Hanzo is really good for All-Hero Uprising, but I guess not if you're playing on console.
Well you know, I'm on console, our Hanzo mains aren't Seagull caliber Hanzos
Seriously running out and sniping into a wave of Omnicis and dying isn't helpful
Also the whole damn setup is staged to a tee
If you beat it on Easy, all 3 other difficulties play out the same way, it's just they hit harder!
I've played it, I can call out where the waves are coming from
First 2 robots at subway tunnel, backs to you
Then 1 under the top platform leaving the tunnel, 1 sneaks out from behind the barrier
Make the turn to 1st objective 2 more omnics
The door that you enter bring 4 waves 4 omnics, while small door by cab brings 2 omnics per wave
Then you go to next part
Meet new Shield dude, Bastion destroys Shield so quickly
Then a few omnics around objective
Most drop down the center area where the double decker bus is in Kings Row
Then to the right side stairs
Then when Ana talks they spawn behind and left
Then you move on
Within 3 matches I know where almost every enemy is coming from!