ship baitSaw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
and they know what they're doing
ship baitSaw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
Saw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
Saw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
So tmrw confirmed?
Didn't everybody already know that? Tuesday has always been the update day for Overwatch.
You're right. I was hopeful we get it earlier.
How can you figure out what it is when it's not in American?Saw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
Saw this posted on Reddit.
Junkrat being Frankenstein and Roadhog being his monster is great.
How can you figure out what it is when it's not in American?
How can you figure out what it is when it's not in American?
You know, I don't think that Sombra will be another support character, but she'd actually be pretty clutch if she reset the cooldowns on other members abilities or accelerated other Ult build up. That's the only thing that I can think that would make sense with her hacker motif other than specifically targetting mechanically inclined players, like D.Va, Genji and Zenyatta which I don't think is gonna be something Blizzard plans on doing.
Or they'll split the update in two. Either way!Ugh, stupid new character holding my Junkrat skin hostage!
The Halloween teaser was changed to be 10/12 in Taiwanese time, which'll be 10/11 here in NA
I`m a happy man.
I make too many terrible trump jokes on comics-gaf, I got the threads confused since overwatch gets mentioned American...?
Also, every Dva I run into as Zen is always the same.
Throw discord on her.
Shoot her a couple times.
She puts up DM.
Charge alt fire while DM is going.
Alt fire+discord+giant headshot hitbox=insanely dead Dva.
Having just gotten a mic I'm surprised how many people on pc uses mics.
You usually have to wait for 1 person to break the ice before everyone else chimes in though.
I was mainly referring to the massive critical hitbox haha. She such an easy target to pick on, while not being a counter to anyone except Torb(who's not used) and Winston(who will have an orb or Zarya bubble making the advantage moot).
Obviously doesn't help that her hard counter is like the second most picked hero(Zarya) with Mei/Reaper also being really popular picks. Reinhardt is a mainstay and can usually block her ult. She doesn't really have the team synergy that the other tanks have either(bar Roadhog), but at least Roadhog can secure picks much more efficiently. She's not breaking out of F tier without a buff.
Did you have voice chat turned off before?
How about increasing the time to fully recharge her DM, but can shoot and put up DM at the same time? Giving her a bigger knock back on her charge would be nice too.
No, but now I'm the one who usually initiates with the "hey there".
If I don't say anything people usually remain dead silent.
I dunno, I would like to test my skills against people who are clearly better than me.
New skins, excellent. I've been sitting on my leveling past 200 for this. Also because I've been playing Persona 5 like crazy. >_>
Also I just checked that evanmario guy who was ranked 24.
#3 Pharah
#2 Genji
#7 Reaper
Holy fuck.
You wouldn't believe how many people do that....
So, I'm level 66...that's pretty much no man's land I guess.
Don't think I can grind out 33 levels.
You came to brag, didn't you?
Not with that attitude.
Well, it's hard to fuck and play Overwatch at the same time.
Yes. Yes, I did. *cackles*
But seriously, I really want some of these skins. I only got the recolors for the Summer games when I wanted Zarya or Lucio's. =(
Gamers usually aren't particularly social.
I would know. I'm one of them.
It's called "multi-tasking" thank you very much.
I think it's rumored to end in November. You'll have the whole month to try.So, I'm level 66...that's pretty much no man's land I guess.
Don't think I can grind out 33 levels.
I think it's rumored to end in November. You'll have the whole month to try.
That'd be great.
I missed out on summer games, only had the game for a couple weeks.