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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


So after thinking about it, here are my character rankings:

Prefer to play and have decent skill level with:
Reaper, Tracer, Junkrat, DVa, Winston, Lucio, Symmetra, Zenyatta

Not my favorites to play but technically competent with:
76, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Zarya

Like playing but skill level depends on meta:
Mei, Orisa, Roadhog, Ana

Like playing as but have little to no skill with:
Genji, McCree, Pharah

Flat-out don't like playing as them regardless of skill:
Sombra, Bastion, Mercy

Will only play if Owzers is on my team trying to main a new hero:
Hanzo, Widowmaker

Gaf is the reason I'm bad with Sombra...


Lol at the bronze junkrats. And lol at Mercy in general.

Junkrat is probably legit at bronze. Less aim required, less likely to die by DPS that require aim. Mercy is just extremely popular, her master and GM usage is likely inflated due to boosted Mercy mains. There is still the issue where Ana isn't as good at lower ranks and Mercy isn't as good at higher ranks.

Blizzard need to stick with one hero, analyze them closely and keep changing them every so often until they get them to where they want them to be.

Sym, Torb, Bastion, and Lucio, the first 3 being too weak, the ladder being too strong all got pseudo reworks and they never followed up with them enough to fix those issues. They keep flip-flopping between heroes based on outcry when the issues with the certain character could be because of reasons other than the character being weak. Shit gets too oppressive and wild swings can make a character go from top tier to bottom without any direct changes to them. They need to get this game into balanced state comp wise, then work on fixing heroes that are underplayed or played too much, and stick with them until they fix the issue.
Broadcast Talent!
Im glad achilios and wolf are there but would have preferred papasmithy instead of wolf. atlus aint there which is a plus.

also SOE!


Broadcast Talent!

Im glad achilios and wolf are there but would have preferred papasmithy instead of wolf. atlus aint there which is a plus.

also SOE!
Nice lineup. Glad to see Soe, Malik, Goldenboy and my man Reinforce on there.

Wish I'd play the game more but I'm mostly on hiatus mode still. So many other games to play that I can't give OW the time I want to in order to improve and have more fun in.


Broadcast Talent!

Im glad achilios and wolf are there but would have preferred papasmithy instead of wolf. atlus aint there which is a plus.

also SOE!

It's cool seeing Malik Forte after watching his YouTube videos over 7 years ago. Was wondering what happened to him.


I've been practicing with Genji in QP too and I've discovered it's better to practice 1v1s and get his mechanics down in QP before trying full team fight strategies. Mostly because Genji is a character where you need a good/aware team to back him up and do real damage, and you're not going to get that in QP.

Also I have his secondary fire mapped to X and have his jump and dash on L1 and L2 and that has been functioning pretty well for me.

Alt fire on X seems strange, since you really want to aim, but I can see why'd want both abilities on your shoulder buttons. I decided to switch dash to L1 and put deflect on X. I was told it was better to put deflect on something that doesn't take away your ability to aim since you can use it to direct the shot to where you want, but I'm so rubbish with it that I don't think it matters. I just use it mostly to not get hit by damage I could avoid. I'll see how that goes.

fake edit: Just played a game. Despite fucking up a lot of times because of muscle memory, having the dash at your immediate beck and call seems WAY more effective than the split second I have to tap X to do it.

Other than that, I really need to aim better with Genji.

real edit: Holy shit, even though I'm putting in the wrong command atleast 20% of the time, I'm done way better in the last 3 games than I have in my last 100 with the old control scheme. What the fuck. Was this all I needed to do?!

Still, I wish there was a way to map a 5th function onto inputs that I don't have to take my finger off of the right thumbstick to do so. I tried the L3 button, but that just results in to many mistakes. I tried the D-pad, but that just felt weird.
Great post by Jeff. I disagree that the game is "balanced". The only heroes that seriously needs balancing is Hanzo and Roadhog, specifically the scatter arrow for Hanzo. He should not be able to one shot heroes with 400 health like Orisa and with a cooldown that is insanely low. Reduce it's damage by 5-10% in order to prevent one shots on tanks, and then increase it's cool down by 3-6 seconds. Overall, Hanzo is fine where he is other than the scatter arrow.

Roadhog needs one of the following; a 5-10% dmg buff, more health for survivability, or be able to hook teammates out of a fight. The second option would be ideal. It would give him a better chance in a 1v1 and be a better tank overall. With the state of Overwatch right now, the third option wouldn't be great due to trolls and throwers. But it would be a great option to make Roadhog a good asset to the team and pull teammates out of bad situations. I personally think the nerf was needed for Roadhog, but not to that extent. He is practically useless now and he needs to come back in a different way.
After watching Seagull's video on Doomfist, I don't think he's going to be too OP once he goes live in the main game.

- His charge is only horizontal with no verticality, so targets in the air are harder to hit
- Uppercut doesn't do a ton of damage, and if you want to use it to set up an air charge you won't be able to do a full damage charge against an aerial target
- The slam's pulling people in doesn't seem to be that effective or particularly useful, but a lot of people are using the slam just for mobility and at the end of combos as opposed to starting them, so this could change once more experimentation is done
- I can also see him being way less effective on console, simply because the ability to reorient yourself quickly with the mouse after all his abilities are key to his big combos, and I think having to turn with the analog sticks is going to lessen his strength as a pick overall

Obviously all these are still early with no play time as him myself, only watching a few different people's PTR experiences with him. But I'm thinking he's going to be a good character that shakes up the meta, but won't be a must-pick by any means.

Alt fire on X seems strange, since you really want to aim, but I can see why'd want both abilities on your shoulder buttons. I decided to switch dash to L1 and put deflect on X. I was told it was better to put deflect on something that doesn't take away your ability to aim since you can use it to direct the shot to where you want, but I'm so rubbish with it that I don't think it matters. I just use it mostly to not get hit by damage I could avoid. I'll see how that goes.

fake edit: Just played a game. Despite fucking up a lot of times because of muscle memory, having the dash at your immediate beck and call seems WAY more effective than the split second I have to tap X to do it.

Other than that, I really need to aim better with Genji.

real edit: Holy shit, even though I'm putting in the wrong command atleast 20% of the time, I'm done way better in the last 3 games than I have in my last 100 with the old control scheme. What the fuck. Was this all I needed to do?!

Yeah, having the dash be immediately accessible for Genji is pretty much a must. Also I have the secondary on X because when I'm using it I usually am having to aim the least - it's usually for burst damage on close-range/large targets so having it there hasn't really hurt me as far as I can tell.
^people are going to quote our posts and then use the thisisneogaf.gif


But I don't think Jeff said anything specific about balancing the game looking at QP, did he?


Yeah, having the dash be immediately accessible for Genji is pretty much a must. Also I have the secondary on X because when I'm using it I usually am having to aim the least - it's usually for burst damage on close-range/large targets so having it there hasn't really hurt me as far as I can tell.

Maybe, but I figure that I'd run into the same problem. You'd think that a split of a split second wouldn't be much time, but there are times you just straight up need to fire then and there. I imagine having alt fire would be the same thing, so I want to have it available at all times. More so than deflect, which even when it is available on the shoulders, I don't use it much except deflecting damage away from me rather than towards anyone in particular. So X button it is.

Amazing the difference a proper control scheme can make though. I used to hate Junkrat and never played him. Changed some stuff around, now he's actually pretty fun, even if I wouldn't ever touch him in comp.
^people are going to quote our posts and then use the thisisneogaf.gif


But I don't think Jeff said anything specific about balancing the game looking at QP, did he?

Looking at the perception of the meta, it’s obvious that “dive” is the predominant strategy. Correction. It is the predominant strategy being used in the professional scene. The majority of Overwatch players play Quick Play as their primary mode. The top 6 picked heroes (over the last month) in Quick Play are Genji, 76, Hanzo, McCree, Mercy and Junkrat. For the statistical majority of Overwatch players who are not pros and don’t play Competitive, this is your meta.

It drives players crazy when I post stats like that because they want to know about Competitive and not Quick Play. The point I am trying to make by posting Quick Play is that the numbers show that that is what the majority of players are *actually experiencing* which is different from *perceiving*. But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.

It's not explicit but it shouldn't even get brought up. There are other major problems I have with his post but I don't have the time to elaborate at the moment. I'm glad they are still looking at Roadhog and Mercy's rez though.
It's not explicit but it shouldn't even get brought up. There are other major problems I have with his post but I don't have the time to elaborate at the moment. I'm glad they are still looking at Roadhog and Mercy's rez though.

I felt like that was just to tell us that they are looking at everybody and not just exclusively pro-play. I'm sure they are not taking QP that seriously, there isn't even a single tank in the most played characters.

Maybe, but I figure that I'd run into the same problem. You'd think that a split of a split second wouldn't be much time, but there are times you just straight up need to fire then and there. I imagine having alt fire would be the same thing, so I want to have it available at all times. More so than deflect, which even when it is available on the shoulders, I don't use it much except deflecting damage away from me rather than towards anyone in particular. So X button it is.

Amazing the difference a proper control scheme can make though. I used to hate Junkrat and never played him. Changed some stuff around, now he's actually pretty fun, even if I wouldn't ever touch him in comp.

I play a lot of Genji, my control scheme:

R1/R2 - primary and secondary fire, sometimes I switch between them, right now I have primary on R1
L1 - dash
L2 - jump
L3 - deflect

I don't use X, unless you have a Scuf (the X is in the paddles if I'm not wrong) don't put anything there. Every Genji ability needs to be aimed and is also used a lot while jumping, you shouldn't be letting go of the right analog stick ever while using them.


I play a lot of Genji, my control scheme:

R1/R2 - primary and secondary fire, sometimes I switch between them, right now I have primary on R1
L1 - dash
L2 - jump
L3 - deflect

I don't use X, unless you have a Scuf (the X is in the paddles if I'm not wrong) don't put anything there. Every Genji ability needs to be aimed and is also used a lot while jumping, you shouldn't be letting go of the right analog stick ever while using them.

I tried that too, but I ended up just deflecting at bad moments. In the midst of battle, I hold the controller tightly, and end up pressing the L3 stick a lot while moving. I ended up just assigning voice lines to L3 and now I spam some taunt whenever I fight people.

I really want to not give up any function to one of the side buttons, but I tried everything and this is the best I can do.


Look, I don't mind not nerfing any of the dive dps and tank characters right now, but, for the love of GOD, give us back Roadhog.

We need a character that babysits our healers and scare way the Tracers/Genji/Reaper/Sombra. I am so tired of getting killed off as healer, with my team sitting helpless. No one protects your healers better than a good Hog and a McCree.


This post legit makes me want to scream.

The idea that Blizzard wants to create the biggest esport in the world with Overwatch League and then makes balance decisions partially off of fucking quick play is so idiotic I can't believe Jeff wrote the post.

Blizzard's been trying to create a big esport splash since they released Arena PVP with Burning Crusade World of Warcraft. Emphasis on trying. They're repeating all the same mistakes with Overwatch that they made with WoW Arena PVP: Slow to respond to glaring issues then, when they finally do take a look at balance, they use a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel, thus creating wild swings in the meta (often completely relegating entire characters [or classes, in WoW] useless for a while). Using the more casual oriented mode (Quick Play in Overwatch, Battleground PVP in Warcraft) as a bellwether for balancing their more competitive mode(s), et cetera.
"While I believe moving Roadhog away from a 1 shot combo was a necessary thing we had to do..."

"...we're still adding in a hero that can oneshot people across the map on a 4 second cooldown lol"
There's quite a difference between a self healing 600 hp character that's one shorting people and doomfist.
When it comes to pro play you generally go by pick rate for who the strongest characters in the game are because they know what they're doing.

And yes Lucio is the most OP character in the game but he second Blizzard theoretically puts in another support that affects speed that would change.

pick rate doesnt neccessarily mean a character is OP.


yea winston is one of the stronger characters currently. but he isnt OP


This post legit makes me want to scream.

The idea that Blizzard wants to create the biggest esport in the world with Overwatch League and then makes balance decisions partially off of fucking quick play is so idiotic I can't believe Jeff wrote the post.

I feel that the Esports push is more like an Activision thing, since they purchased MLG.
I felt like that was just to tell us that they are looking at everybody and not just exclusively pro-play. I'm sure they are not taking QP that seriously, there isn't even a single tank in the most played characters.

....which is an accurate depiction of the majority of QP games. 5 DPS and one healer screaming.
I felt like that was just to tell us that they are looking at everybody and not just exclusively pro-play. I'm sure they are not taking QP that seriously, there isn't even a single tank in the most played characters.

Even still balancing around all skill levels in a competitive game has been proven not to work as lower levels don't correctly use the strengths and weakness of heroes and team comps. All that line of thinking will do is drive people away from high level play, and we are currently seeing multiple players retire or have vocally stated how fed up they are with the game right now.

I feel that the Esports push is more like an Activision thing, since they purchased MLG.

Overwatch has a real chance of becoming a huge esport, even if Blizzard handicapped themselves a bit by announcing Overwatch League too early. Blizzard would be a fool to not go after a slice of the esports pie with Overwatch.


Getting more & more frustrated playing Lucio on KOTH maps and people asking for heals on the other side of the map.

Heals on point!

I'm up for bans in comp when there are more heroes. Do it Blizz!

Sounds good in theory, but there are so many one tricks.


Unconfirmed Member

Personally, I'm believer in change for the sake of change in game balance. The number one goal of a game is fun, and a stale meta is not fun. Hopefully Doomfist is enough to shake it up. Otherwise I agree with what he's saying.

Sym and Torb win rates being op is certainly interesting too. It's always been interesting to me that even GM has crazy win rates with those two on stat sites but they don't see a second of play at the professional level. I'm sure the pros know what they're doing, but you'd think you'd see more of them on ladder where they are succeeding, at least in certain situations.
Personally, I'm believer in change for the sake of change in game balance. The number one goal of a game is fun, and a stale meta is not fun. Hopefully Doomfist is enough to shake it up.

Otherwise I agree with what he's saying.

Sym and Torb winrates are certainly interesting too. It's always been interesting to me that even GM has crazy win rates with those two on stat sites but they don't see a second of play at the professional level. I'm sure the pros know what they're doing, but you'd think you'd see more of them on ladder.

They are mostly used on first points, if things go badly then players switch to something else. If you are able to hold the other team in the first point it's most likely going to be a short game with your team winning, even if you pick something else on attack chances are that torb/sym were your most played hero in that game.

If you lose the first point, switch to something else and end up losing the game you are probably going to have more time spent with other characters than those two in that game.

At least that's how I assume it works.


Personally, I'm believer in change for the sake of change in game balance. The number one goal of a game is fun, and a stale meta is not fun. Hopefully Doomfist is enough to shake it up. Otherwise I agree with what he's saying.

Sym and Torb win rates being op is certainly interesting too. It's always been interesting to me that even GM has crazy win rates with those two on stat sites but they don't see a second of play at the professional level. I'm sure the pros know what they're doing, but you'd think you'd see more of them on ladder where they are succeeding, at least in certain situations.

I think part of the reason their win rates are in the "OP tier" is because they are the best defensive heroes in the game that normally only get played on defense. It's pretty rare to see them on the offensive side. Symmetra always been a mislabeled character on the select screen as she should be under defense. Her giving shields to everybody at the beginning was a dubious at best reason to put her under support.


I look at this thread sometimes and wonder if any of you actually like this game. :p

Hopefully Blizz can get a better vibe going soon.


It's good to have someone like this directing the game.

There a lot of good quotes there but people should really read everything.

And I'm glad they are not satisfied with the current Roadhog.

While that post only represents Jeff, not the Overwatch Team as a whole, I'm all for that they want to make balance changes more for QOL and not to shake up the meta. I think as time goes on we will see less "drastic" changes like the ones for Symmetra or Bastion. They would prefer to have the characters in a "static" position, and any sort of balance or patch will be to fix legitimate issues and not make characters better than others.

And, peaking personally, I'm relieved that he acknowledged Mercy and her bullshit.

Her having ultimate is fine, but what is NOT fine is how quickly it charges. Her ult is by far the strongest in the game, and the amount of time it takes to earn it should reflect that. Seeing it popping off every minute or so is not okay and does ruin games.
Personally, I'm believer in change for the sake of change in game balance. The number one goal of a game is fun, and a stale meta is not fun. Hopefully Doomfist is enough to shake it up. Otherwise I agree with what he's saying.

Sym and Torb win rates being op is certainly interesting too. It's always been interesting to me that even GM has crazy win rates with those two on stat sites but they don't see a second of play at the professional level. I'm sure the pros know what they're doing, but you'd think you'd see more of them on ladder where they are succeeding, at least in certain situations.

The reason they are succeeding is because people know how to use them in certain situations. You don't often see people playing Symmetra on Control and for good reason.
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