutes to obtain
Loot boxes are random and may obtain duplicates

You're looking at almost 400 hours played to unlock everything even before we factor in the potential for duplication. It seems as though so long as 'everything is unlockable' then everything is okay, regardless of how absurd the path is to unlock those items.

Are you factoring in using coins to buy the things you actually want?

You're aware you earn coins for duplicate items, yes?


Really Really Exciting Member!
OP, what you're complaining about is a 2 secs quote or taunt that nobody use because they're completely worthless and it's better to focus on what's actually important, killing people and doing the objectives.

Most people stick to "Hello" or "Heal me" voice commands anyway. And those don't need to be unlock.

Are you even aware that the heroes actually talk without any player input during the game, again without any unlocks needed? So what the hell are you complaining about when you talk about "locking writing".

Way to make a big deal about something that isn't.


Remember when in Super Smash Bros on the N64 you had to unlock characters like Jigglypuff? Now that was egregious.
That's the kicker. The OP hasn't even played the game.

Wait, what? OH WOW. Well then. Nothing more to be said really.

There's a lot of relevant discussion that can be applied to microtransactions in games but this thread focused on random voice lines you can unlock for free that have no impact on the game is not it.
You literally made a post to name and shame people because you believed a hyperbolic statement from an OP who has a pretty clear agenda against the game itself (given his posts and previous on the matter), didn't deserve hyperbolic responses.

Again, as others have mentioned, if people are out of line the mods will deal with them. That's their job. Not yours. Have a problem with it? Take your wall of shame and PM a mod about it.

Why don't you do the same? I said that there posts were disrespectful and rude, I did not make an effort to moderate them in any way. I merely drew attention to the quality of those posts for the rest of the thread to see, and I should note that I am also not the only person that has labelled this thread as toxic.

Additionally, being respectful with your replies has nothing to do with believing the OP or not. Whether I do or not agree with his perspective is independent of my own perspective on others posts here.

I did voice my opinion on the issue a few posts back, and while I think the MT is abrasive, I think the voice lines are really the least of it. I also, have formed any opinion that I hold by playing the game.

Everything that you want is unlockable far quicker because of the currency. It's not like you have to wait 300 hours to get that legendary skin you were hoping for. Play enough and you'll easily build up enough gold to get it.

And 400 hours to unlock absolutely everything in a game built for long lasting play seems reasonable to me.

It's not really an issue of time but an issue of the amount of content that you are getting over the course of that time. In PvZ GW2 for instance, you might require 200 hours to unlock everything, but you are unlocking something every game or two. Maps are also free in this game.

Even in Call of Duty, you unlock an abundance of weapon skins within a short span of time, on Uncharted, you can log in every day, finish two challenges within an hour and unlock six loot boxes for doing so. Those loot boxes feature no duplicates, or character specifics.

The currency doesn't unlock things quickly at all. I have played Overwatch for 19 hours and I have 700 currency. If I use it to purchase voice lines and taunts then I will merely find that that leads to more duplicates, putting me no closer to unlocking the rarer content like skins and taunts.
I was wondering if I was misremembering this, but you can preview the voice lines, right?

As in, if the complaint is that they're locking the "lore" of the characters in these voice lines, this complaint is entirely meaningless because you can just preview them to hear them all. You would only need to unlock them to be able to use them at will in game.

Yes, sorry. That's what I was saying, if I was unclear.
Remember when in Super Smash Bros on the N64 you had to unlock characters like Jigglypuff? Now that was egregious.

you had to actually accomplish a task and get rewarded for that.

instead of, you know, grinding out overcash/spending real dollars.


It's just nice to buy a game and get the full game for once without having parts of it taken aside and held hostage for ransom.

Yeh I miss the days of buying a game and having everything unlocked from the get go. Wait that never happened. Games have always had rewards for finishing games and hidden unlockables.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It's the best implementation of micro transactions that we could have hoped for, everything is cosmetic and available to everyone. I'm glad they added the boxes, if they're making a ton of money they'll be more likely to keep offering free content.
i agree overwatch should be free and we should be able to mod in anything we want i'm writing a letter to my congresswoman right now about this egregiously anticonsumer video game.


Why don't you do the same? I said that there posts were disrespectful and rude, I did not make an effort to moderate them in any way. I merely drew attention to the quality of those posts for the rest of the thread to see, and I should note that I am also not the only person that has labelled this thread as toxic.

You're the only person to actively quote individual posts you don't agree with because it's "toxic". Again, if they are actually a problem, the mods don't need your help figuring out who.

Anyone who spends at least 5 seconds to read the title of "Overwatch is the new low in MTAs" in relation to unlocking optional non gameplay affecting voice lines, as if that's apparently lower than some of the most heinous P2W shit we've had to deal with, will see there's not much discussion there. The very premise of the thread is wrong.

It's got the exact kind of responses it deserved.

Also "No U" is like the most baby response I've ever seen in my life. Get off your high horse and grow up.

Like I don't even disagree with the idea that locking voice lines behind a grind is sort of dumb, I just disagree that it's apparently on the same scale of heinousness that we would put your typical F2P mobile game. And since the OP seems to want to double down on that sentiment, those initial "OP you're crazy" posts are very much justified.

Let's not discount the fact that the OP has no intention of actually playing this game, or that he's already been hostile to the idea it's been getting good reviews.
Yes, sorry. That's what I was saying, if I was unclear.

Nah, you were clear. I was just quoting you because I wasn't 100% sure and you confirmed it.

OP's chief complaint is a literal non-issue, since you can preview and hear the voice lines in the same exact menu where you would listen to the unlocked voice lines. Nothing's locked behind anything in that regard.

And this would be known for people who genuinely cared about this kind of things and actually fired up the game.
Yeh I miss the days of buying a game and having everything unlocked from the get go. Wait that never happened. Games have always had rewards for finishing games and hidden unlockables.

But overwatch doesnt reward you for accomplishing hidden tasks or comepleting anything. you just grind that microtransaction money like a phone game.

If you have fun with that, power to you. That's why its in the game, people eat that shit up. But lets call it what it is.


What the heck does it to have to do with it? I don't need to play a game to say that i like character writing and speech in games and i don't think it's that inconceivable position to resist such content being 'eligible' to an unlock system rather that offered up front.

It's one line you can say on command without any context, if you actually played the game you would know the majority of in-game characterization is banter between team members. Reinhardt's exchanges with Lucio about Hasselhoff gives you far more characterization than any of Reinhardt's voice lines combined, and that is just one exchange.

And before you ask, no, these aren't locked behind loot boxes.
you had to actually accomplish a task and get rewarded for that.

instead of, you know, grinding out overcash/spending real dollars.
There is zero difference in playing a bunch of multiplayer matches and playing classic mode over and over again to unlock characters in Melee. Both are making you play a mode over and over again, even if you dont want to, just to unlock something.


What the heck does it to have to do with it? I don't need to play a game to say that i like character writing and speech in games and i don't think it's that inconceivable position to resist such content being 'eligible' to an unlock system rather that offered up front.

I also like how all you are centering around the Robot character voice lines instead of the plenty human characters. You can't even be ingenuous in your counter-argument.

What the fudge am I reading... plz op. Stop posting. "I don't need to play a game for me to say if it's good" "I don't need to play a game based in unique characters to know them and say that I don't like them"


Neo Member
I agree with op. Fanboys be hating this thread.
I would be choked if any other game I played limited character dialogue.
There is zero difference in playing a bunch of multiplayer matches and playing classic mode over and over again to unlock characters in Melee. Both are making you play a mode over and over again, even if you dont want to, just to unlock something.

No there isn't, that's why smash is good enough to have alternate unlock criteria for its content besides grinding out matches.

Play X amount of matches or collect X amount of grind currency isn't very fun unlock criteria.
But overwatch doesnt reward you for accomplishing hidden tasks or comepleting anything. you just grind that microtransaction money like a phone game.

If you have fun with that, power to you. That's why its in the game, people eat that shit up. But lets call it what it is.

Some unlocks are exclusive to achievements, they won't be dropped from boxes.


But overwatch doesnt reward you for accomplishing hidden tasks or comepleting anything. you just grind that microtransaction money like a phone game.

If you have fun with that, power to you. That's why its in the game, people eat that shit up. But lets call it what it is.

Overwatch rewards you for playing good and winning. There are also trophies (which come with unlocks) for people who want to try challenges. Loot boxes just get dropped as you play.


It's the best implementation of micro transactions that we could have hoped for, everything is cosmetic and available to everyone. I'm glad they added the boxes, if they're making a ton of money they'll be more likely to keep offering free content.
that on the other hand is very true. I am absolutely certain these kind of random boxes are what keeps SWTOR alive, you can trade them there, though, but only buy with real money. blizzard will make a ton of money with those.


But overwatch doesnt reward you for accomplishing hidden tasks or comepleting anything. you just grind that microtransaction money like a phone game.

If you have fun with that, power to you. That's why its in the game, people eat that shit up. But lets call it what it is.

I'm not 100% sure but I'm relatively sure that each task that is connected to an achivement/trophy also presents you with a reward.



Overwatch must have been super successful for it to bring out such a loud vocal minority who complain about the most mundane things. It's like every day there is a thread say it why the game shouldn't be labeled as good as it is.

These micro transactions are amazing. They allow users to speed up the unlocking of cosmetic content while also giving us future updates for free. It's literally the best way to do this sort of thing.
I agree with op. Fanboys be hating this thread.
I would be choked if any other game I played limited character dialogue.

It's been stated multiple times that you can listen to every single line you can unlock without actually unlocking them. In the game. In the menu where you equip the ones you unlock.

But "fanboys" it is, I guess.
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