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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Playing as Doomfist is quite frustrating. His hitbox is so big that hitscan guys can just destroy him by just aiming near him.

It definitely seems like you need to play him more like reaper or a defensive genji. Stick with the tanks or the supports, get in close so you have more mobility, and dish out those combos. you want all those cooldowns to be off when you start the initiation


It's not the scatter arrow hitting you it's the collateral effect of the original shot. I don't have a problem with it functioning that way I take issue with the Insta kill ability of the secondary effects of the original shot. He'll if the original shot one shot me I'd be 100% ok with it. If even be ok if it didn't and it killed me while in a small room (used to flush people out of hiding). I'm not suggesting they change how it functions om.suggesting they change the damage of the collateral effects of the shot. You shouldn't be rewarded in this game for not hitting your targets, or in any first person shooter for that matter. It's absolutely antithetical to the function of fps games.

Sorry, but if this is how you think, then the game has a LOT of abilities that do not function antithetically to an FPS.

Lots of things rewards you with damage from things you didn't directly aim. Pharah's rockets have an explosion radius, for example. Junkrat's nades are even more of this kind of problem because they have an arc to them. I can't tell you how many times I've died because Junkrat was spamming grenades over a wall from outside the objective. Those weren't aimed shots, they didn't even know where anyone was and they didn't have to hit me but they did damage with explosions. Then there's the turrets, who the game aims for you. Orisa's pull ability literally functions by not hitting you, but by aiming to the side of you and pulling you off the map. And while Winston's and Symmetra's primary fire technically do hit you, sure, the lack of aiming required on them should be theoretically antithetical by to FPS by your logic too.

So maybe you have an issue with the shards being an instakill rather than the fact that they damage you. Thing is, they're not rng nor are they "Not aimed" at you in situations where they reliably instakill you. To get an instakill, a player has to aim at the ground in front of you, at which point the arrow will scatter in a predictable direction. I don't see why the fact that it being indirect damage rather than direct damage should be offensive to anyone. It's not that you aren't getting hit with the attack, it's that the attack functions in such a way that aiming at the ground is the ideal way to hit you. Unless you're arguing that Pharah's concussion blast should never kill you unless she's directly hit you with it as well, rather than the ground next to you.

And I assure you pros brought out attack hanzo on certain maps and points (obviously not for much because as a CHARACTER he isn't that viable at high level play) and they were quite efficient with scatter. The thing being that other heroes offer more viability with dps output than what scatter or his normal shots offer (theres a lot more room.for error with his regular shots than picking tracer or someone) which is why you don't see him in abundance. That doesn't mean because the characters viability is lower that scatter isn't ridiculous however. Both assessments can coexist.

Well, I don't care enough to prove whether this was or the case with the pro's or not, but that just makes him situationally viable. But, even so, a 5v6 pick is still an amazing advantage that I would think even in this Meta would be useful to play.

You wouldn't see this as a problem if you're playing a lot of diva. Tracer as well since she's a flanking character and hanzo is fucked if you flank and he can't get a scatter off close range. Additionally, hanzo requires consistent accuracy with his normal shots to make him super viable. You're not going to see that at plat which is why you won't see him being picked a lot. Additionally hanzo has a pretty big negative stigma to him that instantly triggers teams to complain when he's picked. Pick rate doesn't equate to scatter not being an unfair ability.

Well, I see him in QP a lot and where I play most other characters, and he doesn't give me any problems with scatter arrow there either. Granted, it's QP, so sometimes you get really bad Hanzo's, but that also means sometimes you get good ones. I was also in Silver and Gold for a long while. Basically, I've been all over the place, and I haven't been anywhere that he's been an actual problem.

And yes you can dodge his scatter but that's not really a defense of it because you can say that about any ability. The question should be if the ability is functioning as it should and it hits, is it balanced with the rest of the game. And if argued comparatively to everything else it isn't. When I say you can avoid hog by being out of range I mean you literally cannot be touched by hog by staying out of range. With scatter you don't even have to be in his line of sight for it to one shot you with an initial shot that doesn't even hit you. Again, I'm ok with an ability that functions in that capacity however when no other ability one shots you without needing a direct hit except from a character whose whole role is predicated around making extremely accurate shots, you're rewarding the wrong playstyles.

You can also block it, don't forget that. Icicle, Reinshield, Zaryabubble, etc.

If you don't have a line of sight to the character, you're going to need a particular angle in which to hit the character. You're exaggerating by saying you can be hit from anywhere and anyhow across the entire map. If there is a straight wall between you and the enemy, scatter isn't going to do anything. If you are the right angle, but the character has walked too far into a corridor, you probably aren't going to get the kill. Scatter Arrow needs to be at a very close and sharp angle to be a reliable kill. Anything past that, it MIGHT hit the enemy, but it's unlikely to do kill damage. Scatter Arrow has different weaknesses than Hog, talking about how Scatter has a longer range doesn't do much for me, especially since, as I said before, the longer range a scatter is, the less likely it's going to be to hit anyone.

Knowledge of hanzo doesn't mean you avoid scatter. He can get his shots over reins shield and over positions where his line of sight should keep you safe. It happens to me literally all the time. Jumping helps when you know it's coming but that's not even a guaranteed safeguard from it either.

Nothing keeps you entirely safe from any ability. There is no such thing as guaranteed safeguards in this game. Even the hardest of counters in this game still offer you the chance to outplay that counter. That's just the nature of the game, you can do stuff that maximize your ability to survive, but there's never anything that straight up can't kill you ever.
Just got my first Ana potg!!

And it was the lamest thing ever!!

Lifesaver potg killing a Mei while she was headshotting me to death after being frozen. Couldn't even save my own life lol
From my experience:

Doomfist can't, even with his ult.
Mercy can with rez.
Reaper can with wraith form.

Zenyatta ult?
Sombra teleport?
Widows hookshot?
....and I wonder if reaper can teleport lol? Like wraith is on cd so the reaper just teleports out slowly instead. Never seen it but something is telling me it would work.


User IMASACKYOU on PS4 explained his plans to throw intentionally in order to get more gold weapons.

Seems like a great guy.


How does throwing get you gold guns? CP is from wins only...

Seems like he throws his way down to bronze to get easier wins on the way back up to getting the 800 for platinum at the end of the season.

For the match I was in he picked Widow and threw himself off the cliff for the duration of the match.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it possible to get to diamond if you only just started playing for like 3 months by solo q?

Why wouldn't it be possible?

Players largely still seem to have only the most basic understanding of the game, and you should get out of any real ELO hell in about 100-300 games.

Possibly wouldn't be possible if you only play like 30 games a month depending on where you started out at.


I've been getting back into this game lately and it makes me happy that playing as Winston is still sooo good.

Also, when I took a long break I was at 25xx rating, played my 10th placement match last night (7 wins in total) and ended up at 1886 rating, damnit! ;)


Put the same Zarya into the Ilios well 6 times with Roadhog and then one more on the lighthouse.

What I did was shameful and wrong.
Ana still has a death combo for 200 hp heroes after hitting a sleep dart.
Stand behind them, shoot cancel with nade, shoot cancel with punch. The fastest way to input this is hold R2 and just cancel each step with the nade and punch inputs.
I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.

In other news, Bastion has been killing it in these diamond matches.


Why wouldn't it be possible?

Players largely still seem to have only the most basic understanding of the game, and you should get out of any real ELO hell in about 100-300 games.

Possibly wouldn't be possible if you only play like 30 games a month depending on where you started out at.

100-300 games???? I can't even get myself to open OW anytime after getting 4 straight lost.




Genji is so stupid.


Is it possible to get to diamond if you only just started playing for like 3 months by solo q?
Unfortunately this question does not have a real definite answer. Time played isn't even the sole factor in having good game sense and good mechanical skills alone will get you pretty far. There are plenty of people with silver borders who are only gold/plat. There are also GMs who only solo queue, so yeah.


Overall, what are your thoughts on Doomfist? (I'll continue to update this when I collect my thoughts.)

I feel like the character is a good balance between raw power and speed, and is overall a very fun character to play. There is a lot of nuance with his kit and mechanics, and I can't wait to see the cool stunts players will perform in the future with the character.

However, I do have a couple of issues with him:

-Seismic Slam resets Doomfist's previous momentum and is stuck at a fixed speed during the animation cycle. And when you perform a mid-air slam, it feels awful, as the indicator can be imprecise and there is no way to fully control it once you press E. (Half the time, I just mash the button in hopes it will get me to where I'm aiming.)

-Using SS into Uppercut is great when you land it, but doing the reverse doesn't work as effectively. It doesn't do much damage, and it doesn't chain well either due to the way Seismic Slam works mid-air & Doomfist's extended airtime.

-Rocket Punch is a very satisfying ability to use, and it's a great way to initiate a fight. On the other hand, it's not so hot to be on the receiving end. While I'm generally fine when I get hit (especially when it's my own fault for not moving out of the way, what with the audio and visual cues), there are times when I've thought to myself, "Okay, what wall did I hit this time?"

-The collision detection can be pretty inconsistent, as there are times when I would die when colliding against a wall 15 feet away, but I would barely survive at a similar distance.

-Speaking of which, there are also times when I could die to Doomfist's punch when I'm on a lower end of a staircase and he's higher up. I can be barely in his LOS, but the enemy Doomfist can use his punch just the same as if we were eye-to-eye, despite it's verticality. The various stair cases on Gibraltar (such as the one at the back on the first point near the forklift) is an example of this.


Neo Member
Overall, what are your thoughts on Doomfist? (I'll continue to update this when I collect my thoughts.)

I like Doomfist quite a bit! Pretty much only been able to play him in Arcade so far, but as someone who plays a lot of Winston his hyper-mobile style of "get in, get a pick, and get out" definitely appeals. And the sound effect for Rocket Punch is fantastic, it makes you feel rad when charging up your own and immediately instills fear when you hear it from the enemy Doomfist.

My main complaints so far would be two things you already mentioned: Seismic Slam feels kinda garbage to use as an actual attack, and the hitbox underneath Rocket Punch is a bit silly. I spent some time in Arcade trying to bait Rocket Punches by sidestepping off ledges, but the vertical hitbox is so large that you end up getting hit even if you've dropped beneath ground level from your point of view. Beyond that he's really fun and will probably be the main DPS character I play from here on out.


There is definitely a learning curve for Doomfist, you must use your abilities to get out of sticky situations just like Genji.


It definitely seems like you need to play him more like reaper or a defensive genji. Stick with the tanks or the supports, get in close so you have more mobility, and dish out those combos. you want all those cooldowns to be off when you start the initiation

He was so much fun before the nerfs in PTR. I def need to play him more carefully. I was just doing solo q in QP so of course the lack of teamwork didn't help.

Mr Git

Meteor Strike is fucking janky on Oasis. Once you accidentally get into the hole, you can't move it back up.

This happened to me the other night, really annoying, I just had to waste the ult as no one was in the hole. It was just after I fucked up another one too - I switched Doom's controls so landing the strike had been moved to L2 xD D:


Also, Meteor Strike confirmation button on console is L2. Which makes no sense compared to the other Ults. Can't even change that setting. Keeps screwing me up.
Also, Meteor Strike confirmation button on console is L2. Which makes no sense compared to the other Ults. Can't even change that setting. Keeps screwing me up.

That's because you switched the primary fire.

I wish we could choose.

I just had the saddest match of my life. Jesus.

My games today were fucking terrible.

When I played my best I lost, when I went hanzo I draw, when I did stupid shit as Tracer like saying hello to the enemy team and fighting in the low gravity part on horizon I ended up winning because apparently I was in the right place at the right time, I don't think I've ever had so many pulse bomb kills in one game.


There was a 4-stack in QP last night and this stupid golden gun Widow on enemy team was destroying my team during Attack when I was trying to practice Doomfist. When we became Attack, they were still on other team so I switched to Zen and focused on countersniping her and managed to kill her a few times. It was great when I did a bunch of charged attacks and killed her from afar. Shame we didn't get the Payload in at the very end cuz my teammates kept dying. Oh well, almost carried the team to victory.

That's because you switched the primary fire.

I wish we could choose.

I was thinking that and they really screwed up the settings there.


I got to diamond solo que. and have been stuck in it since. It's the new platinum
I used to say diamond was the worst rank to be in. Then I got some of my friends into OW and have been playing plat/diamond games with them this season. Platinum might be the real diamond. So many genjis and bad team picks. Yesterday on offense we had a perfect 2-2-1 going and we only needed a focus healer like ana or mercy. Of course he picked attack sym.


Did you give up playing on console?

Kind of. I don't have PS+ anymore, and I have to save my money rn.
Saving the 2 free days I get to play with anyone who requests for that day.

That's because you switched the primary fire.

I wish we could choose.

My games today were fucking terrible.

When I played my best I lost, when I went hanzo I draw, when I did stupid shit as Tracer like saying hello to the enemy team and fighting in the low gravity part on horizon I ended up winning because apparently I was in the right place at the right time, I don't think I've ever had so many pulse bomb kills in one game.

I had 29 elims on attack as rein and a 5:44 obj time. DPS literally just fed. I would have been better off with bots.
I was gold until overtime.
Someone leaves on defense. So everyone left.
Every single game recently has just been bad.
Kind of. I don't have PS+ anymore, and I have to save my money rn.
Saving the 2 free days I get to play with anyone who requests for that day.

I had 29 elims on attack as rein and a 5:44 obj time. DPS literally just fed. I would have been better off with bots.
I was gold until overtime.
Someone leaves on defense. So everyone left.
Every single game recently has just been bad.

Comp is trash.

You squandered my skill on mystery heroes, this is what you get.

I only played comp because it was taking 10 minutes to find a mystery heroes match. Tried quick play but it was always 6 dps.

Went to comp but ffs, that was bad.

Lucky me that gravity rush 2 went on sale today, this way I won't have to touch this pos game until the summer games.


Comp is trash.

I only played comp because it was taking 10 minutes to find a mystery heroes match. Tried quick play but it was always 6 dps.

Went to comp but ffs, that was bad.

Lucky me that gravity rush 2 went on sale today, this way I won't have to touch this pos game until the summer games.

Comp ain't gonna get better when we get Doomfist noobs.
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