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Overwatch marks a new low in Unlocking and Microtransaction systems that I'm aware of

Overwatch doesn't really have an unlock system. It's feature complete from a gameplay standpoint. You don't get any guns at level up, it's all cosmetic. You're not gonna do any better because you got that sweet spray.

Who's even paying attention to your voice lines anyway?


I'd pay microtransactions to gaf to not see hyperbolic threads like this. Any argument you had, you burned the bridge for it with "a new low" because clearly you haven't played a lot of microtransactiony games.
is this the first game you ever saw with microtransactions OP?

Also, TF2 now has a one-liner that you can use from a choice of various ones, a one liner meant to be just that, a one liner?

Because, you know, the characters have a lot of fucking lines in the game while playing, like TF2?

TF2 also sells fucking guns with different effects. That's seems way more low.

You can craft all the guys in TF2 just by playing. Also, all guns are in the drop pool for free as well. In fact, you can craft almost everything I'm TF2.
Need I point out again that this guy is thinking that unlockable voiced taunts are equivalent to like... incidental dialogue. This game has more incidental dialog to "piece together" character stories than anything I've ever seen in a MP game.


It is cheaper than a normal engagement (?) ring.


So is this, and it's edible.


Well, it makes sense from a business perspective. They just can't sell skins and voice/spray packs for offensive prices like in Heroes of the Storm. See, only a handful of skins are even worth buying as the rest are just lazy re-colors - it simply wouldn't work.

Instead they make you buy 50 loot boxes for the EU-equivalent of $45 which, on average, will get you 2.5 epic and 0.5 legendary "loot" items. So a single legendary skin nets them $90 on average. That is amazing.

Is there any real data on this? My legendary payout has been way better on less boxes.


Instead they make you buy 50 loot boxes for the EU-equivalent of $45 which, on average, will get you 2.5 epic and 0.5 legendary "loot" items. So a single legendary skin nets them $90 on average. That is amazing.

While i have no proof, i'm a 1000% sure those numbers of yours are not realistic at all. Opened 18 Lootboxes so far and got 1 leg as well as 4 epics.
Characters are super chatty automatically. They characterize themselves very effectively through the enormous wealth of auto callouts and contextual conversations. Voice lines are somewhere between a verbal taunt and a Warcraft unit annoyed click response. They're hardly essential to characterization. Especially seeing as you can only have one equipped at any one time, and most of them are pretty... idk. You can make Reinhardt shout "CATCHPHRASE!" over and over if you like, but does this make him a more rounded, interesting, human character?

If there's any you particularly like, buy them. Almost all of the in game unlockables can be bought with in-game currency, and while grinding out 1000 for a legendary skin will probably take you in excess of 100 games, voice lines only cost 25. You'll manage to accrue that VERY fast.


Ah the great Overwatch controversy. Cosmetic items. I preferred the console price controversy.

Instead they make you buy 50 loot boxes for the EU-equivalent of $45 which, on average, will get you 2.5 epic and 0.5 legendary "loot" items. So a single legendary skin nets them $90 on average. That is amazing.

Was what's amazing the numbers you pulled and where they were from?


I think you are arguing against a game you have never played. About a detail that is barely even noticeable. You don't know you look silly, but you do.

I played the beta, but I never bothered to look at mtx stuff since I wasn't going to buy the game.

So for those who gave me the info to readjust my judgement, thank you. I still think dialogue lines shouldn't be MTX'd since the value of dialogue shouldn't have much worth. Whatever though.


Well, it makes sense from a business perspective. They just can't sell skins and voice/spray packs for offensive prices like in Heroes of the Storm. See, only a handful of skins are even worth buying as the rest are just lazy re-colors - it simply wouldn't work.

Instead they make you buy 50 loot boxes for the EU-equivalent of $45 which, on average, will get you 2.5 epic and 0.5 legendary "loot" items. So a single legendary skin nets them $90 on average. That is amazing.

If youre dumb enough to actually buy 50 loot boxes with real money you have a bigger problem.


Of all the things to complain about being unlockable in this game, I was not expecting the voice lines. They're a single line without any context whatsoever. They add just as much characterization as the "hello" command. If you had to pay money for the character to even speak, it would be a different story. I don't think you need the line where Junkrat says "Happy birthday" to really fill out his character.
You can craft all the guys in TF2 just by playing. Also, all guns are in the drop pool for free as well. In fact, you can craft almost everything I'm TF2.
All the stuff that effects gameplay in TF2 is pretty easy to get, but there's cosmetics that are plain impossible to get through just playing. The unusual cosmetics and unusual guns require a huge sink of money to get from crates.

I don't have a problem with how TF2 does it as it doesn't affect gameplay, but all the best cosmetics are from crates opened with money.


Do people even play games for the game anymore? Or is to just feel some sort of progression in their lives? This obsession for progression seems so destructive towards people enjoyment of a multiplayer component.


Saty is trolling us. That or this is the first game he plays. Or he is just an anti-Blizzard of some sorts. Dont know. Probably all of them.


Press - MP1st.com
Yeah, I'm with the others here. Overreacting much? They are just skins. I don't even understand why people spend real money to get things they can earn in game, but that's just me. But to complain about enough to make a GAF thread?

You can choose to not buy or play it? Not buy the micro-transaction stuff? Personally, I am OK with the micro-transactions stuff being skins. I'd rather have that than maps and modes being the ones sold and segment the player base. Like it or not, devs/publishers do need/want more revenue on their games especially with game budgets ballooning.

This seems like one of the most harmless ones out there and you're complaining how it's a new low? Maybe you haven't played Black Ops 3 with its "Supply Drop" pinata? The one where you have no clue what you're going to get and some weapons are walled behind 'em? That's definitely way more offensive.


I'm sorry but are you new? Particle/ sound effects on top of skins/ animations/ emotes/ poses and etc have been a microtransaction for as long as f2p/ micro has been a thing.

I have to keep reminding myself at a lot of people are new to this kind of game design but holy shit some people are just straight up ridiculous about what they complain about.


If you really have a problem with this system, completely ignore the microtransaction system and treat it like, well, the vast majority of games without microtransactions.

So, here is your new game:

The skins, voice lines, poses, sprays, etc. are no longer purchasable with real money. You have to unlock them by leveling your account through playing the game (just like every other game with unlockables).

You are unlikely to get the "best" skins and such as drops, because they are the equivalent of rare loot drops like in other Blizzard games (i.e., Diablo 3 and WoW).

While it will take time to "buy" the best skins with the coins you get from dupe drops, at least you have that option. If it's a pose or voice line you really want, they are a little cheaper, and you can target one of them easier (I left out sprays, because while some are kind of cool, can't imagine many people really care about those).

There, now the game has no microtransactions if you just ignore the little store icon. Unless your REAL problem is that you are jealous that someone was willing to spend money that you aren't to look or sound "cooler" than you are able to in the immediate future. Afterall, "he" didn't have to work for it (in game, that is), so why should you?

edit: On a side not, I strongly support these type of microtransactions, because I realize there is no way Blizzard could justify extended support (as in greater than a couple of years) with maps, characters and server uptime if they had no more money coming in.


My friend spent 40 on loot cases and got enough credits from those alone to buy damn near every victory pose in the game. They are very cheap.

Dude. What? I mean, wow. Das a lotta dough.

If you actually did spent over 2000$ in lootboxes, you have enough credits to buy all the victory poses for all character several times over

Sorry, guys. I really thought I don't need /s after my post.
But it was locked behind a $10 GAF microtransaction, so I wanted to save money.


As long as you can unlock everything by playing, I don't see the issue. Loot boxes are only there for people with no patience. I personally like having something to look forward to every 7-8 games.


Is there any real data on this? My legendary payout has been way better on less boxes.

While i have no proof, i'm a 1000% sure those numbers of yours are not realistic at all. Opened 18 Lootboxes so far and got 1 leg as well as 4 epics.

Nobody has real numbers and I don't think Blizzard will ever give them out. Just an estimate based on Hearthstone packs and what me and my friends got so far.

For reference I opened 48 boxes (beta + live combined) and have gotten 2 epic and zero legendary items. Other data points: 18 + 17 boxes with 4 epic 0 legendary, 21 + 16 didn't count epics but 1 legendary. Just because people in Hearthstone opened packs with 3 legendary cards or loot boxes in Overwatch with 2 legendary skins, doesn't mean that it is average. The huge grey average is most likely something like 5-10% for epic and around 1-2% for legendary.
OP would have a point if the characters had no dialogue until you unlocked it. But they do.

What he is complaining about are unlockable one-liners that get repetitive super fast and cost next to nothing in terms of the Overwatch currency you get sometimes from opening boxes (boxes which ARE FREE IF YOU JUST PLAY THE GAME AND LEVEL UP, by the way).

How the fuck is a microtransaction system that literally only sells cosmetic items and offers nothing that can't be obtained from the free boxes you get from leveling up a "new low"?

I'll take free heroes and maps over free one-liners any day.


Really Really Exciting Member!
What a weird complaint. Especially considering you can get all that stuff for free if you don't use microtransactions.


People who want to pay more should get more. I'm totally fine with micro transactions this way and when they don't give unfair advantages (in MP games). Plus in Overwatch's case it's easily obtainable through playing and not limited.
If anything, they did exactly the right thing by only having unlocks be cosmetic (as opposed to working like CoD, Battlefield, or other games that lock important gameplay behind unlocks and microtransactions).


Nobody has real numbers and I don't think Blizzard will ever give them out. Just an estimate based on Hearthstone packs and what me and my friends got so far.

For reference I opened 48 boxes (beta + live combined) and have gotten 2 epic and zero legendary items. Other data points: 18 + 17 boxes with 4 epic 0 legendary, 21 + 16 didn't count epics but 1 legendary. Just because people in Hearthstone opened packs with 3 legendary cards or loot boxes in Overwatch with 2 legendary skins, doesn't mean that it is average. The huge grey average is most likely something like 5-10% for epic and around 1-2% for legendary.

So you are just pulling it out of your ass. Ok then.
You are insane. Who even cares what the characters say in the game? All characters and gameplay affecting things will be free, get over it.

You don't even unlock line by line. You select one as far as I can tell. It's basically a taunt, which Dota does charge for.


If only fully priced games didn't nickel and dime you for the smallest shit.

Our acceptance of this kind of thing is really sad.

I'm suggesting that you don't accept it. Don't buy the game.

If only there were some way to buy games with this kind of microtransaction and still complain if you find them objectionable.

Oh yeah right, discussion forums, thats the way.

My contribution to the discussion is that if you don't like it, don't buy it. Other games exist.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Overwatch probably the least egregious example of microtransactions in modern gaming,OP.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
You can preview all of it before you buy it, and you get loot crates every time you level. I seriously don't understand the problem. It's all optional, cosmetic, and previewable.


Maps/Characters/Modes are free, but cosmetics are dlc, right? Am I missing something? Isn't this the good way of doing dlc?
It's not a full priced title, it's £30. For that you get all the modes, characters, maps, and functionality. For that £30 you even get access to all the new maps and characters they plan to add.

As you level up you earn new lines and skins, or the currency to buy the ones you want.

If you want to accelerate the process you can opt to pay for it.

If you don't want the extras then don't buy them. It's fine, just earn things as you go. No one gains an advantage out of it anyway.

Where is it £30 I can't find it cheaper than £45
This is a poor attempt at satire...right? OP can't actually be serious right?

I was so sure after I read OP's post but then all the following serious posters are confusing me.


Overwatch doesn't really have an unlock system. It's feature complete from a gameplay standpoint. You don't get any guns at level up, it's all cosmetic. You're not gonna do any better because you got that sweet spray.

Who's even paying attention to your voice lines anyway?

I remember when people absolutely freaked out about the cosmetics shop in Evolve, because it's a 60$ game and cosmetics should be free.

I agree with the OP - not in that it's a new low, there are worse examples, but it's still bad. This is a 60$ game and it shouldn't have the unlock system of a free to play-game. It's very clearly designed around making you buy (expensive as fuck) treasure boxes, because it takes a pretty long time to level up from level 20 onwards.


For you.
You can craft all the guys in TF2 just by playing. Also, all guns are in the drop pool for free as well. In fact, you can craft almost everything I'm TF2.

I'm aware. I'm also aware that it can be a huge fucking grind too. The item drop system in TF2 is far from balanced. Anyways, point is that TF2 locks out more important stuff in a much more grindy manner, and I was pointing that out because the OP somehow thought TF2 was a good example of how to do it right.


It would be nice if the monetization contributed to the ongoing work and payment of the various artists involved as the game continues as a service. I've no idea how they handle their financials though. I mean, if they keep releasing new animations and skins etc over time then those people have to be getting work, under the assumption that those aren't already done and not waiting to be released (I've no idea). For that reason it'd be nice if they could add in extra background music to the crates as well. And I do feel better about supporting it in this game, as I've paid £30 for it as opposed to £50, and more importantly, I'm having a blast with a smooth experience. So I feel inclined to do so.


Played Uncharted 4 multiplayer? They didn't lock away Nathan Drake's lines, and there's a ton of stuff to unlock to keep you happy.

...I could be mistaken since I didn't play UC4 multi, but I believe you can buy in-game weapons and items that affect gameplay with real money in Uncharted 4. You probably don't want to make that comparison.

edit: In fact I find it funny that there's a thread about Overwatch concerning this but not one for Uncharted's latest antics, considering there's also a F2P mobile app with paid currency that helps you play better which in turn can get you more items for UC4 multi. It's laughable.
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