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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

-Outperform DPS as Zenyatta for 3 rounds
-Minus 26 SR

Discord everyone before you frag them, and if you outperform your DPS, you won't lose that much SR if you lose, and gain a lot if you win. Those are the two things the game looks for with Zen when determining SR gains and losses.
Institute hero bans like how MOBAs do it. Having high priority bans each game would punish one tricks and allow for a more diverse meta.

Like do pooly and get banned? Because I main Solider(or Pharah depending on map) and I like to think I'm at least above average (3.3 E/D this season with S76) that's why I main him.


In the chance that the Defense Heroes get a bit of a rework, ideally, what would you guys like to see that will make them better in the long-run?

(And, no, it doesn't count if you want a specific Defense Hero to disappear from the game.)

For Torbjorn, I would love if he could dump an armour pack to his turret, so that he can give it a defense boost and it wouldn't be sneezed out of existence from most of the cast. It would also be great if his turret would become immune when Torbjorn is upgrading it, so that, again, it can still perform it's function without getting destroyed in a millisecond.

I would like that his hammer could repair the Omnic heroes (Bastion, Orisa, and Zenyatta), so that he can heal them in a pinch.

For Junkrat, an HP increase to his RIP Tire (from 100HP to 200HP) and give it a crit point on the side. That way, it can still be dealt with by skilled players but not nearly as easily.
Is it true they're making the hit box for Reinhardt's Fire Strike smaller? Its already been a month of his Hammer/Charge being broken.
Like do pooly and get banned? Because I main Solider(or Pharah depending on map) and I like to think I'm at least above average (3.3 E/D this season with S76) that's why I main him.

MOBA ban system means each team picks 1 or more characters than can't be played that game. For instance Team A bans Pharah, because Team B has the 'best Pharah NA'. Team B might Ban Winston, since Winston is a pain in the ass. Now Team A and B can't choose Winston or Pharah to play for the round.


Is it true they're making the hit box for Reinhardt's Fire Strike smaller? Its already been a month of his Hammer/Charge being broken.

Well, when an enemy Tracer was unfazed by a firestrike I launched at her (one of my teammates was one the side and confirmed he saw it went through her), I'm starting to think that the development team have unintentionally fucked up Reinhardt for the worse.
MOBA ban system means each team picks 1 or more characters than can't be played that game. For instance Team A bans Pharah, because Team B has the 'best Pharah NA'. Team B might Ban Winston, since Winston is a pain in the ass. Now Team A and B can't choose Winston or Pharah to play for the round.

Ah, so Torbjorn would be perm banned on attack.


Unconfirmed Member
Why doesn't blizzard just ban all off meta characters on whatever maps and points they're considered bad on.

It's apparently what the community wants.


Blizzard should get rid of the SR shenanigans and just give people fixed SR for wins and losses so people would stop picking off meta heroes specifically to boost SR. Current system rewards individual performance more than teamplay and that's a problem. They need to fix the system cuz with throwers and trolls, it's just becoming unplayable in all modes sans Arcade.
Blizzard should get rid of the SR shenanigans and just give people fixed SR for wins and losses so people would stop picking off meta heroes specifically to boost SR. Current system rewards individual performance more than teamplay and that's a problem. They need to fix the system cuz with throwers and trolls, it's just becoming unplayable in all modes sans Arcade.

I 100% agree with the sentiment, and would love to give it a try, but the smurfs come out to play at that point. In earnest. And I'm not sure I trust Blizz to handle it well.

Seems like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. And given that Blizz is going to go with what makes them the most money, which is bumping up smurfs as fast as possible to make them buy new accounts, I'm not hopeful for a flat SR system.
Just had a Hanzo spamming me with healing so I ended up turning character voices off too. I don't need cunt distractions.

Team didn't even bother trying to protect me from Winston and Reaper.
This Mei was persistent...



Unconfirmed Member
I 100% agree with the sentiment, and would love to give it a try, but the smurfs come out to play at that point. In earnest. And I'm not sure I trust Blizz to handle it well.

Seems like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. And given that Blizz is going to go with what makes them the most money, which is bumping up smurfs as fast as possible to make them buy new accounts, I'm not hopeful for a flat SR system.

If they just allowed the confidence level to decrease if recent performance is not what they expected, allowing for matchmaking further outside your current SR for further gains/losses, that'd fix everything.

I do not understand why their confidence level seems to only ever go down, even after a litterally 50 game win streak.
0-2 this is gunna be a GREAT night. Maybe I'll only go Mercy with groups. You on tonight Lik?

Had a Winston on our team against a defense of Rein and bastion. Worked about as good as you'd expect.


Man, I don't care to play whatever, but when I have a stellar defense with McCree and then some asshole switches off to DPS for offense leaving me to heal, at least be good at DPS. Neither tank would switch off to Winston despite them running Rein, Orisa, and Symm. So we just bang our heads against the wall underneath the arch on Dorado. Easy win turns into an embarrassing loss. Ugh.
If they just allowed the confidence level to decrease if recent performance is not what they expected, allowing for matchmaking further outside your current SR for further gains/losses, that'd fix everything.

I do not understand why their confidence level seems to only ever go down, even after a litterally 50 game win streak.

This sounds really smart but I don't understand it, what is this confidence level you speak of?

The matchmaking algorithm?


Well, that was an easy win with Owzers. That enemy team couldn't defend for shit. Lucky we got Attack again in final round.

0-2 this is gunna be a GREAT night. Maybe I'll only go Mercy with groups. You on tonight Lik?

Had a Winston on our team against a defense of Rein and bastion. Worked about as good as you'd expect.

Played one match with Owzers and I'm done. Don't wanna stay up too late. Maybe tomorrow.

Haha, seems Winston is such a meta mainstay right now that people just stick with him even tho he'll get melted by some team comps.

Man, I don't care to play whatever, but when I have a stellar defense with McCree and then some asshole switches off to DPS for offense leaving me to heal, at least be good at DPS. Neither tank would switch off to Winston despite them running Rein, Orisa, and Symm. So we just bang our heads against the wall underneath the arch on Dorado. Easy win turns into an embarrassing loss. Ugh.

Yea, I've been sticking with Support this season cuz randoms go DPS and all the time. Really sucks when they play worse than you as a DPS. I don't mind being Support cuz I love playing as Zen this season.
This sounds really smart but I don't understand it, what is this confidence level you speak of?

The matchmaking algorithm?

I assume he's asking why Blizzard pegs your hidden MMR your first season and refuses to change it if you start losing big or lighting the world on fire. And that is certainly a problem right now.


I assume he's asking why Blizzard pegs your hidden MMR your first season and refuses to change it if you start losing big or lighting the world on fire. And that is certainly a problem right now.

That's the problem with the SR system right now. Blizzard assumes too much. Most people playing probably don't even understand the system. All they see is the SR going up and down and the amounts keep varying.


You know what depresses me about this game sometimes? People in the chat talking about rape and how niggers can't read.

Fucking cunts. Reported them all. I wish I knew how the system actually worked, however.


You know what depresses me about this game sometimes? People in the chat talking about rape and how niggers can't read.

Fucking cunts. Reported them all. I wish I knew how the system actually worked, however.

In text chat? They'll get in trouble cuz everything is logged. Voice chat isn't so simple, sadly.
This shit is too much of a steep climb when you're in the low 2000s. You win 5 you lose 5. It's consistent.

People like me stay in the low ranks.
I assume he's asking why Blizzard pegs your hidden MMR your first season and refuses to change it if you start losing big or lighting the world on fire. And that is certainly a problem right now.

Oh ok I understand now, thanks.

This shit is too much of a steep climb when you're in the low 2000s. You win 5 you lose 5. It's consistent.

People like me stay in the low ranks.

My first 2 seasons I was mid gold, then last season I made it to mid plat.

This season I haven't passed 2300, gold is like quicksand...the more you fight to get out the lower you sink.

If I had know placements this season started where you ended last season, I would have never let my sr drop below 2500.
I remember Jeff saying that your individual performance does effect your gains/loses, but not by much. I can't seem to find the quote though.

Jeff is an idiot honestly. nothing he says carries any weight. i use to actually waste my time and drag out a match longer trying to carry garbo players. now i just throw and i dont lose any more points. saves a ton of time
This season I haven't passed 2300, gold is like quicksand...the more you fight to get out the lower you sink.

That's the perfect description of gold this season. Hit 2350 early, and haven't gotten close since. Every time I rebound the fall is greater. First time I didn't drop below 2000, thankfully I haven't dropped past 1900 since.


I remember Jeff saying that your individual performance does effect your gains/loses, but not by much. I can't seem to find the quote though.

Principal Designer Geoff Goodman said it does cuz they compare you to everyone else using the same hero in your SR range. He posted it in the Blizzard forums. This was why people started using off meta heroes more to boost SR rank. He revealed too much about the system, imo.


Volskaya attack last round, I just go for it and roll into the left side room, all we need is one tick to avoid a draw. I stun>FTH on the Symm, 2 shot the Mercy as I come out. The DVa chases me, leaving 5 people to take on 3, one being a Torb and we have a Rein. Suddenly the kill feed fills up with Torb killing everyone...no ult as the round as just started. Draw.

When's the season end? Thinking of just playing Mercy & S76 & Zarya in that order of having them taken from me in a match and seeing if I don't end up exactly where I was last season trying to flex pick.


Volskaya attack last round, I just go for it and roll into the left side room, all we need is one tick to avoid a draw. I stun>FTH on the Symm, 2 shot the Mercy as I come out. The DVa chases me, leaving 5 people to take on 3, one being a Torb and we have a Rein. Suddenly the kill feed fills up with Torb killing everyone...no ult as the round as just started. Draw.

Should have killed that Torb first.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
holy fucking shit am i tired of having to play every single game with the mentality of the enemy team having a fucking widowmaker because the purple piece of shit is in every fucking match

Up 2-0 on Oasis, the other team changes their comp and wins the next 3 rounds, I'm literally begging my team to try something different but no one will switch.

I tried everything I could to counter but 1 man can't beat 6.
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