Nuno Pinto
I thought about that dominator pack but at the time it wasn't released when I bought my controller. I convinced myself to spend some $$$ on the controller, I don't use it for every game (it sucks for rocket league because i went with the "smart triggers").
I got some bad news for you, I just spec'd out a controller with similar cosmetics/features and it's pretty pricey (looks like they have upped the prices!). ~$190 not sure about shipping, although you can hop on youtube and find a 5% code off some random sponsored video... They do seem to have a much wider assortment of colors now.. and they added a smart bumper (crazy expensive) which I don't think is really worth it.
Features I have: White re-mappable paddles, smart trigger (I love this feature, it basically turns the trigger into a mouse click), & the custom touchpad logo.
I basically only wanted paddles to play Genji in a more confortable way, I don't really like the soulder buttons (R1/L1) on the PS4 controller but I don't have other option than R1 for the alt fire. I was thinking of jumping with the paddles and put the alt fire on L2, but it's way too expensive just for that lol
Never heard of the smart trigger, that's a really good feature to have.
Thank you for this.