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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Good post by a Dva on /r/overwatch detailing the recent nerfs to her on PTR (and Blizzard nerfs in general) and how horrible they are.

Someone in that thread said it better than I ever could, so im gonna paste it here, but this is exactly how I feel the trend of nerfs have been going and its getting tiresome:

Hes 100% right here. Nerfing tanks to oblivion only creates a further divide in the community, to where everyone is just going to start playing DPS.

I feel like that's an oversimplification of the status of the game. Lots of DPS have been hit with nerfs (Genji lost ult time and triple jump, for example) - and while the results of Roadhog's nerf have been questionable, D.Va has definitely contributed to the stagnation/prevalence of the dive meta. She's also been the tank they've tinkered with the most, trying to get her in the right overall position.

Regardless, though, godspeed to Blizzard because complaints from the legion of D.Va & Mercy mains at the same time is gonna be a drawn-out battle.


I'm surprised at how bad QP is now (always was?) on PS4. It's actually kinda hilarious
until you're on the wrong team


Hmm junkrat seemed to already be picked on pugs a lot, this will probably make it much worse, though the trade off is there is a higher chance of the player being more useful. Hanzo actually never bothered me as much as junkrat because, if a Hazo did appear he would either have been chosen earlier during pug select or later in the match. With Junkrat, there would always be a decent well balanced comp, one slot needs a healer or tank and then the person goes with junkrat, that happened so many times I've began to hate the character more than Hanzo.

Is there any other youtuber out there who takes a forum post (that took someone 30 seconds to write) and makes a 10 minute video out of it? There's so much filler in his content that even the Naruto anime writers would be humbled. It's disgusting how little thought he puts in his video's and contradicts himself consistently without any high profile youtuber calling him out on his shit.


Is there any other youtuber out there who takes a forum post (that took someone 30 seconds to write) and makes a 10 minute video out of it? There's so much filler in his content that even the Naruto anime writers would be humbled. It's disgusting how little thought he puts in his video's and contradicts himself consistently without any high profile youtuber calling him out on his shit.
If you think that's the bottom of the barrel, try to watch ohnickel.


Out of all the Overwatch/HOTS-focused channels, I only pay attention to Hammeh's and Overwatch Central's Master Guide series on a semi-regular basis.


that top youtube comment is actually on point lol. They had no idea what do to with D.va, no set plan, nothing. just throwing shit see what sticks and now they pulled a 180.


I doubt D.Va will be useless, but learn Winston instead.

I wish I could, but I find him pretty boring. I don't like his gun, I can't seem to get the most use out of his bubble, and his jump has always seemed like a crappy version of Dva's boost to me. Don't get me wrong, he's obviously super effective, especially in this meta, but he's a hero I felt I should want to play because he's a gorilla scientist, but really don't.

Still, I'm not doom and gloom about the Dva update. She's one of those heroes that if she's underpowered, they'll be pretty quick with the buff. Right now, the main thing they need to do is shrink her critbox. And I've gone over how I fully accept dps Dva, so it's all good.


Good post by a Dva on /r/overwatch detailing the recent nerfs to her on PTR (and Blizzard nerfs in general) and how horrible they are.

Someone in that thread said it better than I ever could, so im gonna paste it here, but this is exactly how I feel the trend of nerfs have been going and its getting tiresome:

Hes 100% right here. Nerfing tanks to oblivion only creates a further divide in the community, to where everyone is just going to start playing DPS.

Everyone already plays DPS. I mean it might be better at higher levels, but gold and platinum and below are just a land mine 5 DPS teams. I'm shocked I we get 1 healer and 1 tank.


I pretty much only tank with D.VA as well. Though I think I'll stick with it. I'll have to change how I play a bit though.

Same, sounds like we need to basically revert to the selfish asshole DPS tank role which was necessary at launch to be effective though. Actually aiding and protecting your team was fun while it lasted though.
Farting around in Deathmatch this afternoon, it looks like one can earn as much if not more XP per match as in PvAI, with far less effort involved. All one has to do is be active enough that the game doesn't kick you out.


I can pretty much flex all tanks with rein/hog/winston as my real 3 but I'm not pulling winston/rein duty for 2 months straight especially if dva is frail as hell in this nect update. I had fun going almost winston only last season but that shit hit my tank limit for awhile. Tanks have been getting too wonky with updates for the past 6 months.
This season I'm going to be sticking with Zen, Lucio, Zarya, and Soldier. I'd like to play rein and hog too, but I doubt there'll be many situations where I can if dive meta is still prevalent. I'd like to try Mercy as well, I really enjoy the way she flows now in PTR.
Junkrat rules FFA, chuck a trap and mine in front of where you spawn and free kills, plus stealing them all over the shop. It hard to steal from him too.

Plus if you do die you get martyrdom kills fairly often as everyone low hp.


What characters do you use dual zone with?

Very late reply, but I use dual zone with hitscans.
I started playing day 1 and mostly play projectile heroes (Pharah, Hog, Zen, Mei) so I was used to exponential ramp for them.
For Soldier and Ana I use dual zone. I have McCree, Sombra, Widow (and possibly Tracer iirc) set to dual zone as well but I rarely play them anyway.


Finally got around to trying the new death match modes and man is this a great addition, especially for learning a new character. I want to play more Reaper this season (I'm tired of being the hunted) and after a few matches of death match I was ready to go.


I think I drove a Widowmaker insane in a death match, kept sneaking up on them and fan hammer killing them, they got angry and paranoid so when I came to them again they were ready for me, I quickly killed them with my left click as they were jumping around and they started LOLing in the chat, guess I pushed them over the edge. Probably didnt help that someone switched to Winston later.


I guess I've been playing Reaper and that's why. I should switch to soldier or Zarya cuz getting close is a bitch.

As Reaper, it all comes down if you can get the drop on Junkrat. Also, never be afraid to look down and see if his trap had skunked into the ground, which usually takes about 10 seconds when you lay down a trap (as Junkrat).

Anywho, I've been getting into Pharah's mechanics and playstyle, and she's a blast to play. Here's a POTG from a recent match.


I killed some robots in training as widowmaker and talked myself into playing her in qp, didn't go as well :/

A tip for you, as Widowmaker you want to get in line of site for areas that you know will have high traffic and enemies are forced into predictable movements (make sure your reticle is lined up to the average height of the characters), until you become a vet, do not head shot players who are in combat, they move unpredictably depending on your angle. Just focus on picking them off with body shots.


So the new season is going to kick off before we get the Mercy and DVa changes? Damn. I'm all for Mercy being nerfed out of selection, I think it will change the dynamic of matches, obviously sucks for Mercy mains who don't have the ability to get the most use out of her now.

DM sounds cool, guess I'll give it a try when I can next get online.

They are still tweaking the numbers on Mercy and D'Va. I wouldn't expect the changes to go live at least for a couple weeks.


DVa rework doesn't seem that awful. We'll see when she goes live.

It seems like most people are trying to snipe with her missiles instead of using them as a complement since they can be used independently of her other abilities. The missiles actually take some skill to use. She'll be a good hero still. The D'Va community likes to overblow things. She'll still do more DPS than Roadhog does by quite a bit.

I'll quote this post from Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/...ting_roadhogged_on_ptr_and_no_one_is/dmcne5q/

Roadhog does not do 225 dps. He does 140.29. You need to factor in his reload time, especially with his tiny magazine size. Roadhog fires his entire magazine in 3.85 seconds and then has to spend 1.5 seconds reloading. That means literally 28% of his time is spent reloading his weapon. D.Va does 146.74 on Live, without the rockets. This is more than Roadhog does.
Additionally, you got Stylosa to claim that Roadhog is tank because of Take a Breather reducing damage by 50%. Take a Breather lasts for 2 seconds and gives -50% damage taken. D.Va's defense matrix lasts 2 seconds but is -100% damage taken from most sources. Taking no damage is significantly better than taking half damage. On top of this, D.Va has 200 armor whereas Roadhog has 0 armor.
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