Yeah it sucks that we have to pay for the voices and skins on top of the maps AND characters.
A full priced game with no content. Heh. I bet people will support this idea just fine.
You unlock the stuff just by playing the game though.
Wait, are these speech lines for the base character?
Yeah, I can definitely see that as a problem, especially when you paid up front for the game already.
Wait, are these speech lines for the base character?
Yeah, I can definitely see that as a problem, especially when you paid up front for the game already.
I am totally fine with speech unlockable system.
But the victory poses hidden behind a MT paywall is disgusting. I spent over $2000 on loot boxes, and still haven't gotten the Victory Pose #2 for Character #17.
Yeah it sucks that we have to pay for the voices and skins on top of the maps AND characters.
A full priced game with no content. Heh. I bet people will support this idea just fine.
I am totally fine with speech unlockable system.
But the victory poses hidden behind a MT paywall is disgusting. I spent over $2000 on loot boxes, and still haven't gotten the Victory Pose #2 for Character #17.
And COD hasnt?
Yeah it sucks that we have to pay for the voices and skins on top of the maps AND characters.
A full priced game with no content. Heh. I bet people will support this idea just fine.
I am totally fine with speech unlockable system.
But the victory poses hidden behind a MT paywall is disgusting. I spent over $2000 on loot boxes, and still haven't gotten the Victory Pose #2 for Character #17.
Can't wait for this game to do what COD Black Ops 3 did and add guns to the microtransaction loot boxes. Blizzard is part of Activision after all. Then you know true bullshit.
BO3 has winning taunts which you get from mystery boxes so in a way it has
A new low in 'carrot & stick' progression design; in closing-off any kind of content to give the illusion there's more of it by unlocking. A new low in nickle and diming microtransactions.
Blizzard are already monetizing skins and sprays but now they are fucking monetizing speech lines?! Obnoxious. And before you say that it doesn't affect gameplay so it's good - it does effect the writing, the characterization and basically the heart of the game. In Multiplayer games, any piece of writing is crucial to set-up the characters, to give them personality and to give them voice, figuratively and literally.
Imagine TF2 releasing with only one line per class. Imagine if you had to unlock the rest line by line, trying to glue back together a character who was shredded in sake of 'progression' and microtransactions. Imagine any other game or any other medium with lines of dialogs stripped out of it and locked away until some asinine demand is met.
And how do you unlock speech back to the game? As i understand it, you either get lucky with the loot box and it has a speech line or you get lucky and the loot box and it has in-game credits that you can spend on buying the lines. (not sure if there's any other way to get credits). No one would be shocked if they add the option to buy it also using real money.
"a new low"
ITT: a bunch of people complaining about a game they haven't played.There can never be guns because the characters don#t have equipment. The character is the character.
Wait, are these speech lines for the base character?
Yeah, I can definitely see that as a problem, especially when you paid up front for the game already.
Edit: Holy crap the apologists.
Can't wait for this game to do what COD Black Ops 3 did and add guns to the microtransaction loot boxes. Blizzard is part of Activision after all. Then you know true bullshit.
And before you say that it doesn't affect gameplay so it's good - it does effect the writing, the characterization and basically the heart of the game. In Multiplayer games, any piece of writing is crucial to set-up the characters, to give them personality and to give them voice, figuratively and literally.
Yea it's this kind of attitude that makes it worse and worse. Companies really do a good job in making people accept micro transactions even though the game isn't F2P.
I can't wait for all games to have the same random loot crate system that CoD has in black ops 3, it's so fun when it's not even guaranteed you can get anything.
Also, it's not the heart of the game. The gameplay is. To suggest voice clips are that is ridiculous.
You can unlock everything in game and if you unlock duplicates from a loot box you get given currency which you can use to unlock what you want.Wait, are these speech lines for the base character?
Yeah, I can definitely see that as a problem, especially when you paid up front for the game already.
Edit: Holy crap the apologists.
Oh yeah you like having tons of stuff to unlock? Then how about they make tons of stuff to unlock that isn't something that should be free.
Played Uncharted 4 multiplayer? They didn't lock away Nathan Drake's lines, and there's a ton of stuff to unlock to keep you happy.
You can do that with the ingame gold you earn by playing/opening crates.No way i'm putting down money for a chance at the item I want. Should have allowed players to buy out right the stuff they wanted. Every time I open a loot box and see a bunch of sprays I see wasted slots.
New maps and characters are gonna be free however.
I don't have an issue with it, but it is full price on consoles.It's not a full priced title, it's £30. For that you get all the modes, characters, maps, and functionality. For that £30 you even get access to all the new maps and characters they plan to add.
As you level up you earn new lines and skins, or the currency to buy the ones you want.
If you want to accelerate the process you can opt to pay for it.
If you don't want the extras then don't buy them. It's fine, just earn things as you go. No one gains an advantage out of it anyway.
New maps and characters are gonna be free however.
Maps and characters are going to be free. And you can unlock voices and skins and in fact absolutely everything just by playing. You never HAVE to pay.
Oh yeah you like having tons of stuff to unlock? Then how about they make tons of stuff to unlock that isn't something that should be free.
Played Uncharted 4 multiplayer? They didn't lock away Nathan Drake's lines, and there's a ton of stuff to unlock to keep you happy.
No way i'm putting down money for a chance at the item I want. Should have allowed players to buy out right the stuff they wanted. Every time I open a loot box and see a bunch of sprays I see wasted slots.