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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Had some really weird games in QP tonight, most of which where insane but we somehow still won. Highlights include:

- Full hold on defense on Eichenwalde point A with no healer, only Torb + Sym.
- Game on Oasis where neither team had a tank and were both running 5 DPS + 1 healer
- A win on Eichenwalde where I was attack Widowmaker

Also so far I'm undefeated as Doomfist. Watch out PS4GAF, your true Doomfist main as arrived.
I'm backed in and I'm jacked in.I usually play a tank but I am really enjoying being mercy and jetting all over the place with wings and saving teammates.I admit I am addicted to the kudos system after the matches too.Finally healers matter


Unconfirmed Member
Genji is a weird hero. It seems like he is useless to the team in 99% of the games I play, but there's always that one random game where the Genji player dominates. I guess every hero has this (played an unstoppable Junkrat earlier), but with Genji I often wonder just how high that goddamn skill ceiling is. Is he actually a valuable hero in competitive nowadays to the point where you shouldn't just go for someone like Soldier? 9.9/10 times someone is using Genji at my SR (Gold) it seems like they'd fare better with literally any other attack hero. It's kind of disheartening for someone like me who wishes he could handle the bastard.

Overbuff has Genji at a higher winrate than Soldier, McCree, and Tracer in Gold, for what that's worth. The ult is very good at any rank, and the abilities can get kills and ult charge when your crappy aim is not, while a soldier, mcree or tracer is nothing if they have no aim.

If you think of Sombra as support and not DPS her damage is good. She provides healing for your team and heal denial for enemy team and hacking support. She should have been put into support.

Eh, I can accept sombra is support, but she's not a healer in solo or duo queue because that requires wasting too much time hacking healthpacks that won't be used and will never get you an ultimate.

Both Sombra and Symmetra are supports that seem to do best in a tank heavy triple support composition for solo queue, so it's often easiest just to say they're DPS to get those 2-2-2 purists on board. You don't really want to go without a backup healer if you can help it unless you are very confident in your solo healer.


I absolutely hate that mercy seems to decide games. It's like your chances of winning go up 100x if you have a mercy, and I fuckin hate when I'm mercy and we lose, because I feel like I didn't do a good enough job of staying alive.

leng jai

I absolutely hate that mercy seems to decide games. It's like your chances of winning go up 100x if you have a mercy, and I fuckin hate when I'm mercy and we lose, because I feel like I didn't do a good enough job of staying alive.

Basically if I'm in ranked 90% of the time if one team has Mercy and the other doesn't the one with her wins. Since I'm mainly playing Zen at the moment it seems like I get Lucio as the second healer more often than not.
It's impossible to kill a Mercy in solo q. Her self heal starts before most characters can finish their reload animations. Then she starts getting focused by me and just flies into one of her team members. I can't safely get in to do enough damage because there's 4 people there all trying to protect her. Getting a single person on your team to focus her down isn't really viable when they're all competing for the secret who can die first most often before the team fight has actually been initiated achievement.
I was high diamond this season. I lagged out of 4 matches (200sr rip) and went on a really unlucky loss streak (maybe 100 sr). Once I started getting into the platinum sr, the quality of matches started getting worse and worse. I was having the easiest time winning with no real challenge. However, whether I won or not was luck of the draw. It would alternate between me getting the team that refuses to group up, pick a comp and stick to it (when we're winning especially) switch when they're counterpicked, be any good at their roles, use their ults well, etc. Even with a 50% win rate I was losing sr. It felt like there was nothing I could do. Now I just instalock soldier and get mad golds and hope my team is able to figure out their roles. The enemies are such light work for me now and if I'm ever 2 or 3 v 1 I can literally just sprint away - they aren't good enough to kill me.
When I'm bored of him or someone takes him first I'll try and play Tracer but it's so much harder to do anything when you start to get focused by the whole enemy team because tanks don't know how to initiate and the enemies realise you're a threat. The last game I played was Lijang tower and we were getting owned by a Pharah (no pocket Mercy even though they had a Mercy). After every teamfight I would spawnkill one of the enemies before the next fight begins. Then I'd hurry back and try and win that fight. It didn't work. 5v6 and we'd still lose ever fight. Some of the fights I'd spawnkill 2 people and we'd still lose. Gold damage and elims and I don't know what more I could've done. We had a soldier for the pharah but I was the only one shooting her.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I gave up on trying in this game. I'm being a toxic spawnkiller Dafran-type because I'm not where I should be in terms of sr and rank and feel powerless in my situation. I guess I'll just wait for next season.
Sorry for the long vent. It is my fault I'm at my current sr anyway. I shouldn't have lagged out of games


With tomorrow being the 31st, do you guys think Blizzard will start teasing the Summer Games. what with Tuesday being August 1st? (Last years event started on the 2nd of August.)


Junior Member
Fucking smurfs ruin this game well honestly I know it's beaten to a horse by now but this community really is shit.

Had a match where we were really fucking close at the end in Anubis. Welp are roadhog got destroyed by reaber and just yelled are healing fucking blows. Then danced the 2 minutes left in the match.

Then just barely I had 3 fucking people a group of smurfs instalock sombra, honzo, and widowmaker. Then right at the begging they proclaim "this our are smurfs so we don't give a fuck what happens". Well allrifht then all go soilder and ended up with 4 gold medals and 33% of damage done. Welp we lost....

Like why isn't there a report function on console yet like come on this habben way more then it should. Should have stuck as a tank main when I got up to 3400, but nope wanted to get good at DPS and now I'm sticking at around 2700 and fuck it's a world of deference :(
Fucking smurfs ruin this game well honestly I know it's beaten to a horse by now but this community really is shit.

Had a match where we were really fucking close at the end in Anubis. Welp are roadhog got destroyed by reaber and just yelled are healing fucking blows. Then danced the 2 minutes left in the match.

Then just barely I had 3 fucking people a group of smurfs instalock sombra, honzo, and widowmaker. Then right at the begging they proclaim "this our are smurfs so we don't give a fuck what happens". Well allrifht then all go soilder and ended up with 4 gold medals and 33% of damage done. Welp we lost....

Like why isn't there a report function on console yet like come on this habben way more then it should. Should have stuck as a tank main when I got up to 3400, but nope wanted to get good at DPS and now I'm sticking at around 2700 and fuck it's a world of deference :(
It's a lot easier to climb as a Tank or Healer than dps as you need positioning as well as game sense and mechanical skills.

Granted none of that matters when Blizzard treats you like second class citizen. Report function/60 tick/PTR when?


It's impossible to kill a Mercy in solo q. Her self heal starts before most characters can finish their reload animations. Then she starts getting focused by me and just flies into one of her team members. I can't safely get in to do enough damage because there's 4 people there all trying to protect her. Getting a single person on your team to focus her down isn't really viable when they're all competing for the secret who can die first most often before the team fight has actually been initiated achievement.
I was high diamond this season. I lagged out of 4 matches (200sr rip) and went on a really unlucky loss streak (maybe 100 sr). Once I started getting into the platinum sr, the quality of matches started getting worse and worse. I was having the easiest time winning with no real challenge. However, whether I won or not was luck of the draw. It would alternate between me getting the team that refuses to group up, pick a comp and stick to it (when we're winning especially) switch when they're counterpicked, be any good at their roles, use their ults well, etc. Even with a 50% win rate I was losing sr. It felt like there was nothing I could do. Now I just instalock soldier and get mad golds and hope my team is able to figure out their roles. The enemies are such light work for me now and if I'm ever 2 or 3 v 1 I can literally just sprint away - they aren't good enough to kill me.
When I'm bored of him or someone takes him first I'll try and play Tracer but it's so much harder to do anything when you start to get focused by the whole enemy team because tanks don't know how to initiate and the enemies realise you're a threat. The last game I played was Lijang tower and we were getting owned by a Pharah (no pocket Mercy even though they had a Mercy). After every teamfight I would spawnkill one of the enemies before the next fight begins. Then I'd hurry back and try and win that fight. It didn't work. 5v6 and we'd still lose ever fight. Some of the fights I'd spawnkill 2 people and we'd still lose. Gold damage and elims and I don't know what more I could've done. We had a soldier for the pharah but I was the only one shooting her.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I gave up on trying in this game. I'm being a toxic spawnkiller Dafran-type because I'm not where I should be in terms of sr and rank and feel powerless in my situation. I guess I'll just wait for next season.
Sorry for the long vent. It is my fault I'm at my current sr anyway. I shouldn't have lagged out of games
Almost any dps hero right now shouldn't have much trouble solo picking a mercy. I main dps characters and shes priority one in team fights. Additionally if rez is killing you (i know others have mentioned it) just go zarya and hold grav until she reses. Its basically a second team wipe as soon as they get resed.


Honestly i just want to see some of the exclusives for the new heroes. Also want to get a Lucio skin and the Mercy skin. That's all I'm askin' for Jeff!

Yeah, especially since Sombra, Orisa, and Doomfist weren't around during the first time around, so I would like to see what sort of cosmetics those heroes will have. Voice lines and sprays are pretty obvious, but I'm hoping Doomfist will get a spray to represent Handball.


Summer games is the most boring event for me conceptually. Sport uniforms just don't hold much appeal, not in the same sense holiday skins do. Though personally my favorite are in-universe lore driven events, like the anniversary one.

That said, don't take this as a bad thing. I'd actually like an event I don't have much interest in if only for the down time of not feeling pressured to buy a hundred lootboxes so I can get everything. Good events are such a double edged sword in that sense. The better they are, the worse the limited time aspect of them hurts.

Plus it'll be funny to see Tracer get 2 more skins from the event she already got skins for. She'll probably be the only her that's double dipped too.


Summer games is the most boring event for me conceptually. Sport uniforms just don't hold much appeal, not in the same sense holiday skins do. Though personally my favorite are in-universe lore driven events, like the anniversary one.

That said, don't take this as a bad thing. I'd actually like an event I don't have much interest in if only for the down time of not feeling pressured to buy a hundred lootboxes so I can get everything. Good events are such a double edged sword in that sense. The better they are, the worse the limited time aspect of them hurts.

Plus it'll be funny to see Tracer get 2 more skins from the event she already got skins for. She'll probably be the only her that's double dipped too.

That's fair, as I love the Uprising Event for it's lore, but didn't care about the Anniversary Event, aside from the Dance emotes. I'm about 50/50 with the others, but Christmas is easily my favourite holiday, so that would extend to the Wonder Wonderland event.

As for the Summer Games: I hope Tracer doesn't have any new skins, as she already has her Track & Field skins from the 2016 event, and she really needs to take a back set with the skin cosmetics. The other heroes need their Olympic skins, and I want Ana to get a Legendary that is based off of her Marksman spray.


That's fair, as I love the Uprising Event for it's lore, but didn't care about the Anniversary Event, aside from the Dance emotes. I'm about 50/50 with the others, but Christmas is easily my favourite holiday, so that would extend to the Wonder Wonderland event.

As for the Summer Games: I hope Tracer doesn't have any new skins, as she already has her Track & Field skins from the 2016 event, and she really needs to take a back set with the skin cosmetics. The other heroes need their Olympic skins, and I want Ana to get a Legendary that is based off of her Marksman spray.

Oops, I meant to write Uprising, not Anniversary, lol

I personally think Halloween is the best in terms of "holiday" events. It came with the best minigame, plus it has AWESOME costume potential.

And Tracer is probably going to get 3 more skins in this event alone just to get the point across that Tracer > all
Had one of the most hilarious games on mystery heroes. Hollywood attack with 3 torbs (3 turrets on the payload), rein, winston and soldier. Once we got the payload moving there was no stopping us xD



Oops, I meant to write Uprising, not Anniversary, lol

I personally think Halloween is the best in terms of "holiday" events. It came with the best minigame, plus it has AWESOME costume potential.

And Tracer is probably going to get 3 more skins in this event alone just to get the point across that Tracer > all

Yeah, the various character interactions were a ball to listen to, and Reinhardt in particular was on point:

Reinhardt: See, nothing to worry about, rookie.
Tracer: Who said I was worried?
Reinhardt: Well, you forgot to tie your shoes.
Tracer: Oh! Wait... my shoes don't have laces.

Damn it, I want to play that hoard mode again. :(

I do agree with Halloween Terror having the best brawl, and the costumes were pretty awesome. Even the Epic Skins looked pretty sweet, such as Ana's and Bastion's. But for me, it's all about feeling warm and cozy during the Winter Season, and I (aesthetically) love the Winter Wonderland event and the snow-themed maps of King's Row and Hanamura. Pushing the sled-themed payload with Santa Torbjorn was too awesome, and Yeti Winston is easily his best skin to date.

For me, the Anniversary Event didn't do anything for me, but I do dig Lucio's Jazzy Legendary.


Huh so Doomfist... the right trigger is his left arm (fire) and left trigger is his melee (right arm).... thats not confusing at all.


Huh so Doomfist... the right trigger is his left arm (fire) and left trigger is his melee (right arm).... thats not confusing at all.

It makes sense on PC, which is the platform that matters in Blizzard's eyes.

But you can just go to options to change it.


Since we're talking evenrs and we approach the first repeated event, how about we rank them so far, worst to best:

Summer Games 2016

I agree with Veelk that this the least interesting event conceptually. That's not to say the skins were all bad, but I wasn't that fussed about missing out. Admittedly I didn't play Lucioball to properly judge it, but I'm not too enthused by its return. The menu music was pretty good.

Overall it was just okay. I hope the 2017 iteration at least spruces up one of the maps. A new Brawl alongside Lucioball would be great too.

Overwatch Anniversary

I feel a little harsh for putting this second last, considering that it brought three new Arena maps, some great dance emotes and an assortment of cool skins. Unfortunately the event-exclusive stuff - the emotes and skins - were really all there was to it as an event. No new Brawl, no prettied up stage etc - it all felt a little lacking as an event.

Hell, even the main menu screen felt a little lacking, even if it was cool to see all the heroes together. It was too far away to really get a sense of anything. Some smaller group screens migbt have been better. The menu musoc was okay, if a little generic. An okay event.

Lunar New Year 2017

This was a good'un, with a great collection of skins, emotes, highlight intros and a Capture the Flag mode. The additional bells and whistles to Lijiang were nice, but it was odd that they were limuted to the CTF mode. The menu music was really nice too.

What knocks it down is the CTF mode. While fun, the mode essentially encouraged camping on the flag and letting Sym, Torn and Bastion clean up. This meant that attacking was discouraged, which led to a lot of draws. CTF to this day still feels a little crowbarred into the game.

Winter Wonderland 2016

This was a great event. There were some some great skins here, and the Widowmaker misletoe intro is incredible. I absolutely love what they did with Hanamura and especially Kings Row. The latter especially really nails a Dickensian vibe, and the payload sleigh is a treat.

The Snowball Offensive was a little frustrating, but Mei and 76's dialogue made it worthwhile. The menu music is my favourite of the bunch. Honestly the only real weaknesses I can think of is that a couple of the skins - Mei's legendary in particular - aren't worth the coins.

Overwatch Uprising

The firsr true lore event and it was a doozy. I really enjoyed the King's Row mission, and liked the interactions between the four heroes as you went. Getting a bit of insight into Overwatch before everything went to shit was cool. I also appreciated that you could play the mode with any hero separately. The skins were mostly fantastic too, with Blackwatch Genji being a highlight.

I can't really think of much wrong with this event honestly. It was just solid all over.

Halloween Terror 2016

The best of a best. Awesome skins, awesome PvE in Junkenstein's Revenge, an awesome night version of Hollywood - just fantastic all over. They'll do well to top this come October. Give me Bride of Junkenstein!

Just, for the love of God, make the menu theme less grating after a while. Please.


If there's one thing that makes me smile about Doomfist being added in is the Genji players complaints about him being a stupid/obnoxious hero.
I was playing last night and was 11 SR off hitting plat, I got matched with a 5stack and they basically made me go soldier. I am not terrible with him but the enemy team had a pharahmercy combo that focused me constantly so I could barely shoot them down.

I wanted to make a difference but felt utterly useless, was there anything i could actually do against this or was I stuck hoping for some input from my 5stack team mates that seemed to never want to shoot mercy?
I was playing last night and was 11 SR off hitting plat, I got matched with a 5stack and they basically made me go soldier. I am not terrible with him but the enemy team had a pharahmercy combo that focused me constantly so I could barely shoot them down.

I wanted to make a difference but felt utterly useless, was there anything i could actually do against this or was I stuck hoping for some input from my 5stack team mates that seemed to never want to shoot mercy?

76 by himself against Pharmercy is always a toss-up. If the Pharah is good they'll be hard to hit and also focusing you down. At that point you need help from a DVa or someone else from the 5-stack to make it easier. If you're the one tasked with solo taking down a Pharah you might also think about trying McCree instead, depending on your aim and skill it might be easier to hit with McCree's shots over 76's burst fire.
76 by himself against Pharmercy is always a toss-up. If the Pharah is good they'll be hard to hit and also focusing you down. At that point you need help from a DVa or someone else from the 5-stack to make it easier. If you're the one tasked with solo taking down a Pharah you might also think about trying McCree instead, depending on your aim and skill it might be easier to hit with McCree's shots over 76's burst fire.

Yeah, cheers, I am brutal with McCree so that probably would have caused some outrage haha. We did have a DVa but she played most of the game on the ground and I never had any cover from the mercy boosted pharah so she was taking me out in like two hits, it was super depressing.


Lol just won a round with a entire thrower team on attack. It consisted of Hanzo, Symmetra, Reaper and me on Widow. Did work as Widow though lol.


So is overwatch league only for pic players?
Also once again I have now fully finalized my mains to be dva, Lucia, and sombrero. I like the underdogs and you never know if they will be buff
So is overwatch league only for pic players?
Also once again I have now fully finalized my mains to be dva, Lucia, and sombrero. I like the underdogs and you never know if they will be buff

Overwatch League is a PC only event yeah. The best players play on PC anyways.

You should try to main whatever heroes you are best with but I find it funny you chose those three because Lucio and D.Va are two of the best heroes in the game and Sombra is OP at the pro level but not really in matchmaking.


Did they add event skins to loot boxes because i just got the oni genji skin and I never got it during the halloween event (i think that was the one it came out during)


Junior Member
If you think she has it call for the team to spread out. It's pretty dumb but it's the same counter-play that existed before the buff.

It's kinda hard on some maps like the second part of Anubis where the area is small and we have to group up there.
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