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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


You guys can bypass that queue by hitting go offline and then log in as usual. Not sure what's going on with the launcher lol.


so is the next event expected to be the summer games event from last year? I think I read an article a while back that said they planned to recycle events. Hopefully that means some of the other characters that missed out on skins in these events get them now though


Why am I forced to play as mercy every damn game... (2400 range)

I hate it when my team insists I play mercy just for the rez. If you guys suck and are dying before the rez, you will die after the rez. Or that me not playing mercy is the reason we are losing. Like your stupid shut up, im playing ana.


My experience has been different. I've been like 4200+ on ps4 the past few seasons and when I started playing on pc trying to hit 4000, I could definitely feel the difference in quality of games. Things like bad team comps, bad ult management, etc., were fairly common in the masters skill bracket, and it can be very frustrating a lot of times.
I mean ult economy definitely gets better thw higher you go, but that's largely a function of a team's ability to communicate, which improves only marginally from, like, mid master onwards; some players do it, some don't, and while most of those who don't get filtered out by that point, the aberrations are just as much a part of the process at 3700 as they are in 4000 in my experience.

I would be legitimately curious if players could reliably blindly distinguish a 3800 player from a 4100 player. The differences in that range are small.
Maybe two seasons ago the games were good. Not my experience this season. People have learned how to manipulate the SR system into giving them more SR than they deserve. Perfect example is a player named Dimes on PC. Dimes is a good player, I've played against him many times. He's been one-tricking Sombra this season and has a 40% winrate. Now you would think he should be losing SR for not winning games, but that's not the case. He's been slowly climbing and now sits right around 4300.

As a player who has suffered greatly at the behest of this... "unique" quirk I'm certainly not defending this.
Horizon is out next week. Trailer.

@PlayOverwatch said:
Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at Overwatch's newest map!

The journey to Horizon Lunar Colony begins: 6.20.2017

The update should also let you buy Officer D.va and Oni Genji with coins, as well as add a low gravity arcade mode in the arcade.
I really want to use Officer D.Va, but yesterday when I was using the new skin and killed someone with a melee being outside of the mech D.Va said "Did you order a knuckle sandwich?"

You just can't top that.

I want to die

my next box had a purple in it, 150 coins yay

the worst part is not only is it the worst soldier skin, not only is it one of the worst skins in the game but the only fucking event skin I have after 40+ boxes is cyborg 76


I really want to use Officer D.Va, but yesterday when I was using the new skin and killed someone with a melee being outside of the mech D.Va said "Did you order a knuckle sandwich?"

You just can't top that.

"Hey Daddy-o" is so fucking cute


i just learned that if you beat an enemy team in 3v3 and no one on your team takes damage you'll get a PERFECT from the announcer. there will be an indicator on the final round-by-round recap as well


Played a really long 5 round competitive game.. A really close one but we eek'd out the win..

Only gained aroubd 5 SR. Lol what the hell
I really want to use Officer D.Va, but yesterday when I was using the new skin and killed someone with a melee being outside of the mech D.Va said "Did you order a knuckle sandwich?"

You just can't top that.

Cruiser D.va's amazing voice lines > sirens when you rocket boost
Cruiser D.va's amazing voice lines > sirens when you rocket boost

having a better MEKA design and having her sirens light up when you use the party time emote>>>

also she has a really rare voice line with the officer skin, I've only heard it once but it was something about tickets


Good video about common mistakes for each support hero: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/6h15jy/1_common_mistake_for_every_support_hero_in/

Ana: If the enemy is running dive comp, positioning far back is not a good idea. Not only are you vulnerable, but D.Va and Winston can block your heals from reaching teammates with Defense Matrix and Winston shield.

Lucio: Peel for your supports and DPS. Lucio is pretty deadly now, he can duel Tracers and Genjis or at least force them to use their abilities.

Mercy: Remember you don't have to fly the entire distance in Guardian Angel. Flying directly to a teammate is not wise, as it puts you at risk. Play around the range of your beam so you can heal people just as effectively as if you were right next to them, but at a much safer position.

Zenyatta: Use orb volleys. A cheeky pick with orb volley can win a fight for your team.

Symmetra: Hit enemies with charged orbs before you start using your beam in close range.


Wait, double exp is still ongoing and you can still get Anniversary loot boxes? I should have expected Blizzard never to be punctual with these end times...


I feel like I should take up playing Pharah with the number of teams I've been on that ignore her existence.


Got Pharah skin today by playing Arcade. Got around 7 boxes total, but they were mostly crappy. Pharah event skin was nice bonus.



Finally got the Rapid Discord and the Platina trophy now!

And that in my first game in 3 months. Placement match 1 of 10 lol
Was at 2497, finally decided to break the seal and played two competitive games solo queueing over lunch. Long story short, I'm at 2460 now.

Long story long: first game was a decent match on Eichenwalde with no complaints, the other team was just slightly better. The second game was a dumpster fire. Had a Hanzo and Junkrat as our two DPSes on Route 66 Defense and they refused to switch to anything else as the other team steamrolled us, and slowly but surely the entire team also switched to DPS to compensate for them (I was leading in kills as DVa with 7 by the second point before I had to switch to Lucio so our 5 DPS had a healer). Then on Attack I instalocked Hanzo to keep the Hanzo from picking him (he eventually chose 76 instead and I actually picked Zen) but then the Junkrat stayed Junkrat, and another guy chose Widow and then threw the match. Even though as a team of 5 we still managed to get the payload within 5m of the end before we lost. Of course the Widow then spammed thanks a bunch and immediately left the game as soon as we lost.

I don't understand.


Comp is a shitshow right now so playing some Total Mayhem. 3-0 with Symmetra so far and gold eliminations on both defenses

Trying to get that Lucio before the event closes.


Trying to lvl up my comp only account and man is it taking forever. Did they change it cause it used to be fast to get lvl 15
Comp is worst than Mayhem now. People actually want to win in Mayhem. Lmao

I'm hoping the week between the event ending and Horizon becoming available as a map will be good for Comp as the fair weather players should get distracted by something else.

On the other hand I finally got Nioh thanks to the PSN Days of Play so...


I'm hoping the week between the event ending and Horizon becoming available as a map will be good for Comp as the fair weather players should get distracted by something else.

On the other hand I finally got Nioh thanks to the PSN Days of Play so...

Comp is always going to be a shit show, always has been. Events and stuff just make it a bit worse temporarily. Each season has gotten progressively worse for it, so get used to it I guess.


double XP and the event are still up on PS4, kinda salty I didn't know sooner but still managed to get in a few lvls. Is it up on other platforms?

Played against a guy with the border rank above Gold earlier @__@


I bought the DVa skin the other night because I thought the event was ending. I log on today and see it's still up and get the DVa skin in my first arcade box, fuck me.


I bought the DVa skin the other night because I thought the event was ending. I log on today and see it's still up and get the DVa skin in my first arcade box, fuck me.

Bought Mei with coins. got it 3 more times from drops. I swear the game doesn't unlock them in the RNG pool until you own them ROFL


okay im not one to complain about rng but i opened 20 lootboxes and got nothing of worth but Widow emote. Im on other account so everything is fresh. Blizz really should have done something about drop rates this events since there is so much stuff to get :/


I know I suck at the game, but Blizzard now does not even let me play it and I cannot connect to Battle.net (or Blizzard). I think that this is going a bit too far. Somebody else with the same problem?


I know I suck at the game, but Blizzard now does not even let me play it and I cannot connect to Battle.net (or Blizzard). I think that this is going a bit too far. Somebody else with the same problem?
WoW had a big patch today and that usually means bad times for their servers. It's been inconsistent all day for me. There's a reddit thread saying about half the players can't connect.


WoW had a big patch today and that usually means bad times for their servers. It's been inconsistent all day for me. There's a reddit thread saying about half the players can't connect.
Had no idea, thank you. I was starting to believe that Blizzard hated me, although maybe it is a mix of both.
Fuck, didnt realize there was a maintinence today, I'm about 90% sure my decay starts during this time frame.....rushed home from school to get a quick match in.

RIP my season high
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