My worst nightmareGrinding oootboxes in PVE as Mercy is the best.
Then the loot boxes you get from the grind only give you Mercy skins.My worst nightmare
Good 5 stack boys. 2-0 with Lucio!
Got Cooldude back to master and Pooh is one good night of comp away from diamond.
Im jealous I'm heading the other direction towards goldGood 5 stack boys. 2-0 with Lucio!
Got Cooldude back to master and Pooh is one good night of comp away from diamond.
Whats the best way of dealing with a Bastion/Sym/Torb Combo platter? That combination has defeated me many times and I have difficulty coordinating a team counter around it. It always feels like if I kill one, the other kills me on the side. Our teams should counter them in theory, but it rarely seems to work out.
Man, I jumped into Comp last night and am still ranked around 1080-ish.
The games were pretty intense and there were some matches where I just felt like I couldn't do anything (e.g. D. Va getting insta-ejected; Lucio knocking everyone off the edges on Ilios; Zarya shredding my mech).
We're all matched in the same league, so why are we getting so bodied even when we have similar teams? lol
Maaaan, I'm level 82! I don't want to be one of those 3+ star guys still stuck in Bronze / Wood. lol
Also taking a break from Discord.
Gain 18 sr but lost 29 sr. What the fuck is this bullshit?
And wtf is wrong with team chat
Gain 18 sr but lost 29 sr. What the fuck is this bullshit?
And wtf is wrong with team chat
Gain 18 sr but lost 29 sr. What the fuck is this bullshit?
And wtf is wrong with team chat
Dropped back to 3080. I'm done with this game. Too many trolls/throwers. No fun anymore.
You ask someone to switch, and they just straight up throw the game. Literally playing with toddlers.
we should get another female hero. this time dps. or a female hanzo type of hero.
we should get another female hero. this time dps. or a female hanzo type of hero.
We need a Hero that can stop people from tossing the game. :/
Jeff is too good for this game.
But seriously, why are there so many people now that are purposely throwing matches? I thought that's a thing that happens near the end of the season, not mid-way through it.
I guess 3 female heroes(one being DPS) wasn't enough for you?we should get another female hero. this time dps. or a female hanzo type of hero.
But seriously, why are there so many people now that are purposely throwing matches? I thought that's a thing that happens near the end of the season, not mid-way through it.
Back when there was free trials and when my RL friend tried ow, I specifically played on my fresh (0 level) alt to play with him. I learn from first hand when I got on PC and played with my friends. We get match with players that definitely higher than level 10 and atleast somewhat experience (wasnt really a problem for me). Then I would get low level (under 20) when i solo qp.I found this is an issue when I tried to introduce a couple of friends to overwatch (more than 6 months after it came out). It sucks when you have a friend who is barely learning how to play or doesn't play often, and your account is inflating the MMR to levels they will not enjoy because they're constantly getting trashed.
If you can, keep the group small even in QP, if you get 5-6 group, you will be matched with try hard stacks and it will not be a pleasant experience if they're not ready for it. If it's only 1-3 people you're playing with, your MMR won't make too much of a difference if they have been playing for more than a few weeks. If they're brand new, you're better off letting them play by themselves until they get the hang of the game..
I think if they start hunkering down at the point because of 1% tick, some1 should get junkrat to blow them off the point. I remember yesterday or the day before some1 was mentioning about that. (couldn't get just few % in because of the other team hunkering down at point?)
Whats the best way of dealing with a Bastion/Sym/Torb Combo platter? That combination has defeated me many times and I have difficulty coordinating a team counter around it. It always feels like if I kill one, the other kills me on the side. Our teams should counter them in theory, but it rarely seems to work out.
D.Va, Zen, Rein probably.
Then hit scan to help take out the Bastion.
we should get another female hero. this time dps. or a female hanzo type of hero.
I think most people have stopped caring about rank and smurf accounts are a plague.
Smurfs were the worst thing to happen to OW.
Well besides the Bastion buff. And awful new 2CP rules. And Hanzo's Scatter Arrow. And...
...okay maybe smurfs weren't THE worst thing.
Smurfs were the worst thing to happen to OW.
Well besides the Bastion buff. And awful new 2CP rules. And Hanzo's Scatter Arrow. And...
...okay maybe smurfs weren't THE worst thing.
Hanzo's scatter arrow is the one constant and never changing one there, truly it is the essence of the worst!
Seriously though when you lose like 400 health as Winston to that while tesla tickling a Hanzo...
I was playing with a Gaffer who was legit new to the game and was only lvl 12. Ended up against obvious smurf accounts judging from their names like HanzoM41N who was playing Hanzo and of course, they were destroying our team and doing things no new player can do at low levels. Not the first time I encountered smurfs while playing with low level guys. The MMR from me will just end up getting us matched with those guys. Makes me not really want to play with low lvl buddies cuz it'll ruin their experience with stomps.
I was playing with a Gaffer who was legit new to the game and was only lvl 12. Ended up against obvious smurf accounts judging from their names like HanzoM41N who was playing Hanzo and of course, they were destroying our team and doing things no new player can do at low levels. Not the first time I encountered smurfs while playing with low level guys. The MMR from me will just end up getting us matched with those guys. Makes me not really want to play with low lvl buddies cuz it'll ruin their experience with stomps.
thats why you should play on a fresh alt. atleast base on my experience, the first 1-10 level the game usually give you a room with bunch of lv 1-10 too. and on the bright side, majorly of them are new and the low lv/new gaffer can enjoy the first few level of fighting against some1 similar.
Is voice chat bugged for anyone else?
Maybe in the future. We also had Optimus and the next match was against a GM Genji. Lost the first match but we won the second match when I was Zarya so that was a good win. Very sweaty but it was really fun against a tough group of randoms. Felt like Comp.