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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

That's a common occurrence.

Didn't seem to be happening much at my rank until this past week or so, usually even then it was only like 2 man teams usually. Had a couple 3 and 4 mans doing their own thing while those of us in team chat were trying to guess what they were planning.

Also saw a Reinhart get Junkrat concussion mine'd into a fleeing Pharah. So I guess the good in the universe balances out the bad.

And lol Winston is really good for forcing your teammates to get on the point or focus someone. If I leap on a Healer most of the time semi-intelligent people tend to focus my target as well, or atleast keep the frontline distracted long enough for me to finish my monkey business.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Finally got around to grabbing Diamond again this season, but I don't know if I'll try to climb to masters, never seems to work out.


Is it even possible to be good at comp playing solo queue exclusively? I've played about 30 games and legit won around 5, it's getting ridiculous. I play Dva mostly since no one wants to tank and almost every game there are useless Hanzo/MCree/Bastions and questionable team comps. Of course there's endless bickering in the team chat 24/7 as well.
When I switched to mostly picking DPS in solo q my SR went up by like, over a thousand in a short period of time.


I'm down quite a bit this season and its soured the game on me.

I'm getting teammates that pick mercy to pocket heal their double, and refuse to heal anyone else, and shit like that.


Is it even possible to be good at comp playing solo queue exclusively? I've played about 30 games and legit won around 5, it's getting ridiculous. I play Dva mostly since no one wants to tank and almost every game there are useless Hanzo/MCree/Bastions and questionable team comps. Of course there's endless bickering in the team chat 24/7 as well.
Communication has carried me to Diamond this season and the last, but even I've been avoiding solo queue this season because the toxicity wears on me.


Is it even possible to be good at comp playing solo queue exclusively? I've played about 30 games and legit won around 5, it's getting ridiculous. I play Dva mostly since no one wants to tank and almost every game there are useless Hanzo/MCree/Bastions and questionable team comps. Of course there's endless bickering in the team chat 24/7 as well.

If you're gonna do solo I'd make a separate account where you do solo for one and team up for the other. It's liberating. Makes comp fun again.
Don't shun me but I always have more fun in solo q than with a group of my friends. Mainly because we're a "mixed ability group" and they fucking frustrate me. At least in solo q people are generally a similar skill level to you and mostly competent. As a healer diamond healer main, playing with low plat dps can be cancerous. I duo q with 2 of them from time to time because they're near the same sr as me, but if I had kept playing comp with them and not going through a solo q grind, I never would have improved at the game to go from gold to nearly masters last season.


Don't shun me but I always have more fun in solo q than with a group of my friends. Mainly because we're a "mixed ability group" and they fucking frustrate me. At least in solo q people are generally a similar skill level to you and mostly competent. As a healer diamond healer main, playing with low plat dps can be cancerous. I duo q with 2 of them from time to time because they're near the same sr as me, but if I had kept playing comp with them and not going through a solo q grind, I never would have improved at the game to go from gold to nearly masters last season.
I climbed from Diamond to Grandmaster playing Support in SoloQ last season. It's not impossible.

The higher ranks have tons of -- not just Mercy one-tricks -- but Support mains, in general. This season is not particularly kind to climbing as Ana, but Zen, Mercy, and Lucio are all prime for the climb.
If you're gonna do solo I'd make a separate account where you do solo for one and team up for the other. It's liberating. Makes comp fun again.

I avoid burnout by duo-Qing on one account, and solo-Qing on the other, trading off each day, and playing a different pool of characters. It's pretty relaxing. I'm doing my typical slow creep up the ladder in both accounts, but it feels fresher when I alternate, and I haven't quit when I get near the next level like I used to.


I had a pretty bad game (personally) with rude ass teammates for the first game I played with anyone on here, which sucks. I solod for a while and ended up a bit higher than I was but damn...

Sorry waitwhat! :/
I had a pretty bad game (personally) with rude ass teammates for the first game I played with anyone on here, which sucks. I solod for a while and ended up a bit higher than I was but damn...

Sorry waitwhat! :/

No problem dude.

That game did get me started on a really bad losing streak though.

Lots of really pissed off people playing comp tonight lol


Is it even possible to be good at comp playing solo queue exclusively? I've played about 30 games and legit won around 5, it's getting ridiculous. I play Dva mostly since no one wants to tank and almost every game there are useless Hanzo/MCree/Bastions and questionable team comps. Of course there's endless bickering in the team chat 24/7 as well.

I played solo q for the first time in ages last night, won 3 and lost 1. We had an "exclusively" Torb player on Eichenwalde, who didn't really contribute that much on the first point of attack but came into his element when we made the final push, big gamble. He was solid on defence too but he got carried for most of the game on attack, I think you just have to roll with it sometimes and hope the rest of team work around it like we did. I think you can get away with shit like that in plat/gold but when true diamonds are in the group, it becomes more of a disadvantage.

Mind you, I use my mic and tell the team when we're being flanked or pointing things out, I think it helps, even though sometimes you never get an audio response, the team do react, as long as they're not in party chat.


Has anyone been experiencing this weird bug? Despite it being a competitive match, it only went for one round and it ended when we capped both points. Also, I didn't gain any SR.

Did well, though.


Generally speaking I think it's good to not get too used to playing in a group because you will get too used to particular habits and tendencies that will not carry over to solo queue.

Solo Q won't be kind to you even at diamond, I'd argue that's even less kind.

Find a couple of good teammates to group up with.
Diamond is a strange anomaly where the quality of games is really low because player skill levels are all over the place. I can't quite put my finger on why this is but I digress.

If you're good enough and you play enough games you will eventually get through it. Many people - including myself and Antitrop, as indicated earlier in this thread - have solo queued their way through diamond.

Of course, a fair few players actually belong in diamond, which is tragic because it's an unpleasant place to be.

Don't shun me but I always have more fun in solo q than with a group of my friends. Mainly because we're a "mixed ability group" and they fucking frustrate me. At least in solo q people are generally a similar skill level to you and mostly competent. As a healer diamond healer main, playing with low plat dps can be cancerous. I duo q with 2 of them from time to time because they're near the same sr as me, but if I had kept playing comp with them and not going through a solo q grind, I never would have improved at the game to go from gold to nearly masters last season.
I have two close IRL friends that play this game. The closest one to me in SR is about 2500 SR lower than me. One of them likes to play Lucio. He beats after the fight is over a lot.

In short, I can sympathize.
I'm finding Roadhog to be much better when played aggressively. You won't get a damned thing playing carefully and using his (awful) M2, since half the heroes in the game have an escape if they hook doesn't kill them instantly. So I just walk around and use the hook as a stun. Chunkier than Reaper and can still pull tanks out of position or get kills on supports. It's especially ridiculous on koth with a Mercy helping.

The idea that Roadhog needs to "play with his team" or rely on teammates to get kills is and always has been bogus. You know your team isn't going to follow up consistently, especially with a giant Roadhog in the way, plus the game is never so neat as two teams lining up and trading shots.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Is the patch with the improved loot boxes suppose to come out this tuesday? I'm really tired of getting 3-4 duplicates in all my boxes. :(
So I played Roadhog the other night for the first time since the nerf and I gotta say - he definitely is hurting, but he still works pretty well. I like the new rate of fire, and the hook works for grabbing people out of position. He's definitely more team oriented now and isn't a solo flanker anymore - pulling someone out of position into a killzone where the rest of your team focuses down who you hook is basically his primary function. Most of the people I hooked still ended up dead due to me sticking by teammates and pulling enemies into their crosshairs. It was only when I went out solo hunting that I got into trouble.

Hook cooldown should be dropped by a second or two to compensate for the damage change if this sticks though.


Really Really Exciting Member!
What is this improvement to lootboxes on the pipeline?

Duplicates are going to be a lot less frequent than they are right now. Also improved amount of credits. Although I don't have the details on that last one. Is it improved credits on duplicates? Improved credits when you do get that in a box? Both?


I just had one of those games where I can close the game satisfied with my performance. I just won playing as Pharah where I was 150SR lower than the next lowest SR player in the game (and about 300 below the average) playing against double hitscan, D.Va, Widow and Zen.

Got PotM too.

Duplicates are going to be a lot less frequent than they are right now. Also improved amount of credits. Although I don't have the details on that last one. Is it improved credits on duplicates? Improved credits when you do get that in a box? Both?
Well, it's really hard for me to get excited about lootbox stuff, but I'm happy for those that have been frustrated by the system up until now.
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