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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Understand that I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but some of you need some thicker skin. Mute the whiners and complainers and try to communicate with those folks who are genuinely trying hard. Chances are you will meet some cool people and have a better game as a result.

That's my philosophy anyway.
Aren't there two chat options? Team and Group or something? What is the difference between the two?

I have both turned off, but if one option means I can talk with friends directly instead of starting a party from the PS4 menu, then cool.

I've been considering communicating with strangers recently to see if it makes the game better in any way.


Aren't there two chat options? Team and Group or something? What is the difference between the two?

I have both turned off, but if one option means I can talk with friends directly instead of starting a party from the PS4 menu, then cool.

I've been considering communicating with strangers recently to see if it makes the game better in any way.

Group only let's you hear people in your group. You should keep that on. Team is with everyone including the randoms.


Understand that I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but some of you need some thicker skin. Mute the whiners and complainers and try to communicate with those folks who are genuinely trying hard. Chances are you will meet some cool people and have a better game as a result.

That's my philosophy anyway.

You're not being rude IMO, but sometimes toxicity can be very detrimental to your team's performance. It's basic human factors.
It's all in the tone of voice. Sometimes I'll get in chat and ask someone to switch - hopefully I'm polite enough to not ruin team chemistry, and I'll only do it when I think the hero pick is bad enough to risk people's attitude (i.e., attack Torb). But then sometimes you'll get someone in chat who yells at the team "YOU CAN'T DEFEND TEMPLE OF ANUBIS WITHOUT A BASTION ONE OF YOU NEEDS TO PICK BASTION" and then I'm just muting chat at that point.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Understand that I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but some of you need some thicker skin. Mute the whiners and complainers and try to communicate with those folks who are genuinely trying hard. Chances are you will meet some cool people and have a better game as a result.

That's my philosophy anyway.

I think a lot of it is just with the tone or words used to express the same thing. There's a good and a bad way to ask someone to switch characters.
Understand that I'm not trying to be rude when I say this but some of you need some thicker skin. Mute the whiners and complainers and try to communicate with those folks who are genuinely trying hard. Chances are you will meet some cool people and have a better game as a result.

That's my philosophy anyway.
What if the entire team is toxic? How are you supposed to communicate when everyone else on mic decides to gang up on someone because they're losing? If that happens, they've probably given up and you're gonna lose.

Honestly, at this point, if someone's toxic, I'm just gonna yell at them and tell them to shut up, otherwise the teams morale is just gonna keep getting hurt by that guy. Not everyone mutes people.
Here is my experience with Console Comp solo queuing:

On average, you'll be able to talk to 2, maybe 3 people on your team. Because of consoles have a innate Party system chat feature, a lot of groups of 2+ are just in their own private party chat. Thus they don't communicate with people outside their immediate party.

Typically this means a group of 6 randoms has better communication than a team with 3 groups of 2.

The Meta takes longer to trickle down because people don't bother to watch tourneys, or even read patch notes. Because of this, people still feel like Lucio+Zen is mandatory for every match. By extension, people get pretty upset if you don't stick to the old 2/2/2 setup.

When people do talk in chat, you've got about a 30% or 40% chance that someone is a douche. This means, they'll be instructing you what your characters should be, and how you should be playing them the entire match. Any hint at a loss, and they'll be happy to blame everyone but themselves, which turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Because no one wants to play good for a teammate that treats you like shit.

Leavers still happen probably 1 out of every 8 games. And they usually happen to the defending team, and usually as soon as the attacking team captures the first point/checkpoint.

Because of the whole aiming thing, characters that require a lot of precision are less common than they would be on PC. This typically applies to hitscan characters like Widow or McCree.

People seem to have a hard time understanding how a buff/nerf on one character impacts another. So when Genji got nerfed, and barely shows up, people don't understand that this means Bastion can come out and play once in a while. Instead, people will send hateful messages via PM, or actually turn their mic on just to tell Bastion that he's worthless and will result in a loss for the team.

I'm sure there is more, but this is about the summary of my experiences from 3000-3500. I also solo queue about 90% of the time.

This is my experience as well 2500-2800, for 1 out of every 6 solo-queue games. It's usually only one guy, and he's always playing a DPS/Sniper/Roadhog. In the rare event that it's a support character that's being an asshole, it's usually because he's dying quick because he's the only one on the point like a dipshit. Dancing in the point with Lucio does not help the team, get out of there and regroup.

If they don't have a mic, they'll choose the character they want you to play by picking them, blink twice and go back to their Hanzo pick. This process is repeated until they realize no one is going to change.

If there is no support character, and you pick anyone other than Lucio, you will probably be flamed. If there is no tank, and you pick anyone other than Reinhardt, you'll probably get a lot of grief, this usually ends with a "this could work, but would work better with Reinhardt". If you pick anyone in the sniper class (Ana included), you'll be the first to be blamed for not doing anything. If you pick anyone in the defense class, you'll probably be told to play XXX character instead. Basically, if you pick anyone outside the old 2/2/2 meta, regardless of buff/nerf, you'll still get told that the team fucking sucks.
Felt like a DDOS, smelled like one. Not surprised.

Only once I d/c'd from bnet from a non-DDOS situation and was able to reconnect. Every other time was a DDOS.

I blame the Ana in one of the games complaining on voice chat that Mercy should be healing...considering I was the mercy and I was dead it does help to look at the kill feed.


I had to turn off my mic for good last night. Just too sick of people being dicks in the solo queue. Yeah bro get mad at us for losing when your ass sticks with fucking widowmaker the entire fucking game when its obvious we need more power to counter. Sheesh.

Were we playing together last night? Was it on Hollywood? Fuck that guy playing widowmaker!
For fucks sakes. Love you ana, I do. But stop powering me up when there's no one around for me to kill.

As Rein it baffles me when ppl power me up before I can even take advantage of it. And it completely blows the element of surprise. By the time I reach any potential fodder, they've already scattered. Power me up when I'm in the thick of it.


You know who likes small comp groups and wants to have pleasant team chats about flanking and general game shenanigans? Your old pal Owzers.


Will be playing later tonight, hoping to join up with some people. If you play quite a bit, feel free to add me. I use voice chat and im pretty good xD

psn: jorgejjvr


Sorry Jellie about leaving :(

Internet was so fucking awful. Everyone was just teleporting to me. I don't even know how I got a triple kill with dragonblade lmao.

And fuck that Genji in Route 66. He ruined me every single time. It's good Genji play but damn it hurt.


Sorry Jellie about leaving :(

Internet was so fucking awful. Everyone was just teleporting to me. I don't even know how I got a triple kill with dragonblade lmao.

And fuck that Genji in Route 66. He ruined me every single time. It's good Genji play but damn it hurt.
Yeah that route 66 was a disaster.
Not sure where the junkrat or roadhog were. Never saw them much.


I find that more often than not, people aren't trying to be jerks over mics and are trying to cooperate to win. The games where there's someone constantly yelling, I instantly leave and probably subconsciously play worse so that guy will take a loss. In the games where people are having a good time joking around while working together, we're more likely to win
In my experience, calling people out on their negativity seems to work more often than it doesn't.

I've done it a few times, telling them they aren't helping the situation, and to be more optimistic, which has resulted in an apology here and there, and sometimes even an entire change in attitude.

I seem to know how to say things just the right way, though.


In my experience, calling people out on their negativity seems to work more often than it doesn't.

I've done it a few times, telling them they aren't helping the situation, and to be more optimistic, which has resulted in an apology here and there, and sometimes even an entire change in attitude.

I seem to know how to say things just the right way, though.

Don't be a jerk and people will listen. But most people don't have people skills on the Internet.
Whelp... I feel terrible, but i intentionally downranked myself so I can keep playing comp with my wife.

I very much had to fight with myself for a bit on this. :(


What if the entire team is toxic? How are you supposed to communicate when everyone else on mic decides to gang up on someone because they're losing? If that happens, they've probably given up and you're gonna lose.

Honestly, at this point, if someone's toxic, I'm just gonna yell at them and tell them to shut up, otherwise the teams morale is just gonna keep getting hurt by that guy. Not everyone mutes people.

I agree with you. I always attempt to lighten things up and get people focused on the objective (winning!) instead of yelling but it doesn't always work. If there's a whole team that's gone toxic (and I actually haven't had this happen to me, usually it is just one or two people) then I would probably just be quiet and do the best that I could do in that situation.

Usually though, it is just one or two people with the rest of the team just wanting to do well and play well. Generally I can work with that situation.
It's weird, I'll take toxicity over defeatism any day.

If a teammate is toxic, people can ignore them or mute them, and likely do. But the Toxic player is likely still playing to his abilities.

The other day, I played with a guy who as soon as the game started, told us about how he recognized the guys on the enemy team, and how we're going to lose. Guy didn't even try. And when I told him to lighten up, he just doubled down on how I'll see what he's talking about soon.

Of course we ended up losing, and for the second round, he just went Mei and kept blocking off his own teammates just to get the game over faster.

That shit was the worst, and i was fortunate enough to get paired with him twice in a row. :(


Defeatist attitudes are just as bad. When people look at a team and say "oh no, they're gonna be hard to beat" or whatever, just keep it to yourself. Don't try to get us feeling down before the match even starts. When j joined random groups in the past, I've heard these things and it annoyed me so much.

And yea, when they give up instead of trying, that's even worse. Fucking loser mentality which is why they will rank down.


Yeah that route 66 was a disaster.
Not sure where the junkrat or roadhog were. Never saw them much.

There was a Junkrat on our team?? The Roadhog was awful. Even in the POTG, he hooked Reaper after his death blossom had killed 3 people and he only had like 150 health left so he died to Reaper anyway.

I'll be on in an hour and hopefully my internet will be a bit better. It just seems to shit the bed when it's the evening or weekend. Sky are just terrible, will probably switch to Virgin if they can't sort it.


yea, all quad kill trophies require it.

Not true. I got my Genji quad trophy with only one killing blow and three assists. Same with Reaper. Hell, I even got the Ana quad nano-assist trophy with a Reaper who got three killing blows and one assist.

There are trophies that will specify that you need the killing blow (off the top of my head - Soldier's Helix double kill and Lucio's wall riding trophies). Otherwise, this is not the case.


Not true. I got my Genji quad trophy with only one killing blow and three assists. Same with Reaper. Hell, I even got the Ana quad nano-assist trophy with a Reaper who got three killing blows and one assist.

There are trophies that will specify that you need the killing blow (off the top of my head - Soldier's Helix double kill and Lucio's wall riding trophies). Otherwise, this is not the case.

I never got any of the quad kill trophies from assists. Even the Genji one when it said "Quadruple Kill" once. All mine had 4 killing blows. Wish I got them with assists. Did you get them recently?
Defeatist attitudes are just as bad. When people look at a team and say "oh no, they're gonna be hard to beat" or whatever, just keep it to yourself. Don't try to get us feeling down before the match even starts. When j joined random groups in the past, I've heard these things and it annoyed me so much.

And yea, when they give up instead of trying, that's even worse. Fucking loser mentality which is why they will rank down.
Luckily, this doesn't always happen. On KOTH, we immediately went down 2-0 with a 2-2-2 comp, and our Tracer decides to only use his mic to say "this team is worthless" and never said a word after that. Probably because I immediately plugged my mic in and said "yeah, you're really helping, we are sure going to win if you spread that attitude."

We went with 4 DPS and won 3-2. Yep, our team was definitely worthless lol.


I've said this a few times before about Genji, but I don't think Dash or reflect kills count either. You have to slash them with your sword.


Luckily, this doesn't always happen. On KOTH, we immediately went down 2-0 with a 2-2-2 comp, and our Tracer decides to only use his mic to say "this team is worthless" and never said a word after that. Probably because I immediately plugged my mic in and said "yeah, you're really helping, we are sure going to win if you spread that attitude."

We went with 4 DPS and won 3-2. Yep, our team was definitely worthless lol.

The key is to always be optimistic and think of the other team as trash. Keeps me in the game!
Aaaaand this is why I never get on the mic.

Like I don't even care if you want to stick with the same character, fine. Whatever, you like sniping. Just don't start cursing at the rest of us who are actually switching and trying to find something that works. I mean, why do that?

So anyway, since I turned off mics I played two competitive matches. Both times we got down 0-2 on KOTH and both times we forced a 5th match which was great! Went 1-1 in the games but it was at least nice to have teams that didn't just bail after getting down and also tried switching things up to counter.


Not true. I got my Genji quad trophy with only one killing blow and three assists. Same with Reaper. Hell, I even got the Ana quad nano-assist trophy with a Reaper who got three killing blows and one assist.

There are trophies that will specify that you need the killing blow (off the top of my head - Soldier's Helix double kill and Lucio's wall riding trophies). Otherwise, this is not the case.

I can tell you now after spending 20 hours getting Genji's quad kill, you definitely need to get the killing blows during dragon blade. I don't know if dash/reflect work but eliminations don't count. You have to be on the kill feed. I went countless times getting 4-5 eliminations during dragonblade but never got the trophy.
Kings Row. Attack. Defense B.
Bastion is murdering us around the corner on the far end. he's tearing my Rein shields to shreds, and I have to continuously find cover while poor Mercy tries to keep us all alive.

And through all this we have a god damn Pharah and Soldier 76 who are allowing this to happen for what seems like ages.

I wanted to message the Pharah at the end of the losing match. But I didn't want to be that person. Just really frustrating that they were letting Bastion do this. He was out in the open. Few rockets or helix rockets would have killed him in no time.


I only really get mad at people who are clearly being hard countered to a point that it might actually be more helpful if they stayed in spawn because all they seem to be doing is feeding ult to the enemy team, but they never switch characters.


The Pharah who is going into a team with double MeCree's and a Soldier.
The Winston who is being shredded by Reaper.
The Torrbjorn on a 2CP map spent the entire first round failing to get a turret anywhere useful.


Reinhardt left click dps is underestimated. It has a large aoe, connect your hammer against 3 opponents and that's 225 damage dealt.
If you were duo queueing, what two character choices do you think would make the biggest impact for the team?

1 Tank and 1 Healer.

This way, you two can rely on each other since your relationship is one of the most important ones. DPS is one of the most favored classes, so randoms are going to be thrilled that someone jumped on the "hard" jobs right off the bat. They'll probably play better because of it.
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