Garrett Hawke
ew.Someone named DeportSombra playing Dva.
ew.Someone named DeportSombra playing Dva.
What have I missed?Hey buddy
What have I missed?
You missed me passing you on the Wall of Shame.What have I missed?
The OT isn't done yet!!You missed me passing you on the Wall of Shame.
I can tell you myself that he is not on PS4.I can play with you if you are on the PS4. My most used character is Lucio and I am still new and learning the game. If anyone wants to add me for some quick play action let me know.
PSN: Rammel29
Also I am free to play right now for about an hour or so.
It's animes faultIt's over Vault.
I've won.
It's animes faultIs Ghibli considered anime?
As much as I love Overwatch, Ghibli >It's animes faultIs Ghibli considered anime?
I've only done 5 placement matches so far. Lol
It's animes faultIs Ghibli considered anime?
I've only done 5 placement matches so far. Lol
Spirited Away was so fucking good.As much as I love Overwatch, Ghibli >
I can play with you if you are on the PS4. My most used character is Lucio and I am still new and learning the game. If anyone wants to add me for some quick play action let me know.
PSN: Rammel29
Also I am free to play right now for about an hour or so.
Edit: Figured it out! It was putting me in a low priority server in Practice Mode. I solved it by loading a custom game and then waiting for my ping to reset in there. For some reason that worked. Hope this helps someone else down the road.
Took a break from Overwatch think I'll check back in
3 tanks still rolling over everyone
nevermind will come back when the game's fun again
The thing is barely anyone runs triple tanks at lower levels. The times i did i rolled the match pretty much but lower elo is still just 222.
Yesterday we seem to have a triple tank forming and someone said "we don't need 3 tanks".
I can't help but sigh.
The thing is barely anyone runs triple tanks at lower levels. The times i did i rolled the match pretty much but lower elo is still just 222.
Yesterday we seem to have a triple tank forming and someone said "we don't need 3 tanks".
I can't help but sigh.
Spirited Away was so fucking good.
Nice avatar, my favorite scene.
Not all elos can effectively run triple tank. I've been in games where one side is running triple tank + soldier and not advancing because the enemy supports aren't falling. Maybe the problem was just running soldier and not having a flanker but idk.Clearly the problem is they weren't running Mei.
Been forced to play support for five games, typical comp day it seems, with toxic players and everything.
Been forced to play support for five games, typical comp day it seems, with toxic players and everything.
Yeah I'm never thrilled to have a mercy on my team, but whatever, I'd rather people play something they're familiar with and someone who knows how to mercy can still do some work.
My problem comes from people who are forced to heal, and they always pick mercy and turn into a big liability. If they just want to do easy heals a lucio is much better honestly.
I prefer Mercy over Lucio. I think that Ana + Mercy can be great combo. Mercy's Ulti can be a game changer many times.
That's what I mean, if you know how to play mercy that's fine. It's the ones who clearly didn't put in anytime in learning how to be a support who pick mercy as an easy healer. She's really not that easy,
Hm, I think I lost my mojo with this game. I honestly don't feel like there's any difference in play from last season where I was nearly Diamond to now, but there goes my rank anyway.
The worst part is that I basically can't group up with any of my friends anymore, Overwatch has become sad times for me honestly.
Even if you play Mercy well, if she is going for rez she is out of the mfght making it effectively 5v6. With teams spending less resources per fight her ult is less valuable. Teams will also just hold resources for post rez so they can set up a better fight after they win the 5v6. None of this even mentions the fact that if a team gets staggered or Mercy gets dove things get rough fast.
I agree Mercy/Ana was a pretty strong duo before. Mercy pocketing something is still good, rez still can win fights when played well, etc. It's just like as time goes on it gets easier to play around, meanwhile something like Ana/Lucio just gets harder to deal with. The only times I'd pick Mercy these days are on offense where you have like a Pharah snowball set up or something similar. I do think if there was more room for comps like that Mercy might see some use. Again, she's not all that bad. There are extremely few outright bad characters. Just the current strats we see make it so she is way harder to pull off and usually suboptimal.
don't worry i fell from 2800's to 1900's to prevent this just take breaks and don't play on weekends...
I curious to know who you consider outright bad characters.![]()
The thing is barely anyone runs triple tanks at lower levels. The times i did i rolled the match pretty much but lower elo is still just 222.
Yesterday we seem to have a triple tank forming and someone said "we don't need 3 tanks".
I can't help but sigh.
Triple tank really needs a good Ana. Without that specific character it kinda falls apart doesn't it?