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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


I wonder if well get those Junkrat, Roadhog, Orisa, and Widowmaker changes this week? They’ve been on the PTR for a few weeks now.

Mr Git

I wonder if well get those Junkrat, Roadhog, Orisa, and Widowmaker changes this week? They've been on the PTR for a few weeks now.

I just posted about this at the end of the last page. Damn. I've been in a NMS bubble and was secretly hoping someone would go it's been live for a week ya dickhead! Doesn't help that Overwatch is probably the only game on the PS4 that doesn't update automatically.


Also, she worked well because of her defensive abilities and hardiness. I want the ability to take damage, not dish it out.

She didn't just work well cause of DM. She literally broke the foundation of how the game functioned as an FPS because of DM. Shit's more than just soaking damage. If you like 4s DM being a basic mitigation ability, you like a part of the game that doesn't work well with the rest of it.


Overwatch Patch Notes – August 29, 2017

Patch Highlights
New Game Modes: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch

Two new game modes have been added to the Arcade: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch!

In Deathmatch, eight players go head-to-head until one player scores 20 points. Players will earn 1 point whenever they land the final blow on an opponent and will lose 1 point whenever they die to environmental damage (ex: falling off a cliff) or self-inflicted damage. This scoring will be tracked in a brand-new scoreboard. The first player to 20 points wins!

In Team Deathmatch, two teams of four players face off until one team scores 30 points. Players will earn 1 point for their team whenever they land the final blow on an opponent and will lose 1 point for their team whenever they die to environmental damage (ex: falling off a cliff) or self-inflicted damage. If players are resurrected before they respawn, the corresponding point for their death will be deducted from the enemy team's score. This scoring will be tracked in our default scoreboard. The first team to 30 points wins!

Both modes will play out on a selection of maps from our existing pool:

Horizon Lunar Colony
Temple of Anubis
Volskaya Industries
King's Row
(TDM only) Black Forest
(TDM only) Castillo
(TDM only) Ecopoint: Antarctica
(TDM only) Necropolis
We've made several modifications to many of these maps (including restricting play to a specific area and developing a special respawn system) when playing in these modes. We're also introducing a brand-new map specifically for Deathmatch: Château Guillard! Learn more about this map below.

Both modes will be available for play in Custom Games. Watch our developer update for additional insight: https://youtu.be/4_CBzklel1c

New Deathmatch Map: Château Guillard

Château Guillard is located near Annecy in southeastern France. For hundreds of years, it was the estate of the influential Guillard family, until it gradually fell into disrepair after the family's power waned in the decades after the Revolution. Recently, the château has found a new owner: the Talon agent Widowmaker, who has returned to her family's ancestral home.


A number of data format changes have been implemented
Developer Comments: Over the past few months, we've been working on a number of significant under-the-hood changes that will help us streamline the patching process. This will allow us to reduce the download size in future patches, but it does mean that today's patch is larger than a traditional patch.

Match-wide voice chat has been added for Deathmatch and Custom Games
An ”Aim Ease in" option has been added under the ”Advanced" tab in the ”Controller" menu. This allows players to customize their turn rate acceleration. If you'd like to know more, check out the developer explain over on the forums.
Hero Updates

Concussion Mine
Junkrat can now hold two mines
Tire's movement speed has been increased by 30%
There is no longer a time limit when wall climbing
Developer Comments: Giving the Junkrat the ability to store two concussion mines adds some much-needed flexibility and versatility to his kit, particularly when using the mines for mobility. RIP-Tire's damage has always been very good, but it was often difficult to steer the tire into position before it was destroyed. Increasing its speed will allow players to effectively detonate the tire more often and decrease the amount of time that Junkrat is vulnerable while controlling it.

Fusion Driver
Projectile speed increased by 20%
Protective Barrier
Barrier size increase by 20%
Barrier shape has been changed to allow for more coverage from enemies that are below the barrier
Developer Comments: The projectile speed increase helps Orisa's consistency, especially at medium ranges (or further). Her barrier size has been increased to better protect her team, and the new shape makes the shield more effective when it's used on slopes or on top of objects (such as a payload).

Take a Breather
Can now be used while moving
Damage taken while healing has been reduced by 50%
Developer Comments: These changes help Roadhog be much more aggressive when looking for hook targets or blocking for his team. The combination of these effects significantly increases Roadhog's sustainability and survivability.

Grappling Hook
Cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 8
Venom Mine
Affected targets are now visible through walls (to you as Widowmaker only)
Developer Comments: Widowmaker is extremely powerful in the right hands, but her abilities often felt a little weak. The Grappling Hook cooldown reduction means she is more likely to have it available when she needs to escape. Venom Mine is intended to be an early warning system, uncovering enemies that are attempting to flank her or her team. With this change, she can see enemies when they trigger the mine, even if they're on the other side of a wall.
Competitive Play

The length of Competitive Play seasons has been reduced to 2 months (formerly 3)
The winner on Control maps will now be decided based on a best-2-out-of-3 series (formerly 3-out-of-5)
Due to the shortened season length, fewer Competitive Points will be rewarded at the end of each season
More Competitive Points will be rewarded for wins or ties in Competitive Play
15 Competitive Points for a win (formerly 10)
5 Competitive Points for a tie (formerly 3)
Periodic Skill Rating decay has been reduced
Previously inactive players (in Diamond tier or above) lost 50 Skill Rating per day. This has been reduced to 25 Skill Rating per day
Playing a match now increases the time till decay by 36 hours (up from 24 hours). The maximum number of days remains set at 7
Players who place in Diamond or below can now lose their place in that tier if their Skill Rating drops below the minimum requirement. However, they'll still earn their end-of-season rewards for their highest skill tier placed
Player Skill Ratings will no longer be temporarily lowered at the beginning of a season (after placement matches)
Changes in Skill Rating that occur after each competitive match have been adjusted to address some anomalies, especially with certain heroes
Developer Comments: Learn more about Skill Rating and Skill Tier updates in our forum post here.


Defensive spawn times will now slowly increase earlier in the battle when the attacking team has more players on the objective
User Interface

Added an ”Outline Opacity" option under the custom reticle settings (found under Controls > Options > Advanced), which allows players to control the opacity of the black outline surrounding the reticule
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that occasionally required the Capture Point progress bar to progress past the second tick mark before being activated

Fixed a bug that could cause D.Va's black ejection screen to briefly reappear after being ejected from her mech
Fixed a bug causing D. Va's Light Gun to utilize the wrong texture while outside of her mech when the Junker skin was equipped
Fixed a bug that caused D. Va's hair to stand straight up on the Hero Select screen when her Cruiser skin was equipped
Fixed a bug causing the lights on the back of Doomfist's hand to incorrectly indicate full ammo when his Hello emote was activated
Fixed a bug that prevented the area-of-effect circle for Doomfist's Meteor Strike from being visible to all players
Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Meteor Strike from reaching certain high-altitude locations
Fixed a bug that was preventing Doomfist's Rocket Punch from connecting with enemy players that were moving up an incline
Fixed a bug preventing Orisa's ”Overclocked" achievement from being granted, even after the criteria was met
Fixed a bug causing Sombra's teeth to be visible while her Stealth ability was active when her Los Muertos skin was equipped
Fixed a bug causing Sombra's reload animation to play even when interrupted

Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations on Ecopoint: Antarctica
Fixed a bug that allowed players to see past the map's background on Black Forest
Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations on Black Forest
Fixed a bug that caused the announcer to say ”Travelling to Dorado" when joining Castillo
Fixed a bug that prevented some equipment (vents, pipes, etc.) from properly connecting to the walls of the power plant on Dorado
Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations on Hanamura
Fixed a bug that caused some projectiles to go through the ground on the last point of Horizon Lunar Colony
Fixed an issue that caused sprays to display incorrectly on the crane on the Horizon Lunar Colony
Fixed a bug that caused pink lighting to appear in some areas of Ilios
Fixed a bug that could cause A.I. heroes to get themselves stuck while traveling to the Well Capture Point on Ilios
Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations on Ilios
Fixed an issue that caused the lighting to appear dark in Genji's room on Nepal
Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations on Oasis
Fixed a bug that prevented Pharah's Jump Jet from recharging while perched on door frames in Oasis
Fixed a bug that prevented door frames from being visible and lacking collision on the Practice Range
Fixed a bug that caused some players to get stuck behind a plant near the second point on Route 66
Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to reach unintended locations on Volskaya Industries
User Interface

Fixed a bug in the Options > Controls menu that prevented the asterisk (which normally indicates that changes have been made) from being removed from the hero's dropdown after controls have been set to default
Fixed a bug causing the Back button to disappear when scrolling through the list of available games in the Game Browser
Can't wait to try the "new" Orisa. Junkrat will be cool too.

Not really that excited about being able to heal while walking though lol

And hopefully DF is fixed in this too.
So there I was, happily passing the time playing some Overwatch, and then straight out of nowhere I get asked to download a 16GB update.

Good times. I won't be playing this anytime soon then.


Patch size is explained: "Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a number of significant under-the-hood changes that will help us streamline the patching process. This will allow us to reduce the download size in future patches, but it does mean that today’s patch is larger than a traditional patch."


semen stains the mountaintops
Junkrat can now hold two mines RIP-Tire Tire’s movement speed has been increased by 30% There is no longer a time limit when wall climbing Developer Comments: Giving the Junkrat the ability to store two concussion mines adds some much-needed flexibility and versatility to his kit, particularly when using the mines for mobility. RIP-Tire’s damage has always been very good, but it was often difficult to steer the tire into position before it was destroyed. Increasing its speed will allow players to effectively detonate the tire more often and decrease the amount of time that Junkrat is vulnerable while controlling it.



Patch size is explained: "Over the past few months, we've been working on a number of significant under-the-hood changes that will help us streamline the patching process. This will allow us to reduce the download size in future patches, but it does mean that today's patch is larger than a traditional patch."

I missed this. Thanks.

BTW. Soooooo happy with Widow buffs. I wanted this for so long.


It used to only trigger near the end of the game right? That's the only time I ever noticed it.

Nah, it could trigger if attack #s > defense. It was just not very noticeable unless it dragged out for awhile. Here's hoping this time it actually affects 2CP, it's like the 3rd or maybe even 4th time they've adjusted this mechanic.


How many times can he repeat himself that they're working on the reporting system? They're so full of shit.

This is the most detailed info they've revealed and he even confirmed they recorded a video developer update for it so it's def coming very soon.
One thing I'd love to see change, and I'm probably the only one here, is that when a point is capped in overtime no time is added on, it stays in over time. You want to get that payload to the end of the map then you better stay on that payload.

I'm sick to fucking death of defending a point for all that time only to finally get outnumbered in overtime and then seeing them have an extra 2 and a half minutes to get to the next checkpoint.

Obviously maps like Anubis have to stay how they currently are.
Player Skill Ratings will no longer be temporarily lowered at the beginning of a season (after placement matches)

This is the most insane shit.

Whoever on the Overwatch team thought this was ever a good idea is a fucking asshole.


This is the most insane shit.

Whoever on the Overwatch team thought this was ever a good idea is a fucking asshole.

Yup, wipe away 100-300 SR and make you climb again to "feel good". Son, being pushed back into ELO hell does not feel good. It also caused so much salt that added to the toxicity.


does this mean you can't go lower than your previous season sr, only higher?

The way it worked before is that your placement SR for the new season would be ~200-300 less than where you ended the previous season (for example: I ended season 4 at 4100 and placed season 5 at 3850, an artificial reduction of 250SR), then they would pad your first ~50 games of the new season by giving you more points for a win and less points lost for a loss until to get you back to where you ended the last season.

All just for the sake of giving an artificial sense of accomplishment, but people aren't going to forget where they were last season. It made no sense.

Mr Git

Changes to several characters at once is going to be interesting. Chances are I'll get to try one of them at least instead of all being insta-locked. And in the event they are all insta-locked at least my favourite characters won't be.
does this mean you can't go lower than your previous season sr, only higher?

I'm sure if you play horribly in your placements you'll place lower but they intentionally placed people lower for no reason.

Season 4 I placed at 2450 and finished the season at 2350, Season 5 I got placed at 2240 lol

Edit- both seasons I went 6-4 in placements


How many times can he repeat himself that they're working on the reporting system? They're so full of shit.

Reading what Jeff wrote at least gives me some hope that they are finally acknowledging the severity of the problem (however grudgingly) and are acting accordingly. Weeding out throwers and boosters would go a LONG way towards bringing be back to actually playing Competitive.
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