I posted this on the Overwatch forums; thought I would share it here as well:
Hello everyone!
I have only been playing Overwatch since January, but from the moment I first picked him I fell in love with Roadhog. He's absolutely the perfect character for me, and he is a big part of why I spend so much time on this game.
When Roadhog was changed in a previous patch to have a hook cooldown of 8 seconds while having a lower spread on his LMB, I was understanding. The hook combo is a powerful tool, and getting one every 6 seconds might have been a bit much. I thought 8 seconds was fine. I still think 8 seconds is fine.
However, the hook changes have led to some consequences that lead to a less enjoyable Roadhog experience.
1) When the hook was on a 6 second cooldown, it fit perfectly into Roadhog's reload rotation. Hook, kill, 3 shots, reload, and you have hook back up as well. With hook on a 6 second cooldown, Roadhog has to rely on his main weapon more. The developers realized this, and gave the LMB better spread, but I think another change is needed: Roadhog needs an increase in his ammo clip. Right now, he just spends too much time reloading; if his main gun is supposed to be used more, it should get more capacity. I think 5 or 6 rounds would be fine.
2) Roadhog's hook used to get some ridiculous kills, and it's good that the hook is more consistent now. However, the current coding eliminates most skill hooks as well. Right now, if I jump off a ledge toward someone to get enough reach to grab them from a platform, even on a hit my hook will break as I lose line of sight on the player. I do not think a change that lowers the skill cap of a character is a good one, and more importantly, these little tricks add a lot of fun to the character. I'd like it if the team continued to work on refining the code behind Roadhog's hook to allow for these situations to happen again.
3) When Roadhog's hook was initially "fixed" to always pull the target in front of him, it made the combo a lot more consistent, and as a low level player I found this refreshing. I knew who I could kill, and who I could not kill. After increasing the hook landing range to 3.5 meters, the kills became inconsistent. Can I kill Mei? Sometimes. Can I kill Ana? Maybe. It would be nice if the combo were just a bit more consistent than it is now. I've also felt like, because I have to move forward a bit to perform the melee hit portion of the combo, I often have to leave Roadhog in a more dangerous position to complete my combo, which means I have to play shy.
None of this about balance - I have no idea if Roadhog is balanced. I'm not that good at the game. But I do notice things, and he is less fun to play after the last patch changed him.