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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


How does he look like he'll play on console? Any potential issues with controller?

I tested him with a controller. Reminds me of playing Dishonored for some reason.,

RT fires the shotgun-like thingys from your left fist.
LT charges the fist for a charge.

Left Bumper does the Shoryuken.
Right Bumber does the Ground Slam.
Combining the two bumpers is pretty easy.

I'd like a Shadow Step-like indicator for the Ground Slam since sometimes you can reach higher places but the UI doesn't show it.


Doomfist could be a legit counter to the other flankers with how fast he is. Can't wait to see how good he is in normal comp.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Blizzard sez: Try and make a balanced team composition

Blizzard sez: lol


Symm is more like Defense and Sombra is Support. I feel we'll know where Doomfist stands after he goes live.


No healers, no tanks, no grouping, all snipers. Quitters, and morons crying for somebody to be the healer while I have covered my quote of mercying for the day. The only thing missing today was Sombra.

I think I'm going to quit the game until I can play with actual teammates instead of randos. It's not worth the wasted time.

Com or QP? I had it find to believe this level of ridiculousness would be found in comp.


Unconfirmed Member
Doomfist seems like another character that's just silly useless after a simple right click Sombra hack. Even more so after EMP kills his shields.


Think blizz will ever rearrange heroes roles in the select screen?

Jeff mentioned that it will never be changed. They're using it as a guide for noobs/casuals. Basically categories can be semi-ignored by vets as long as you have a team comp you do good with from the way he answered that question.


Sombra is gonna be a hard counter to Doomfist since he's so reliant on his abilities like Genji and Tracer.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
have we learned nothing from sombra
His mobility and survivability make him seem more annoying than Genji his charge is better than Rein's and they gave him an airstrike for an ult, but yeah initial impression. Hopefully not as ridiculous as he appears.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
His mobility and survivability make him seem more annoying than Genji, his charge is better than Rein's and they gave him an airstrike for an ult.

His charge doesnt reset on kills like Genjis does and his ult and m1 is way worse than Genji's
Watching his moveset in action, he's pretty mobile and can get in and out almost like Genji. At least he won't be able to hop around as much once he's close.

It feels like he won't have a lot of natural counters. Sombra and Orisa seem to be the most likely - Sombra's hack leaves him pretty useless and Orisa can Fortify through his combo and just mow him down. Reaper might be good too with burst damage to neutralize his shields. And Pharah will probably destroy him too.

i love that the duration of doom fists ult is longer than mei's ice block

I think Doomfist's ult is gonna have to be nerfed before it goes live. Can you even do anything to him while he's in the ult? Like if you look up can you shoot at a tiny Doomfist in the sky?


His mobility and survivability make him seem more annoying than Genji his charge is better than Rein's and they gave him an airstrike for an ult, but yeah initial impression. Hopefully not as ridiculous as he appears.

Didn't test it, but the airstrike probably works inside buildings too. There's nowhere to escape ;P


I hope Doomfist brings Zarya back into the meta. Will her bubbles counter Doomfist's melee attacks completely? Meaning both damage and knockback?


I think his actual DPS output aside from the ult isn't as hot as Genji, Tracer, McCree, Hanzo, Widow. He needs to land his rocket punch AND the target has to hit a wall to delete a hero. His primary fire and slam do little damage. I wonder what the numbers on his uppercut are?

His ult seems pretty silly-OP at the moment, given how much it does and how it can't really be predicted or countered. Maybe the answer will be to just spread out a'la Riptire.
Isn't his ult basically the same as D.va's?

In fairness, Blizzard cheats by putting Sombra in the Offensive catergory when she's clearly a Defensive/Support hybrid.

To be fair, Roadhog was deleted and Symmetra is a Defensive character.

So there are really 4 Support, 5 Tanks, and then 15 Offensive/Defensive.
His vertical mobility isn't as good as Genji and in terms of survivability his hitbox is considerably bigger and he has no deflect.

Anyway he looks extremely cool and seems to be a lot of fun to play. Very good first impression.


have we learned nothing from sombra

While it's certainly true that the practice of a character might not match up to the theory of how he works, Sombra was harder to gauge because her abilities were scary because there wasn't anything like hacking in the game before, so we didn't have as much of a frame of reference. Doomfist is a damage dealing brawler, so I feel we can have a more accurate estimate on his impact of the game.

I mean, I ultimately do agree. We're not gonna know if he's OP until we play him in the game. Whats on paper is not necessarily the same as whats in practice. And even if he is OP, I think that might not be a bad thing for a new character. It's wierd to say, but you want a new character to be a bit game changing before they're brought in line with everyone else.

It's just that he seems so goddamn strong on paper. His attacks are powerful (one of them is seemingly a oneshot), he's got very high mobility (combine his abilities, he seems to be able to traverse the map better than tracer or genji), has significant health with shields protecting him further (up to Tank level HP), his abilities have a very low cooldown, and seems tailor made for to be the ultimate hero for the strongest strategy currently in the game: Dive. He's going to benefit A LOT from the strategies in place now.

So who counters him? Reaper, maybe, since he can probably outDPS him in close range, which Doomfist wants to be in, but they might be evenly matched in this category. Hog, if they bring his hookshot back (but that's only assuming he doesn't miss). Sombra, since he's so dependent on his abilities.

Again, we'll see, because again, he might not be nearly as much of a threat in the proper game as he seems now. But he really does seem pretty powerful.


Unconfirmed Member
His ammo regen seems crazy fast. Sure your rate of fire drops after your first four shots, but not that much considering there's no reloading.
Com or QP? I had it find to believe this level of ridiculousness would be found in comp.

QP. I was trying to at least one level per day (still 17) and hope things would maybe improve in competitive, but I just don't enjoy it enough to bother. I would not mind losing if at least we were team playing, but this is like watching one of those videos where somebody gets on purpose to the bottoms of matchmaking. What's the point of playing tank if nobody gets behind the barrier, or healer if everybody is so far away that I can't catch up with then (then dying alone)?

I miss when people actually communicated, and grouped together. This is like a scene of Kindergaten cop now. Heck, they could even use the shortcuts properly, spamming "hello" all the goddamned match. I swear, I have never ever seen anything like this during my Team Fortress 2 days almost ten years ago.


Unconfirmed Member
I would like to see some Reaper vs Doomfist 1v1s. Close range vs close range and Lifesteal vs 30 hp for every ability.
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