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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


With playing games through High Platinum/Low-Mid Diamond, that hasn't been the case. A Soldier: 76 player worth their salt can tear through Winston's bubble barrier like it's nothing.
600 hp bubble, how is soldier bursting that down with a winston in his face and without being able to crit the bubble?


Had a game with a ana trying to take out a level 3 turret by herself silver border

that amount of fucking time in one video game and you think that is a good idea?


I'm seein' way too many Junk PotGs and gettin' obliterated with crazy burst damage from him. And when I'm feeling silly and I go Junk just for giggles we end up completely stomping the enemy team.

I shouldn't be able to be that effective with a character I have next to no playtime on.

So yes, fuck Junkrat.
MFW my smurfing teammate rages at me for costing us a round for playing Winston yet he's on Widow on fucking Shrine and I was bouncing between Gold and Silver Elims all match.


You know what? I'd be willing to make a concession with Junkrat and not totally ruin him by ripping everything away. Just one nerf that reduces his Rip Tire speed. Like, I'd be happy with that.

But otherwise, I'm in agreement. Fuck this little ho.
I love when the game realizes you were just in such a janky match that you only lose like 5-10 SR from a loss.

Somehow running gold Elims on a team as Winston/Symmetra while we had 4 Offense/Defense


600 hp bubble, how is soldier bursting that down with a winston in his face and without being able to crit the bubble?

Winston literally exists to ruin Soldiers on high ground.

Well, no shit. I was talking about when Winston drops in generally, not specifically when he drops in on Soldier. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Also, its kind of funny that you guys ignored everything else I said about Mei.


Well, no shit. I was talking about when Winston drops in generally, not specifically when he drops in on Soldier. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Also, its kind of funny that you guys ignored everything else I said about Mei.
i don’t play Mei or see her in comp(3.6k) that’s why I didn’t comment.


My biggest beef with the Junkrat changes is now all the mediocre Junks are coming out. He has a legit high skill ceiling but I see so many kill cams where he's just spamming grenades over a wall, sight unseen, getting kills and charging his ult.
My biggest beef with the Junkrat changes is now all the mediocre Junks are coming out. He has a legit high skill ceiling but I see so many kill cams where he's just spamming grenades over a wall, sight unseen, getting kills and charging his ult.

you mean the ones that's in your face and spamming?


It continues to be a goddamn cosmic wonder what a fucking garbage fire Quickplay is. The amount of bad team comps, the lack of anyone willing to play healers, the zero communication, the smurfs who are playing way below their level, the leavers and idlers...

People joke about the literally unplayable meme, but Quickplay is so horrifically broken it's not even funny.


Probably. She doesn't need that many buffs to the gun, because it's actually already really strong. Only thing I want is to make it have less drop off. Not a lot less, or else it might just be busted, but there are times when I feel I deserve a lot more damage for landing it past 20 feet. It gets pretty pitiful.

Mei's already really strong, I Was one of the people on GAF that stated using her in high level games when it got figured out pre Beyblade era. I still think she's about as strong as she was back then, but the game is fundamentally broken around D.va/Winston, and she is ironically not good at dealing with them.

My man.

Mei is still an awesome hero, and only really needs some additional fragging potential.

Landing a headshot at mid-range should be much more satisfying than it is. Especially with the delay (which would be insane to remove).

It continues to be a goddamn cosmic wonder what a fucking garbage fire Quickplay is. The amount of bad team comps, the lack of anyone willing to play healers, the zero communication, the smurfs who are playing way below their level, the leavers and idlers...

People joke about the literally unplayable meme, but Quickplay is so horrifically broken it's not even funny.

Join us in the land of PC. The games are not perfect, but they are consistently better than what you usually describe.

Except the comps are still bad, but I have a bad habit of just filling, so I barely notice.
With playing games through High Platinum/Low-Mid Diamond, that hasn't been the case. A Soldier: 76 player worth their salt can tear through Winston's bubble barrier like it's nothing.

Aside from the new two-passenger mounts for World of Warcraft, they haven't revealed anything else for the other games. Which is annoying, as I wasted my time watching that stream and they revealed information that has already been presented.

Wait, weren't you plat-gold last season?


Well, no shit. I was talking about when Winston drops in generally, not specifically when he drops in on Soldier. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Also, its kind of funny that you guys ignored everything else I said about Mei.

It still takes more than one clip for Soldier to destroy a bubble. That's enough time for Winston to fuck up your entire team.

I didn't read your Mei post. But after going through it, are you asking for her to be buffed? She's one of those characters that you dont buff.


Wait, weren't you plat-gold last season?

After giving up with my main account (seriously, I don't know how players can climb with Support/Tanks as their focus), I bought a new one, grind to level 25, and did my placements. I got 3450! :D

It still takes more than one clip for Soldier to destroy a bubble. That's enough time for Winston to fuck up your entire team.

I didn't read your Mei post. But after going through it, are you asking for her to be buffed? She's one of those characters that you don't buff.

Just spawn camped a team as Roadhog with a Zarya and McCree on Eichenwald while 3 of our team pushed the cart all the way to win. I don't think either of us 3 died at all too

I felt bad, but at Masters rank if you lose that badly you don't deserve to be in Masters.
After giving up with my main account (seriously, I don't know how players can climb with Support/Tanks as their focus), I bought a new one, grind to level 25, and did my placements. I got 3450! :D


Blues I'm climbing with Mercy with a 60% win rate! 10 hours so far on my alt account. Had left a game so I'm at like 3110. Was at 3200 today but lost one and had to leave the game. Had forgotten about dinner...


Blues I'm climbing with Mercy with a 60% win rate! 10 hours so far on my alt account. Had left a game so I'm at like 3110. Was at 3200 today but lost one and had to leave the game. Had forgotten about dinner...

I know, but I did well with my placement matches with Zarya (averaged 25-30 kills and only died 3-5 times) on my old account, but I was placed at 2350, and it really burned my biscuit. I really don't know how this system works, especially since when I did my placements on my new account and I'm 50 SR away from Masters. :/
It's amazing how people can blame supports when they keep dying to a widow headshot while being healed...

Oh and when the team has no dive tanks and no hitscan to deal with a pharah/mercy + widow. And they still blame the supports...

PS: Comp was doomfist, junkrat, pharah, roadhog, lucio, mercy. Me being mercy as usual cause people think they're amazing DPS's that require a pocket healer...

Sometimes it's not even the toxicity that is bad, but sheer stupidity/lack of gamesense...


Its been touched on many times but gold medals are such a dumb stat and a big reason why theres so much toxicity in this game. Yes you might have 3-4 gold medals which means you arent being completely useless but what are the context of those gold medals? Are you getting lots of kills but dieing repeatdely?Is it a payload map and you are never contesting? Do they have a Pharah who is destroying your team and no one wants to counter? Bastion? etc

having gold medals probably means you are doing well individually but its a team game and yes sometimes its OK to switch even if you feel like you are doing well. If its going to help the team, why not

Sounds like a bunch of stuff he couldn't possibly know. Like maybe he needs to focus on his own game and be the change he wants to see. If we need a healer, pick one. If we need a Pharah counter, be one. I'm not against switching at all. But don't come up at me in your douchiest form. And switching to a character I don't have quality time with helps no one.
Its been touched on many times but gold medals are such a dumb stat and a big reason why theres so much toxicity in this game. Yes you might have 3-4 gold medals which means you arent being completely useless but what are the context of those gold medals? Are you getting lots of kills but dieing repeatdely?Is it a payload map and you are never contesting? Do they have a Pharah who is destroying your team and no one wants to counter? Bastion? etc

having gold medals probably means you are doing well individually but its a team game and yes sometimes its OK to switch even if you feel like you are doing well. If its going to help the team, why not

Nah. Let everyone see how well you are doing. Put it up on the scoreboard.

If the team needs someone to change, it's not on the person who has a bunch of gold medals. On your team there's the person who is doing poorly, and that person is the one to switch. It doesn't make sense to keep the failure and swap the winner.
Its been touched on many times but gold medals are such a dumb stat and a big reason why theres so much toxicity in this game. Yes you might have 3-4 gold medals which means you arent being completely useless but what are the context of those gold medals? Are you getting lots of kills but dieing repeatdely?Is it a payload map and you are never contesting? Do they have a Pharah who is destroying your team and no one wants to counter? Bastion? etc

having gold medals probably means you are doing well individually but its a team game and yes sometimes its OK to switch even if you feel like you are doing well. If its going to help the team, why not

medals are useful as an indicator of dps not doing their job more than anything else
Nah. Let everyone see how well you are doing. Put it up on the scoreboard.

If the team needs someone to change, it's not on the person who has a bunch of gold medals. On your team there's the person who is doing poorly, and that person is the one to switch. It doesn't make sense to keep the failure and swap the winner.

except that at all the elo levels where the players are too bad and dumb to be unaware of this, its not just 1 person its the entire team. lets be honest, at diamond and below everyone is useless


medals are useful as an indicator of dps not doing their job more than anything else

meh yeah I guess this, but not even.

Nah. Let everyone see how well you are doing. Put it up on the scoreboard.

If the team needs someone to change, it's not on the person who has a bunch of gold medals. On your team there's the person who is doing poorly, and that person is the one to switch. It doesn't make sense to keep the failure and swap the winner.
I agree with a scoreboard, but just because you have gold medals doesnt mean jack. If your team is playing like trash, and you are playing like trash and you have gold medals that doesnt mean anything. People need to get it out of their head that just because they have a gold medal here and there doesnt mean you are contributing more to the team.

I mean gold medals just means your doing better than your teammates in padding your stats. How much damage are you doing? Are you getting quality kills? If your DPS and you have 10 kills in round 3 of a KOTH map but you have a gold medal do you really feel your contributing? Gold medals mean jack without a proper scoreboard.

Sounds like a bunch of stuff he couldn't possibly know. Like maybe he needs to focus on his own game and be the change he wants to see. If we need a healer, pick one. If we need a Pharah counter, be one. I'm not against switching at all. But don't come up at me in your douchiest form. And switching to a character I don't have quality time with helps no one.

Of course if people insult you and tell you to switch its one thing, but if youre doing well, and you switch because your team tells you to, and although you play worse your team starts to do better is it still wrong to switch?
meh yeah I guess this, but not even.

I agree with a scoreboard, but just because you have gold medals doesnt mean jack. If your team is playing like trash, and you are playing like trash and you have gold medals that doesnt mean anything. People need to get it out of their head that just because they have a gold medal here and there doesnt mean you are contributing more to the team.

I mean gold medals just means your doing better than your teammates in padding your stats. How much damage are you doing? Are you getting quality kills? If your DPS and you have 10 kills in round 3 of a KOTH map but you have a gold medal do you really feel your contributing? Gold medals mean jack without a proper scoreboard.

Of course if people insult you and tell you to switch its one thing, but if youre doing well, and you switch because your team tells you to, and although you play worse your team starts to do better is it still wrong to switch?

kind of what i was getting at above. gold elims/damage are only as good as the person your beating. and when youre low ranked its not much. at any rank tho if you are out medaling your dps in any non dps role, then yeah you know they are crap. i do think medals should be on the scoreboard for all to see. that way full attention will be drawn to peoples shit play


I've been playing Counter Strike: GO a lot recently and it's made me realize how full of bad design Overwatch is.
In CS your own performance matters. A 1v5 is unlikely to win, but not impossible like in Overwatch. Noone is the designated ass wiper (aka healer) for anyone else. When someone leaves, they are replaced by a bot that can be controlled by a player when they die. You can kick incredibly toxic people on the fly. Eventually I'll even be able to join prime matchmaking, which makes smurfs and trolls a lot less likely. And maybe I've been lucky, but in the last week of 30+ games, I have had a single super toxic guy (that was kicked by the team immediately). I like to think it's because of all the systems in place.

In Overwatch, none of these things are possible. One Lucio obviously can't win against a team of five on the other side. Healers are necessary (and I even like playing them!) but completely dependent on the randoms to actually do what needs to be done to win. A leaver can't be replaced by a bot because they would just feed ult charge, and replacing them doesnt work because you respawn after a couple of seconds anyway. This also makes kicking someone impossible. All of this does nothing but let toxicity grow and fester.

I like Overwatch, I really do. When it's fun, it's really fun. But I just can't deal with the bad games anymore. It's too much of a drain on me. There are too many games out there that are fun all the time instead of the odd lucky round.


sparkle this bitch
I've been playing Counter Strike: GO a lot recently and it's made me realize how full of bad design Overwatch is.
In CS your own performance matters. A 1v5 is unlikely to win, but not impossible like in Overwatch. Noone is the designated ass wiper (aka healer) for anyone else. When someone leaves, they are replaced by a bot that can be controlled by a player when they die. You can kick incredibly toxic people on the fly. Eventually I'll even be able to join prime matchmaking, which makes smurfs and trolls a lot less likely. And maybe I've been lucky, but in the last week of 30+ games, I have had a single super toxic guy (that was kicked by the team immediately). I like to think it's because of all the systems in place.

In Overwatch, none of these things are possible. One Lucio obviously can't win against a team of five on the other side. Healers are necessary (and I even like playing them!) but completely dependent on the randoms to actually do what needs to be done to win. A leaver can't be replaced by a bot because they would just feed ult charge, and replacing them doesnt work because you respawn after a couple of seconds anyway. This also makes kicking someone impossible. All of this does nothing but let toxicity grow and fester.

I like Overwatch, I really do. When it's fun, it's really fun. But I just can't deal with the bad games anymore. It's too much of a drain on me. There are too many games out there that are fun all the time instead of the odd lucky round.

They are two entirely different games.

CS is a team FPS.

Overwatch is a DOTA style/FPS.

You're given powers in one and are forced to work as a team to break through choke points. No single person is meant to carry in Overwatch, because more characters have hard counters, abilities,etc. Why should a Lucio be able to 1 vs 5 a group? Hell, it makes sense given that one offers respawns and the other doesn't. No character is meant to be able to 1 v 5.

What you're complaining about is something akin to why CS doesn't offer recharging shields and rocket jumping. The designs of the game are entirely different, not worse.

If you want to complain about the lack of a feature set, that is a legit one. But anything to do with a 1 v 5 argument has no merit, nor healers, nor anything to do with why this game values team comps.


They are two entirely different games.

CS is a team FPS.

Overwatch is a DOTA style/FPS.

You're given powers in one and are forced to work as a team to break through choke points. No single person is meant to carry in Overwatch, because more characters have hard counters, abilities,etc. Why should a Lucio be able to 1 vs 5 a group? Hell, it makes sense given that one offers respawns and the other doesn't. No character is meant to be able to 1 v 5.

What you're complaining about is something akin to why CS doesn't offer recharging shields and rocket jumping. The designs of the game are entirely different, not worse.

If you want to complain about the lack of a feature set, that is a legit one. But anything to do with a 1 v 5 argument has no merit, nor healers, nor anything to do with why this game values team comps.

Yes, that is true. But what I am saying is that exactly because Overwatch is a different game the toxicity is inevitable. Exactly because team comps are important and healers are necessary blaming and throwing is part and parcel of the game. Exactly because Overwatch is designed the way it is the features CS has implemented are not possible in any way, which leads to 3 out of 5 games being absolute shitfests.

And so toxic people pull down a game that would be super fun in a perfect world.
I agree. I honestly can't stand this new Junkrat. There are so many players just spamming with him, and he is in almost every game.
My biggest problem is not even his Ulti, it's two mines. :/

He's a spam character by nature, I don't think that will ever change. It's not easy to hit moving targets at a certain distance with the normal fire, too slow and a lot of arc to it's trajectory. Your best bet with him will always be space denial.

I like the mines change because it gives him more precision when it's needed and also mobility. They might have to tone it down a bit though, we'll see.

Tire is bullshit, that ptr nerf can't come soon enough. No more flying tires.


He's a spam character by nature, I don't think that will ever change. It's not easy to hit moving targets at a certain distance with the normal fire, too slow and a lot of arc to it's trajectory. Your best bet with him will always be space denial.

I like the mines change because it gives him more precision when it's needed and also mobility. They might have to tone it down a bit though, we'll see.

Tire is bullshit, that ptr nerf can't come soon enough. No more flying tires.

Yep, if you play hitscan or Pharah, Junk isn't too hard to take out. Just need to flank him.

Also, is the new Mercy/DVa still not out yet? I was hoping to return when they did.
Yep, if you play hitscan or Pharah, Junk isn't too hard to take out. Just need to flank him.

Also, is the new Mercy/DVa still not out yet? I was hoping to return when they did.

Tuesday I think, together with the new map.

Praying that they will fix the aiming too 🙏
Every game there's a Junkrat 24/7, how does this game keep coming up with such annoying shit.



Had a solid streak of wins last night and got back up above 2700. Played a bit less Zen and more DPS, forgot how much fun Tracer is.


the best is when you outdamage the junkrat on your team that went junkrat both rounds with a Mei/Zenyatta combo (or insert any hero that shouldnt be outdamaging a competent junkrat here).

Ive easily been matched up with(and against) junkrat players that were absolutely terrible. Hes annoying but hes still easy to deal with at a distance and if you have height advantage. His Rip Tire though is broke as fuck.
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