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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Discord me if old.

There was a 4-stack in QP last night and this stupid golden gun Widow on enemy team was destroying my team during Attack when I was trying to practice Doomfist. When we became Attack, they were still on other team so I switched to Zen and focused on countersniping her and managed to kill her a few times. It was great when I did a bunch of charged attacks and killed her from afar. Shame we didn't get the Payload in at the very end cuz my teammates kept dying. Oh well, almost carried the team to victory.

This reminds me of a similar situation yesterday against a five stack that were rocking very accurate Widow, Hanzo and McCree, we dropped point A of Anubis fast.
I was trying to practice Doomfist myself here since I finally got him locked in but I swiftly realised that it was a lost cause, switched to Orisa at point B and the shield completely shut them down, fortunately none of the other team wanted to try and actually heal each other or counter pick in favour of sticking with team sick snipes.
Went from constant one shot deaths to a 20 kill streak, felt wonderful to turn the tables like that.


This reminds me of a similar situation yesterday against a five stack that were rocking very accurate Widow, Hanzo and McCree, we dropped point A of Anubis fast.
I was trying to practice Doomfist myself here since I finally got him locked in but I swiftly realised that it was a lost cause, switched to Orisa at point B and the shield completely shut them down, fortunately none of the other team wanted to try and actually heal each other or counter pick in favour of sticking with team sick snipes.
Went from constant one shot deaths to a 20 kill streak, felt wonderful to turn the tables like that.

Doomfist is def not a great hero to play as in solo q. He's like a glass cannon and requires some form of coordination with people or at least a team that plays in an organized manner. His Ult is actually a lot harder to kill with than I expected. Seemed easier during PTR but for some reason everyone knows how to dodge it now. def need dat Zarya Ult to work.
Doomfist is def not a great hero to play as in solo q. He's like a glass cannon and requires some form of coordination with people or at least a team that plays in an organized manner. His Ult is actually a lot harder to kill with than I expected. Seemed easier during PTR but for some reason everyone knows how to dodge it now. def need dat Zarya Ult to work.
I could never quite work out how to initiate with him in solo play, just spent a lot of time ambling around waiting for a moment to actually help.

Doomfist is more fun to play in Doomfist Elim than in actual regular games....

I'm gonna be so sad when that mode leaves, it's been a ton of fun for me and makes the arcade box grind a lot easier.


Neo Member
What kind of Overwatch streamers and YouTube channels do people around here follow? I'm currently only watching Seagull's stuff on YouTube. I find him to be a good mix of entertaining and educating.
Any other recommendations?


I could never quite work out how to initiate with him in solo play, just spent a lot of time ambling around waiting for a moment to actually help.

Yea, I find him even harder to survive with than Genji. His goddamn hitbox is so large that Sombra can just pump me full of lead from afar to kill me, lol


Doomfist is more fun to play in Doomfist Elim than in actual regular games....

Maybe if it was No Limits I would agree but I didn't like doom elim at all

I like playing on the actual full maps in QP more so then 3 min matches in maps I know I will never play again until I"m bored a new character is locked behind it.


Sorry, but if this is how you think, then the game has a LOT of abilities that do not function antithetically to an FPS.

Lots of things rewards you with damage from things you didn't directly aim. Pharah's rockets have an explosion radius, for example. Junkrat's nades are even more of this kind of problem because they have an arc to them. I can't tell you how many times I've died because Junkrat was spamming grenades over a wall from outside the objective. Those weren't aimed shots, they didn't even know where anyone was and they didn't have to hit me but they did damage with explosions. Then there's the turrets, who the game aims for you. Orisa's pull ability literally functions by not hitting you, but by aiming to the side of you and pulling you off the map. And while Winston's and Symmetra's primary fire technically do hit you, sure, the lack of aiming required on them should be theoretically antithetical by to FPS by your logic too.

So maybe you have an issue with the shards being an instakill rather than the fact that they damage you. Thing is, they're not rng nor are they "Not aimed" at you in situations where they reliably instakill you. To get an instakill, a player has to aim at the ground in front of you, at which point the arrow will scatter in a predictable direction. I don't see why the fact that it being indirect damage rather than direct damage should be offensive to anyone. It's not that you aren't getting hit with the attack, it's that the attack functions in such a way that aiming at the ground is the ideal way to hit you. Unless you're arguing that Pharah's concussion blast should never kill you unless she's directly hit you with it as well, rather than the ground next to you.

Well, I don't care enough to prove whether this was or the case with the pro's or not, but that just makes him situationally viable. But, even so, a 5v6 pick is still an amazing advantage that I would think even in this Meta would be useful to play.

Well, I see him in QP a lot and where I play most other characters, and he doesn't give me any problems with scatter arrow there either. Granted, it's QP, so sometimes you get really bad Hanzo's, but that also means sometimes you get good ones. I was also in Silver and Gold for a long while. Basically, I've been all over the place, and I haven't been anywhere that he's been an actual problem.

You can also block it, don't forget that. Icicle, Reinshield, Zaryabubble, etc.

If you don't have a line of sight to the character, you're going to need a particular angle in which to hit the character. You're exaggerating by saying you can be hit from anywhere and anyhow across the entire map. If there is a straight wall between you and the enemy, scatter isn't going to do anything. If you are the right angle, but the character has walked too far into a corridor, you probably aren't going to get the kill. Scatter Arrow needs to be at a very close and sharp angle to be a reliable kill. Anything past that, it MIGHT hit the enemy, but it's unlikely to do kill damage. Scatter Arrow has different weaknesses than Hog, talking about how Scatter has a longer range doesn't do much for me, especially since, as I said before, the longer range a scatter is, the less likely it's going to be to hit anyone.

Nothing keeps you entirely safe from any ability. There is no such thing as guaranteed safeguards in this game. Even the hardest of counters in this game still offer you the chance to outplay that counter. That's just the nature of the game, you can do stuff that maximize your ability to survive, but there's never anything that straight up can't kill you ever.

Phara's rockets function like many other rockets in FPS (at least in non power weapon fashion). Yes she does splash damage without a direct hit; but its significantly lower than that of a direct hit which is the exact opposite of how scatter arrow functions. A direct hit with scatter leads to less damage than an instant kill scatter thats right in front of a person. Phara's rocket isn't comparable to that ability because the damage drop off is significant and rewards solid aim for actually hitting your target. Junkrats grenades function exactly how most grenade luanchers work in FPS games; they also require him to hit you with them to do damage so again, not like scatter arrow and not unlike other FPS shooters. Turrets are fine, they dont one shot you and are an essential part of Tjborn which requires set up before a confrontation, otherwise its useless because they'll shoot them down before you can set up. Orisa's grav doesn't do damage to you and requires her to hit the button a second time to activate so it also requires timing. Winston and Sym require getting in at extremely close range; the former doing very little damage without the jump and the latter doing more damage over time as her primary charges but also only has 200 health. None of these examples break the mold or go against my arguments about FPS games and Hanzo's scatter being broken. I pointed out earlier that its the only outlier in the game where it doesn't require a direct hit and elads to an instant kill. All of the above examples are nothing close to scatter arrow and more to the point, have been incldued in FPS games before and are balanced for the playstyles of this game. Whats another FPS where a non power/non killstreak/ultimate (IE normal weapon/ability) kills someone without requiring an actual hit from the original shot?Maybe the Noob tube but given its name and how much everyone hated it, I'd say that only strengthens the argument.

And yes as I said, I have less of a problem of how it functions as I do with the outcome. Yes there is an RNG element that is undeniably in scatter arrow and youre the only one who is saying otherwise; theres tons of video to back that up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wXjbGFD3c). Theres an RNG element.Again, it can do indirect damage. It can do 195 damage for all I care. The issue is its an insta kill ability for an indriect hit. All of your examples are so disingenuously obscuring the argument because nothing functions like it. Phara shooting a concussion blast only kills if its an environment kill. Only under that condition can it kill and more to the point, it doesn't even do damage. Its knock back ability and functions as it should. I'll repeat it for you but I've never thought or claimed anything in this game was unfair to the point as scatter. It has RNG elements (It does like Idk what else to say about it), it doesn't require an actual precision shot which is what snipers should be trying to pull off, and it insta kills. There is nothing else in this game that is comparable to that ability.

Youre not understanding pro play if youre arguing that hes situationally viable. I never said he wasn't situational but thats why you dont see him; hes situational. He has parts on maps to play but almost any other pick brings you a much more viable character that has more potential to consistently get you picks and 5V6 advantages in EVERY situation. Again this means nothing regarding the imbalance of scatter and more to the fact that Pros playing DPS have such a higher ceiling than that of a sniper in this game.

QP, gold, silver, plat- all levels and modes I wouldn't expect to find someone who is consistently excellent with Hanzo. But that doesn't even matter because Scatter gives you easy kills anyway. Its a crutch for a character who otherwise would require a ton of skill to be good with but thats much more suitable for a sniper than an instantkill non direct one shot ability imo.

I'm not exaggerating on shooting behind cover and getting a one hit, it happens all the time to me on attack Hanamura when I'm behind the choke and he launches one out the gate. I have no isse with his ability to flush people out of cover I have issue with that ability one shotting. He absolutly does not need line of sight to get kills with it.


There are tons of videos like this where characters are getting killed by that ability who are not in Hanzo's line of sight. The chances for that to be happening should be 0, not rare, 0. No other ability in this game functions like Hanzo's scatter arrow in that it can straight up kill you on its own (IE non environmental) in one hit without a direct hit in the first place. Any suggestion that there are is a disingenuous position to be taking.
I've seen a scatter arrow go from the defending point A on kings Row, off the statue 90 degrees, and then headshots a widow in the spawn top window.

The move needs a rework. I vote poison arrows, remove headshot ability. It's just 3 stackable poisonous shards that'll do 150 hp over 5 second or something. They can stack too, but the headshots with scatter are the biggest problem with it imo. One shorting an Orissa being the #2.


For some reason I envision this as a Trump tweet.
It would have to be less coherent.

We'll win the comp, the comp won't be a problem and we'll win. There will be doomfists and I've been a doomfist longer than any of the doomfist and people ask me about doomfist and I tell them look, you punch and you win and no one wins like Owzers. Owzers wins big with the doomfist, terrific doomfist and everyone knows that, Gaf more than anyone knows this, they say Great Doomfist.

Although that's too long for a tweet, would have to be a serious interview.


I've seen a scatter arrow go from the defending point A on kings Row, off the statue 90 degrees, and then headshots a widow in the spawn top window.

The move needs a rework. I vote poison arrows, remove headshot ability. It's just 3 stackable poisonous shards that'll do 150 hp over 5 second or something. They can stack too, but the headshots with scatter are the biggest problem with it imo. One shorting an Orissa being the #2.

Honestly I just vote no more one shots. Keep everything else as is. He just shouldn't be getting one hit kills in the manner that the ability currently operates.


Unconfirmed Member
Last night I was ready to stop playing Overwatch for a long, long time. Had the 2 worst games I've ever had in a row. Like, I've seen a lot of shit, but having 4 people on my team picking heroes they barely played and doing absolutely nothing? And a damn Sombra in every game. I mean, she's great in good hands, but when you see her using EMP when more than half of our team is dead and she's by herself on the payload...come on man. Also it seems that after this year and a couple of months people still don't understand the term GROUP THE FUCK UP. The best of all was when I saw the other team pushing the payload all the way to the first point on Dorado without a healer, having a junkrat, widow and hanzo.

Now I wanna give the game another chance, because I love it and love playing it with friends, and when you get that one match were everything works out, were even if you lose you go "damn that was good", it's an amazing feeling...the problem is that those a rare. The console community is unbearable.

That sombra you played with sounds like me.

What do you expect to happen when you learn a character with Quickplay? You get good at the mechanics and positioning, but the only thing you can do with EMP in quick play is use it when you got it. It's taking some time to remove that habit of throwing it out wherever.


Phara's rockets function like many other rockets in FPS (at least in non power weapon fashion). Yes she does splash damage without a direct hit; but its significantly lower than that of a direct hit which is the exact opposite of how scatter arrow functions. A direct hit with scatter leads to less damage than an instant kill scatter thats right in front of a person. Phara's rocket isn't comparable to that ability because the damage drop off is significant and rewards solid aim for actually hitting your target. Junkrats grenades function exactly how most grenade luanchers work in FPS games; they also require him to hit you with them to do damage so again, not like scatter arrow and not unlike other FPS shooters. Turrets are fine, they dont one shot you and are an essential part of Tjborn which requires set up before a confrontation, otherwise its useless because they'll shoot them down before you can set up. Orisa's grav doesn't do damage to you and requires her to hit the button a second time to activate so it also requires timing. Winston and Sym require getting in at extremely close range; the former doing very little damage without the jump and the latter doing more damage over time as her primary charges but also only has 200 health. None of these examples break the mold or go against my arguments about FPS games and Hanzo's scatter being broken. I pointed out earlier that its the only outlier in the game where it doesn't require a direct hit and elads to an instant kill. All of the above examples are nothing close to scatter arrow and more to the point, have been incldued in FPS games before and are balanced for the playstyles of this game. Whats another FPS where a non power/non killstreak/ultimate (IE normal weapon/ability) kills someone without requiring an actual hit from the original shot?Maybe the Noob tube but given its name and how much everyone hated it, I'd say that only strengthens the argument.

You're throwing out a lot of arbitrary rules for why one is okay and the other isn't. Particularly the traditionalist response confuses me. Why does it matter that Junkrat's grenade spam functions like a lot of grenade spam in other games if the principle of your argument is that shots that a player hasn't intentionally aimed at you are wrong to include in an FPS?

I just don't see what the core principle of your argument is. "Instakill indirects are not okay under ANY circumstances...unless it's an environmental kill. Or it's been done in other games. Or if they need to be close to do it. Or, or, or..." and so on.

And yes as I said, I have less of a problem of how it functions as I do with the outcome. Yes there is an RNG element that is undeniably in scatter arrow and youre the only one who is saying otherwise

You're confusing my argument a little. I'm saying that reliably instakilling with scatter arrow doesn't have much RNG because to do so, you need to aim at a specific location in relation to your enemy. A kill like that is different from kills like these:


There are tons of videos like this where characters are getting killed by that ability who are not in Hanzo's line of sight. The chances for that to be happening should be 0, not rare, 0. No other ability in this game functions like Hanzo's scatter arrow in that it can straight up kill you on its own (IE non environmental) in one hit without a direct hit in the first place. Any suggestion that there are is a disingenuous position to be taking.

Look at the health of the Lucio in the first video, and look at the percentage of the elim that Hanzo got in the second.

Those are only 1 hit kills because those players were already on the verge of dying. Had they been at full health, they'd barely have even noticed the damage. And that's why I don't see a difference between this and other examples, like a turret or a random grenade. I can agree that those players died to a randomness factor, but if you're on low enough health, then EVERYTHING is a one shot kill.

My point is that you can call a scatter arrow a 1 shot kill at full health characters, but that's only if you aim it at a specific location and the player isn't smart enough to counter it OR you can call it an RNG ability that kills players who can't see it coming if they're unlucky enough to be in low health where they'd be killed from being sneezed at anyway. You can't say that it's an instakill AND RNG at the same time as if a single random shard is a death sentence 95% of the time.

Not to mention, kills like those happen ALL the time, from all kinds of weapons and abilities. Again, the nature of the game is that they allow you to spam fire freely and you get luckly kills and unlucky deaths from all sorts of situations where someone just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time with no intentional aiming or skill on part of the player. If you think that should NEVER happen, then I don't know what to tell you, because this isn't the game for you. Even Soldiers randomly spam their fire in a general direction for no reason other than that maybe someone will come around the corner and sometimes someone does and is on low enough health to die from a single bullet.

I'll repeat it for you but I've never thought or claimed anything in this game was unfair to the point as scatter. It has RNG elements (It does like Idk what else to say about it), it doesn't require an actual precision shot which is what snipers should be trying to pull off, and it insta kills. There is nothing else in this game that is comparable to that ability.

I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to put words into your mouth. I'm not saying you said anything, I'm just saying that you're not giving me logic that I can apply exclusively to Scatter Arrow. I agree that it's a unique ability, but that can be said of several abilities in the game because the entire point of the game is that each hero has their own unique abilities. But the thrust of the principle of every argument you've given me can be applied to several other abiltiies, because there are other abiltiies that are either 1. indirect, 2. can instakill you, 3, you can't see coming, etc, so when I point that out, you have to atleast amend your argument to juggle why those are all okay, but scatter isn't.

And in my opinion, these amendments are flimsy and arbitrary. I can't see why I would care that Junkrat's grenade launcher functions like other grenade launchers do in other games if the principle of the argument was that I don't like abilities that kill me with indirect hits. Why would I care that it's an environmental kill if the principle of the argument is that indirect kills shouldn't be an insta-kill? And if we include things that kill us at low health as 'instakill' abilities, then a lot of uncontrollable attacks are instakill RNG BS. Essentially your argument is slowly becoming "Scatter Arrow is bullshit because it is an indirect, non-environmental, long-distance, easy, instakill shot that also has a RNG factor that can kill you if you're close to dying, attached to an otherwise precision based character and hasn't been featured in many other games" And those are a lot of qualifiers to have to specifically make before deciding the ability is wrong.

Either way, suffice to say, we can agree to disagree. I do not see anything wrong with the ability. I don't think that the small RNG factor is in any way significant since it only really makes a difference in very specific circumstances, and while it's powerful, it can be played around a lot of the time. Other times, you just die and can't do anything about it, I agree, but that's the nature of the game and I'm fine with it.
What kind of Overwatch streamers and YouTube channels do people around here follow? I'm currently only watching Seagull's stuff on YouTube. I find him to be a good mix of entertaining and educating.
Any other recommendations?

  1. Jacklz -- Grandmaster Junkrat main
  2. J3sus -- DPS for Renegades
  3. PvP -- Grandmaster Junkrat Main
  4. Mendokusaii -- DPS/Inactive Cloud9 Player
  5. Valkia -- Top 500 Pharah Main
  6. Gale Adelade -- Top 500 Ana/DPS
  7. Kephrii -- Top 500 Widowmaker Main
  8. Customabilities -- Grandmaster Zenyatta Main
  9. Miso -- CLG's Flex/Tank Player
  10. Moonmoon_Ow -- Grandmaster Tank Main
  11. Vale -- Top 500 Mercy Main
  12. Eevee_A -- Top 500 Mercy One Trick
  13. Stevoo -- Top 500 Symmetra One Trick
  14. Star2d2 -- Master/Grandmaster Mercy One Trick
  15. Fuey500 -- Top 500 Torb One Trick
  16. Cloneman16 -- Top 500 Tank Main
  17. Calvin -- Top 500 DPS Main
  18. Emongg -- Selfless's Flex Player; team is now disbanded
  19. Surefour -- Cloud9's DPS Player
  20. XQC -- Arc6's Tank Player

Here is all who I have followed on Twitch. Who do I watch the most? EeveeA, Vale, Moonmoon, Calvin, Cloneman, and Emongg mostly. I also watch a bit of Seagull but only when he's streaming. I didn't include him in the list since you knew about him. As for YouTube channels, I don't really follow anyone in particular besides Skyline.
I've seen a scatter arrow go from the defending point A on kings Row, off the statue 90 degrees, and then headshots a widow in the spawn top window.

The move needs a rework. I vote poison arrows, remove headshot ability. It's just 3 stackable poisonous shards that'll do 150 hp over 5 second or something. They can stack too, but the headshots with scatter are the biggest problem with it imo. One shorting an Orissa being the #2.

The problem is that a trophy is associated with the scatter arrow ability - unlike say, Symmetra who was able to have a rework because her trophies were associated with turrets and teleporter (neither of which were removed from her move set), Hanzo's trophy/achievement for killing two people with one scatter shot becomes impossible if the scatter arrow is removed from his toolkit.

The easiest solution (that I've proposed before) is to change the angles on the scatter arrow so that they don't all break the same direction when it hits. That prevents the one-shotting of tanks but keeps the scatter element/closed-space-clearing of his ability, which is what the ability is supposed to do anyway.

It would have to be less coherent.

We'll win the comp, the comp won't be a problem and we'll win. There will be doomfists and I've been a doomfist longer than any of the doomfist and people ask me about doomfist and I tell them look, you punch and you win and no one wins like Owzers. Owzers wins big with the doomfist, terrific doomfist and everyone knows that, Gaf more than anyone knows this, they say Great Doomfist.

Although that's too long for a tweet, would have to be a serious interview.

I'd vote for you.
I could never quite work out how to initiate with him in solo play, just spent a lot of time ambling around waiting for a moment to actually help.

I see a ton of folks hiding at entry points with their fist charged waiting for someone to come through. Not the way I think he's intended to be played. They do get some cheap ass kills out of it, but pretty cowardly and not particularly contributory to a team winning overall
What kind of Overwatch streamers and YouTube channels do people around here follow? I'm currently only watching Seagull's stuff on YouTube. I find him to be a good mix of entertaining and educating.
Any other recommendations?

YouTubers: Stylosa (he's that kinda annoying, kinda endearing friend everyone has)
Muselk, Bazza, and Tyrodin

Twitch: Boombox, Zzyzx, Kelvin711, Custaa, Blinky- so mainly Zen mains.

Don't know if you know about this site, or if it's been posted, but it can be a lifesaver when you're looking for new Overwatch Twitch streamers to watch:


It updates minute to minute, and you can filter by hero, rank, and language.
I see a ton of folks hiding at entry points with their fist charged waiting for someone to come through. Not the way I think he's intended to be played. They do get some cheap ass kills out of it, but pretty cowardly and not particularly contributory to a team winning overall

As far as lurking goes I've found it more useful hanging around with my support and then punching the heck out of the inevitable Tracer/Genji that comes after them.
I do find the character really damn fun.


Unconfirmed Member
I see a ton of folks hiding at entry points with their fist charged waiting for someone to come through. Not the way I think he's intended to be played. They do get some cheap ass kills out of it, but pretty cowardly and not particularly contributory to a team winning overall

Charging up a rocket punch before people turn a corner and canceling if they don't seems to be a legit strat from I've seen from pro players playing him on stream in quick play.

People probably just need to learn to be careful going around corners if they ever hear doomfist charge up and they don't know where he is.


What kind of Overwatch streamers and YouTube channels do people around here follow? I'm currently only watching Seagull's stuff on YouTube. I find him to be a good mix of entertaining and educating.
Any other recommendations?

I like watching Jimbenator's stuff and haven't seen him mentioned yet. He tends to keep things pretty light-hearted and positive.


You're throwing out a lot of arbitrary rules for why one is okay and the other isn't. Particularly the traditionalist response confuses me. Why does it matter that Junkrat's grenade spam functions like a lot of grenade spam in other games if the principle of your argument is that shots that a player hasn't intentionally aimed at you are wrong to include in an FPS?

I just don't see what the core principle of your argument is. "Instakill indirects are not okay under ANY circumstances...unless it's an environmental kill. Or it's been done in other games. Or if they need to be close to do it. Or, or, or..." and so on.

You're confusing my argument a little. I'm saying that reliably instakilling with scatter arrow doesn't have much RNG because to do so, you need to aim at a specific location in relation to your enemy. A kill like that is different from kills like these:

Look at the health of the Lucio in the first video, and look at the percentage of the elim that Hanzo got in the second.

Those are only 1 hit kills because those players were already on the verge of dying. Had they been at full health, they'd barely have even noticed the damage. And that's why I don't see a difference between this and other examples, like a turret or a random grenade. I can agree that those players died to a randomness factor, but if you're on low enough health, then EVERYTHING is a one shot kill.

My point is that you can call a scatter arrow a 1 shot kill at full health characters, but that's only if you aim it at a specific location and the player isn't smart enough to counter it OR you can call it an RNG ability that kills players who can't see it coming if they're unlucky enough to be in low health where they'd be killed from being sneezed at anyway. You can't say that it's an instakill AND RNG at the same time as if a single random shard is a death sentence 95% of the time.

Not to mention, kills like those happen ALL the time, from all kinds of weapons and abilities. Again, the nature of the game is that they allow you to spam fire freely and you get luckly kills and unlucky deaths from all sorts of situations where someone just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time with no intentional aiming or skill on part of the player. If you think that should NEVER happen, then I don't know what to tell you, because this isn't the game for you. Even Soldiers randomly spam their fire in a general direction for no reason other than that maybe someone will come around the corner and sometimes someone does and is on low enough health to die from a single bullet.

I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to put words into your mouth. I'm not saying you said anything, I'm just saying that you're not giving me logic that I can apply exclusively to Scatter Arrow. I agree that it's a unique ability, but that can be said of several abilities in the game because the entire point of the game is that each hero has their own unique abilities. But the thrust of the principle of every argument you've given me can be applied to several other abiltiies, because there are other abiltiies that are either 1. indirect, 2. can instakill you, 3, you can't see coming, etc, so when I point that out, you have to atleast amend your argument to juggle why those are all okay, but scatter isn't.

And in my opinion, these amendments are flimsy and arbitrary. I can't see why I would care that Junkrat's grenade launcher functions like other grenade launchers do in other games if the principle of the argument was that I don't like abilities that kill me with indirect hits. Why would I care that it's an environmental kill if the principle of the argument is that indirect kills shouldn't be an insta-kill? And if we include things that kill us at low health as 'instakill' abilities, then a lot of uncontrollable attacks are instakill RNG BS. Essentially your argument is slowly becoming "Scatter Arrow is bullshit because it is an indirect, non-environmental, long-distance, easy, instakill shot that also has a RNG factor that can kill you if you're close to dying, attached to an otherwise precision based character and hasn't been featured in many other games" And those are a lot of qualifiers to have to specifically make before deciding the ability is wrong.

Either way, suffice to say, we can agree to disagree. I do not see anything wrong with the ability. I don't think that the small RNG factor is in any way significant since it only really makes a difference in very specific circumstances, and while it's powerful, it can be played around a lot of the time. Other times, you just die and can't do anything about it, I agree, but that's the nature of the game and I'm fine with it.

My argument is shots that aren't resulting in a direct hit that additionally one shots you are bullshit. You keep coming up with examples that continue to not fit that description. Junk rat can fire grenades over areas into players that they didn't see-but do you take damage from them even if they don't hit you? No, they have to hit you. Do they kill you in one shot? No they don't. Further theyre much easier to dodge and know when its coming than a Hanzo scatter. I'm really not being obtuse with my stipulation for why Scatter is unfair. You just keep looking for all these examples in the game that fall into a similar function when there aren't any.

Environmental kills can be avoided by knowing positioning and the attacks that could cause those types of deaths IE Lucio boop and Phara concussion rocket, can't kill you if you avoid areas of the mpa that would result in death if pushed off. So for example, lijang you never go over the birdge when pushing point so as to avoid either of the aformentioned environment kills; they depend on you being in a position that would result in a one shot and their own ability is insufficient by itself in actually killing you. Hanzo Scatter can kill you, one shot, regardless of environment or position. Your examples are continuously disingenuous as to why I take issue with scatter arrow. Now youve tried to say knowing Hanzo's position will mitigate scatter but thats not entirely true. The viedos I posted (and countless other ones) show that Hanzo doesn't even have to fire in your direction to get a kill off scatter. In your examples, without putting myself in a position to be pushed off the map, those abilities canno't instan kill me.

Yes I'm aware that in the Lucio video he had little health. That was to your argument that you have to be in Hanzo's line of sight to be killed by scatter; clearly that isn't the case. Further in the second video, Junkrat was killed on lijang coming out of spawn with full health by a scatter while 100% not in Hanzo's line of sight. If you want, I could easily find more to support that claim but to that example should be enough to dispell your notion that you have to be in his line of sight for it to one shot you with full life; it doesn't..

I never said anything about the percentage of time but I can absolutely say that there are RNG components to scatter because literally everyone in this game understands that it has RNG functionality but you, apparently. That doesn't also mean that there are spots that it reliably kills that aren't based on RNG; its well known shooting the ground in front of someone is pretty much a one hit. But there are very clearly cases where the RNG results in one hits as well that are quite distinct from throwing an ana grenade from spawn or shooting junkrats greandes over a building; those throws and abilities while performed blind still adhere to a set of in game physics unlike the RNG nature of the ensuing scatter shot arrows (And additionally don't kill on their own with one hit). They aren't mutually exclusive. So saying kills like that happen all the time isn't really true when an RNG ability is triggering deaths while no such thing is happening when an Ana throws a grenade high into the sky and it kills from spawn. Thats a huge distinction.

No I don't have to amend my argument because your examples of other abilities one shotting are not the same as scatter. At all. You keep trying to shoehorn other abilities like concussion shots in with scatter but those are dependant on being in the right position. Scatter can kill regardless of where you are on the map so long as you don't have 400+ life (and even then you can kill Orisa one shot). Again see my logic in the top statement; no other abilities in the game adhere to those rules. None of them. But scatter. Again, its fine to have unique abilities and I want that between characters. I don't even take issue with it functioning the way it does. It shouldn't be insta killing people. I think the majority of people in this game agree with that as well.

The soldier example is also so off base. Like you keep thinking that spam fire is the same as an active shot RNGing to death. I really don't know what else to say but those are entirely different problems. I'm not talking about junkrat or soldier spam (and even if I was, none of those shots one shot you). I'm talking about an ability that based on RNG (and additionally non RNG phsyics) can one shot, on its own, without any other necessary shooting or environmental placements. Youre moving the field goals of my problem to try and create strawmen about this ability, or at least youre not understanding why scatter is unlike every example you keep listing.


This whole thing is getting to be too much of a giant post back and forth, so I'm just gonna start replying to a few general ideas with a little more succinctness.

Junk rat can fire grenades over areas into players that they didn't see-but do you take damage from them even if they don't hit you? No, they have to hit you.
No, they do not. If you're within 2 meters of their explosion, then you get damaged without them ever touching you. Unless your now counting the explosion as part of the hit, in which case I don't see why you don't count the shards as part of the attack. And, like any attack, they can one shot you if you're on low enough health to be oneshotted by the small explosion, which is the standard you set with the videoes you linked here.

Further in the second video, Junkrat was killed on lijang coming out of spawn with full health by a scatter while 100% not in Hanzo's line of sight. That was to your argument that you have to be in Hanzo's line of sight to be killed by scatter; clearly that isn't the case. If you want, I could easily find more to support that claim but to that example should be enough to dispell your notion that you have to be in his line of sight for it to one shot you with full life; it doesn't..


Scatter can kill regardless of where you are on the map so long as you don't have 400+ life

First off, full health? You mean this? I've watched the video twice, and I only see the one Junkrat kill here, yet the pop up clearly says he only ate 17% of the Junkrat's health there. And I have to emphasize that the bottom statement of that quote is simply wrong. Scatter can kill you on any part of the map...if it happens to be angled where Hanzo can shoot at you from. For example, there is no amount of ricochet available for Hanzo to kill you in the middle room at the Nepal temple from his spawn, for example. You need to be at an angle he can get to, like any other ability, and you will often find yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, which is the case for a lot of different attacks.

Second, my argument wasn't that it was impossible for Hanzo to get a kill while not being in line of sight, but what I assumed you meant that you were trying to argue his ability to one shot full health heroes. I totally agree that he can kill some low health stragglers through the random jumping of his arrows. But I don't see random elements killing low health players as a problem.

I never said anything about the percentage of time but I can absolutely say that there are RNG components to scatter because literally everyone in this game understands that it has RNG functionality but you, apparently.

For someone who is upset at me for disingenuousness, I'm pretty surprised to hear you say this. I never denied that there is an element of randomness to his scatter arrows. It's just that it doesn't do enough damage to matter to me. At best, it's responsible for a couple random kills across the game and I don't consider there to be a strong distinction between what it can do vs several other elements.

Like you keep thinking that spam fire is the same as an active shot RNGing to death. I really don't know what else to say but those are entirely different problems.

Not for me. The problem here is player intent. The Soldier isn't RNG in the same way, but the principal of the argument here is players getting kills by coincidental firing, or atleast estimation firing, like Junkrat spamming his grenades over a wall and you happening to be there. These players aren't aiming at you, they're just spamming and hoping to get lucky. That's the fundamental problem one can have with an RNG mechanic, and for me, as long as it isn't a full health instakill, it's not a problem. And despite what you think you've given me as evidence, I have yet to see a consistent string of 1 hit (full health) kill shots from indirect angles.

those throws and abilities while performed blind still adhere to a set of in game physics unlike the RNG nature of the ensuing scatter shot arrows

This is a more minor point, but what the hell does this even mean? The randomness doesn't come from the engine literally picking a number at random and based that off the direction the scatter arrow goes.

The trajectory of the shards are predetermined. However, players cannot track the trajectory of 6 simultaneous, fast moving shards going in and bouncing around different directions based on the angle and part of the map you hit the arrow with. But if you fire at the same angle without altering your position, then the pattern the shards travel is going to be identical each time. I literally just tested this to make sure, and each time, the scatter moves identically if you don't move from your position. It's effectively random because no one can predict the bounces past the first one, but it's 100% operating based on the game's physics. The randomness factor comes from limitations of human tracking and coordination, not the engine fucking with you.

So maybe you're the one who doesn't know what an RNG component is, because up until now, I thought you were just using it as a rhetorical device.


A mere modicum is needed

I am dumbfounded by the fact that a giant percent of the population hasn't even seen plat

It just goes to show that public schools need better curriculum


Neo Member
I see a lot of post talking about how scatter arrow is cheap but it takes more skill to hit a scatter arrow then to hi Doomfist one hit rocket punch, or road hogs hook which well use to one shot.

Hanzo needs to keep the scatter arrows to defend against flankers because without it there is a slim chance he wins on a one on one fight with flankers. If it had to change then change the damage to 250-270 so it at least kill all flankers

Hanzo is pretty simple to counter so if a Hanzo is wrecking your team then you need to pick a counter pick plain and simple


Patiently refreshing Gaf and /r/Overwatch for leaks of the upcoming event...

People are going to go bananas with the reveal of Mercy's Badminton outfit, I can guarantee that.

Me? I just want to play Competitive Lucio Ball and try out all the ridiculous changes they've implemented in the mode.


°Temp. member
Yay I got Pharah's Mechaqueen skin, although I like the raindancer skin that I was using before even better so I'm going to keep using it.
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