There needs to be more of a balance between Dive and Barrier strategies. I think that defense characters need a broad buff and dive characters could use a something of a nerf. This is especially so because Dive is about to get it's crowning champion with Doomfist.
I wouldn't mind seeing D.Va revert back to her original 400armor-100 health healthbar. Similarly, maybe bring Winston down a peg so maybe cut 100 health from him too.
Hog needs his damage back. I'm sorry Hog haters, but whats happened now is just dumb.
Mei could use a buff, either to her freezing speed or her icicle. She'd be great defending against Dive.
I think Junkrat could use SOMETHING as well, but I don't know what. He feels like a character that would be super useful against Dive with his traps, if only he didn't suck otherwise. His ult is straight up the worst. Give Riptire a health buff, maybe give him a larger clip size, and maybe that will all work.
And, as always, delete Soldier: 76.